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ObjectivesQuestion prompt lists (QPLs) are one strategy to increase patient participation in healthcare decisions but the extent to which consumers might access them in the ‘real world’ is largely unknown. This study measured usage of a passively-promoted, government-funded web-based patient-generated QPL tool, called Question Builder (Australia) (QB) hosted on healthdirect.gov.au, a consumer health information website.Methods12.5months of post-launch Google Analytics data from QB were analysed. Two existing coding frameworks (RIAS and ACEPP) were used to code QB questions thematically and 107 user-generated lists were analysed further to determine the questions chosen and prioritised.ResultsQB was accessed 8915 times, 4000 question lists were commenced and 1271 lists completed. Most lists were for general practice (GP) consultations (2444) rather than specialist consultations (1556). The most frequently chosen question was “Do I need any tests?”. Shared decision-making questions (SDM) made up 40% of questions prioritised e.g. “Do I need any treatment and what are my treatment options?”ConclusionsThere is active use of this online QPL, with strong interest in creating lists for GP consultations. Question Builder users prioritised questions which facilitate SDM.Practice ImplicationsMore research is required to assess the utilisation of QB in practice and health professionals’ views of QB.  相似文献   



To document the effect of a cancer specific question prompt list (QPL) on patients question asking and shared decision-making (SDM), and to evaluate the combined effect of the QPL and consultation audio recording (CAR) on patient outcomes.


This exploratory study compared two groups of patients receiving either a QPL or combined QPL/CAR, to a control group. Measurements included number/types of questions asked, and physician SDM behavior (OPTION score). Questionnaire data included anxiety/depression and quality of life (QoL).


A total of 93 patients participated (31 Control, 30 QPL and 32 Combined). Patients in the intervention groups asked more questions concerning prognosis (p?<?.0001), the disease (p?=?.006) and quality of treatment (p?<?.001) than patients in the control group, but no impact was found on the OPTION score. An increase in mean consultation length was observed in the intervention groups compared to the control group (44 vs. 36?min; p?=?.028). Patients rated both interventions positively.


Provision of the QPL facilitates patients to ask a broader range of questions, but does not increase physician SDM behavior.

Practical implementation

The combination of QPL and CAR seems feasible and should be tested in an implementation study following the disease trajectory.  相似文献   

ObjectiveReady for SDM was developed in Norway as a comprehensive modularized curriculum for health care providers (HCP). The current study evaluated the efficacy of one of the modules, a 2-hour interprofessional SDM training designed to enhance SDM competencies.MethodsA cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted with eight District Psychiatric Centres randomized to wait-list control (CG) or intervention group (IG). Participants and trainers were not blinded to their allocation. The IG received a 2-hour didactic and interactive training, using video examples. The primary outcome was the agreement between the participants’ and an expert assessment of patient involvement in a video recorded consultation. The SDM-knowledge score was a secondary outcome.ResultsCompared to the CG (n = 65), the IG (n = 69) judged involvement behavior in a communication example more accurately (mean difference of weighted T, adjusted for age and gender:=?0.098, p = 0.028) and demonstrated better knowledge (mean difference=?0.58; p = 0.014). A sensitivity analysis entering a random effect for cluster turned out not significant.ConclusionThe interprofessional group training can improve HCPs’ SDM-competencies.Practice implicationsAddressing interprofessional teams using SDM communication training could supplement existing SDM training approaches. More research is needed to evaluate the training module’s effects as a component of large-scale implementation of SDM.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy of shared decision-making (SDM) intervention among patients with lumbar degenerative diseases (LDDs) in terms of decision self-efficacy, control preferences, SDM process, decision satisfaction, and conflict.MethodsA total of 130 outpatients with LDDs recruited from orthopedic or rehabilitation clinics were randomly assigned to the SDM intervention (n = 67) or comparison (n = 63) groups. Patients in the intervention group received decision aids (DAs) with decision coaching and those in controlled group received standard educational materials from a health educator. The primary outcome was decision self-efficacy, and secondary outcomes were control preference, SDM process, conflict, and satisfaction.ResultsThe SDM intervention significantly improved decision self-efficacy (mean difference [MD] = 7.1, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.7–12.5, partial η2 = 0.05) and reduced conflict (MD = −7.0, 95% CI: −12.2 to −1.9, partial η2 = 0.06), especially in patients without family involvement, compared with the health education group. However, no significant between-group differences were observed in other outcomes.ConclusionSDM intervention improved SDM self-efficacy and reduced conflict in patients with LDDs.Practice ImplicationsClinicians can integrate DAs and decision coaching in SDM conversations. SDM intervention seems to engage patients in decision-making, especially those without family involvement.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe objectives of this study were to: (a) describe teen feedback on an asthma question prompt list/video intervention designed to motivate teens to be more engaged during visits and (b) examine teen demographics associated with teen acceptance of the intervention.MethodsTwo hundred and fifty-nine teens ages 11 to 17 with persistent asthma were enrolled into a randomized, controlled trial and assigned to either a standard care or an intervention group where they watched an educational video with their parents and received a prompt list to complete before visits. Teens were interviewed after visits.ResultsOf the 185 teens randomized to the intervention group: 93% said teens should complete the prompt lists before visits; 95% recommended teens should watch the video before visits; teens with moderate/severe persistent asthma were significantly more likely to find the prompt list useful; non-White teens were significantly more likely to find the prompt list and video more useful.ConclusionsTeens exposed to the question prompt list/video had very positive feedback about the intervention.Practice implicationsProviders/practices should consider having teens complete question prompt lists during pre-visit wait time for use during visits and watch the video with their parents before visits.  相似文献   



To evaluate the effectiveness of a web-based, individually tailored decision aid (Patient Dialogue) on depression or acute low back pain for insurees of a German sickness fund.


Patient Dialogue (PD) was compared to the non-tailored Static Patient Information (SPI) in an online randomized controlled trial (RCT). The primary outcome was decisional conflict; secondary outcomes included knowledge, preparation for decision-making, preference for participation, involvement in decision-making, decision regret, and adherence.


Out of 2480 randomized participants, 657 (26.5%) provided analyzable data immediately after using the system. Three months later, data from 131 (5.3%) participants could be included in the analysis. The PD group reported a significantly lower overall decisional conflict than the SPI group (38.7 vs. 45.1; p = 0.028 via multiple imputation estimator). The largest standardized effect (Cohen's d 0.56) resulted from the preparation for decision-making (PD 59.4 vs. SPI 46.8; p < 0.001).


PD may be an effective tool to reduce decisional conflict and prepare participants for treatment decision-making. However, the large dropout rate needs to be taken into account.

Practice implications

This study shows how a health insurance fund can support shared decision-making and how a decision aid can be evaluated in a RCT under routine care conditions.  相似文献   

The shift towards patient-centered care requires innovative, flexible decision-making models. Current decision aids provide information and help patients clarify values. By focusing almost exclusively on these two components, the aids miss some necessary elements that can improve decision quality. We discuss two such elements in this paper. First is avoiding the tendency to move into providing information about options and outcomes before adequate preparation. The second is the tendency to neglect to provide adequate implementation support.  相似文献   

ObjectivesQuestion Prompt Lists (QPL) increase patient active participation in oncology interactions, but questions remain regarding how QPLs influence patient-oncologist information exchange. We examined how a QPL influenced information exchange during oncology interactions with African-American patients.MethodsData were self-reports and video recordings from a parent study testing the effects of a QPL in the outpatient clinics of two urban cancer hospitals. In this secondary analysis, we investigated which QPL questions patients identified as ones they wanted to ask their oncologists, how frequently patients/companions used patient active participation statements to seek information related to each QPL question, whether oncologists provided QPL-related information unprompted or prompted by patients/companions, and how frequently patients’ QPL-related information needs were addressed or unaddressed.ResultsThe QPL influenced information exchange by increasing patients’ and companions’ (if present) prompting for QPL-related information from their oncologists. Patients/companions most often prompted for QPL-related information about side effects and patient experience.ConclusionThis study builds on prior research on QPL interventions by expanding the object of study to information exchange and by analyzing patients’ information needs.Practice implicationsThis research demonstrates that a QPL supports patient/companion participation in oncology consultations by making information exchange more interactive.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate if a Family-Clinician Shared Decision-Making (FCSDM) intervention benefits patients, families and intensive care units (ICUs) clinicians.MethodsSix ICUs in China were allocated to intervention or usual care. 548 patients with critical illness, 548 family members and 387 ICU clinicians were included into the study. Structured FCSDM family meetings were held in the intervention group. Scales of SSDM, HADS, QoL2 and CSACD were used to assess families’ satisfaction and distress, patients’ quality of life, and clinicians’ collaboration respectively.ResultsComparing the intervention group with the control group at post-intervention, there were significant differences in the families’ satisfaction (P = 0.0001), depression level (P = 0.005), and patients’ quality of life (P = 0.0007). The clinicians’ mean CSCAD score was more positive in the intervention group than controls (P < 0.05). There was no significant between-group differences on ICU daily medical cost, but the intervention group demonstrated shorter number of days’ stay in ICU (P = 0.0004).ConclusionThe FCSDM intervention improved families’ satisfaction and depression, shortened patients’ duration of ICU stay, and enhanced ICU clinicians’ collaboration.Practice implicationsFurther improvement and promotion of the FCSDM model are needed to provide more evidence to this field in China.  相似文献   



To describe relationships between use of the Personal Patient Profile-Prostate (P3P) decision support system and patient characteristics, and perceived preparation for decision making (PrepDM), satisfaction and decisional regret in the context of prostate cancer treatment choice.


494 men with localized prostate cancer (LPC) were randomized to receive the P3P intervention or usual care and completed pre-treatment, 1-month and 6-month outcome measures. Multivariable linear regression models were fit for each outcome.


Physician consult visits prior to enrollment, race/ethnicity, and use of clinic-provided books were significant predictors of perceived PrepDM at 1 month. Prior Internet use and PrepDM significantly predicted 6-month decision satisfaction. Decisional regret was significantly predicted by demographics, anxiety, PrepDM score, and EPIC bowel domain score at 6 months. Use of P3P did not predict any outcome.


While the P3P intervention did not significantly affect the outcomes, pre-enrollment information and preparation were strong predictors of the 1- and 6-month outcomes. Decision regret was significantly influenced by personal characteristics and post-treatment symptoms/side effects.

Practice implications

Information received and used between biopsy and the treatment options consult visit is likely to make a difference in decision satisfaction.  相似文献   



To examine when and why women disbelieve tailored information about their risk of developing breast cancer.


690 women participated in an online program to learn about medications that can reduce the risk of breast cancer. The program presented tailored information about each woman's personal breast cancer risk. Half of women were told how their risk numbers were calculated, whereas the rest were not. Later, they were asked whether they believed that the program was personalized, and whether they believed their risk numbers. If a woman did not believe her risk numbers, she was asked to explain why.


Beliefs that the program was personalized were enhanced by explaining the risk calculation methods in more detail. Nonetheless, nearly 20% of women did not believe their personalized risk numbers. The most common reason for rejecting the risk estimate was a belief that it did not fully account for personal and family history.


The benefits of tailored risk statistics may be attenuated by a tendency for people to be skeptical that these risk estimates apply to them personally.

Practice implications

Decision aids may provide risk information that is not accepted by patients, but addressing the patients’ personal circumstances may lead to greater acceptance.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo provide a systematic review on the effects of question prompt lists (QPL) in oncological settings.MethodsA systematic literature search was conducted in Medline, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Collaboration. Randomized controlled studies (RCTs) that evaluated QPL-only interventions were included. Risk of bias of included studies was evaluated using the Cochrane RoB 2 tool. Data concerning effects on communicative processes in patient-physician relationship and psychological outcomes were analyzed.Results10 RCTs met the inclusion criteria. Results suggest that QPLs lead to a shift of topics discussed. There were weak indications that QPL interventions increase anxiety shortly before and after consultations, but may decline anxiety during follow-up. Patients consistently perceive QPLs as more helpful than usual information sheets. QPL-only interventions show limited impact on communicative processes and psychological outcomes. They help not to forget or discuss important questions.ConclusionWith a better integration in patient-physician communication QPLs may become a useful tool for patients and physicians. Future research is needed to investigate if there is greater benefit from QPL interventions in specific settings.Practice implicationsQPLs are an inexpensive tool to influence communicative processes positively in oncological consultations.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to provide an overview of existing methods used to develop a Question Prompt List (QPL) for an oncology setting.MethodsWe conducted a search of the literature published between 1999 and 2019 in five online databases followed by a hand search, and extracted data on the methods used to develop a QPL.ResultsA total of 21 studies were included. The review shows differences in the development of older QPLs (1999–2009) and current QPLs (2010–2019). However, most QPLs were developed using interviews or focus groups with patients and an expert session to review or adapt the QPL. Health professionals, patients, and researchers were included in nearly all the studies.ConclusionTo develop a QPL, it is important to combine several information sources and at least to involve health professionals, patients, and researchers in the development process. Review or evaluation steps can improve the appropriateness and acceptance of a QPL.Practice implicationsFurther research is needed to define the type of target population for new QPLs and to develop a framework for their development.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe the types of decision-making support interventions offered to racial and ethnic minority adults diagnosed with breast or prostate cancer and to draw any associations between these interventions and patient-reported quality of life (QoL) outcomes.MethodsWe conducted literature searches in five bibliographic databases. Studies were screened through independent review and assessed for quality. Results were analyzed using inductive qualitative methods to determine thematic commonalities and synthesized in narrative form.ResultsSearches across five databases yielded 2496 records, which were screened by title/abstract and full-text to identify 10 studies meeting inclusion criteria. The use of decision aids (DAs), trained personnel, delivery models and frameworks, and educational materials were notable decision-making support interventions. Analysis revealed six thematic areas: 1) Personalized reports; 2) Effective communication; 3) Involvement in decision-making; 4) Health literacy; 5) Social support; and 6) Feasibility in clinical setting.ConclusionEvidence suggests decision-making support interventions are associated with positive outcomes of racial and ethnic minorities with patient-reported factors like improved patient engagement, less decisional regret, higher satisfaction, improved communication, awareness of health literacy and cultural competence.Practice implicationsFuture decision-making interventions for racial and ethnic minority cancer patients should focus on social determinants of health, social support systems, and clinical outcomes like QoL and survival.  相似文献   



We conducted a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of an asthma question prompt list with video intervention to increase youth question-asking and provider education during visits.


English or Spanish-speaking youth ages 11–17 with persistent asthma and their parents were enrolled from four rural and suburban pediatric clinics. Youth were randomized to the intervention or usual care groups. Intervention group adolescents watched the video on an iPad and then completed an asthma question prompt list before their visits. Generalized estimating equations were used to analyze the data.


Forty providers and 359 patients participated. Intervention group youth were significantly more likely to ask one or more questions about medications, triggers, and environmental control than usual care youth. Providers were significantly more likely to educate intervention group youth about rescue medications, triggers, and environmental control. Intervention group caregivers were not significantly more likely to ask questions.


The intervention increased youth question-asking and provider education about medications, triggers, and environmental control. The intervention did not impact caregiver question-asking.

Practice implications

Providers/practices should consider having youth complete question prompt lists and watch the video with their parents before visits to increase youth question-asking during visits.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect of niacinamide, on selected parameters of osteoarthritis using a doubleblind, placebo controlled study design.Methods Seventy two patients with osteoarthritis were randomized for treatment with niacinamide or an identical placebo for 12 weeks. Outcome measures included global arthritis impact and pain, joint range of motion and flexibility, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, complete blood count, liver function tests, cholesterol, uric acid, and fasting blood sugar. Compliance was monitored with a pill record sheet and interview.Results Global arthritis impact improved by 29% (95% confidence interval [CI] 6, 46) in subjects on niacinamide and worsened by 10% in placebo subjects (p=0.04). Pain levels did not change but those on niacinamide reduced their anti-inflammatory medications by 13% (95% CI 9, 94; p=0.01). Niacinamide reduced erythrocyte sedimentation rate by 22% (95% CI 6, 51; p<0.005) and increased joint mobility by 4.5 degrees over controls (8 degrees vs. 3.5 degrees; p=0.04). Side effects were mild but higher in the niacinamide group (40% vs 27%, p=0.003).Conclusion This study indicates that niacinamide may have a role in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Niacinamide improved the global impact of osteoarthritis, improved joint flexibility, reduced inflammation, and allowed for reduction in standard anti-inflammatory medications when compared to placebo. More extensive evaluation of niacinamide in arthritis is warranted.accepted by R. O. Day  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo evaluate patient information materials on confidence intervals (CIs) in multiple sclerosis to be used with patient decision aids.MethodsWeb-based randomised controlled parallel group trial with four study arms. Participants were equally allocated to one of three versions of audio-visual patient information or to a standard written information (arm IV). In the short version (arm III), CIs were explained without using an example, in the other two versions examples were used (arm I and arm II). The examples are based on an apple farmer who wants to estimate the average weight of his apples (arm I) and to test a treatment against worms (arm II). Primary endpoint was comprehension of CIs, assessed with a six-item multiple-choice questionnaire.Results855 of 1068 (80 %) randomised participants completed the survey (71 % arm I, 73 % arm II, 87 % arm III, 90 % arm IV). The median of correctly answered questions on CIs was 4 out of 6 questions in arms I and II and 5 out of 6 questions in arm III. Compared to the standard information (arm IV), all the other arms scored better on the comprehension questionnaire (ANOVA, p ≤ 0.003).ConclusionsInformation about CIs can be presented comprehensibly. High scores and a high rate of completers indicate that the short version is the favourable one.Practice implicationsInformation materials on CIs should be used alongside absolute risk reductions in patient decision aids to enhance the interpretation of study results.  相似文献   

目的 采用前瞻性随机对照研究,以乳腺癌术后化疗患者为研究对象,探讨心理社会干预对其生存质量的影响.方法 120例病人被随机分配到干预组(60例)和对照组(60例),干预组除常规药物治疗外,接受系统的心理社会干预,如健康教育、放松训练及集体心理干预,对照组只有药物治疗.采用中国癌症化疗患者生活质量量表(QLQ-CCC)及症状自评量表(SCL-90)作为乳腺癌化疗患者生存质量和心理状况的测查指标.结果 乳腺癌化疗患者的生存质量状况以化疗中最差,而治疗结束后,干预组患者的SCL-90总分(131.9士13.7)与对照组(192.5士15.4)相比,P<0.01;而躯体、心理、社会、总体方面评分分别为:26.7士2.6 分、13.7士1.5 分、8.5士0.8 分、46.9士3.5 分,P<0.05或0.01,表明干预组患者的不良情绪明显改善,生存质量明显提高.结合对乳腺癌术后化疗患者实施系统的心理社会干预,是改善不良情绪,提高生存质量的有效方法之一,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

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