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彩色多普勒超声在门静脉海绵样变性中的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨二维超声和彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)在门静脉海绵样变性中的诊断价值。方法:使用彩色多普勒超声对17例门静脉海绵样变性患者的门静脉系统的走向、管腔、管壁、受累静脉及血流情况等进行观察分析。结果:门静脉海绵样变性的二维超声与CDFI具有特征性表现,其声像特异,诊断准确可靠。结论:彩色多普勒超声能客观反映门静脉海绵样变性的部位、性质及血流特点,具有十分重要的临床应用价值,可作为本病诊断的为首选检查方法。  相似文献   

彩色多普勒超声诊断门静脉海绵样变性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨门静脉海绵样变性(CTPV)的彩色多普勒超声的声像图特征及诊断价值。方法将彩色多普勒超声诊断为CTPV的19例患者与血管造影、CT和MRI及部分手术结果进行对照。结果彩超诊断符合率100%。彩超显示门静脉主干及分支周围呈蜂窝状、多条迂曲扩张的管状无回声,内充满红蓝相间彩色血流信号,脉冲多普勒示无回声内血流信号为门静脉样低速血流频谱。结论CTPV的彩色多普勒超声声像图具有特征性表现,彩超诊断CTPV准确率高,简便,无痛苦,具有重要的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

门静脉海绵样变性是指肝门部或肝内门静脉分支的部分或完全性慢性阻塞后,血流受阻,在其周围形成大量侧枝循环和旁路,使门脉再通所致的一种代偿性病变。随着彩色多普勒血流显像技术的广泛应用,超声检查对该病的诊断具有很高的敏感性和特异性,使其诊断准确性及鉴别诊断明显提高,现将自1998—2003年经CT和X线下腔静脉造影、动脉间接门静脉造影及手术证实的17例门静脉海绵样变性报告如下。  相似文献   

患,男,60岁。既往身体健康无病史记载,外院常规B超发现肝内多发囊性占位,疑胆总管囊肿来我院就诊。临床触诊腹软,无压痛及反跳痛,未触及包块,脾肋下可触之,血象无异常,皮肤粘膜无黄染及其它病征。  相似文献   

门静脉海绵样变性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

门静脉海绵样变性的MRI诊断   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 探讨门静脉海绵样变性(CTPV)的MR平扫及动态增强、动态对比增强MRA(DCE-MRA)的表现,评价MRI诊断CTPV的价值及临床意义。资料与方法 分析28例CTPV患者的MR平扫、动态增强或DCB-MRA资料,所有病例均经手术病理或DSA证实。结果 CTPV的MRI表现:平扫时可见门静脉闭塞,闭塞门静脉周围可见由侧支静脉形成的团块状、网状异常软组织信号影。动态MR增强动脉期见肝实质灌注异常,门静脉期见异常侧支静脉强化,DCE-MRA显示上述改变更直观。结论 MR平扫及动态增强、DCE-MRA表现对CTPV具有重要的诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的:分析高原地区不同病因所致门静脉海绵样变性(CTPV)的超声表现是否存在差异。方法:分析64例CTPV患者的门静脉系统及周围相关脏器的超声表现,并与血管造影、MRI、CT及手术结果相对照。结果:超声诊断CTPV 62例,诊断符合率96.8%,高原地区病因构成主要为门静脉血栓,其次为门静脉癌栓、肝包虫压迫等;肝硬化门静脉血栓表现为门静脉管壁连续、完整,血栓与管壁分界清晰,管腔内无血流,肿瘤组门静脉癌栓则反之。不同病因组之间CTPV的数目、内径及脾静脉的内径具有统计学差异(P<0.05);肿瘤组中门静脉左右分支均受累、开放的侧支(胆支、胰支)较多,恶性病变形成门静脉癌栓较良性血栓的阻塞程度重,阻塞范围广。囊性肝包虫病灶体积较大,对门静脉的压迫、阻塞较其他病因组更严重。结论:CTPV病因构成和超声表现具有高原特点,彩色多普勒超声对CTPV的诊断及鉴别诊断具有重要价值,可作为诊断本病的首选检查方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨门静脉海绵样变性(CTPV)的CT表现,以提高对本病的认识方法回顾性分析经数字减影血管造影、手术或US证实的CTPV 25例。25例均行CT平扫及双期增强扫描。结果:CTPV螺旋CT表现:a)门静脉狭窄和阻塞;b)门脉走行区结构紊乱,正常结构消失,出现迂曲扩张血管样结构,门静脉期明显强化;c)在动脉期可见周围肝实质短暂灌注异常,表现为局部或带状高密度。结论:CTPV螺旋CT双期扫描具有一定的特征性表现,正确诊断有赖于结合临床资料和影像学征象的综合分析。  相似文献   

门静脉海绵样变性的CT诊断及临床意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 :分析门静脉海绵样变性病人的 CT表现和特征 ,探讨 CT诊断该病的价值及临床意义。方法 :对 2 6例经 DSA,手术或 US证实且均做腹部 CT平扫和增强扫描门静脉海绵样变性病人进行回顾性分析。结果 :主要 CT表现为门静脉走行区结构紊乱 ,正常结构消失 ;在门静脉走行区出现血管或迂曲、扩张窦隙样血管结构 ,其在门静脉期明显强化。在动脉期 ,可见到周围肝实质短暂灌注异常 ,表现为带状高密度影 ,而在静脉期迅速消失。结论 :CT是诊断门静脉海绵样变性的有效方法。认识门静脉海绵样变性的 CT特征对避免错误的 CT诊断及指导临床制定正确的治疗计划都具有重要的意义  相似文献   

动态对比增强MRA对门静脉海绵样变性的诊断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨动态对比增强(DCE)MRI和对比增强MRA(DCE-MRA)诊断门静脉海绵样变性(CTPV)的价值及临床意义。方法:28例CTPV患者均行MR动态对比增强及动态对比增强MRA检查,分析所有病例MR动态增强、DCE-MRA表现及特征。结果:CTPV的MRI平扫时可见门静脉闭塞,闭塞门静脉周围可见由侧支静脉形成的团块状、网状异常软组织信号影。动态MR增强动脉期见肝实质灌注异常,门静脉期见异常侧支静脉强化,3DDCE-MRA显示上述异常改变,行DSA检查病例DCE-MRA与DSA表现一致。结论:CTPV具有特征性的MR动态增强、DCE-MRA表现,对CTPV的诊断及鉴别诊断具有重要价值,对临床制定治疗方案具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经皮肝穿刺和经颈内静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS)途径门静脉内支架置入治疗门静脉海绵样变(CTPV)的疗效及安全性。方法回顾性分析于本科治疗的8例 CTPV 患者的临床及影像学资料。所有患者均行门静脉金属内支架置入治疗,其中3例经 TIPS 途径放置,5例经经皮肝穿刺途径放置。结果所有患者支架置入均一次性成功,无腹腔内出血等严重并发症发生。术中即刻复查造影显示支架内血流通畅,术后1 d~2周患者腹痛及消化道出血症状均明显减轻或消失。术后所有患者均获得完整随访,随访1个月~3年,1例患者术后1 年复查支架闭塞,再次置入1枚支架后血流通畅,其余患者彩超提示支架内血流通畅,未再发消化道出血或腹痛。结论经皮肝穿刺或经 TIPS 途径门静脉金属内支架置入治疗 CTPV 是一种安全有效方法。  相似文献   

Three cases of cavernous transformation of the portal vein are presented, which emphasize the value of duplex Doppler sonography in the recognition of abnormal vascular structures. In all three cases, cavernous transformation was unsuspected; in two, the initial sonographic or CT examinations were interpreted incorrectly. These cases suggest that the combination of characteristic pulsed-Doppler waveforms and the real-time appearance of cavernous transformation is virtually diagnostic.  相似文献   

The purpose of the article was to prospectively evaluate the MR findings of pancreatic portal cavernoma in a consecutive series of patients with cavernous transformation of the portal vein. This study was approved by the review board of our institution, and informed consent was obtained. The clinical and biological data and the MR imaging for 20 patients (11 female, 9 male; median age, 49 years) with cavernous transformation of the portal vein and no evidence of previous pancreatic disease were reviewed. The presence of pancreatic portal cavernoma (defined as intra- and/or peripancreatic portal cavernoma), morphological changes in the pancreas, biliary and ductal pancreatic abnormalities, and extension of the portal venous thrombosis were qualitatively assessed. Fifteen patients (75%) had pancreatic portal cavernoma with collateral formation in the pancreas and/or collaterals around the pancreas seen on dynamic contrast-enhanced MR sequences: three patients had both intra- and peripancreatic portal cavernoma, six had intrapancreatic portal cavernoma alone and six had peripancreatic portal cavernoma only. The presence of intra- or peripancreatic portal cavernoma was significantly associated with extension of the thrombosis to the splenic and superior mesenteric veins (p = 0.05). Morphological changes in the pancreas, heterogeneity on T2-weighted sequences and main ductal pancreatic abnormalities were seen in two, four and two patients, respectively. All these patients had intrapancreatic portal cavernoma. Bile duct dilatation was observed in 13 (65%) patients: among them three had extrahepatic dilatation only and these three patients had associated intrapancreatic portal cavernoma. In patients with cavernous transformation of the portal vein, intra- or peripancreatic portal cavernoma is common. In conclusion, intra- or peripancreatic portal cavernoma was only observed in patients with extension of the thrombosis to the splenic vein and/or the superior mesenteric vein.  相似文献   

三维动态增强MR血管成像对门静脉海绵样变性的诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析门静脉海绵样变性(CTPV)在三维动态增强磁共振血管成像(3D—DCEMRA)上的表现和特征,并评价其诊断价值。方法回顾性分析了经临床及DSA检查证实的11例门静脉海绵样变性的3D—DCEMRA的特征性表现。结果本组11例CTPV中,门静脉主干闭塞见于6例,门静脉主干及左右支均受累者3例,单纯左支或右支闭塞2例。9例3D—DCEMRA清楚地显示了数条迂曲的侧支循环静脉跨过阻塞部位向肝内匐形延伸,其中7例可在网状扩张的门静脉腔内显示细条状、小点状低信号血栓影,6例清楚地显示门静脉全程多条细小迂曲的侧支循环静脉缠绕在一起,扭曲成网状的血管结构。结论3D—DCEMRA能准确地提供CTPV的位置、严重程度等信息,可直观地评价本病,为临床采取正确的治疗措施提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

Duplex Doppler ultrasound scans were performed in 10 patients with proven cavernous transformation of the portal vein. All cases exhibited absence of the normal portal vein lumen with replacement by numerous tortuous vessels. Doppler studies revealed a characteristic "flat" waveform with a reduction in the time averaged velocity to less than 8 cm/s which is well below the normal range. The combination of real-time and Doppler ultrasound enabled an accurate diagnosis to be made in all cases.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To retrospectively evaluate the morphologic changes in the liver associated with cavernous transformation of the portal vein. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was institutional review board approved. Informed patient consent was not required. The computed tomographic (CT) results for 22 patients (14 male, eight female; mean age, 54 years) with cavernous transformation of the portal vein and no evidence of chronic liver disease at liver biopsy were retrospectively reviewed and compared with the CT results for 36 control subjects. Various morphologic changes in the hepatic lobes were qualitatively and quantitatively assessed by using the Student t test for unpaired data. RESULTS: Qualitative analysis revealed the atrophy-hypertrophy complex in most (n = 20, 91%) of the patients with cavernous transformation and in no control subjects. Atrophy of the left lateral segment and right liver lobe was seen in 16 (73%) and seven (32%) patients, respectively. Hypertrophy of the caudate lobe and liver segment IV was identified in 19 (86%) and 11 (50%) patients, respectively. All mean caudate lobe volume index values and mean caudate lobe-to-right lobe ratio values were significantly greater (P < .05) in the cavernous transformation group than in the control group. The mean segment IV diameter was significantly greater (41.6 vs 28.1 mm, P < .001) in the patients with cavernous transformation. Hepatic nodules and hepatic contour nodularity were not seen in the patients with cavernous transformation. CONCLUSION: The atrophy-hypertrophy complex is frequently observed in patients with cavernous transformation of the portal vein. Some findings, such as hypertrophy of the caudate lobe, mimic chronic liver disease or signs of portal hypertension, but left lateral segment atrophy and a normal or enlarged segment IV are distinctive findings of cavernous transformation.  相似文献   

门静脉海绵样变的CT、MR诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨门静脉海绵样变的CT、MR诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析15例经手术病理(6例)或经肠系膜上动脉行间接门静脉造影(9例)证实的门静脉海绵样变(CTPV)患者的影像及临床资料。结果:①3例患者行脾切除,余12例患者均有不同程度脾脏体积增大;②7例原发性肝癌中5例可见明显门脉癌栓;③15例患者CT及MR平扫可见门静脉主干及其分支失去正常形态,边缘呈波浪状;④增强扫描动脉期门静脉主干及其分支影像学变化较平扫未见明显变化,2例患者可于肝脏实质边缘区见到异常带状密度增高影,而肝门区密度相对较低(肝脏异常灌注);⑤增强扫描门静脉期显示肝门静脉主干及其分支走行区域内可见数个扭曲扩张的静脉血管影像。结论:CT、MR具有无创、快速、可重复的优点,对诊断CTPV有较大的价值。  相似文献   

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