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A physiologic pharmacodynamic model was developed to jointly describe the effects of methylprednisolone (MPL) on adrenal suppression and glycemic control in normal rats. Six groups of animals were given MPL intravenously at 0, 10 and 50 mg/kg, or by subcutaneous 7 day infusion at rates of 0, 0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg/h. Plasma concentrations of MPL, corticosterone (CST), glucose and insulin were determined at various times up to 72 h after injection and 336 h after infusion. The pharmacokinetics of MPL was described by a two‐compartment model. A circadian rhythm for CST was found in untreated rats with a stress‐altered baseline caused by handling, which was captured by a circadian harmonic secretion rate with an increasing mesor. All drug treatments caused CST suppression. Injection of MPL caused temporary increases in glucose over 4 h. Insulin secretion was thereby stimulated yielding a later peak around 6 h. In turn, insulin can normalize glucose. However, long‐term dosing caused continuous hyperglycemia during and after infusion. Hyperinsulinemia was achieved during infusion, but diminished immediately after dosing despite the high glucose concentration. The effects of CST and MPL on glucose production were described with a competitive stimulation function. A disease progression model incorporating reduced endogenous glucose uptake/utilization was used to describe glucose metabolism under different treatments. The results exemplify the roles of endogenous and exogenous hormones in mediating glucose dynamics. The pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model is valuable for quantitating diabetogenic effects of corticosteroid treatments and provides mechanistic insights into the hormonal control of the metabolic system. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Corticosteroids such as methylprednisolone (MPL) produce many of their anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, and exaggerated physiological effects by receptor and gene-mediated mechanisms. The temporal pattern of change in four genes in rat tissues was measured by quantitative Northern hybridization and rtPCR after a single dose of MPL. Two profiles were observed: two genes with enhanced expression showed a slow onset and moderate rate of decline within a 24 hr time frame while two genes with reduced expression exhibited a rapid onset and prolonged suppression over a 72 hr time span. These patterns are consistent with and rationalized by pharmacodynamic expectations based on earlier models. cDNA microarrays used to assess the expression levels of 5200 genes at one optimal time-point showed marked variation in baseline values. Of these, 20 genes showed statistically significant enhanced expression with increases ranging from 130 to 1690%, 31 genes exhibited reduced expression ranging from 31 to 72% of control. Many genes could be categorized as affecting acute phase/immune response, energy metabolism, microsomal metabolism, and hepatic function. These studies provide the first simultaneous assessment of the diversity in pharmacogenomic effects of corticosteroids. They also provide some insight into the advantages and limitations of microarray measurements in regard to the pharmacodynamics of drugs having complex, multi-faceted, and integrated mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Methylprednisolone (MPL) pharmacokinetics was examined in adrenalectomized (ADX) and normal rats to assess the feasibility of intramuscular (i.m.) dosing for use in pharmacodynamic studies. Several study phases were pursued. Parallel group studies were performed in normal and ADX rats given 50 mg/kg MPL (i.v. or i.m.) and blood samples were collected up to 6 h. Data from studies where normal rats were dosed with 50 mg/kg MPL i.m. and killed over either 6 or 96 h were combined to determine muscle site and plasma MPL concentrations. Lastly, ADX rats were dosed with 50 mg/kg MPL i.m. and killed over 18 h to assess hepatic tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) dynamics. MPL exhibited bi-exponential kinetics after i.v. dosing with a terminal slope of 2.1 h(-1). The i.m. drug was absorbed slowly with two first-order absorption rate constants, 1.26 and 0.219 h(-1) indicating flip-flop kinetics with overall 50% bioavailability. The kinetics of MPL at the injection site exhibited slow, dual absorption rates. Although i.m. MPL showed lower bioavailability compared with other corticosteroids in rats, TAT dynamics revealed similar i.m. and i.v. response profiles. The more convenient intramuscular dosing can replace the i.v. route without causing marked differences in pharmacodynamics.  相似文献   

A two-compartment closed model was used to characterize the movement of basophils between blood and extravascular sites resulting from methylprednisolone (MP) exposure. This model is consistent with the view that corticosteroids cause a decrease in the recirculation of these cells from peripheral compartments. Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) was given to healthy males at doses of 10, 25, and 40 mg. Blood samples were collected and assayed for MP by HPLC for pharmacokinetic analysis. Whole blood histamine, an index of circulating basophils, was assessed by RIA over 32 hr. Nonlinear least-squares analysis was carried out to solve for the model parameters reflecting cell movement between compartments and sensitivity (IC50)to the steriod. This model quantitates the fall and return pattern of biologic response to corticosteroids with a minimal number of parameters which jointly fit several dose/response curves and yields a mean IC50 value of 8.1 ng/ml similar to receptor binding of MP. Properties of the temporal and integrated response curve and model extrapolations over a wide dose range were explored with simulations. Because corticosteroids exert similar effects on other cells in blood, this model may be applicable to various regulatory and immunosuppressive effects.This work was supported in part by Grants GM 24211 and 150-1885-0 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of methylprednisolone were investigated after intravenous administration of methylprednisolone phosphate to healthy subjects at seven different doses (16 to 1000 mg). Forty different pharmacodynamic parameters were followed for 1 week. The pharmacodynamic data were analyzed as a function of time as well as cumulative effects in form of the areas under the effect–time curves. Statistically significant dose-dependent effects of methylprednisolone were observed for 15 pharmacodynamic parameters. Highly significant (P 0.0001) effects were increases in glucose levels, number of white blood cells, and segmented granulocytes as well as a decrease in the number of lymphocytes. For these pharmacodynamic effects an integrated pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model was derived that translates the methylprednisolone plasma concentration–time profiles into effect– time profiles. This model allows prediction of pharmacodynamic effects for any single dose in the range studied at any time point.  相似文献   

Purpose. Several low molecular weight amino acids have previously been reported to enable the oral delivery of proteins. In the present studies, the effect of H-MAP (hydroxy methyl amino propionic acid) on the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of porcine insulin delivered to the lungs of rats by spray-instillation (SI) has been determined. Methods. Aliquots (100 l) of increasing doses of porcine insulin alone (0.26, 1.3, 2.6, 13, and 26 U/kg) or combined with increasing doses of H-MAP (5, 10, 16, and 25 mg/kg), at pH 7.2-7.6 were administered intratracheally to fasted anesthetized rats using a micro spray-instillator. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein at specified intervals and the plasma concentrations of insulin and glucose were determined. The PK and PD of porcine insulin alone following subcutaneous (SC) administration of increasing doses were also determined. Results. The PK of insulin administered either by SI to the lungs or SC injection were absorption rate dependent, resulting in post-peak half-lives 10 to 25-fold greater than the reported intravenous elimination half-life (3 min). The relative bioavailability (F') of insulin administered alone by SI varied from 23.8 to 80% for the lowest and highest insulin dose, respectively. Co-administration of H-MAP and insulin to the lungs significantly changed the PK and PD of insulin in a dose dependent fashion. Maximum PK and PD responses were obtained at an H-MAP dose of 16 mg/kg and an insulin dose of 1.3 U/kg. At this combination, the relative bioavailability of insulin was increased more than 2.5 fold, maximum concentration (Cmax) increased 2-fold and the minimum plasma glucose concentration (%MPGC) was reduced more than 2-fold with respect to same dose of insulin alone. A greater total reduction in plasma glucose (%TRPG0t) was achieved for H-MAP/insulin combination (66 ± 5 %) compared to insulin alone (47 ± 10 %). Conclusion. H-MAP has potential for increasing the pulmonary bioavailability of insulin administered through the lungs.  相似文献   

Several approaches to receptor down-regulation were examined to extend previous receptor/ genemediated pharmacokinetic/dynamic models of corticosteroids. Down-regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor was considered as an instantaneous event or as a gradual steroid-receptor-mediated process. Concentrations of plasma methylprednisolone, free hepatic cytosolic receptors, and the activity of hepatic tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) enzyme were measured for 16 hr following administration of 0, 10, and 50 mg/kg methylprednisolone sodium succinate to 93 adrenalectomized rats. Receptor down-regulation was best described by a fractional decrement in the rate of return of free cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor. Predicted values for free receptor, bound receptor, nuclear bound receptor, and transfer compartments were in accord with the expected rank order values based on the high and low steroid doses. Model parameter estimates were independent of dose and described the rapid depletion of free cytosolic receptor, latephase return of cytosolic receptor to a new baseline level that was 20–40% lower than control, and the TAT induction/dissipation pattern following steroid dosing. The microscopic association and dissociation constants describing the steroidreceptor interaction were 0.23 L/nmole per hr (kon and 4.74 hr–1 (koff) for methylprednisolone compared to previously obtained values of 0.20 L/nmole per hr and 15.7 hr–1 for the related steroid prednisolone. The time course of TAT induction was similar to that observed previously for prednisolone. Efficiency of TAT induction was more closely related to steroid receptor occupancy than plasma methylprednisolone concentrations due to receptor saturability and receptor recycling.Supported in part by Grant No. 24211 from the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences, NIH, and by a Fellowship from the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education for D.H.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory showed site-dependent variations in the apparent permeability of insulin as measured using the everted rat gut sac technique, with the greatest permeability in the distal jejunum and the lowest in the duodenum (5). To quantify better the rate and extent of insulin absorption from the small intestine, closed-loop in situ experiments were performed in nondiabetic rats. Results correlated with the everted gut sac technique in that the absolute bioavailability determined in situ was higher for insulin solution administered to the more distal region of the intestine (0.133%) than that absorbed from an earlier portion of the intestine (0.059%). While the difference in regional bioavailabilities was not significant (P = 0.08), the blood glucose response showed highly significant differences (P = 0.0015), with severe and prolonged hy-poglycemia resulting from insulin delivered to the distal jejunum/ proximal ileum. Insulin administered iv followed a two-compartment pharmacokinetic model. Whole-body elimination rate constants were similar for both iv and enteral insulin. Although therapeutic quantities of insulin were absorbed from the distal small intestine, absorption enhancers would be necessary to decrease the dose of insulin required.  相似文献   

A fifth-generation model for receptor/gene-mediated corticosteroid effects was proposed based on results from a 50 mg/kg IV bolus dose of methylprednisolone (MPL) in male adrenalectomized rats, and confirmed using data from other acute dosage regimens. Steady-state equations for receptor down-regulation and tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) enzyme induction patterns were derived. Five groups of male Wistar rats (n=5/group) were subcutaneously implanted with Alzet mini-pumps primed to release saline or 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mg/kg/hr of MPL for 7 days. Rats were sacrificed at the end of the infusion. Plasma MPL concentrations, blood lymphocyte counts, and hepatic cytosolic free receptor density, receptor mRNA, TAT mRNA, and TAT enzyme levels were quantitated. The pronounced steroid effects were evidenced by marked losses in body weights and changes in organ weights. All four treatments caused a dose-dependent reduction in hepatic receptor levels, which correlated with the induction of TAT mRNA and TAT enzyme levels. The 7 day receptor mRNA and free receptor density correlated well with the model predicted steady-state levels. However, the extent of enzyme induction was markedly higher than that predicted by the model suggesting that the usual receptor/gene-mediated effects observed upon single/intermittent dosing of MPL may be countered by alterations in other aspects of the system. A mean IC50 of 6.1 ng/mL was estimated for the immunosuppressive effects of methylprednisolone on blood lymphocytes. The extent and duration of steroid exposure play a critical role in mediating steroid effects and advanced PK/PD models provide unique insights into controlling factors.  相似文献   

Summary It is uncertain how the hypoglycaemic effect of sulphonylureas varies with drug concentration in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The interrelationship of tolbutamide dosage and concentration, and glucose and insulin concentrations were therefore examined in 54 out-patients (the observational group) and in 20 patients studied under controlled conditions (the experimental group).In the observational group, tolbutamide concentration depended significantly on the daily dose, time from dose to sampling, body weight, and age. Blood glucose and insulin concentration were related, but were independent of tolbutamide concentration.In the experimental group, peak, but not pre-dose, tolbutamide concentration, depended on dose and on body mass index. Fasting and maximum post-prandial blood glucose concentration were positively correlated with maximum tolbutamide concentration, probably because tolbutamide dosage was highest in those with the poorest response.In the subset with a fasting blood glucose concentration of less than 8 mmol·l–1, neither glucose nor insulin concentrations depended significantly on tolbutamide concentrations. Tolbutamide concentration does not directly determine hypoglycaemic response in outpatients, and therapeutic monitoring of drug concentrations would not improve the management of such patients.  相似文献   

目的探讨奎硫平对血糖影响的可能机制。方法正常SD大鼠20只,随机分为对照组和奎硫平组,分别于给药前、给药1、2、3、4周后测体重及空腹血糖;给药4周后放免法测血胰岛素、C肽及RT-qPCR法分析胰腺组织GLUT2mR-NA的表达。结果 (1)给药2、3、4周后,奎硫平组大鼠体重均大于对照组(P<0.05);每周体重增加量奎硫平组均大于对照组,但只有第1周差异有显著性(P<0.01)。(2)奎硫平组空腹血糖呈增长趋势,给药2、3、4周后均高于给药前(P<0.05)。(3)奎硫平组大鼠血胰岛素、C肽水平高于对照组,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。(4)奎硫平组大鼠GLUT2mRNA表达水平低于对照组(P<0.01)。结论奎硫平可以降低GLUT2mRNA的表达,这可能是长期应用奎硫平后引起血糖异常的发生机制之一。  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical Research -  相似文献   

Aims To conduct a randomized, parallel group comparison of the population pharmacokinetics of the two methylprednisolone (MP) prodrugs Promedrol (MP suleptanate) and Solu-Medrol (MP succinate) in patients hospitalized with acute asthma.
Methods Ninety volunteers were included in the pharmacokinetic analysis. Each volunteer received a dosage regimen of 40  mg (MP equivalents) i.v. 6 hourly for 48  h. The bio-conversion and disposition of a 40  mg (MP equivalent) i.v. dose of either MP suleptanate or MP succinate to MP was modelled as a first order input, and a mono-exponential elimination phase.
Results Population modelling indicated that the only difference in MP pharmacokinetics between MP suleptanate and MP succinate was in the input rate constant (66.0  h−1 vs 5.5  h−1 respectively). Based on individual Bayesian estimates, the exposure of patients to MP was marginally lower for MP suleptanate although the parameter estimates were not significantly different for half-life (2.7  h vs 3.0  h), steady-state AUC (2007.0  ng  ml−1  h vs 2321.0  ng  ml−1  h) and steady-state C max (698.4  ng  ml−1 vs 647.8  ng  ml−1 ) for MP suleptanate and MP succinate respectively.
Conclusions It was concluded that for the multiple dosage regimen used in patients with acute asthma the systemic exposure to MP following dosing with MP suleptanate is similar to that arising from MP succinate. In addition the differences in the pharmacokinetics for the prodrugs resulted in only a small difference in the relative bioavailability of MP for MP suleptanate (0.94) compared with MP succinate.  相似文献   

AIMS: The initial distribution volume of glucose (IDVG) could be a clinically useful indicator of the central extracellular fluid (ECF) space volume, namely the interstitial fluid volume status of highly perfused organs. In this study, we determined the formula of IDVG using incremental plasma glucose levels after i.v. glucose. METHODS: One hundred and fifty patients admitted to the general intensive care unit of the University of Hirosaki hospital were entered into this prospective study which was conducted in two stages. In the first stage 300 data points from 100 patients were used to measure the IDVG (3 determinations for each patients). This utilized a one compartment model to describe the incremental plasma glucose decay curve following an intravenous bolus injection of glucose which, in turn, was used to derive the parameters of an equation for IDVG prediction following a single plasma sample. The second stage was a validation of the equation using a separate data set (150 points) from a further 50 patients. RESULTS: A one phase exponential decay model was well-fitted for the IDVG-postadministration glucose level curve, and indicated that the incremental glucose level at 3 min after i.v. glucose was best-correlated to the IDVG compared with those at 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 min postadministration. The formula of the IDVG was obtained from the curve: IDVG=24.44xe-0.0298xDeltaGL+2.70, where DeltaGL=incremental glucose level at 3 min after i.v. glucose. Another 150 samples showed that the measured-IDVG from a one compartment model and predicted-IDVG from the formula were 7.24+/-1. 63 and 7.27+/-1.52 l, respectively, and that there was a significant correlation between the two IDVGs (r=0.966, P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Using an incremental glucose level at 3 min after i.v. glucose, we have established the reliable formula for determination of the IDVG which could be a clinically useful indicator of the central ECF volume.  相似文献   

Purpose To develop a population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) model that characterizes the effects of major systemic corticosteroids on lymphocyte trafficking and responsiveness. Materials and Methods Single, presumably equivalent, doses of intravenous hydrocortisone (HC), dexamethasone (DEX), methylprednisolone (MPL), and oral prednisolone (PNL) were administered to five healthy male subjects in a five - way crossover, placebo - controlled study. Measurements included plasma drug and cortisol concentrations, total lymphocyte counts, and whole blood lymphocyte proliferation (WBLP). Population data analysis was performed using a Monte Carlo-Parametric Expectation Maximization algorithm. Results The final indirect, multi-component, mechanism-based model well captured the circadian rhythm exhibited in cortisol production and suppression, lymphocyte trafficking, and WBLP temporal profiles. In contrast to PK parameters, variability of drug concentrations producing 50% maximal immunosuppression (IC50) were larger between subjects (73–118%). The individual log-transformed reciprocal posterior Bayesian estimates of IC50 for ex vivo WBLP were highly correlated with those determined in vitro for the four drugs (r 2  = 0.928). Conclusions The immunosuppressive dynamics of the four corticosteroids was well described by the population PK/PD model with the incorporation of inter-occasion variability for several model components. This study provides improvements in modeling systemic corticosteroid effects and demonstrates greater variability of system and dynamic parameters compared to pharmacokinetics. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A two-compartment dosed model was used to characterize the cell trafficking behavior of helper T cells in response to various single doses of methylprednisolone. Steroids are assumed to inhibit the circadian-determined cell return from extravascular sites to blood in a classic inhibitory pattern reflected by an IC50.The rate of cell efflux from tissues is modeled with a cosine function having a period of 24 hr and a maximum at about 1 am. Nonlinear leastsquares regression employing differential equations was used to analyze helper T-cell data from three human studies from our laboratory. The IC50 value of methylprednisolone of 12–19 ng/ml approximates receptor KD values. Simulations were performed to demonstrate the log-linear role of steroid dose or AUCon the integral of effect of helper T cells over a wide range of methylprednisolone doses. This pharmacodynamic model allows flexibility for characterizing any type of steroid dosing regimen and is relevent in describing complex response data for corticosteroid immunosuppressive effects in man.Supported in part by grant GM 24211 from the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Summary The study was designed to follow the haemodynamic effects and pharmacokinetics under steady-state conditions of three different doses of urapidil infused continuously. Nine male hypertensive patients received three randomly assigned intravenous infusions of 32.5, 65 and 130 mg urapidil, over 14 h during 6 consecutive days, in a change-over fashion. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured over a period of 28 h after the infusion began and were compared with a reference profile obtained prior to the treatment periods. Urapidil and its main metabolite, parahydroxylated urapidil, were also determined for 28 h after the infusion began using HPLC. The 32.5 mg dose of urapidil caused a maximum decrease in systolic blood pressure of 33±8 mmHg, the 65 mg dose a maximum decrease of 39±12 mmHg and the 130 mg dose a maximum decrease of 50±12 mmHg. The 32.5 and 65 mg doses resulted in similar serum urapidil concentrations, with maximum levels in the 100 to 200 ng/ml range, and the 130 mg dose caused a maximum level approximately four times that achieved with the 32.5 mg dose. The serum concentration of parahydroxy urapidil was proportional to the corresponding dose of urapidil. Four patients reported mild headache, fatigue, weakness, pressure in the head, perspiration and orthostatic dysregulation. The side-effects were probably drug related but required no specific therapy. In summary, the 32.5 mg dose of urapidil resulted in a pronounced decrease in blood pressure. The average pressure reduction over the 14-h infusion period showed further dose-dependent increases after the 65 and 130 mg doses. In severe hypertension, the 130 mg dose can be employed, since it does result in a further, significantly larger decrease in blood pressure.  相似文献   

A physiologic pharmacodynamic model was developed to jointly characterize the effects of corticosteroid treatment on adrenal suppression and T-helper cell trafficking during single and multiple dosing in asthmatic patients. Methylprednisolone (MP), cortisol, and T-helper cell concentrations obtained from a previously published study during single day and 6 days of multiple dosing MP treatment were examined. The formation and disposition kinetics of MP were described with a compartmental model. The biorhythmic profile of basal cortisol secretion rate was analyzed using a recent Fourier approach based on circadian harmonics. A three-compartment loop model was proposed to represent three major T-helper cell pools: blood, extravascular site, and lymph nodes. T-helper cell synthesis and degradation rate constants were obtained from the literature. The suppressive effects of cortisol and MP on T-helper cell concentrations were described with a joint additive inhibition function altering the cell migration rate from lymph nodes to blood. The model adequately described both plasma cortisol profiles and T-helper cells in blood after single and multiple doses of MP. The potency of MP for suppression of cortisol secretion was estimated as IC50 = 0.8 ng/ml. The biorhythmic nature of the basal T-helper cells in blood was well described as under the influence of basal circadian cortisol concentrations with IC50 = 79 ng/ml. The model fitted potency of MP for suppression of T-helper cells was IC50 = 4.6 ng/ml. The observed rebound of T-helper cells in blood can also be described by the proposed model. The rhythm and suppression of plasma cortisol and T-helper cells before and during single and multiple dose MP treatment were adequately described by these extended indirect response models.  相似文献   

Purpose. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of deflazacort after oral administration (30 mg) to healthy volunteers were determined and compared with those of 20 mg of methylprednisolone and 25 mg of prednisolone. Methods. Methylprednisolone, prednisolone and the active metabolite of deflazacort, 21-desacetyldeflazacort, were measured in plasma using HPLC. For the assessment of pharmacodynamics, differential white blood cell counts were obtained over 24 hours. An integrated pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) model was applied to link corticosteroid concentrations to the effect on lymphocytes and granulocytes. Results. Deflazacort is an inactive prodrug which is converted rapidly to the active metabolite 21-desacetyldeflazacort. Maximum concentrations of 21-desacetyldeflazacort averaged 116 ng/ml and were observed after 1.3 h. The average area under the curve was 280 ng/ml · h, and the terminal half-life was 1.3 h. 21-Desacetyldeflazacort was cleared significantly faster than both methylprednisolone and prednisolone. The PK-PD-model was suitable to describe time course and magnitude of the observed effects. The results were consistent with reported values for glucocorticoid receptor binding affinities for the investigated compounds. Conclusions. Due to the short pharmacokinetic half-life of its active metabolite, pharmacodynamic effects of deflazacort are of shorter duration than those of methylprednisolone and prednisolone. The PK-PD model allows good prediction of pharmacodynamic effects based on pharmacokinetic and receptor binding data.  相似文献   

Aims The objectives of the study were to investigate the pharmacodynamics of the peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor benserazide during multiple-dose regimens.
Methods Two groups of eight healthy male subjects were consecutively treated for periods of 14 days with benserazide 5, 25, 100  mg three times daily and 12.5, 50, 200  mg three times daily, respectively. Plasma levels of levodopa, 3- O -methyldopa (3-OMD) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) were determined before benserazide treatment and during all benserazide dosing regimens, as existing endogenously and after administration of 250  mg  levodopa.
Results Endogenous concentrations of levodopa and 3-OMD increased dose-dependently (from 8 up to 52  μg  l−1 and from 0.02 up to 0.50  mg  l−1, respectively, at doses of 200  mg) with ascending doses of benserazide whereas DOPAC levels remained unchanged. There were no indications of a plateau in the effects of benserazide on the plasma levels of the analytes. The area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of exogenously administered levodopa increased from 1.2 in the control group to 5.9  mg  l−1  h at benserazide doses of 100–200  mg three times daily. Benserazide caused a dose-dependent increase in the AUC of 3-OMD from 7.4 to 106  mg  l−1   h at doses of 200  mg. Formation of DOPAC was dose-dependently suppressed, with benserazide 5  mg three times daily already halving its AUC.
Conclusions The benserazide-dose response data obtained suggest that even at very high doses extracerebral decarboxylase is not yet completely inhibited.  相似文献   

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