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目的 比较部分前循环脑梗死(partial anterior circulation infact,PACI)和遗忘型轻度认知损害(amnesic mild cognitive impairment,aMCI)患者的认知损害的特点.方法 选择29例符合牛津社区卒中项目(Oxford Community Stroke Droject,OCSP)分型的PACI患者,35例符合Petersen 诊断标准的aMCI患者,以及60例健康老年人为对照组,采用认知功能筛选测验-C2.1(Cognitive Ability Screening Instrument-C2.1,CASI)评定认知功能.结果 PACI组(86.28±12.04)和aMCI组(89.86±6.03)的CASI总分均比正常对照组(95.57±3.44)低,差异具有统计学意义[F(2)=8.547,P<0.05],而PACI组与aMCI组间无统计学差异.在CASI分领域方面,与对照组相比,PACI组在心算力(P=0.000)和定向力(P=0.021)两方面均较差;与aMCI组比较,PACI组的心算力(P=0.000)较aMCI组差,而短时记忆(P=0.016)和思维流畅性(P=0.005)方面则较好.aMCI组与对照组相比,在短时记忆(P=0.000)、抽象与判断能力(P=0.013)和思维流畅性(P=0.001)方面均较差.结论 PACI患者存在认知损害,尤其在心算力和定向力方面,与aMCI患者相比,可能更好地保留了执行功能,推测缺血性脑卒中与神经退行性变引起的认知损害可能涉及不同认知领域.  相似文献   

目的 了解aMCI脑结构改变和相关认知损害特点,探讨准确诊断aMCI的神经影像和神经心理生物指标。方法 3-DMRI采集35例aMCI患者和35名健康对照者脑结构信息,LEAP软件计算左右侧和均侧海马、杏仁核和颞角体积,MoCA测评认知功能。结果两组被试年龄、性别差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),受教育年限差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。aMCI的左、右侧及均侧海马萎缩和右侧颞角扩大(P〈0.05),MoCA总评分和注意力、重复句子、抽象能力、延迟回忆、定向力等亚项得分减低(P〈0.05),MoCA与右、均侧海马及右侧杏仁核呈正相关(P〈0.05)。ROC分析显示Mo—cA总评分、左、右及均侧海马、左、右及均侧杏仁核等指标诊断aMCI准确性高(P〈0.01)。单独认知指标MoCA总评分和重复句子(wilks’Lambda=0.299,X^2=80.905,df=2,P〈0.01)区分aMCI和NC的准确性为88.6%,单独脑结构指标均侧海马和杏仁核(wilks’Lambda=0.515,X^244.509,df=2,P〈0.01)的准确性为81.4%,认知和脑结构综合指标MoCA总评分、均侧海马和左侧杏仁核(Wilks’Lambda=0.261,X^2=89.228,df=3,P〈0.01)的准确性为95.7%。结论 aMCI期已出现特异的海马、杏仁核萎缩和弥漫性认知损害,在AD非痴呆期联合应用认知测试和神经影像指标更有助于AD早期准确诊断。  相似文献   

目的观察脑白质病变(WML)对轻度认知功能损害(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)患者神经心理学的影响。方法 WML-MCI患者和健康对照者进行常规核磁共振及神经心理学检查,观察WML对MCI患者神经心理学的影响,并对其机制进行探讨。结果 WML-MCI组与对照组相比,高血压、糖尿病和冠心病比例明显增高;词语流畅性测验、积木测验和画钟测验评分均明显降低(P<0.05);而2组间MMSE、数字广度测验和词语延迟回忆测验评分无明显差异。结论 WML影响MCI患者的认知功能,主要表现为视空间及执行功能。血管危险因素是MCI发病的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的:研究Rey-Osterrich复杂图形测验(CFT)对轻度阿尔茨海默病(AD)和遗忘型轻度认知损害(MCI)的诊断价值。方法:应用CFT、简明精神状态量表(MMSE)对45例轻度AD患者、73例遗忘型MCI和66名正常老年人进行检测,MMSE总得分分别为(20.2±2.5)分、(26.9±1.8)和(28.2±1.6)分。结果:对照组,CFT结构模仿和延迟回忆得分与教育程度有显著正相关性,与年龄、性别无相关性。MCI组的结构模仿得分为(32.4±6.2)分,轻度AD组为(26.1±10.9)分,对照组为(33.6±3.1)分。AD组与对照组及MCI组比差异有显著意义,延迟记忆对于识别MCI有一定作用,协助AD诊断有较好的敏感性(P<0.01);MCI组的延迟回忆得分与对照组比差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01),轻度AD组下降更为明显,与MCI组比差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:CFT延迟记忆对于识别MCI有一定作用,协助AD诊断有较好的敏感性。CFT结构模仿不能识别MCI,对轻度AD,其敏感性亦不理想。  相似文献   

目的:探讨离退休老人轻度认知功能损害(MCI)的发生率及其影响因素。方法:采用哈金斯基缺血指数(HIS)、简易智能状态检查(中文版)(MMSE)、Reisberg总体衰退量表(GDS)、日常生活活动能力(20项版本)(ADL)等,对420名离退休老人MCI的发生情况及其影响因素进行调查,分析相互问关系。结果:离退休老人中MCI的发生率为8.6%,随年龄的增长而有升高趋势,但各年龄组之间差异无显著性。结论:离退休老人中MCI较常见,应对老年人群进行MCI的监测和干预,阻止和延缓MCI发展为痴呆,提高老年人的寿命和生活质量。  相似文献   

轻度认知功能障碍患者的神经心理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨轻度认知功能障碍(MCI)患者神经心理学的特点. 方法 对42例MCI患者和55例健康对照者进行多项神经心理学检查,包括简易精神状态检查量表(MMSE)、蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA)、临床痴呆评定量表(CDR)、语言流畅性测验(RVR)、韦氏智力测验(WAIS-RC)[包括数字广度测验(DS)、积木测验(BD)、相似性测验]、韦氏记忆测验(WMS-R)(包括逻辑记忆、联想学习、视觉再认、图片回忆)、日常生活能力量表(ADL),比较2组患者上述量表评分和MMSE、MoCA量表各亚项评分的差异.结果 与对照者比较,MCI患者MMSE、MoCA总分和RVR、WAIS-RC、WMS-R分测验,MoCA量表各亚项(地点定向力除外),MMSE量表中计算与注意、延迟回忆两亚项评分较低,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 MCI患者不仅记忆受损,其计算与注意力、命名、视空间结构能力、执行功能也可受损,尤以延迟回忆、计算与注意力受损明显.MoCA涵盖了重要的认知领域,能较全面评估MCI患者的认知功能,值的临床推广应用.  相似文献   

轻度认知损害研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
因为在老年性痴呆 (Alzheimerdisease,AD)的治疗方面 ,已开始出现很有希望的苗头 ,有关研究的注意力已经开始转向如何尽早识别其智能衰退的早期症候 ,以期预防、减缓或逆转痴呆的脑功能损害。轻度认知损害 (mildcognitionimpairment,MCI) ,即常发生在老年性痴呆临床前期的一种综合征 ,可能是老年性痴呆发病的早期信号 ,它有助于发现最需要早期干预的个体[1] 。我们就MCI的概念、诊断标准、神经影像、外周标志及其与早期AD的关系等进行综述。一、MCI的沿革及概念1.沿革 :老年人中常见未…  相似文献   

目的:比较轻度帕金森病样体征(mild parkinsonian signs,MPS)和无MPS老人的轻度认知功能损害(mildcognitive impairment,MCI)患病情况,探讨MPS与MCI间的关系。方法:以506名大于70岁老年人为研究对象,使用国际通用帕金森病统一评分量表(The unified Parkinson's disease rating scale,UPDRS)第Ⅲ部分缩写版本评定MPS。将研究对象分为MPS组和无MPS组,分析MPS患病的危险因素及MCI患病情况。结果:MPS组较无MPS组的年龄大,患糖尿病及MCI比例高。结论:MPS与MCI的关系密切,不同类型的MPS对MCI的发病影响不同。  相似文献   

目的对神经心理学指标在轻度认知功能损害(MCI)诊断中的作用进行评价;了解脑血管病因素对MCI诊断标准的 影响。方法从老年人流行病学凋查人群中随机抽取78人为研究对象,设正常对照组(41人)及MCI组(37例)。 对2组进行以下 观测:简易精神状态检查(MMSE)、总体衰退量表(GDS)、临床痴呆分级量表(CDR)、日常生活能力(ADL)、Pfeffer功能活动量表 (FAQ)、物体记忆测验(FOM)、无意义图形再认(MGR)、词语流畅性测验(RVR)、数字广度测验(DS)、画钟测验(CDT)、流调用抑郁 自评量表(CES—D)、延迟记忆(DR)及逻辑记忆测验(LM)。结果MCI组的FOM、MGR、LM、MMSE、DR、FAQ、CDT、CDR、GDS等测 验成绩明显差于正常对照组。在排除了脑血管病之后,MCI组的MGR、FOM、LM、CDT、DR、CDR、GDS等测验分数仍明显差于正常对 照组,但MMSF、FAQ测验在2组之间的差别不再具有统计学意义。结论脑血管病因素对MCI诊断的某些神经心理学指标有影响: MCI存在异质性,部分可以由脑血管病造成。在诊断MCI时,应该增加排除标准。  相似文献   

轻度认知功能障碍患者的神经心理学测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨轻度认知功能障碍(MCI)患者是否有神经心理方面的损害及损害的特点,以期为早期筛查出MCI患者提供参考指标。方法采用数字颜色连线测验(CTT)、数字广度测试(DS)、词汇流畅性测试(VFT)、中文听觉词汇(CALT)、线段方向判断(JLOT)和Stroop测验对30名MCI患者和30名性别、年龄和教育程度相匹配的正常对照组进行评定。结果MCI患者的CTT、VFT、数字广度倒背和CALT与正常对照组相比差异均有显著性。JLOT、Stroop测验和数字广度顺背成绩虽有所下降,但差异均无显著性。结论MCI患者的神经心理方面有损害。对MCI危险人群进行神经心理学测试能早期筛选出MCI患者。  相似文献   

Mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease (PD‐MCI) is common and increases the risk for dementia. Establishing distinct PD‐MCI cognitive subtypes could be valuable for eventually predicting those most likely to convert to dementia. However, the study of PD‐MCI subtypes has not yielded consistent results among cohorts. To determine whether there are distinct cognitive subtypes among participants diagnosed with PD‐MCI in the Pacific Northwest Udall Center Clinical Consortium, we cognitively subtyped 95 patients with PD‐MCI, using the Movement Disorders Society Task Force diagnostic guidelines. Psychometric test scores were then subjected to principle components factor analysis to determine whether similar cognitive subgroups could be identified using statistical methodology. Multiple‐domain PD‐MCI was diagnosed in 95% of the sample, and a range of cognitive impairments were noted. Factor analysis yielded seven factors and demonstrated overlap of phonemic verbal fluency on two factors, as well as the loading of verbal fluency on the same factor as a visuospatial measure; however, these factors did not partition the sample into distinct cognitive subtypes. Separation of cognitive subtypes based on the current PD‐MCI criteria, or via statistical methods, may not provide sufficient information to describe distinct PD groups. Future efforts to validate the PD‐MCI criteria and identify combinations of genetic or other risk factors for cognitive impairment are warranted. © 2014 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   

Microstructural white matter deterioration is a frequent finding in mild cognitive impairment (MCI), potentially underlying default mode network (DMN) dysfunctioning. Thus far, microstructural damage in MCI has been attributed to Alzheimer's disease pathophysiology. A cerebrovascular role, in particular the role of cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD), received less interest. Here, we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to examine the role of CSVD in microstructural deterioration within the normal appearing white matter (NAWM) in MCI. MCI patients were subdivided into those with (n = 20) and without (n = 31) macrostructural CSVD evidence on MRI. Using TBSS we performed microstructural integrity comparisons within the whole brain NAWM. Secondly, we segmented white matter tracts interconnecting DMN brain regions by means of automated tractography segmentation. We used NAWM DTI measures from these tracts as dependent variables in a stepwise‐linear regression analysis, with structural and demographical predictors. Our results indicated microstructural deterioration within the anterior corpus callosum, internal and external capsule and periventricular white matter in MCI patients with CSVD, while in MCI patients without CSVD, deterioration was restricted to the right perforant path, a tract along the hippocampus. Within the full cohort of MCI patients, microstructure within the NAWM of the DMN fiber tracts was affected by the presence of CSVD. Within the cingulum along the hippocampal cortex we found a relationship between microstructural integrity and ipsilateral hippocampal volume and the extent of white matter hyperintensity. In conclusion, we found evidence of CSVD‐related microstructural damage in fiber tracts subserving the DMN in MCI. Hum Brain Mapp 35:2836–2851, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

《Alzheimer's & dementia》2019,15(7):878-887
IntroductionWe evaluated whether incident mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subtypes could be empirically derived in the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging.MethodsWe performed cluster analysis on neuropsychological data from 506 participants with incident MCI.ResultsThe 3-cluster solution resulted in (1) amnestic, (2) dysexecutive, (3) dysnomic subtypes. The 4-cluster solution produced these same three groups and a fourth group with subtle cognitive impairment (SCI). The SCI cluster was a subset of the amnestic cluster and distinct from well-matched cognitively unimpaired participants based on memory and global z-score area under the receiver operating characteristic curve analyses and probability of progression to MCI/dementia.DiscussionWe empirically identified three neuropsychological subtypes of MCI that share some features with MCI subtypes identified in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. The fourth subtype with SCI in the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging differed from the fourth cluster-derived normal group in Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and could represent a group to target with early interventions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate memory in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and mild Alzheimer's disease (AD). Ten patients with MCI, 11 with AD and a group of age and education matched healthy control participants were assessed on a comprehensive battery of semantic memory tests, including traditional semantic memory measures and a non-verbal test of knowledge of object use. The MCI group was impaired on tests of category fluency and all three conditions of an object knowledge test (matching to recipient, function and action), plus a difficult object-naming test. The mild AD group showed additional impairments on traditional measures of semantic memory, including naming high frequency items, comprehension and semantic association. Together these findings suggest that semantic memory impairments occur early in the course of AD, more specifically in patients with "amnesic" MCI, and provide further evidence that impaired category fluency reflects semantic breakdown.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological characteristics of mild cognitive impairment subgroups   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: To describe the neuropsychological characteristics of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subgroups identified in the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) cognition study. METHODS: MCI was classified as MCI-amnestic type (MCI-AT): patients with documented memory deficits but otherwise normal cognitive function; and MCI-multiple cognitive deficits type (MCI-MCDT): impairment of at least one cognitive domain (not including memory), or one abnormal test in at least two other domains, but who had not crossed the dementia threshold. The MCI subjects did not have systemic, neurological, or psychiatric disorders likely to affect cognition. RESULTS: MCI-AT (n = 10) had worse verbal and non-verbal memory performance than MCI-MCDT (n = 28) or normal controls (n = 374). By contrast, MCI-MCDT had worse language, psychomotor speed, fine motor control, and visuoconstructional function than MCI-AT or normal controls. MCI-MCDT subjects had memory deficits, though they were less pronounced than in MCI-AT. Of the MCI-MCDT cases, 22 (78.5%) had memory deficits, and 6 (21.5%) did not. MCI-MCDT with memory disorders had more language deficits than MCI-MCDT without memory disorders. By contrast, MCI-MCDT without memory deficits had more fine motor control deficits than MCI-MCDT with memory deficits. CONCLUSIONS: The most frequent form of MCI was the MCI-MCDT with memory deficits. However, the identification of memory impaired MCI groups did not reflect the true prevalence of MCI in a population, as 16% of all MCI cases and 21.5% of the MCI-MCDT cases did not have memory impairment. Study of idiopathic amnestic and non-amnestic forms of MCI is essential for an understanding of the aetiology of MCI.  相似文献   

目的对三种亚型轻度认知功能损害(MCI)患者进行量表评定及横向对比研究。方法采用神经心理学量表对21例遗忘型(a-MCI)、19例血管型MCI(v-MCI)和16例酒精依赖型MCI患者以及38名健康对照组(年龄≥60岁)进行比较,比较这几种亚型MCI的神经心理学特点。结果 (1)与健康对照组比较,各亚型的MMSE及CAMCOG—C总体量表评分差异均明显(P0.01)。与健康对照组比较,a-MCI组在近记忆、定向、语言表达、计算、注意、思维方面均受损,差异明显(P均0.05);远记忆、语言理解与执行能力相对保留,差异不明显(P0.05)。与对照组比较,v-MCI组在记忆、定向、语言表达、注意与执行功能均受损(P0.05),语言理解、计算、思维方面与对照组相比差异不明显(P0.05)。酒精依赖型MCI组在近记忆、远记忆、执行、注意及思维功能方面损害有显著性(P均0.05)。定向、语言能力、计算改变不明显;(2)各亚型组间MCI量表评分比较:a-MCI组与v-MCI组相比,CAMCOG—C总体评分及其子项中的近记忆受损显著,差异显著(P0.05);酒精依赖型组与a-MCI组及v-MCI相比,CAMCOG—C总体评分及其子项中的语言能力、计算差异显著,酒精型MCI的语言能力及计算受损较轻;(3)a-MCI组及v-MCI组与健康对照组相比GDS评分显著增高,具有明显差异(P0.05),酒精依赖型MCI组与对照组比较差异不明显(P0.05)。aMCI组及v-MCI组GDS评分高于酒精依赖型MCI组(P0.05)。结论三种不同亚型MCI认知损害均为多区域性,a-MCI主要表现为记忆损害,且以近记忆受损明显;v-MCI以执行功能损害为主,其它多项认知功能均有不同程度损害;酒精依赖型MCI除记忆及执行功能受损外,注意及思维等也不同程度存在损害;aMCI及v-MCI较其他亚型更易出现抑郁倾向。  相似文献   

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