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调QAlexandrite激光对太田痣黑素细胞作用机制的研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
目的 研究调Q Alexandrite激光对太田痣黑素细胞的作用机制。方法 在激光照射前及照射后各个阶段,对4例患者分别进行11例次组织病理学观察和14例次透射电镜观察。结果激光照射瞬间,真皮黑素细胞破坏,黑素小体空泡化,真皮中形成圆形人泡。表皮无明显损伤。  相似文献   

后天性真皮黑素细胞增生症于1977年被首次报告,是一种后天发生的真皮黑素细胞痣,其临床表现和病理改变与太田痣有相似之处,但发病部位却迥然不同。本文综述后天性真皮黑素细胞增生症的病因和发病机理、临床表现、病理变化、诊断和鉴别诊断以及治疗的现状与进展。  相似文献   

目的 探讨体外构建含黑素的组织工程皮肤.方法 采用两步酶消化法处理健康小儿包皮,获得表皮细胞悬液,分别用人角质形成细胞(KC)无血清培养基(SFM)及改良的M254黑素细胞培养基培养KC、黑素细胞(MC),并传至第3代.将第3代KC接种于培养瓶中,48 h后加入第3代MC(MC:KC为1:10)混合培养.制备人去表皮的真皮(DED),将培养第3代的MC、KC制成细胞悬液,按照1:10的比例接种于DED表面,采用液下培养和空气-液面培养相结合的方式进行培养,2周后取培养的组织工程皮肤分别做HE染色、角蛋白免疫组化染色及Masson-Fontana染色.结果 KC、MC混合培养于培养皿5 d后,于倒置显微镜下观察到KC呈铺路石状生长,其间散布MC,且树突延伸到KC细胞间.两种细胞混合接种于DED 15 d后,HE染色显示在DED上有3~6层表皮细胞,并可见角质层,角蛋白免疫组化染色阳性,银氨染色显示基底层见黑素着色.结论 MC、KC混合接种于培养皿可构建MC和KC接触生长的单细胞层,将MC、KC接种于DED可构建含有黑素成分的组织工程皮肤.
Objective To construct tissue-engineered skin containing melanin with mixed culture of human keratinocytes (KCs) and melanocytes (MCs) on de-epidermized dermis (DED) in vitro. Methods Single-cell suspension was obtained by digestion of isolated preputial epidermis with pancreatin. Keratinocyte serum-free medium (K-SFM) and modified M254 culture medium were used to culture KCs and MCs respectively. Third-passage KCs were seeded into cell culture flasks and cultured for 48 hours; then, third-passage MCs were seeded into the same cell culture flasks with the MC/KC ratio being 1: 10 followed by a 5-day coculture. The suspension of third-passage KCs and MCs with the MC/KC ratio of 10:1 were seeded onto the surface of a prepared DED and maintained at the air-liquid interface for 11 days following a 4-day submerged culture.Subsequently, the constructed tissue-engineered skin was examined with HE staining, immunohistochemical staining for keratin and Masson-Fontana staining. Results After coculture in flasks for 5 days, KCs exhibited a typical paving-stone appearance, MCs with projected dendrites were scattered in the extracellular space between KCs. HE staining revealed 3 to 6 layers of cells with the formation of stratum corneum after mixed culture on DED for 15 days. Keratin protein was positive throughout the artificial epidermis, and melanin pigments were located in the basal layer of the epidermis as Masson-Fontana staining showed. Conclusions The co-culture of MCs and KCs can form single-cell layers with the contact between MCs and KCs in flasks, and construct tissue-engineered skin with melanin component on DED in vitro.  相似文献   

1 病历摘要患者女,22岁.因左手掌褐青色斑片4年,于2019年8月就诊于我科门诊.患者4年前无明显诱因左手掌外侧缘出现散在的褐青色斑片,边界不清,未高出皮面,无瘙痒、压痛、发热等不适,未予诊治.4年来,褐青色斑片逐渐增多,蔓延至掌心,边界不清,无红肿、瘙痒及压痛等不适.为求进一步诊治,遂就诊于我科门诊.患者发病以来...  相似文献   

真皮干细胞具有增殖和多向分化的潜能,角质形成细胞通过表达Wnt3a和E钙黏素来诱导真皮干细胞移行和分化为黑素细胞.研究表明,在黑素细胞形成过程中,真皮黑素细胞与表皮黑素细胞依赖的信号通路明显不同,表皮黑素细胞高度依赖干细胞因子信号通路,而真皮黑素细胞高度依赖内皮素3和肝细胞生长因子信号通路.目前关于色素痣痣细胞的来源尚不清楚,有研究认为,痣细胞来源于能分化为黑素细胞的干细胞,真皮干细胞能分化为黑素细胞,是否是痣细胞的来源尚需进一步研究.  相似文献   

黑素生成素对黑素细胞增殖和黑素合成作用的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
古巴学者Cao报道胎盘中提取的黑素生成素临床治疗白癜风有效。为了探讨治疗机理,我们按Cao法提取黑素生成素,用体外细胞培养方法,在黑素细胞培养中分别加入黑素生成素和胎盘肽,以不加黑素生成素的黑素细胞培养作为对照,用MTT法测定细胞增殖情况;用Oikawa法测定黑素合成量;用透射电镜观察黑素小体的生成。结果表明,加黑素生成素后,黑素细胞促增殖率为42.5%,加胎盘肽促增率为5.9%,二者有显著性差异  相似文献   

目的 观察从胎盘中提取的黑素生成素对小鼠成黑素细胞NCCmelb4M5增殖和分化的影响,从诱导成黑素细胞增殖和分化的角度,探讨其治疗白癜风的可能机制。方法 NCCmelb4M5细胞的增殖应用常规MTT法检测;倒置显微镜直接观察黑素生成素作用后细胞形态的变化。RT-PCR检测不同浓度黑素生成素作用后细胞表面分子表达的变化。结果 50,100,200 μg/mL的黑素生成素均可促进NCCmelb4M5细胞的增殖(P < 0.001),100 μg/mL作用效果最为明显;50,100 μg/mL黑素生成素可以刺激表面分子c-Kit和酪氨酸酶在NCCmelb4M5细胞中的表达由阴性转为阳性,并增加小眼畸形相关转录因子(MITF)在细胞内的表达。100 μg/mL的黑素生成素可明显诱导NCCmelb4M5细胞的形态从成黑素细胞向黑素细胞改变。结论 从胎盘中提取的黑素生长素可诱导NCCmelb4M5细胞由成黑素细胞向黑素细胞分化,这种诱导作用可能是使白斑复色的途径之一。  相似文献   

目的 探讨移动式冷气机联合复方利多卡因乳膏在激光治疗太田痣患者中的应用.方法 选择某医院2019年10月至2020年10月收治的48例太田痣患者为研究对象,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组24例.对照组患者术前给予一些复方利多卡因乳膏表面进行麻醉止痛,观察组在对照组的基础上,在激光操作过程中联合移动式冷气机进行降温加强止痛...  相似文献   

白癜风患者血清中抗黑素细胞膜表面抗原自身抗体的检测   总被引:28,自引:8,他引:20  
目的:检测白癜风患者血清中的抗黑素细胞抗体并分析其与疾病活动性及亚型之间的关系。方法:采用体外培养的正常人黑素细胞,使用活细胞ELISA检测了334例不同亚型及病期的白癜风患者血清中抗黑素细胞膜表面抗原IgG自身抗体。结果:活动期寻常型白癜风患者血清有67%检出抗黑素细胞IgG抗体,稳定期寻常型白癜风患者IgG抗黑素细胞抗体阳性率为30.3%;活动期节段型白癜风阳性率为40.54%,稳定期节段型白癜风的阳性率为21.42%。活动期寻常型白癜风患者血清中抗黑素细胞IgG抗体水平明显高于稳定期寻常型白癜风、活动期节段型白癜风患者及正常人;活动期节段型白癜风患者抗黑素细胞水平亦明显高于正常人。结论:白癜风患者体内广泛存在抗黑素细胞自身抗体,自身免疫机制可能在寻常型和节段型的发病中起一定作用。  相似文献   

蕈样肉芽肿(mycosis fungoides,MF)是常见的皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤,因其临床与组织病理变化缺少特征性,故对于该病的诊断常常需要借助多种辅助手段,如免疫组化、基因重排、流式细胞仪、FISH等。其中免疫组化技术是最常见和普遍应用的技术方法,它对于MF的早期诊断可起到帮助作用,然而免疫组化标志物的表达在MF不同时期往往各不相同。该文查阅相关文献,将环氧化酶、Ki-67、PDCD1、p53、细胞因子、白细胞介素、趋化因子及其受体、生存素在MF不同时期皮损中的表达程度进行综述,为MF的早期诊断提供必要的帮助。  相似文献   

患儿,女,9岁。面部色斑9年。皮肤科查体符合太田痣和贫血痣表现。太田痣采用调Q激光处理,治疗后2年复诊,面部褐青色斑片消失。贫血痣未处理。  相似文献   

太田痣并发伊藤痣和鲜红斑痣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报告2例太田痣并发伊藤痣及鲜红斑痣.2例患者均为先天发病,例1为左侧面部太田痣并发双侧肩部、背部、腰部、臀部和上肢伊藤痣及左面颈部、左背部鲜红斑痣:例2为左侧面部太田痣并发肩背部伊藤痣及面部、躯干和四肢多处鲜红斑痣.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nevus of Ota is an often disfiguring dermal melanocytosis of the face most prevalent in the Japanese population. Since these lesions persist in the absence of treatment, various modalities have been used to make a nevus of Ota less noticeable. Treatment with Q-switched lasers can selectively destroy the melanosomes and melanocytes that are responsible for the pigmentation. Compared to other treatments, laser treatment is well tolerated and usually results in good to excellent lightening without scarring.  相似文献   

调Q Alexandrite激光治疗522例太田痣   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为评价调Q Alexandrite激光对太田痣的疗效,对522例患者进行了2次以上治疗。结果:522例患者中,无1例有疤痕形成。疗效随次数的增加而提高;治疗间隔5-6个月较为合理;睑、颞部的疗效逊于其他部位;多因素分析中,次数、剂量、间隔具有显著意义。研究表明,调Q Alexandrite激光能无创伤地治愈太田痣。  相似文献   

报告1例太田痣并发脉络膜黑素瘤.患者女,58岁.因右眼前黑影飘动、视物遮挡感伴视力下降6个月就诊.患者自14岁起右眼睑下方渐出现一淡青灰色斑片,随年龄增长而缓慢扩大,近5年来颜色明显加深.荧光素眼底血管造影及CT检查符合脉络膜黑素瘤表现,诊断为太田痣并发脉络膜黑素瘤.行~(106)Ru(钌)放射敷贴器置入术治疗.  相似文献   


Nevus of Ota, also known as nevus fusco-caeruleus ophthalmo-maxillaris, is a benign dermal melanocytosis. In the past, this disease was usually treated by Q-switched laser therapy, but the course of treatment was relatively long. In recent years, it has been reported that 755nm picosecond laser, which was firstly reported to treat tattoos, is also effective in the treatment of nevus of Ota. Here, we report six cases of nevus of Ota which were treated with 755nm picosecond laser in Chinese people. We find amazingly that these lesions almost disappeared after only one or two sessions of treatment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨调Q ALEXLAZR激光(以下简称ALEX激光)治疗太田痣的疗效。方法:我所运用ALEX激光器对196例患者进行了多次皮损区照射治疗。治疗间期3-6个月,对年龄大小、治疗次数、面积大小、皮损类、皮损颜色、皮损部位、不良反应等进行了分组观察研究。结果:其年龄小、面积小、随治疗次数增加疗效越显著,经过1-8次治疗:痊愈80例,显效81例,有效35例,无无效病例。80例痊愈患者平均治愈次数为4.13次。其中1-6岁为3.1次。一般治疗4次左右可以治愈,无1例留下瘢痕.结论:ALEX激光为目前治疗太田痣的一种安全,有效的方法。  相似文献   

Background/aims: The aim of the study was to objectify the effect of a Q-switched Nd-YAG laser on Ota's nevus in view of barrier function, surface contour changes, dermal blood flow, surface color changes and sebum production rate.
Methods: Fifteen Korean patients with nevus of Ota (between 14 and 54 years of age) were enrolled. All the patients were treated by Q-switched Nd-YAG laser and followed up for 12 weeks. A reflectance spectrophotometer, a colorimeter, laser Doppler flowmetry, a Tewameter, a Corneometer and a Sebumeter were used to make measurements.
Results: P values of less than 0.05 were regarded as statistically significant. In skin reflectance measurements, L * values declined for 4 weeks and increased at 12 weeks, indicating that the brightness of the lesions improved. a * values showed a significant increase at 2 and 4 weeks. On the contrary, b * values decreased at 2 weeks. Transepidermal water loss and dermal blood flux showed identical patterns, showing increases at 2 weeks. The water holding capacity decreased at 2 and 4 weeks, and thereafter showed a delayed recovery. Casual sebum production increased at 4, 8 and 12 weeks. The loss of skin roughness was observed at 4 weeks, recovering at 12 weeks, although statistically insignificant. Reflex spectrophotometry did not reflect the changing properties of the skin.
Conclusions: Our data suggest a useful model for evaluating physiologic skin changes after laser surgery in patients with nevus of Ota.  相似文献   

Nevus of ota with nevus of Ito--report of a case with cataract   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 53-year-old Japanese male patient with both nevus of Ota and nevus of Ito developed cataract of the eye ipsilateral to the side of the nevi. In this patient, cataract might have appeared in a close pathogenetic relationship with nevus of Ota.  相似文献   

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