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The topography of ganglion cell production in the cat's retina 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The ganglion cells of the cat's retina form several classes distinguishable in terms of soma size, axon diameter, dendritic morphology, physiological properties, and central connections. Labeling with [3H]thymidine shows that the ganglion cells which survive in the adult are produced as several temporally shifted, overlapping waves: medium-sized cells are produced before large cells, whereas the smallest ganglion cells are produced throughout the period of ganglion cell generation (Walsh, C., E. H. Polley, T. L. Hickey, and R. W. Guillery (1983) Nature 302: 611-614). Large cells and medium-sized cells show the same distinctive pattern of production, forming rough spirals around the area centralis. The oldest cells tend to lie superior and nasal to the area centralis, whereas cells in the inferior nasal retina and inferior temporal retina are, in general, progressively younger. Within each retinal quadrant, cells nearer the area centralis tend to be older than cells in the periphery, but there is substantial overlap. The retinal raphe divides the superior temporal quadrant into two zones with different patterns of cell addition. Superior temporal retina near the vertical meridian adds cells only slightly later than superior nasal retina, whereas superior temporal retina near the horizontal meridian adds cells very late, contemporaneously with inferior temporal retina. The broader wave of production of smaller ganglion cells seems to follow this same spiral pattern at its beginning and end. The presence of the area centralis as a nodal point about which ganglion cell production in the retinal quadrants pivots suggests that the area centralis is already an important retinal landmark even at the earliest stages of retinal development. This sequence of ganglion cell production differs markedly from that seen in the retinae of nonmammalian vertebrates, where new ganglion cells are added as concentric rings to the retinal periphery, and also bears no simple relationship to the cat's retinal decussation line. However, it can be related in a straightforward manner to the organization of axons in the cat's optic tract, suggesting that the fiber order in the tract represents a grouping of fibers by age. 相似文献
Development of ganglion cell topography in the postnatal cochlea 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In mammals, the size and number of spiral ganglion cells can vary significantly along the length of the cochlea. At present, it is unclear how these topologic differences in spiral ganglion cell morphology and density emerge during development. We addressed this issue by quantifying developmental changes in the number, density, and size of auditory ganglion cells within the cochlea of Mongolian gerbils throughout the first 3 weeks of postnatal life. In each cochlea, cells were measured at five standardized locations along the length of the spiral ganglion, as determined from serial reconstruction of Rosenthal's canal. During the first postnatal week, the total number of gerbil spiral ganglion cells decreased significantly by 27%, without further change thereafter. This brief period of neuronal cell death coincides with a major remodeling in the afferent neural projections to gerbil auditory hair cells (Echteler [1992] Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:6324-6327). The resulting reduction in neuronal density varied with location, being most prominent within the upper basal and lower middle turns of the cochlea. These same regions contained the smallest auditory ganglion cells found within the gerbil ear and exhibited the least amount of developmental expansion in the circumference of Rosenthal's canal. These results suggest the possibility that regional differences in auditory neuron size and number might be influenced by local extrinsic factors, such as the availability of canal space. 相似文献
The retinal ganglion cell distribution in adult pigmented ferret was mapped in Nissl-stained retinas and in retinas back-filled with HRP after large bilateral injections of the enzyme into the brain. In common with other carnivores the ferret has an area of peak cell density equivalent to the area centralis and a prominent visual streak of high cell density extending horizontally across the retina. The maximum ganglion cell densities for the retinas were estimated to be 3500-5200 cells/mm2 in Nissl-stained, dehydrated retinas and 3300-4300 cells/mm2 in HRP-labelled, undehydrated retinas. Three cell types were distinguished in the HRP-labelled retinas and they appear to correspond to alpha-, beta- and gamma-cell types of cat retina. However, unlike in cat, the retinal ganglion cells of the ferret do not consistently fall into 3 distinct groups with respect to cell size, nor is there a tendency for the cells in the area centralis to be smaller than those in the peripheral retina. Estimates for the total number of ganglion cells of 82,000 and 88,000 were obtained from Nissl-stained retinas, and of 74,000, 75,000 and 78,000 from HRP-labelled retinas. 相似文献
Retinal ganglion cell topography in elasmobranchs 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Retinal wholemounts are used to examine the topographic distribution of retinal cells within the ganglion cell layer in a range of elasmobranchs from different depths. The retina is examined for regional specializations for acute vision in six species of selachians, Galeocerdo cuvieri, Hemiscyllium ocellatum, Scyliorhinus canicula, Galeus melastomus, Etmopterus spinax, Isistius brasiliensis, one species of batoid, Raja bigelowi and one species of chimaera, Hydrolagus mirabilis. These species represent a range of lifestyles including pelagic, mesopelagic and benthic habitats, living from shallow water to the sea bottom at a depth of more than 3000 m. The topography of cells within the ganglion cell layer is non-uniform and changes markedly across the retina. Most species possess an increased density of cells across the horizontal (dorsal) meridian or visual streak, with a density range of 500 to 2,500 cells per mm(2) with one or more regional increases in density lying within this specialized horizontal area. It is proposed that the higher spatial resolving power provided by the horizontal streak in these species mediates panoramic vision in the lower frontal visual field. Only I. brasiliensis possesses a concentric arrangement of retinal iso-density contours in temporal retina or an area centralis, thereby increasing spatial resolving power in a more specialized part of the visual field, an adaptation for its unusual feeding behavior. In Nissl-stained material, amacrine and ganglion cell populations could be distinguished on the criteria of soma size, soma shape and nuclear staining. Quantitative analyses show that the proportion of amacrine cells lying within the ganglion cell layer is non-uniform and ranges between 0.4 and 12.3% in specialized retinal areas and between 8.2 and 48.1% in the peripheral non-specialized regions. Analyses of soma area of the total population of cells in the ganglion cell layer also show that the pelagic species possess significantly smaller soma (9-186 micrometer(2)) than benthic and/or deep-sea species (16-338 micrometer(2)), and that a number of different morphological classes of cells are present including a small population of giant ganglion cells. 相似文献
Claudia M. Diaz-Araya Jan M. Provis Philip L. Penfold Francis A. Billson 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1995,363(1):53-68
The development of microglial topography in wholemounts of human retina has been examined in the age range 10–25 weeks gestation (WG) using histochemistry and immunohistochemistry for CD45 and major histocompatibility complex class II antigens. Microglia were present in three planes corresponding to the developing nerve fibre layer/ganglion cell layer, the inner plexiform layer and the outer plexiform layer. Distribution patterns of cells through the retinal thickness and across the retinal surface area varied with gestational age. Microglia were elongated in superficial retina, large and ramified in the middle plane, and small, rounded and less ramified in deep retina. Intensely labeled, rounded profiles seen at the pars caeca of the ciliary processes, the retinal margin and at the optic disc may represent precursors of some retinal microglia. At 10 WG, the highest densities of microglia were present in middle and deep retina in the far periphery and at the retinal margin, with few superficial microglia evident centrally at the optic disc. At 14 WG, high densities of microglia were apparent superficially at the optic disc; microglia of middle and deep retina were distributed at more central locations although continuing to concentrate in the retinal periphery. Microglia appear to migrate into the developing human retina from two mains sources, the retinal margin and the optic disc, most likely originating from the blood vessels of the ciliary body and iris, and the retinal vasculature, respectively. The data suggest that the development of microglial topography occurs in two phases, an early phase occurring prior to vascularization, and a late phase associated with the development of the retinal vasculature. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
We define a new bistratified ganglion cell type of cat retina using intracellular staining in vitro. The theta cell has a small soma, slender axon, and delicate, highly branched dendritic arbor. Dendritic fields are intermediate in size among cat ganglion cells, with diameters typically two to three times those of beta cells. Fields increase in size with distance from the area centralis, ranging in diameter from 70 to 150 microns centrally to a maximum of 700 microns in the periphery. Theta cells have markedly smaller dendritic fields within the nasal visual streak than above or below it and smaller fields nasally than temporally. Dendritic arbors are narrowly bistratified. The outer arbor lies in the lower part of sublamina a (OFF sublayer) of the inner plexiform layer where it costratifies with the dendrites of OFF alpha cells. The inner arbor occupies the upper part of sublamina b (ON sublayer), where it costratifies with ON alpha dendrites. The outer and inner arbors are composed of many relatively short segments and are densely interconnected by branches that traverse the a/b sublaminar border. Experiments combining retrograde labeling with intracellular staining indicate that theta cells project to the superior colliculus and to two components of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (the C laminae and medial interlaminar nucleus). Theta cells project contralaterally from the nasal retina and ipsilaterally from the temporal retina. They apparently correspond to a sluggish transient or phasic W-cell with an ON-OFF receptive field center. 相似文献
The present study determined the temporal and spatial patterns of genesis for neurons of different sizes in the retinal ganglion cell layer of the ferret. Fetal ferrets were exposed to tritiated thymidine on embryonic days E-22 through E-36. One to 3 months after birth, they were perfused and their retinae dissected, and autoradiographs were prepared from resinembedded sections throughout the entire flattened retinal ganglion cell layer. Soma size differences in conjunction with separate retrograde labeling and calbindin immunocytochemical studies were used as criteria for identifying different retinal ganglion cell subtypes in juvenile and adult ferrets. Neurons of different sizes in the ganglion cell layer were generated at different stages during development. Medium sized cells were generated primarily between E-22 and E-26; the largest cells were generated between E-24 and E-29; small cells were generated between E-26 and E-32; and very small cells were generated between E-29 and E-36. The former three groups were interpreted to be three subtypes of retinal ganglion cells, while the latter group was interpreted to be displaced amacrine cells. This temporal order of the genesis of ganglion cell classes is consistent with the spatial ordering of their fibers in the mature optic chiasm and tract, and it is consistent with the developmental change in decussation pattern recently shown in the optic pathway of embryonic ferrets. The spatial pattern of genesis suggests that ganglion cells of a particular class are added to the ganglion cell layer in a centroperipheral fashion initiated in the dorsocentral retina nasal to the area centralis. No evidence was found for a wave of ganglion cell addition that proceeded in a spiralling pattern around the area centralis, as has been reported in the cat. 相似文献
Rapaport DH Wong LL Wood ED Yasumura D LaVail MM 《The Journal of comparative neurology》2004,474(2):304-324
To understand the mechanisms of cell fate determination in the vertebrate retina, the time course of the generation of the major cell types needs to be established. This will help define and interpret patterns of gene expression, waves of differentiation, timing and extent of competence, and many of the other developmental processes involved in fate acquisition. A thorough retinal cell "birthdating" study has not been performed for the laboratory rat, even though it is the species of choice for many contemporary developmental studies of the vertebrate retina. We investigated the timing and spatial pattern of cell genesis using 3H-thymidine (3H-TdR). A single injection of 3H-TdR was administered to pregnant rats or rat pups between embryonic day (E) 8 and postnatal day (P) 13. The offspring of prenatally injected rats were delivered and all animals survived to maturity. Labeled cells were visualized by autoradiography of retinal sections. Rat retinal cell genesis commenced around E10, 50% of cells were born by approximately P1, and retinogenesis was complete near P12. The first postmitotic cells were found in the retinal ganglion cell layer and were 9-15 microm in diameter. This range includes small to medium diameter retinal ganglion cells and large displaced amacrine cells. The sequence of cell genesis was established by determining the age at which 5, 50, and 95% of the total population of cells of each phenotype became postmitotic. With few exceptions, the cell types reached these developmental landmarks in the following order: retinal ganglion cells, horizontal cells, cones, amacrine cells, rods, bipolar cells, and Müller glia. For each type, the first cells generated were located in the central retina and the last cells in the peripheral retina. Within the sequence of cell genesis, two or three phases could be detected based on differences in timing, kinetics, and topographic gradients of cell production. Our results show that retinal cells in the rat are generated in a sequence similar to that of the primate retina, in which retinogenesis spans more than 100 days. To the extent that sequences reflect underlying mechanisms of cell fate determination, they appear to be conserved. 相似文献
Monoamine-accumulating ganglion cell type of the cat's retina 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
D M Dacey 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1989,288(1):59-80
A monoamine-accumulating ganglion cell type has been identified in an in vitro preparation of the cat's retina by a catecholamine-like fluorescence that appears following intravitreal injections of dopamine and the indoleaminergic transmitter analog, 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT). A subpopulation of large, weakly fluorescing neurons were identified as composing a single, morphologically distinct ganglion cell type by intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In a sample of 374 HRP-filled cells soma diameter ranged from 13-21 microns (mean +/- SD = 16.6 +/- 1.3). Dendritic field size increased with increasing retinal eccentricity from 150-200 microns diameter at 0.5 mm from the area centralis to 600-800 microns diameter in the far retinal periphery. Dendrites are thin (approximately 1 micron diameter), show a characteristic branching pattern, and are narrowly stratified at the outer border of the inner plexiform layer. The monoamine-accumulating ganglion cell and the outer (OFF-center) alpha cell occupy distinct strata within sublamina a of the inner plexiform layer separated by a gap of about 5 microns. The total number of monoamine-accumulating (MA) ganglion cells was estimated at 5,400, about 3.5% of the total ganglion cell population. Spatial density of the MA ganglion cells, calculated from cell counts made in vitro, ranges from 60 cells/mm2 near the area centralis to 5 cells/mm2 in the far retinal periphery. A coverage factor (density x dendritic field area) of 2.2 was maintained from central to peripheral retina. The nature of the dendritic overlap was observed directly by making HRP injections into several neighboring ganglion cells. Five to seven neighboring dendritic trees extensively overlapped a given cell's dendritic field. However the dendritic processes did not intersect randomly but tended to interdigitate such that a uniform interdendritic spacing and density of dendritic processes was constructed locally within the dendritic plexus. Rotation of individual dendritic trees from their normal orientation produced a dramatic 4-5-fold increase in the number of dendritic intersections, suggesting that an active, local mechanism operates in the precise placement of individual dendrites within the plexus. The monoamine-accumulating ganglion cell appears morphologically equivalent to the delta ganglion cell (Boycott and W?ssle; J. Physiol. (Lond.) 240:397-419, '74; Kolb et al.; Vision Res. 21:1081-1114, '81) and to the recently recognized indoleamine-accumulating ganglion cell (W?ssle et al: J. Neurosci. 7:1574-1585, '87).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS) 相似文献
Development of the human retina: patterns of cell distribution and redistribution in the ganglion cell layer 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
J M Provis D van Driel F A Billson P Russell 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1985,233(4):429-451
Neurogenesis in the ventricular layer and the development of cell topography in the ganglion cell layer have been studied in whole-mounts of human fetal retinae. At the end of the embryonic period mitotic figures were seen over the entire outer surface of the retina. By about 14 weeks gestation mitosis had ceased in central retina and differentiation of photoreceptor nuclei was evident within a well-defined area which constituted about 2% of total retina area. This area was approximately centered on the site of the putative fovea, identified by the exclusive development of cone nuclei at that location. The area of retina in which mitosis had ceased increased as gestation progressed. By mid-gestation mitosis in the ventricular layer occupied about 77% of the outer surface of the retina and by about 30 weeks gestation mitosis in the ventricular layer had ceased. Cell density distributions in the ganglion cell layer were nonuniform at all stages studied (14-40 weeks). Densities were highest at about 17 weeks gestation, and by mid-gestation the adult pattern of cell topography was present with maps showing elevated cell densities in posterior retina and along the horizontal meridian. Cell densities generally declined throughout the remainder of the gestation period, except in the posterior retina, where densities in the perifoveal ganglion cell layer remained high during the second half of gestation. There is a rapid decline in cell density in the foveal ganglion cell layer toward the end of gestation, and it is suggested that the persistence of high densities in the perifoveal region may be related to migration of cells away from the developing fovea. The total population of cells in the ganglion cell layer was highest (2.2-2.5 million cells) between about weeks 18 and 30 of gestation. After this the cell population declined rapidly to 1.5-1.7 million cells. It is suggested that naturally occurring neuronal death is largely responsible for this decline. 相似文献
The hypothesis that regenerative failure of axons in the adult mammalian CNS is due to release of a growth inhibitor from injured oligodendrocytes and/or myelin2, predicts that regeneration of injured fibers would proceed unchecked in unmyelinated CNS regions. This prediction was borne out by observations on the stratum opticarum of the mouse retina. Axonal sprouts, first seen 14–16 h post-lesion (pl), continued growing until at least 100 days pl, well beyond the time at which regeneration fails in myelinated CNS regions. 相似文献
Sivyer B Venkataramani S Taylor WR Vaney DI 《The Journal of comparative neurology》2011,519(16):3128-3138
The 15-20 physiological types of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) can be grouped according to whether they fire to increased illumination in the receptive-field center (ON cells), decreased illumination (OFF cells), or both (ON-OFF cells). The diversity of RGCs has been best described in the rabbit retina, which has three types of ON-OFF RGCs with complex receptive-field properties: the ON-OFF direction-selective ganglion cells (DSGCs), the local edge detectors, and the uniformity detectors. Here we describe a novel type of bistratified ON-OFF RGC that has not been described in either physiological or morphological studies of rabbit RGCs. These cells stratify in the ON and OFF sublaminae of the inner plexiform layer, branching at about 30% and 60% depth, between the ON and OFF arbors of the bistratified DSGCs. Similar to the ON-OFF DSGCs, these cells respond with transient firing to both bright and dark spots flashed in the receptive field but, unlike the DSGCs, they show no directional preference for moving stimuli. We have termed these cells "transient ON-OFF" RGCs. Area-response measurements show that both the ON and the OFF spike responses have an antagonistic receptive-field organization, but with different spatial extents. Voltage-clamp recordings reveal transient excitatory inputs at light ON and light OFF; this excitation is strongly suppressed by surround stimulation, which also elicits direct inhibitory inputs to the cells at light ON and light OFF. Thus the receptive-field organization is mediated both within the presynaptic circuitry and by direct feed-forward inhibition. 相似文献
Farah MH 《Brain Research Reviews》2006,52(2):264-274
The correct formation of all central nervous system tissues depends on the proper balance of neurogenesis and developmental cell death. A model system for studying these programs is the ganglion cell layer (GCL) of the vertebrate retina because of its simple and well-described structure and amenability to experimental manipulations. The GCL contains approximately equal numbers of ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells. Ganglion cells are the first or among the first cells born in the retina in all the studied vertebrates. Neurogenesis and cell death have been studied extensively in the GCL of various amniotes (rodents, chicks, and monkeys) and anamniotes (fish and frogs), and the two processes highlight developmental differences between the groups. In amniotes, neurogenesis occurs during a defined period prior to birth/hatch or the opening of the eyes, whereas in anamniotes, neurogenesis extends past hatching into adulthood-sometimes for years. Roughly half of GCL neurons die during development in amniotes, whereas developmental cell death does not occur in the GCL neurons of anamniotes. This review discusses the spatial and temporal patterns of neurogenesis, cell death, and possible explanation of cell death in the GCL. It also examines markers widely used to distinguish between ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells, and methods employed to birth date neurons. 相似文献
We define a morphologic type of ganglion cell in cat retina by using intracellular staining in vitro. The eta cell has a small soma, slender axon, and delicate, highly branched dendritic arbor. Dendritic fields are intermediate in size among cat ganglion cells, with diameters typically two to three times those of beta cells. Fields increase in size as a function of distance from the area centralis, ranging in diameter from 90 microm to 200 microm centrally to a maximum of 600 microm in the periphery. This increase is unusually radially symmetric. By contrast with other cat ganglion cell types, eta cells do not have markedly smaller dendritic fields within the visual streak than above or below it nor much smaller fields nasally than temporally. Dendrites ramify broadly throughout sublamina a (OFF sublayer) of the inner plexiform layer. They arborize most densely in S2, where they costratify with dendrites of OFF alpha cells. There is apparently no matching ON variety of eta cell. Experiments combining retrograde labeling with intracellular staining indicate that eta cells project to the superior colliculus and to two components of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (the C laminae and medial interlaminar nucleus). Eta cells apparently project contralaterally from the nasal retina and ipsilaterally from the temporal retina. The morphology and projection patterns of the eta cell suggest that its physiologic counterpart is a type of sluggish or W-cell with an OFF center, an ON surround, and possibly a transient light response. 相似文献
We define a new morphological type of ganglion cell in cat retina by using intracellular staining in vitro. The zeta cell has a small soma, slender axon, and compact, tufted, unistratified dendritic arbor. Dendritic fields were intermediate in size among cat ganglion cells, typically twice the diameter of beta cell fields. They were smallest in the nasal visual streak (<280 μm diameter), especially near the area centralis (60–150 μm diameter), and largest in the nonstreak periphery (maximum diameter 570 μm). Fields sizes were symmetric about the nasotemporal raphe except near the visual streak, where nasal fields were smaller than temporal ones. Zeta-cell dendrites ramified near the boundary between sublaminae a and b(OFF and ON sublayers) of the inner plexiform layer, occupying the narrow gap separating the dendrites of ON and OFF alpha cells. There was no evidence for separate ON and OFF types of zeta cell. Retrograde labeling studies revealed that both nasally and temporally located zeta cells project to the contralateral superior colliculus, whereas few project to the ipsilateral colliculus or to any subdivision of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. The zeta cell's morphology and projection patterns suggest that it corresponds to the ON-OFF phasic W-cell (also known as the local edge detector) of physiological studies. Zeta cells have particularly small dendritic fields in the visual streak, presumably because they are disproportionately represented in the streak in comparison with other ganglion cell types. These conditions are consistent with optimal spatial resolution along the retinal projection of the visual horizon rather than principally at the center of gaze. Strong commonalities with similar ganglion cell types in ferret, rabbit, and monkey suggest that “zeta-like” cells may be a universal feature of the mammalian retina. J. Comp. Neurol. 399:269–288, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
In the present set of studies, we have examined the site for the initiation of retinal maturation in the ferret. A variety of maturational features across the developing inner and outer retina were examined by using standard immunohistochemical, carbocyanine dye labelling, and Nissl-staining techniques, including 1) two indices of early differentiation of the first-born retinal ganglion cells, the presence of β-tubulin and of neuron-specific enolase; 2) the receding distribution of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans within the inner retina; 3) the distribution of the first ganglion cells to grow axons along the optic nerve; 4) the emergence of the inner plexiform layer; 5) the emergence of the outer plexiform layer and 6) the onset of synaptophysin immunoreactivity within it; 7) the differentiation of calbindin-immunoreactive horizontal cells; and 8) the cessation of proliferative activity at the ventricular surface. Although we were able to define distinct maturational gradients that are associated with many of these features of inner and outer retinal development (each considered in detail in this report), with dorsal retina maturing before ventral retina, and with peripheral retina maturing last, none showed a clear initiation in the region of the developing area centralis. Rather, maturation began in the peripapillary retina dorsal to the optic nerve head, which is consistent with previous studies on the topography of ganglion cell genesis in the ferret. These results make clear that the order of retinal maturation and the formation of the area centralis are not linked, at least not in the ferret. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Amacrine cells in the ganglion cell layer of the cat retina 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Following transection of the optic nerve, ganglion cells in the cat retina undergo retrograde degeneration. However, many small profiles (less than or equal to 10 micron) survive in the ganglion cell layer. Previously considered to be neuroglia, there is now substantial evidence that they are displaced amacrine cells. Their density increases from approximately 1,000 cells/mm2 in peripheral retina to 7,000 cells/mm2 in the central area. Their total number was found to be 850,000, which is five times the number of ganglion cells and also five times the number of astrocytes. Uptake of 3H-muscimol followed by autoradiography labelled 75% of the displaced amacrine cells; hence, the majority seem to be GABAergic. Immunocytochemistry with an antibody directed against choline-acetyl-transferase labelled approximately 10% of the displaced amacrines in the peripheral retina and 17% in the central area. Uptake of serotonin (5-HT) followed by immunocytochemistry was found in 25-30% of displaced amacrines. NADPH diaphorase histochemistry labelled approximately 5% of displaced amacrine cells. The sum of the various percentages make colocalization likely. Intracellular injection of Lucifer Yellow under microscopic control revealed that displaced amacrine cells constitute several morphological types. 相似文献
Hideo Hoshi Lian‐Ming Tian Stephen C. Massey Stephen L. Mills 《The Journal of comparative neurology》2013,521(7):1497-1509
The identity of the types of different neurons in mammalian retinae is now close to being completely known for a few mammalian species; comparison reveals strong homologies for many neurons across the order. Still, there remain some cell types rarely encountered and inadequately described, despite not being rare in relative frequency. Here we describe in detail an additional ganglion cell type in rabbit that is bistratified with dendrites in both sublaminae, yet spikes only at light onset and has no response bias to the direction of moving bars. This ON bistratified ganglion cell type is most easily distinguished by the unusual behavior of its dendritic arbors. While dendrites that arborize in sublamina b terminate at that level, those that ascend to arborize in sublamina a do not normally terminate there. Instead, when they reach the approximate radius of the dendrites in sublamina b, they dive sharply back down to ramify in sublamina b. Here they continue to course even further away from the soma at the same level as the branches wholly contained in sublamina b, thereby forming an annulus of secondary ON dendrites in sublamina b. This pattern of branching creates a bistratified dendritic field of approximately equal area in the two sublaminae initially, to which is then added an external annulus of dendrites only in sublamina b whose origin is entirely from processes descending from sublamina a. It is coupled to a population of wide‐field amacrine cells upon which the dendrites of the ganglion cell often terminate. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:1497–1509, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
A Hughes 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1975,163(1):107-128
A retinal ganglion cell distribution map has been prepared for the cresyl violet stained cat retina. It differs from previously published maps in revealing the visual streak to be more substantial and in showing a higher peak density of 9-10,000 ganglion cells/mm2 at the presumed visual pole. The map was used to obtain a minimum estimate of the retinal ganglion cell population as 217,000 cells, more than double the total previously reported. The problem of classifying the cells of the ganglion cell layer is discussed in detail and examples of criterion cells illustrated. The paper also includes an account of retinal mensuration (dimensions, area, etc.) and a discussion of the visual streak orientation. 相似文献
J M Provis 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1987,259(2):237-246
The distribution of dying cells in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) of retinae from human fetuses has been analysed. Both whole-mounted and sectioned retinae have been studied. Results suggest that cells are lost from the GCL between weeks 14 and 30 of the gestation period, approximately. This period corresponds to the period during which axons are lost from the developing optic nerve. Cell loss is greatest between weeks 16 and 21 of the gestation period. The pattern of cell loss is nonuniform, and between weeks 16 and 24, the relative frequency of pyknotic cells (pyknotic cells:viable cells) in peripheral retina is considerably higher than in central retina. This pattern of cell loss predominates during the period in which a distinct centroperipheral gradient of cell densities emerges in the GCL of the human fetal retina (between 18 and 23 weeks gestation). It is suggested that the regional loss of ganglion cells may contribute to the formation of the cell density gradient. 相似文献