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目的 通过时疗养院工作经验的总结,进一步提高疗养院的护理质量,从而提供适合疗养院的护理模式.方法 采用护士礼仪与整体护理相结合的方法 ,在疗养院中实施两者相结合应用的护理模式.结果 通过对疗养员的咨询,了解他们对疗养期间护理方面的满意程度,一步步提高护士的自身素质以及护理质量.结论 护士礼仪与整体护理相结合的护理模式是现今疗养院应用的新型护理模式,此种护理模式在疗养院中的广泛应用,能大大提高疗养院护理水平和护理质量.  相似文献   

目的探讨整体护理在合并心律失常的老年患者无痛胃镜检查中的应用。方法总结2010年1月~2014年3月,门诊及住院行无痛胃镜检查的老年患者217例,年龄60~78岁,平均67.5岁。心律失常类型:窦性心动过速33例、窦性心动过缓16例、ST-T改变71例、室性早搏14例、室上性早搏29例、房性早搏23例、室性早搏合并ST-T改变19例、房性早搏合并ST-T改变12例。分别在无痛胃镜检查前、检查过程中及检查后对患者进行整体护理干预。结果全部患者均顺利完成无痛胃镜检查,术中出现一过性心率加快或减慢、血压下降24例,一过性SPO2下降45例,经报告麻醉医师予以及时处理后生命体征均恢复正常。全部患者术中均未出现严重心律失常、心肌缺血改变。电话或问卷调查显示患者的总体满意度为95.4%,80.6%的患者愿意再次接受同样检查。结论无痛胃镜检查是一种具有潜在风险的检查和治疗手段,整体护理干预可明显提高无痛胃镜检查的安全性和患者满意度。  相似文献   

Focus groups are important tools for assessing markets, making public policy and researching applied science. The use of focus groups can enable us to gather large volumes of data in short periods of time. The need for focus groups, because of the economical and efficient way in which they generate information, has grown recently in nursing. Focus groups can be used among different groups within a population, including teenagers, healthy adults, elderly people, patients and nurses. The manner in which they are used, however, must be adjusted to take account of the characteristics of each group. This article discusses the preparation, implementation, analysis and reporting of the use of focus groups among elderly people. It was important to observe the elderly subjects' physical and psychological states, work and rest habits, and interaction, and carefully arrange the detail of each group in accordance with the findings of such observation. This article is intended to enable the experience of using focus groups among the elderly to be shared with other researchers.  相似文献   

我院围绕患者身体、心理、社交、灵性四方面的需求,向50例老年乳腺癌术后患者提供全方位护理服务,提高了其生活质量,同时促进了医患沟通,对于提高护理服务质量及服务内涵具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article evaluates how clients with severe and enduring mental illness in the USA and Eire are managed within the philosophy of 'partial hospitalisation', a total care package that is delivered part of the time in a mental health unit, instead of a traditional inpatient mental health service. The author visited McLean Hospital, Boston, which is a centre of excellence for the partial hospitalisation philosophy (Sederer, 1992), and Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts. This is compared with a visit to St Joseph's Hospital, County Limerick, and Newcastle Hospital, County Wicklow, which evolved from institutional care philosophies and sustained the highest bed population in the world for patients with mental illness (Commission of Inquiry, 1996).  相似文献   

[目的]探讨全人照护模式在老年造口病人康复护理中的应用.[方法]将202例老年造口病人随机分为对照组(101例)和干预组(101例),对照组接受常规康复护理干预,干预组在此基础上采用全人护理的康复护理模式,为期6个月;采用生存质量测评量表(FACT)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)分别在干预前、干预结束时进行调查.[结果]干预结束时干预组生存质量测评量表评分高于对照组,SAS和SDS评分低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).[结论]对老年造口病人采用全人照护康复护理模式,可改善病人的情绪状况和生活质量.  相似文献   

Due to social policy reforms in Sweden, professionals with a social and a medical education work together. Reported conflicts within municipal elderly and disabled care, related to professional training, sometimes result in a deteriorated work climate. As an attempt to improve the work climate in interprofessional groups, an intervention study was set up in four 'experimental dwellings' where staff participated in systematic ethical group discussions. Four similar dwellings were used as reference. Work climate was studied before and after the intervention using a questionnaire measuring sense of coherence, job satisfaction, and burnout among the staff. High scores at baseline with no significant differences after the intervention. That staff had high coping capacity, were satisfied and did not experience burnout. The small observed changes after intervention indicate that the intervention did not lead to the expected improvement of work climate, but might also result from the chosen scales inability to measure complex social processes. The importance of interprofessional discussions about everyday skills and values is stressed.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern that extensive specialization in occupational therapy may so fragment the profession that it may be lost in the changes taking place in the delivery and payment of health care services. The early concepts of occupation and purposeful, developmentally appropriate activities are giving way in some settings to the use of highly specialized technologies. This article examines the trend of leaving occupational behaviors and adopting activity of a more technical nature and offers a conceptual model to preserve the traditional holistic approach to the practice of occupational therapy in today's climate of specialization. The approach is seen as important to the viability of the profession in a modern competitive health care market.  相似文献   

目的 为适应新形势的变化,满足老年离退休干部对疗养护理的新要求,积极构建和实施整体护理模式.方法 针对老年离退休干部特点,以各类慢性病防治和健康教育为出发点,以注重他们的人文关怀和心理需求为着力点.制定全新的疗养整体护理模式.结果 在全面实施整体护理模式后.入院的老年离退休干部对疗养护理工作的满意度由之前的91.5%提升到98%以上.结论 积极构建针对老年离退休干部整体护理模式并全力实施,大幅提升了疗养老干部的疗养效果,提高了疗养员对护理服务的满意度,取得了预期效果.  相似文献   

Nurses, by virtue of the close relationship with patients, are in a unique position to promote sexual health and provide sexual health advice to people in their care. Although nurses espoused the ideals of person-centred and holistic care, evidence from research studies suggested that, for a number of reasons, nurses did not consciously and proactively engage with patients in relation to sexual concerns. In today health-care environment, where patients are seeking information about the impact of illness and treatments on their sexual function, nurses have a responsibility to proactively engage with patients' sexual health concerns in an informed and sensitive manner. The aim of this paper is to provide nurses with guidelines on how they might include this aspect of care within their everyday work.  相似文献   

This article adopts a holistic view of Alzheimer's disease. Biomedical, psychological and social aspects of the condition are discussed, and aetiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment explored. A range of approaches to working with people with Alzheimer's disease, based on a psychological model of dementia, is described including reminiscence and cognitive stimulation therapy.  相似文献   

A holistic approach to wound care   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ms Black is a 60-year-old widow with no children, who has severe rheumatoid arthritis and uses a wheelchair. She has pulmonary disease and requires continuous oxygen therapy. For the past two years her 90-year-old mother, who has dementia, has lived with her.  相似文献   

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