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雪旺细胞移植促进中脑损伤神经元修复的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lin Y  Zhu QS  Yin F  Guo L 《中华外科杂志》2004,42(3):187-189
目的探讨雪旺细胞移植对损伤的大鼠中脑神经元修复的影响。方法BrdU标记的新生大鼠雪旺细胞移植至电针损伤的大鼠中脑区域,不同时间处死动物,免疫组织化学方法观察BrdU、GAP43的表达并通过图像分析系统处理实验结果。结果雪旺细胞移植后8个月仍可见BrdU阳性细胞,其数目增加15%,并主要向大脑皮层迁移;移植后1个月损伤的中脑神经元GAP-43的表达与对照组相比差异有显著意义。结论雪旺细胞移植可促进中脑损伤神经元的修复。  相似文献   

我们对水牛角胎的组织相容性和成骨作用等进行研究 ,为临床异种骨移植应用提供依据。1.材料和方法 :角胎为水牛宰杀后约 6h左右从角鞘中取出 ,剥去内外“角胎膜”洗净 ,置常温下晾干备用。A组材料 :将备用角胎制成直径 1 5mm ,长 12mm圆柱体 ,用氯仿 甲醇 ( 1:1)脱脂 10h ,移入 30 %过氧化氢脱蛋白 48h后用蒸馏水洗净 ,再放入 0 6mmol/L盐酸中部分脱钙 2min ,蒸馏水洗净 ,80℃ ,4h烘干备用。B组材料 :除不用盐酸脱钙外均与A组相同。采用日本大耳白兔48只 ,A、B组各 2 0只 ,对照组 8只。常规方法局部脱毛、消毒、局麻 ,于左前肢中段连同…  相似文献   

概述大鼠中枢神经系统在脑损伤时的自我修复过程,包括其增殖、迁移、分化的时程;神经干细胞移植治疗脑损伤的效果;神经干细胞移植目前存在的问题。  相似文献   

同种胎鼠肾上腺组织移植的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为了比较胚胎供体和成年供体的免疫原性,本研究把胎鼠和成年鼠的肾上腺组织块移植于同种成年鼠的肾被膜下,通过观察移植物的大小及组织学变化、测定移植肾上腺的皮质功能,结果表明同种胎鼠肾上腺组织移植再生良好,具有良好的皮质功能,证实了胚胎供体的免疫原性明显低于成年供体,同时提示肾被膜下是理想的实验性移植床。本研究结果为临床广泛应用胚胎供体提供了依据。  相似文献   

概述大鼠中枢神经系统在脑损伤时的自我修复过程,包括其增殖、迁移、分化的时程;神经干细胞移植治疗脑损伤的效果;神经干细胞移植目前存在的问题.  相似文献   

皮瓣移植修复组织缺损临床分析   总被引:391,自引:208,他引:183  
目的 分析研究皮瓣移植修复组织缺损的临床效果。 方法 应用13种类型的皮瓣移植修复组织缺损133例,皮瓣类型有肩胛皮瓣11例,股前外侧皮瓣26例,侧腹部皮瓣11例,足背皮瓣9例,前臂皮瓣13例,腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣10例,下腹部皮瓣31例,还有小腿内侧皮瓣、小腿外侧皮瓣、腓肠肌皮瓣、背阔肌皮瓣及阔筋膜张肌皮瓣等2例。其中吻合血管皮瓣游离移植修复62例,带血管蒂岛状皮瓣移植修复71例。 结果 有2例  相似文献   

手部骨及软组织肿瘤的治疗,原则是既要彻底,又要尽可能地保全肢体和重建功能。现将我们治疗的11例手部肿瘤小结如下。 临 床 资 料 本组共11例,男6例,女5例。年龄14~50岁。桡骨远端骨巨细胞瘤6例;第二掌骨腱鞘巨细胞瘤1例;第三掌骨巨大孤立性骨囊肿1例;手腕背部海绵状血管瘤1例;左手腕背部透明细胞汗腺癌1例;右手拇指腹侧腱路巨细胞瘤1例。治疗方法:骨  相似文献   

4℃储存条件下不同组织保存液对皮片活力影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的探讨不同组织器官保存液在4℃条件下储存对皮片活力的影响。方法在4℃储存条件下,采用普通培养液(MEM)、肝肾等组织保存液(UW)和MEM加硫酸软骨素(CS),以及UW换液(UWR)、MEM换液(MEMR)5个实验组,储存猪皮片,在储存1天、3天、5天、7天、10天和14天共6个时间点内分别采用新型四氮唑盐法测定皮片活力值。结果3种保存液对皮片活力均具有保护作用,尤以UW组优于MEM组,定期换液的UWR组及MEMR组效果更优于相同条件的不换液组UW组及MEM组。结论定期更换保存液的UWR法是在4℃条件下首选的皮片保存的方法  相似文献   

猴胎脑组织移植的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为研究胚胎脑组织移植后的组织生长情况。方法对10只猕猴进行了胎脑组织移植。实验按受体脑损伤的时间分为立即移植组和延迟移植组,移植物为胎脑组织悬液,直接移植至创面。结果术后受体的行为及体温均正常;组织学检查发现,移植后1个月可见受体脑内有部分移植的神经元存活,3个月后发现神经元退行性变,部分神经元消失,6个月后移植部位仅见胶质瘢痕和吞噬细胞浸润,显示排斥反应,其中1只术后4个月仍可见存活的神经元,移植物与受体脑界面有相连的毛细血管,并有突触连接。结论脑组织异体移植仍有严重的排斥反应,立即移植与延迟移植的移植物存活无明显差异。  相似文献   

The relationship between the perfusion flow rate and cerebral oxygen consumption during deep hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass at 20 degrees C was investigated in dogs. In 10 dogs the perfusion flow rate was decreased in steps from 100 to 60, 30, and 15 ml/kg/min every 30 minutes. Although cerebral blood flow decreased as perfusion flow rate decreased, the ratio of cerebral blood flow to the perfusion flow rate increased significantly (p less than 0.05) at a perfusion flow rate of 15 ml/kg/min compared to that at a perfusion flow rate of 100 or 60 ml/kg/min. The arterial-sagittal sinus blood oxygen content difference increased as perfusion flow rate decreased. Consequently, cerebral oxygen consumption did not vary significantly at perfusion flow rates of 100 (0.48 +/- 0.10), 60 (0.43 +/- 0.14), and 30 ml/kg/min (0.44 +/- 0.12 ml/100 gm/min), and it decreased significantly to 0.31 +/- 0.22 ml/100 gm/min at a perfusion flow rate of 15 ml/kg/min. In five dogs the perfusion flow rate was decreased in one step from 100 to 15 ml/kg/min, and after 60 minutes' perfusion at a perfusion flow rate of 15 ml/kg/min, the perfusion flow rate was returned to 100 ml/kg/min. Cerebral oxygen consumption decreased significantly during 60 minutes' perfusion at a perfusion flow rate of 15 ml/kg/min and did not return to its initial value after the perfusion flow rate was returned to 100 ml/kg/min. These data indicate that the optimal perfusion flow rate for the brain during deep hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass at 20 degrees C appears to be 30 ml/kg/min, with a possible oxygen debt in the brain resulting in anaerobic metabolism if the perfusion flow rate is kept at 15 ml/kg/min or less.  相似文献   

胎脑组织移植对额叶皮层损伤大鼠辨别学习,记忆之影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为观察胎脑组织移植对双侧额叶皮层损伤大鼠学习、记忆功能的影响,对大鼠模型行胎脑组织移植。学习,记忆再现测验在Y型迷宫中进行。大鼠学习和记忆成绩以测验时达至于是0次电击均为正确反应时所需的电击次数表示。结果表明,胎脑组织移植能显著减少达到上述标准所需的电击次数,且移植3个月较移植10天的动物达到上次标准所需的训练次数减少更明显。  相似文献   

OBJECT: To restore proper function to a damaged central nervous system (CNS) through transplantation, it is necessary to replace both neural and nonneural elements that arise from different germ layers in the embryo. Mounting evidence indicates the importance of signals related to vasculogenesis in governing neural proliferation and differentiation in early CNS development. Here, the authors examined whether embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived progenitors can selectively generate both neural and endothelial cells after transplantation in the damaged CNS. METHODS: Injections of 20 nmol N-methyl-D-aspartate created a unilateral striatal injury in 7-day-old rats. One week postinjury, murine ESCs, neural-induced with retinoic acid, were transplanted into the injured striatum. Histological staining, laser confocal microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy of grafted ESCs were performed 1 week posttransplantation. CONCLUSIONS: Transplanted ESCs differentiated into neural cells, which segregated into multiple pools and formed neurons that conformed to host cytoarchitecture. The ESCs also generated endothelial cells, which integrated with host cells to form chimeric vasculature. The combination of ESC pluripotentiality and multiple germ layer differentiation provides a new conceptual framework for CNS repair.  相似文献   

The article proves the presence of angiogenic activity of the original specimen of biological genesis obtained from the embryogenic human brain tissue. The investigation was carried out on ischemia models of the rat's myocardium and hind limb.  相似文献   

Preservation of porcine semen in long-term extenders at 15-18 degrees C for more than 5 days results in decreased farrowing rates and reduced litter size after artificial insemination, despite the high progressive motility rates of sperm. To improve this preservation system it is necessary to understand sperm physiology under storage conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of storing diluted porcine semen (during 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 days) on the sperm membranes status and the ability of sperm to respond to in vitro capacitation treatment. Ten semen samples from 5 adult boars were analyzed. Two aliquots were obtained from the sperm-rich fraction: one was used to assess fresh semen and the other was diluted in Reading extender and stored at 16 degrees C. Both semen samples were stained with chlortetracycline to assess the status of sperm membranes and with Hoechst 33258 to determine viability. Semen storage for 4-8 days increased the proportion of prematurely capacitated sperm. After 4 days of storage, in vitro capacitation treatment did not increase the percentage of capacitated sperm, but increased the percentage of acrosome reacted sperm. This phenomenon could explain the reduced fertilizing ability of porcine semen stored at 16 degrees C for over 4 days, in spite of the acceptable sperm viability and progressive motility.  相似文献   

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