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Thyroid cancer prevalence after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The definitive treatment of hyperthyroidism in Europe is quite different from that in the United States. In Europe, the surgical approach is often preferred and considered safer than radioiodine treatment. European doctors usually prefer to surgically remove the thyroid and perform a pathologic examination of it. They consider it to be an essential diagnostic tool to identify possible diseases that might be associated with hyperthyroidism and even to detect the rare thyroid tumors that might be associated with thyroid hyperfunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether radioiodine therapy could be a risk factor for the misdiagnosis of thyroid cancer. METHODS: We performed a retrospective revision of data we collected from 6647 patients (1171 [17.5%] men, 5476 [82.5%] women), all of whom underwent 1311 therapy for hyperthyroidism from 1970 to 1997. Of the whole group, 6.5% were younger than 40 y, 33.5% were 40-60 y old, and 60% were older than 60 y. Moreover, 5061 (76%) patients had either an autonomously functioning node or a toxic multinodular goiter. The other 1586 (24%) patients had Graves' disease. RESULTS: After treatment, thyroid cancer was discovered in 10 (0.15%) patients, none of whom belonged to the group of patients with Graves' disease. Five of these patients were treated during a period from 1970 to 1980, when sonography was not routinely available. The incidence of thyroid cancer in the series of radioiodine-treated patients (150/100,000 over a 27-y period) was not significantly different from its incidence in the general population. The expected rate is 124.88 per 100,000 over a 27-y period. CONCLUSION: An accurate preliminary evaluation (clinical examination, sonography, and cytologic evaluation of fine-needle aspiration) is fundamental for a proper choice between radioiodine and surgical therapy.  相似文献   

Aim of this study was to find out, if results of a functional orientated radioiodine therapy in Graves' disease could be optimized using a risk adopted dose concept. PATIENTS, METHOD: 351 patients with Graves' disease were treated for the first time between 11/97 and 8/01. The basic dose was 125 Gy, which was increased up to 250 Gy in a cumulative manner depending on clinical parameters (initial thyroid metabolism, thyroid volume, immunoreactivity). Two different methods of dosimetry were used. Occasional thyreostasis was withdrawn two days before the radioiodine test was started. Follow up was done on average 8 +/- 2.4 (4-17.2) months. TSH > or = 0.27 microIU/mL confirmed as a measure of the success. RESULTS: With improved pretherapeutic dosimetry and a mean target dose of 178 +/- 31 Gy (n=72) therapeutic success occurred in 66.7%, in 51.4% euthyreosis was restalled and in 15.3% of patients hypothyroidism was seen (TSH > 4.20 microIU/mL). With simplified pretherapeutic dosimetry and a mean target dose of 172 +/- 29 Gy (n=279) results were moderately impaired (63.8%, 40.1% and 23.7%). With increasing target dose therapeutic failure increased, as insufficiently adopted risk factors for therapeutic failure turned out the initial thyroid metabolism, the TcTU(s) as the (h)TRAb titer. CONCLUSION: Functional orientated RIT can be optimized by including illness specific characteristics, principal limitations are a high initial thyroid metabolism, a large thyroid volume and a high (h)TRAb-titer.  相似文献   

Patients who receive radioiodine (iodine-131) treatment for hyperthyroidism (195-800 MBq) emit radiation and represent a potential hazard to other individuals. Critical groups amongst the public are fellow travellers on the patient's journey home from hospital and members of the patient's family, particularly young children. The dose which members of the public are allowed to receive as a result of a patient's treatment has been reduced in Europe following recently revised recommendations from ICRP. The annual public dose limit is 1 mSv, though adult members of the patient's family are allowed to receive higher doses, with the proviso that a limit of 5 mSv should not be exceeded over 5 years. Unless the doses received during out-patient administration of radioiodine can be demonstrated to comply with these new limits, hospitalisation of patients will be necessary. The radiation doses received by family members (35 adults and 87 children) of patients treated with radioiodine at five UK hospitals were measured using thermoluminescent dosimeters mounted in wrist bands. Families were given advice (according to current practice) from their treatment centre about limiting close contact with the patient for a period of time after treatment. Doses measured over 3-6 weeks were adjusted to give an estimate of values which might have been expected if the dosimeters had been worn indefinitely. Thirty-five passengers accompanying patients home after treatment also recorded the dose received during the journey using electronic (digital) personal dosimeters. For the "adjusted" doses to infinity, 97% of adults complied with a 5-mSv dose limit (range:0.2-5.8 mSv) and 89% of children with a 1-mSv limit (range: 0.2-7.2 mSv). However 6 of 17 children aged 3 years or less had an adjusted dose which exceeded this 1 mSv limit. The dose received by adults during travel was small in comparison with the total dose received. The median travel dose was 0.03 mSv for 1 h travel (range: 2 microSv-0.52 mSv for 1 h of travel time). These data suggest that hyperthyroid patients can continue to be treated with radioiodine on an out-patient basis, if given appropriate radiation protection advice. However, particular consideration needs to be given to children aged 3 years or younger. Admission to hospital is not warranted on radiation protection grounds.  相似文献   

A multicentre study was undertaken to assess the cytogenetic damage to peripheral blood lymphocytes in 31 patients treated with 131I for thyrotoxicosis using the cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay. The results were compared to those for eight thyroid carcinoma patients using the same method. For each patient, blood samples were taken immediately before and 1 week after iodine administration. The first blood sample was divided into three fractions and each fraction was subsequently irradiated in vitro with 0, 0.5 and 1 Gy 60Co gamma rays, respectively. After blood culture for 70 h, cells were harvested, stained with Romanowsky-Giemsa and the micronuclei scored in 1000 binucleated cells. For both patient groups, a linear-quadratic dose-response curve was fitted through the data set of the first blood sample by a least squares analysis. The mean increase in micronuclei after 131I therapy (second blood sample) was fitted to this curve and the mean equivalent total body dose (ETBD) calculated. Surprisingly, in view of the large difference in administered activity between thyroid carcinoma patients and thyrotoxicosis patients, the increase in micronuclei after therapy (mean +/- S.D.: 32 +/- 30 and 32 +/- 23, respectively) and the equivalent total body dose (0.34 and 0.32 Gy, respectively) were not significantly different (P > 0.1). The small number of micronuclei induced by 131I therapy (32 +/- 29), compared with external beam radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease (640 +/- 381) or cervix carcinoma (298 +/- 76) [1], gave a cancer mortality estimate of less than 1%. This also explains why late detrimental effects in patients after 131I treatment have not been reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Patients who receive radioiodine (iodine-131) treatment for hyperthyroidism (195–800 MBq) emit radiation and represent a potential hazard to other individuals. Critical groups amongst the public are fellow travellers on the patient’s journey home from hospital and members of the patient’s family, particularly young children. The dose which members of the public are allowed to receive as a result of a patient’s treatment has been reduced in Europe following recently revised recommendations from ICRP. The annual public dose limit is 1 mSv, though adult members of the patient’s family are allowed to receive higher doses, with the proviso that a limit of 5 mSv should not be exceeded over 5 years. Unless the doses received during out-patient administration of radioiodine can be demonstrated to comply with these new limits, hospitalisation of patients will be necessary. The radiation doses received by family members (35 adults and 87 children) of patients treated with radioiodine at five UK hospitals were measured using thermoluminescent dosimeters mounted in wrist bands. Families were given advice (according to current practice) from their treatment centre about limiting close contact with the patient for a period of time after treatment. Doses measured over 3–6 weeks were adjusted to give an estimate of values which might have been expected if the dosimeters had been worn indefinitely. Thirty-five passengers accompanying patients home after treatment also recorded the dose received during the journey using electronic (digital) personal dosimeters. For the ”adjusted” doses to infinity, 97% of adults complied with a 5-mSv dose limit (range:0.2–5.8 mSv) and 89% of children with a 1-mSv limit (range: 0.2–7.2 mSv). However 6 of 17 children aged 3 years or less had an adjusted dose which exceeded this 1 mSv limit. The dose received by adults during travel was small in comparison with the total dose received. The median travel dose was 0.03 mSv for 1 h travel (range: 2 μSv-0.52 mSv for 1 h of travel time). These data suggest that hyperthyroid patients can continue to be treated with radioiodine on an out-patient basis, if given appropriate radiation protection advice. However, particular consideration needs to be given to children aged 3 years or younger. Admission to hospital is not warranted on radiation protection grounds. Received 31 December 1998 and in revised form 20 March 1999  相似文献   

Patients treated with radioiodine for thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism are a source of radiation exposure and represent a potential radiation hazard for the people in their environment. Doses to the relatives can be estimated from dose rates of the patient or measured with a proper dosimeter. Sensitive thermoluminescent dosimeters have been used to measure the doses absorbed by the family members of patients treated with iodine-131 ((131)I) for thyrotoxicosis. In the present case, a 12 year old daughter of a female patient, aged 41 years, treated with 592 MBq of (131)I, received a dose of 7.79 mSv during the first seven days. This value is well above the dose constraints proposed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection, i.e 1 mSv for children and fetuses and 3 mSv for carers. Obviously, the patient and her daughter didn't follow the given restrictions. That was unexpected for a 12 year old child who didn't need special care and was able to understand and follow certain instructions. It is the opinion of the authors that if there are children in the family of a hyperthyroid patient treated with (131)I, they should stay in another house for at least a week. If this is impossible for social reasons, hospitalization of the patient should be considered, although treatment of thyrotoxicosis is held in an out-patient basis.  相似文献   

笔者介绍了一例因心悸、胸闷、憋气入院的Graves甲状腺功能亢进症(简称甲亢)合并冠心病的病例。其Graves甲亢诊断明确,且合并高龄、高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症等冠心病的高危因素。行两日法静息+三磷酸腺苷负荷心肌灌注显像(MPI)发现患者存在大范围心肌缺血,其冠心病危险度分层为高危,权衡利弊后建议其行冠状动脉造影。经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术后患者血运重建良好且无甲亢危象发生。本研究旨在提示甲亢合并可疑冠心病患者在排除相关禁忌后应采用核医学MPI进行冠心病危险度分层,以进一步指导治疗方案。  相似文献   

A previously healthy 27-year-old woman presented with a thyroid goiter, symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, and mild respiratory obstruction. The serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) was suppressed, serum T4 was elevated, and 24-hour radioiodine uptake was elevated at 59%. Thyroid scintigraphy showed intense uptake in an enlarged gland, with a cold nodule on the right, and a large isolated mass in the mediastinum, with very mild uptake. Total thyroidectomy and excision of the mediastinal mass revealed multiple pathologies: Graves disease in the thyroid gland with an incidental papillary thyroid carcinoma, and a benign sequestered intrathoracic multinodular goiter. Thyroid carcinoma can develop in a gland affected by Graves disease, however, the presence of concomitant sequestered intrathoracic thyroid tissue unaffected by Graves disease is highly unusual and has not been previously described. We present the scintigraphic findings, and several theories that could help explain these findings.  相似文献   

Between November 1965 and December 1983, 293 patients were treated for Graves' disease using 131I. All patients were asked to identify a stressful event antedating the onset of overt clinical symptoms. Eighty-one patients were able to do this (27.6%). Six patients were lost to follow-up, the others were followed from 1 to 155 mo. Two hundred forty-four patients received a single treatment, 49 required two or more treatments. Stress and nonstress individuals were consistent with respect to age, sex, number of treatments and the dose of radioiodine. Patients with stress initiating the symptoms of Graves' disease became hypothyroid earlier, 50% at 12 mo compared with 36 mo for the nonstress group, p = 0.01. At 10 yr 5% of the stress group remained euthyroid compared with 17% nonstress. We conclude that stress in the 12 mo or less before the onset of clinical symptoms potentiates the development of hypothyroidism induced by a standard dose of radioiodine.  相似文献   

A case of haemangiopericytoma (HPC) in a 50-year-old male occurring in the orbit and the adjoining anterior and middle cranial fossa, studied by ultrasound, angiography and computed tomographic scans, is presented. A short review of the radiological features is given. This is the first case of this rare tumor studied by all the three aforementioned radiodiagnostic modalities; and one of the few reports of its computed tomographic (CT) appearances in the literature. The marked and persistent enhancement of this tumour with the polycyclic nature of its well-defined margins as seen on CT is emphasized. It is suggested that dynamic scanning may assist in differentiating this tumour from meningioma with which it is often confused.  相似文献   

The study was performed under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Commission, Vienna, Austria, with the aim of determining the optimal minimum therapeutic dose of iodine-131 for Graves' disease. The study was designed as a single-blinded randomised prospective outcome trial. Fifty-eight patients were enrolled, consisting of 50 females and 8 males aged from 17 to 75 years. Each patient was investigated by clinical assessment, biochemical and immunological assessment, thyroid ultrasound, technetium-99m thyroid scintigraphy and 24-h thyroid 131I uptake. Patients were then randomised into two treatment groups, one receiving 60 Gy and the other receiving 90 Gy thyroid tissue absorbed dose of radioiodine. The end-point markers were clinical and biochemical response to treatment. The median follow-up period was 37.5 months (range, 24-48 months). Among the 57 patients who completed final follow-up, a euthyroid state was achieved in 26 patients (46%), 27 patients (47%) were rendered hypothyroid and four patients (7%) remained hyperthyroid. Thirty-four patients (60%) remained hyperthyroid at 6 months after the initial radioiodine dose (median dose 126 MBq), and a total of 21 patients required additional radioiodine therapy (median total dose 640 MBq; range 370-1,485 MBq). At 6-month follow-up, of the 29 patients who received a thyroid tissue dose of 90 Gy, 17 (59%) remained hyperthyroid. By comparison, of the 28 patients who received a thyroid tissue dose of 60 Gy, 17 (61%) remained hyperthyroid. No significant difference in treatment response was found (P=0.881). At 6 months, five patients in the 90-Gy group were hypothyroid, compared to two patients in the 60-Gy group (P=0.246). Overall at 6 months, non-responders to low-dose therapy had a significantly larger thyroid gland mass (respective means: 35.9 ml vs 21.9 ml) and significantly higher levels of serum thyroglobulin (respective means: 597.6 microg/l vs 96.9 microg/l). Where low-dose radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease is considered, a dose of 60 Gy will yield a 39% response rate at 6 months while minimising early hypothyroidism. No significant advantage in response rate is gained by using a dose of 90 Gy. For more rapid therapeutic effect at the expense of an increased rate of hypothyroidism, doses in excess of 120 Gy may be required. Ultrasound determination of thyroid mass and measurement of serum thyroglobulin levels may be predictive of those patients who will be less responsive to low-dose therapy.  相似文献   



Radioiodine (RAI) is used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism and differentiated thyroid cancer. Radioiodine therapy is associated with dry eyes and some side effects are seen especially due to beta rays. In this study, the functional and cytological status of lacrimal glands after RAI therapy was evaluated.


Twenty-five patients with a mean age of 55.16 years with planned low-dose RAI therapy were evaluated. Just before and 6 months after the treatment, the lacrimal glands were evaluated with tear break-up time (BUT), Schirmer’s test, impression cytology and “Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI)” questionnaire.


The mean value of Schirmer’s test was 16.20 ± 3.61 pre-treatment and 11.28 ± 4.39 post-treatment for the right eye, and 15.76 ± 3.27 and 10.60 ± 4.42 for the left eye, respectively. The mean value of Schirmer’s test decreased significantly post-treatment in both eyes (p = 0.0001). The BUT score also decreased significantly post-treatment (p = 0.001). The mean value of OSDI score was 27.5 ± 8.02 pre-treatment and 46.36 ± 10.27 post-treatment. The mean value of OSDI score increased post-treatment (p = 0.0001). The impression scores also increased post-treatment in both eyes (p = 0.0001).


Even low-dose (≤30 mci) RAI treatment affects lacrimal gland functions. Low-dose RAI causes a decrease in the value of Schirmer’s test and the BUT test, and an increase in the value of OSDI score and impression scores.  相似文献   

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