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Data from NIS-4, NCANDS, and the State of California were used to analyze the front end of the child welfare services system--the referral and substantiation components--in terms of the system's ability to diagnose or detect instances of child maltreatment. The analyses show that Blacks are disproportionately represented in rates of referral into the system. Moreover, the analyses demonstrate that the system is less accurate for Blacks than for other racial or ethnic groups. There is a higher rate of false positives (or "false alarms") for Blacks than for other groups--that is, referrals leading to unsubstantiated findings. There is also a higher rate of false negatives (or "misses") for Blacks than for other groups--that is, children for whom no referral was made but who are in fact neglected or abused. The rate of true positives (or "hits")--children for whom a referral has been made and for whom that allegation has been substantiated--is generally higher for Blacks than for other groups, but this is attributable largely to the higher rate of referral for Blacks. In sum, the system demonstrates lower levels of accuracy for Blacks than for other groups. A model is proposed demonstrating that random error, as opposed to systematic bias, could produce a pattern of results much like that observed in the data.  相似文献   

In 1979, Rotary International, a US-based voluntary service organization, began its immunization efforts in collaboration with WHO and other groups. That year it and a private Canadian donor sent 4 tons of polio vaccines and 683,000 doses of tetanus toxoid to the Philippines. A large-scale measles immunization project in southern India proposed by Canadian and Indian Rotarians in 1980 received grants from Rotary International and the Canadian International Development Agency to immunize 3 million children. In 1982, it expanded its goal to immunization of all children in the world by 2005. By 1985, it formed its Polio Plus Program. Polio Plus provides grants to ministries of health after assuring that the ministries have a WHO-approved plan for immunization and agree to not hold Rotary International accountable for any problems and that local Rotarians support the project. By mid-1990, most grants had gone to southeast Asia (31%), sub-Saharan Africa (23%), and Latin America (22%). In early 1989, Rotary International had purchased 80% of the polio vaccine issued by PAHO and UNICEF. Local Rotarians along with colleagues from other countries organize social mobilization efforts. They also receive training manuals and undergo practical training via international voluntary exchanges. The manuals discuss vaccine promotion, organizing a delivery system, and training teams to help with immunization and monitor outcomes. Various ways Rotarians publicize programs are posters, banners, children's demonstrations, and radio and TV spots. They also provide refrigerated vehicles, participate in censuses, and sponsor workshops for health professionals. In late 1988, it gave PAHO and WHO grants to improve immunization efforts. By mid-1990, Rotary International fund-raising efforts had generated US$ 210 million with an additional US$ 20 million promised. It has invested these funds.  相似文献   

国务院办公厅转发《关于城镇医药卫生体制改革的指导意见》和《关于农村卫生改革发展的指导意见》以后 ,我们进行了认真学习和调研 ,结合实际情况 ,进行了积极的探索 ,做了一些有益工作。1 改革与成效1.1 成功进行卫生防病和卫生监督体制改革2 0 0 0年 5月 ,我市按照“精简效能 ,统一执法 ,综合管理”的原则 ,组建了“安庆市疾病控制中心”和“安庆市卫生局卫生监督所”。监督执法职能集中归口于市卫生监督所 ,市疾病控制中心则作为政府卫生防病职能的实施机构 ,具体承担全市的疾病监测、预防和控制任务。改革中打破了职务、资历、年龄、…  相似文献   

在全省人民深入学习、贯彻落实党的十六大精神之际 ,省委、省政府召开这次重要的会议 ,全面贯彻落实全国农村卫生工作会议精神、《中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强农村卫生工作的决定》(以下简称《决定》)和《中共福建省委、福建省人民政府关于进一步加强农村卫生工作的实施意见》(以下简称《实施意见》) ,部署今后一个时期的农村卫生工作 ,这对于促进我省农村卫生事业的发展具有十分重要意义。我们卫生部门一定要认享学习贯彻中央《决定》、我省《实施意见》,紧紧围绕全面建设小康社会这一奋斗目标 ,进一步提高认识 ,明确任务 ,突出重点 ,…  相似文献   

明晰"两权"深化农村卫生院改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村乡镇卫生院能否发展以及在多大程度上得到发展,直接关系整个农村卫生改革与发展的成效.为贯彻落实《党中央、国务院关于进一步加强农村卫生工作的决定》精神,湖南省在探索以“两权”分离为核心的改革中,逐渐形成的以租股合制为特征的宜章、桂阳模式,以承包制 监事会制为特征的沅陵模式及以股份合作制为特征的石门模式,须进一步完善和规范。  相似文献   

Functional and service characteristics of a Soviet membrane oxygenator are determined and compared with analogous foreign models. Results of hygienic examinations including medico-chemical and toxicological trials made it possible to evaluate oxygenator effects on a living organism.  相似文献   

This study aimed at describing and analyzing the different forms of interpersonal relationships among adolescents. Social representations approach was adopted as the theoretical-methodological reference. Subjects were 130 adolescent and data collection was accomplished with focal groups, in 19 encounters, from March to June 2004. A analysis was accomplished with software Alceste. Results revealed the distribution of the contents in six categories and the different forms of relationships were identified in class 1, by recognizing three types: "touching", "staying" and "dating". It is concluded that adolescents experiment a tension between the attractions exercised by freedom (touching/staying) and by affectivity (dating). It was also highlighted the social fluidity both adolescence, so that those, modifying the intensity/modality of relationships along short periods of time.  相似文献   

本文依据学习型组织管理理论、结合医院管理点和实际,探讨了建立"学习型医院"可行性和实践体会,提出了"提高学习能力"是创建学习"学习型医院"的动力。  相似文献   

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