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《本草图经》记录宋代药物产地情况,其中标记为广州产者,往往不是真实出产地,而是从广州口岸舶来的意思。该书所绘药图,名称前冠以广州字样的植物药12种,即广州木香、广州阿魏、广州卢会、广州荜澄茄、广州肉豆蔻、广州白豆蔻、广州葫芦巴、广州丁香、广州沉香、广州麒麟竭、广州没药、广州诃梨勒,文章考证这些药图与真实物种之关系。(1)荜澄茄、诃梨勒图例接近真实物种,此可能是在岭南引种,对照实物真实写生。(2)葫芦巴、肉豆蔻、白豆蔻图例,也是真实物种的写生,但绝不是进口原种,很可能是广东本地代用品或混淆品。(3)丁香、木香图例可能指代真实物种,但并非真实物种的写生,而是根据传闻绘制,强调或放大植物的某一特征。(4)阿魏、芦荟、沉香、麒麟竭、没药图例不代表真实物种,这几幅图造型接近,图绘者的本意可能是传递原植物不详的信息,但传到中原以后,则被作为写生图加以解读,以至于以讹传讹。  相似文献   

目的 分析《本草图经》对动物药的内容记载。方法 通过文献研究方法和数据统计分析工具,对其进行整理归纳。结果 《本草图经》动物药包括兽禽卷和虫鱼卷,共计133味,其中43味以附文形式出现。动物药中,57味有具体产地,28味有具体采收月份,55味有记载鉴别方法,引录54本书籍,119味有记载功效,93味附有药图。结论 《本草图经》动物药产地主要分布在长江和黄河流域;采收时节为夏秋季;鉴别类别有优劣鉴别、性状鉴别和真伪鉴别;文献特点为引录《尔雅》最多;功效主治不仅记载医方验方和用法禁忌,还记载不同部位的用法。《本草图经》为现代动物药的研究提供指导,促进动物药的发展。  相似文献   

目的 研究《本草图经》玉石部药材数据特色。方法 以《本草图经》玉石部药材为研究对象,查阅书籍并借助Excel工具对玉石部药材产地、文献引用、附图等进行统计。结果 《本草图经》玉石部共记载308个产地,包括230个具体产地及78个泛指产地,无产地药材有13种;援引书目79本,34本为道家书籍;21种药材引用医方,13种药材记载了毒性;18种药材记载了采收方法,14种药材附图展示制法、采收环境;77种药材记载了大小、形状、颜色、气味、来源等特征,其中有49种药材进行了颜色的记载;33种药材记载了采收时间。结论 《本草图经》玉石部药材从产地分布可看出山东、山西资源丰富;引用文献的类型多是道家书籍;临床使用注重毒性,保证安全用药;图文并茂展示制作过程;重视矿物药颜色方面的鉴别;采收时间不受限制。《本草图经》为现代研究矿物药提供指导,从而促进矿物药进一步发展。  相似文献   

对《本草图经》中记载的白棘进行本草考证。通过查阅历代本草著作,对白棘的名称、植物形态、地理分布、功效主治和药图进行分析后,发现白棘又名棘刺、棘针、赤龙瓜,是鼠李科植物酸枣Ziziphus jujuba Mill.var.spinosa(Bunge)Hu ex H.F.Chow的棘刺,与易混淆的枸棘和颠棘并非一物。该结果为白棘的临床合理应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

由人民卫生出版社、香港商务印书馆合作出版的大型中草药学、植物学工具书--《中国本草图录》第一、二、三、四卷已在香港印刷出版。  相似文献   

姜国伊所辑《神农本经》,目录及文献材料主要来源于《本草纲目》,整体学术水平不高,若与其所著《本经经释》互参,尚可成立一家之言,仍能体现作者的学术旨趣。  相似文献   

吴灵静 《中国药业》2004,13(11):81-81
《中 国 药 业 》编 辑 部 : 我 是 江 苏 扬 子 江 药 业 集 团 的 一 名 员 工 。我 发 表 于 贵 刊 200年 第 13卷 第 2期 的 论 文 《不 同 产 地 的 天 冬 药 材 中 多 糖 含 量 的比 较 研 究 》,所 涉 及 的 知 识 产 权 全 部 属 于 成 都 中 医 药 大 学 ,该 研究 课 题 的 实 验 和 写 作 都 是 在 成 都 中 医 药 大 学 完 成 的 ,因 此 ,该文 的 作 者 依 序 应 为 :李 敏 (成 都 中 医 药 大 学 )、费 曜 (成 都 中 医 药大 学 )、王 琦 (成 都 中 医 药 大 学 )、吴 灵 静 (江 苏 扬 子 江 药 业 集团 )。由 于 我 在 未 征 …  相似文献   

目的:了解《药典》标注毒性与【注意】品种,确保中药安全使用。方法:对2015版《药典》进行了归纳与整理。结果:"大毒"10种、"有毒"42种、"小毒"31种,共计83种。孕妇禁、慎、忌服/用100种,提示不宜内服、内服宜慎或生品内服宜慎的14种,儿童(包括婴幼儿)禁/慎用3种,运动员慎用3种,存在疾病证候禁/慎用的15种。结论:15版《药典》在性味与归经项下标注毒性的中药共计83种;在注意项下有标注的品种共计148种,内容包括配伍、孕娠、证候、药食禁忌及其他用药注意;提示临床在使用这些中药时,在把握主治功效的同时,一定要关注禁忌情况,保证临床用药的安全。  相似文献   

介绍山东欧化化工有限公司利用氨化(喷浆)硫基复合肥装置生产有机无机复合肥的技术.该技术的最大特点是在混酸溶液中加入有机质,有机质经酸性调节直接参与中和造粒反应,产品养分可在29%~40%间随意调整.所生产的有机无机复合肥产品水分低[w(H2O)3%],强度高,营养全面,高效环保.  相似文献   

Camellia sinensis is a plant growing in India, Sri Lanka, Java, Japan and its properties were known 4000 years ago. Since then, traditional Chinese medicine has recommended this plant for headaches, body aches and pains, digestion, depression, detoxification, as an energiser and, in general, to prolong life. Tea contains volatile oils, vitamins, minerals, purines, polyphenols, particularly carechins. We have analysed ten commercial teas from various countries to determine their mineral composition and we have analysed a green tea, an Oolong tea and a White tea to determine their polyphenols and flavonoids content. Our study shows that the variation of mineral composition, polyphenols and flavonoids are linked to different origins of the plant. For the determination of phenols compounds and flavonoids we used an HPLC apparatus and for mineral analysis an atomic absorption apparatus.  相似文献   

Context: Drug-resistant bacterial infections cause considerable patient mortality and morbidity. The annual frequency of deaths from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has surpassed those caused by human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), plant essential oils (EOs) and their combinations have proven to be quite effective in killing a wide selection of bacterial pathogens including MRSA.

Objectives: This review summarizes the studies in the use of AMPs, plant EOs and their combinations for coping with MRSA bacteria, and to formulate new prospects for future studies on this topic.

Methods: The sources of scientific literature such as PubMed, library search, Google Scholar, Science Direct and electronic databases such as ‘The Antimicrobial Peptide Database’, ‘Collection of Anti-Microbial Peptides’ and ‘YADAMP’. Physicochemical data of anti-MRSA peptides were determined by Scientific DataBase Maker software.

Results: Of the 118 peptides, 88 exhibited an activity against MRSA with the highest activity of minimum inhibitory concentration values. Various plant EOs have been effective against MRSA. Remarkably, lemongrass EOs completely inhibited all MRSA growth on the plate. Lemon myrtle, Mountain savory, Cinnamon bark and Melissa EOs showed a significant inhibition.

Conclusion: Several of these AMPs, EOs and their combinations were effective against MRSA. Their activities have implications for the development of new drugs for medical use.  相似文献   

A novel method for the simultaneous production and formulation of pharmaceutical cocrystals, matrix-assisted cocrystallization (MAC), is presented. Hot-melt extrusion (HME) is used to create cocrystals by coprocessing the drug and coformer in the presence of a matrix material. Carbamazepine (CBZ), nicotinamide (NCT), and Soluplus® were used as a model drug, coformer, and matrix, respectively. The MAC product containing 80:20 (w/w) cocrystal:matrix was characterized by differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and powder X-ray diffraction. A partial least squares (PLS) regression model was developed for quantifying the efficiency of cocrystal formation. The MAC product was estimated to be 78% (w/w) cocrystal (theoretical 80%), with approximately 0.3% mixture of free (unreacted) CBZ and NCT, and 21.6% Soluplus (theoretical 20%) with the PLS model. A physical mixture (PM) of a reference cocrystal (RCC), prepared by precipitation from solution, and Soluplus resulted in faster dissolution relative to the pure RCC. However, the MAC product with the exact same composition resulted in considerably faster dissolution and higher maximum concentration (∼five-fold) than those of the PM. The MAC product consists of high-quality cocrystals embedded in a matrix. The processing aspect of MAC plays a major role on the faster dissolution observed. The MAC approach offers a scalable process, suitable for the continuous manufacturing and formulation of pharmaceutical cocrystals. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 103:2904–2910, 2014  相似文献   

Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were exposed to a [14C]chlordecone-contaminated diet for a period of 90 days, followed by a chlordecone-free diet for 30 days. The uptake and clearance rate constants were 0.237 day?1 and 0.080 day?1, respectively. The half-life of chlordecone in these fish was 8.7 days. The dietary accumulation factor (DAF), defined as the equilibrium concentration of pesticide in fish/daily dietary dosage level was calculated to be 3.0.Highest concentrations of chlordecone in channel catfish were found in the blood and brain. White catfish exposed to the [14C]chlordecone-contaminated diet contained highest concentrations in the brain. In both species lowest concentrations were measured in the mesenteric adipose and carcass.Chlordecone may be eliminated with bile via the intestinal contents. There is evidence for an extrabiliary source of fecal chlordecone in channel catfish. Chlordecone may be excreted across the gills and sloughed off with epidermal mucus. Urinary excretion is negligible.Channel catfish are capable of reducing chlordecone to chlordecone alcohol as shown by the presence of this metabolite in the bile. Enzymatic digestion of bile with β-glucuronidase did not significantly affect the recovery of chlordecone or chlordecone alcohol.  相似文献   

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was employed in order to characterize microcapsules. Microcapsules were prepared by complex coacervation: gelatin and arabic gum were labelled with fluorescent markers. In the capsule wall a homogeneous distribution for both gelatin and arabic gum throughout the capsule wall was depicted. By the use of CLSM and a computational image analysis the quantification of the labelled polymer in the wall material was possible. Adding fluorescently labelled casein as a macromolecular model compound to the coacervation process, a gradiental distribution in the wall material was observed with highest concentration of casein at the oil-wall interface. The influence of casein concentration on its deposition behaviour in the capsule wall was imaged successfully and thereafter quantified by computational image analysis.  相似文献   

A simple and effective high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection method coupled with a liquid-liquid extraction pretreatment has been developed for determining the pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of a novel structurally modified derivative (8-acetamino-isocorydine) of isocorydine. According to the in vivo experiments data calculations by DAS 2.0 software, a two-compartment metabolic model was suitable for describing the pharmacokinetic of 8-acetamino-isocorydine in rats. 8-Acetamino-isocorydine was absorbed well after oral administration, and the absolute bioavailability was 76.5%. The half-life of 8-acetamino-isocorydine after intravenous and oral administration was 2.2 h and 2.0 h, respectively. In vivo, 8-acetamino-isocorydine was highly distributed in the lungs, kidney and liver; however, relatively little entered the brain, suggesting that 8-acetamino-isocorydine could not easily pass through the blood brain barrier. Our work describes the first characterization of the pharmacokinetic parameters and tissue distribution of 8-acetamino-isocorydine. The acquired data will provide useful information for the in vivo pharmacology of 8-acetamino-isocorydine, and can be applied to new drug research.Abbreviations: AICD, 8-acetamino-isocorydine; AUC, area under concentration-time curve; F, absolute bioavailability; HPLC-DAD, high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection; HPLC-UV, high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ultraviolet detection; ICD, isocorydine; IS, internal standard; LC-ESI-MS/MS, high-performance liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization–tandem mass spectrometry; LLE, liquid-liquid extraction; LLOQ, lower limit of quantification; LOD, limit of detection; QC, quality control; RE, relative error; RP, reverse phase; RSD, relative standard deviation; SD, standard deviation.KEY WORDS: Alkaloids, Pharmacokinetics, Tissue distribution, High-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection, 8-Acetamino-isocorydine  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method of high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detector for the quantification of glycyrrhetinic acid (GA) in mice plasma and tissues has been developed and validated. With the established assay method, the pharmacokinetic profiles and tissue distribution of GA in different formulations are compared in mice after intravenous administration of the drug (25 mg/kg). The results showed that mPEG-PLA modified (mPEGylated) GA liposome (PL-GA) significantly prolonged the mean residence time (MRT) of GA in mice plasma and liver (MRT: 0.43 ± 0.13 and 1.72 ± 0.11 h, respectively) than the normal GA liposome (L-GA) (MRT: 0.23 ± 0.01 and 1.07 ± 0.31 h, respectively) and GA sodium injection (S-GA) (MRT: 0.13 ± 0.01 and 0.95 ± 0.08 h, respectively). Moreover, PL-GA specifically increased GA uptake in liver (AUC0–∞,liver value of 1.6-fold and 1.3-fold higher than that for S-GA and L-GA, respectively) and reduced its distribution into other tissues after dosing. Due to these pharmacokinetic properties, it may be promising to develop PL-GA further as a new pharmaceutical preparation for GA on the treatment of various chronic hepatic diseases.  相似文献   

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