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Between 1973 and 1977, the number of United States citizens in foreign medical schools increased from 12,000 to 15,000, with Mexico and Italy responsible for training 55 per cent of these students. If all these students can successfully meet the requirements for entry into graduate training in the United States, their numbers, combined with the increasing size of entering classes in American medical schools, may exceed the number of positions presently available for first-year graduate training. Serious problems in the quality of education received in several new foreign medical schools must be addressed if these students are to enter the American medical system.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A survey of US medical schools regarding the incorporation of psychosomatic (biopsychosocial) medicine topics into medical school curriculum was conducted. The perceived importance and success of this curriculum, barriers to teaching psychosomatic medicine, and curricular needs were also assessed. METHODS: From August 1997 to August 1999, representatives of US medical schools were contacted to complete a survey instrument either by telephone interview or by written questionnaire. RESULTS: Survey responses were received from 54 of the 118 US medical schools contacted (46%). Responses were obtained from representatives of both public (57%) and private (43%) institutions. Only 20% of respondents indicated that their schools used the term "psychosomatic medicine"; the terms "behavioral medicine" (63%) and "biopsychosocial medicine" (41%) were used more frequently. Coverage of various health habits (eg, substance use and exercise) ranged from 52% to 96%. The conceptualization and/or measurement of psychosocial factors (eg, stress and social support) was taught by 80% to 93% of schools. Teaching about the role of psychosocial factors in specific disease states or syndromes ranged from 33% (renal disease) to 83% (cardiovascular disease). Coverage of treatment-related issues ranged from 44% (relaxation/biofeedback) to 98% (doctor-patient communication). Topics in psychosomatic medicine were estimated to comprise approximately 10% (median response) of the medical school curriculum. On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), ratings of the relative importance of this curriculum averaged 7 (SD = 2.5; range = 2-10). Student response to the curriculum varied from positive to mixed to negative. Perceived barriers to teaching psychosomatic medicine included limited resources (eg, time, money, and faculty), student and faculty resistance, and a lack of continuity among courses. Sixty-three percent of respondents expressed an interest in receiving information about further incorporation of topics in psychosomatic medicine into their school's curriculum. CONCLUSIONS: Results of this survey reveal variable coverage of specific psychosomatic medicine topics in the medical school curriculum and differential use of nomenclature to refer to this field. There is a need for further curricular development in psychosomatic medicine in US medical schools.  相似文献   

<正>医学组织学是学习生理学、病理学及临床医学的重要基础,传统教学模式中,学生往往因为不能直接感知教学内容而导致学习效率低下。鉴于此,如何提高学生的学习主动性、增强基础课程与临床知识联系、提高解决问题的综合能力已成为组织学理论课教学改革的关键问题。案例式教学(guidance-cases teaching method)是通过模拟真实的事例,让学生在特定的情景中进行分析和决策,从而培养其独立思考能力和解决问题能力的一种教学方式~([1]),它通过具体  相似文献   

医学院校实验教学的目的是要求学生在老师的指导下,通过每一个具体的实验,验证所学的理论知识,掌握实验技能,并由此激发学生对科学研究的兴趣,科研能力的提高。  相似文献   

正组织学是研究机体的微细结构及相关功能的科学,其实验教学是让学生自己观察组织切片标本,认识细胞、组织、器官的形态结构特征,以验证所学的理论知识,进一步巩固和理解理论教学内容的目的,因此实验教学的效果直接影响学生对组织学课程的掌握程度~([1-2])。微课以其内容短小精悍、信息清晰明确、易于资源分享传输等特点深受教师和学生的喜爱~([3])。但是目前组织学的微课大部分采用"图片+讲解"的方式录制,缺乏动态  相似文献   

Emerging technology now exists to digitize a gigabyte of information from a glass slide, save it in a highly compressed file format, and deliver it over the web. By accessing these images with a standard web browser and viewer plug-in, a computer can emulate a real microscope and glass slide. Using this new technology, the immediate aims of our project were to digitize the glass slides from urinary tract, male genital, and endocrine units and implement them in the Spring 2000 Histology course at the University of Iowa, and to carry out a formative evaluation of the virtual slides of these three units in a side-by-side comparison with the regular microscope laboratory. The methods and results of this paper will describe the technology employed to create the virtual slides, and the formative evaluation carried out in the course. Anat Rec (New Anat) 265:10-14, 2001.  相似文献   

Financing of medical care in the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

人体组织学是描述人体微细结构及其相关功能的学科,是一门重要的医学基础课程。人体组织学的学习直接为后续的生理学、病理学、免疫学和医学专业课打下坚实的基础。因为课程内容不能直接观察,需要借助于显微镜观察,故又被称为显微解剖学。  相似文献   

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