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21世纪的外科是微创外科时代,其目的在于减少手术带给患者的各类副损伤。传统的外科手术在为患者解除病痛的同时,也带来了包括手术切口及手术操作的创伤、手术探查对机体的干扰、麻醉用药对机体的损害等副损伤。所以,外科手术由传统走向微创,再由微创走向极微创是医学历史发展的必然。目前,腔镜外科作为微创外科发展的龙头,已深入到外科各专业领域,几乎是有腔必达,无腔造腔。历经10余年的发展,各类微创技术所具有的创伤小、出血少、切口小、术后疼痛轻、恢复快等优势已得到公认。腹腔镜技术作为腔镜技术的主流已融入普通外科各亚专业的临床实践之中,并逐渐成熟。  相似文献   

微创外科(minimally invasive surgery,MIS)是近20年来正在高速发展的一门新兴学科.它是指以最小的侵袭或损伤达到最佳外科疗效的一种新的外科技术,目的在于减少外科治疗中的手术切口、手术操作、手术探查、麻醉用药等环节给患者机体带来的副损伤.  相似文献   

胆道外科的微创技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
微创 (minimallyinvasive)是在任何疾病的临床治疗中都应当遵循的一个原则。微创观念是尽量减少手术的损害、保护机体组织、减少局部和全身的炎性反应 (不论是生理性或病理性 ) ,使患者尽快康复。微创外科 (minimallyinvasivesurgery ,MIS)并不等于不充分的常规手术 ,也不等于单纯的“小切口外科”。微创外科是一相对性概念 ,是传统外科发展的更高阶段 ,而其发展未有尽期[1] 。凡是能减小组织的手术损伤 ,有利于机体功能恢复的治疗措施 ,都应属于微创外科的范围。 1 983年 ,英国泌尿内镜外科医生Wickham首次提出了微创外科的概念。 1 987…  相似文献   

微创脊柱外科自20世纪90年代初至今发展迅速,随着微创理念的兴盛和医学思维的更新,脊柱外科医师为减少手术入路中的相关损伤的同时获得良好的疗效,开始涉足更多的手术方法。随着各种脊柱微创术式的出现,"学习曲线"应运而生,如何正确认识微创外科领域成长的学习曲线也已成为当代外科临床研究的焦点。  相似文献   

关于开展微创脊柱外科的若干问题思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
微创脊柱外科的概念 微创并不等于小切口、小手术。微创手术的意义在于降低医源性损伤,避免大范围正常组织的破坏,减少手术创伤及出血量,缩短住院时间,降低住院费用,减少术后使用镇痛药物以及促进日常活动更早恢复的同时,获得与传统开放手术相同甚至更好的疗效。我国微创脊柱外科起始于20世纪80年代,根据技术的发展可将其分为两类:一类是将其他学科已应用的技术发展到脊柱外科领域,如在腹腔镜下胆囊切除和关节内窥镜技术基础上建立起来的脊柱内窥镜技术;  相似文献   

我国微创外科技术在普通外科领域中发展现状与展望   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
世界首例腹腔镜胆囊切除术的成功开展,标志着微创外科时代的到来,越来越多的微创技术正在逐步取代传统的手术操作。微创外科技术的发展为患者带来了福音,同时也为从事微创外科领域工作的医师带来了创新的机遇,促进了外科学的发展。以腹腔镜手术为代表的微创外科技术正在逐步走向成熟。目前,几乎所有传统的普通外科手术都可以用内镜技术完成。我国微创外科技术同世界先进水平的差距正在逐步缩小。相当一部分地、市级以上医院已经在多年熟练完成腹腔镜胆囊切除术的基础上,开始了甲状腺、肝、胆、胰、脾、胃肠等中高级腹腔镜手术的尝试。  相似文献   

Miccoli内镜术式与甲状腺手术操作的微创化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
微创是本世纪外科发展的趋势,甲状腺手术如何进行微创化改造也是一个命题。微创一词来自英文“minimally invasive”,即“以尽可能小的损伤去实施外科操作”。因此,微创表述的主要是一种操作理念,而非特指某种技术或术式。那么,何为微创手术?对此,目前尚无统一标准。近年来,国内外有关内镜甲状腺手术的报道逐渐增多。是否这些采用内镜技术的术式就是微创手术?  相似文献   

脊柱前路微创手术面临的问题与挑战   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
手术的微创化、功能化和智能化是现代外科技术的标志,也是未来外科技术的发展方向。脊柱微创手术(minimally invasive surgery of spine,MISS)是将传统脊柱手术与微创技术结合,以减少手术对患者的创伤,减轻患者术后的疼痛不适,缩短卧床和住院时间,加速患者术后功能的康复,并努力保持脊柱正  相似文献   

结直肠癌根治手术中由于病期早晚不同 ,腹腔内情况不一样 ,再次手术和疾病本身导致解剖关系改变 ,术者技术水平及经验的差异 ,因此术中出现副损伤的机率不同。对副损伤的处理往往涉及到妇产科 ,泌尿外科 ,血管外科。为了减少病人痛苦 ,保证病人安全和手术成功。手术医师应力求防止副损伤的发生 ,一旦发生 ,应及时发现并妥善处理。大肠癌手术中副损伤可以分为 ( 1 )出血 :肠系膜上静脉外科干 ( Surgical trunk)损伤、脾脏被膜撕裂、骶前静脉丛、骶椎静脉、前列腺 (阴道 )静脉丛、下腔静脉等其它大血管损伤 ( 2 )其他脏器损伤 :如胃幽门、胰…  相似文献   

胆道外科的微创化理念   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
1 微创的概念 微创外科(minimally in vasivesurgery,MIS)的真正意义在于减小外科所带来的局部或全身伤害性效应。黄志强教授指出“微创外科的目的是外科病人能达到最佳的内环境稳定状态、最小的手术切口、最轻的全身炎症反应、最少的瘢痕愈合、更好的医疗效果、更短的医疗时间、更好的心理效应”。对微创外科的这一定义,已被中国广大外科医生所接受。手术是外科治疗疾病的主要方法之一,而手术总会给患者造成一定程度的损伤。因此,尽量减少手术对机体的损伤,达到最佳治疗效果,是外科医生应遵循的原则。腹腔镜外科是微创外科领域发展最快的技术之一,通过胆道而进入外科领域,被视为一场外科学技术革命,微创技术已在胆道外科疾病治疗中占主导地位。  相似文献   

Previously, computed tomography (CT) yielded cross-sectional images reconstructed from single-slice CT. However, the recently developed multidetector-row spiral CT provides isotropic voxel data sets, giving clear and precise three-dimensional images of the intrahepatic vascular structure. The vascular anatomy of the liver and relationship between liver tumors and intrahepatic vascular structure can thus be determined. We have developed software for an image-navigated surgery system with which vessels supplying blood to tumors and main hepatic vein drainage can be identified in patients preoperatively. Virtual liver resection can then be performed on a computer using this software. This simulation surgery contributes to making subsequent actual hepatic resection safer and less invasive.  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide laser, when used surgically, is a possible source of complications. Knowledge of laser physics, tissue effects, and target tissue anatomy are of the utmost importance for minimizing complications. This article seeks to elucidate the factors involved in laser beam physics and the effect of these factors on target tissue, based on specific tissue anatomy. Common tissue complications and specific procedure-oriented complications that may arise as a result of laser surgery will be discussed and reviewed.  相似文献   

快速康复外科新理念在结直肠手术中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的:研究快速康复外科(fast-track surgery,FTS)新理念在结直肠手术中应用的安全性和有效性.方法:将61例结直肠择期手术患者随机分为快速康复组(FTS组)和对照组,分别用FTS和传统方法处置,比较患者的应激和术后恢复指标.结果:与对照组相比,FTS组患者术后应激水平减轻,术后康复进程明显加快.结论:整合一系列围手术期干预措施的FTS可有效减轻患者应激,明显加速术后康复进程,在结直肠手术中的应用是安全可行的.  相似文献   

腰椎手术失败综合征的再手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的: 探讨下腰椎手术失败综合征 (FailedBackSurgerySyndrom, 简称FBSS) 再次手术的手术方案。方法: 回顾二院再次手术确诊资料完整的腰椎手术失败综合征患者 42例, 综合临床、影像学表现及手术后结果进行分析。再手术方法: 半椎板切除减压 16例; 全椎板切除减压椎弓根钉系统内固定椎体间植骨术 26例, 其中椎间Cage植骨融合术 8例。结果: 全组病例经 3年~8年5个月, 平均 5年以上随访, 疗效优者 19例, 良 14例, 可 7例, 差者 2例, 优良率 78. 57%。结论: 严格再次腰椎手术指征、正确的术式选择、精细的手术技巧及术后综合预防是提高FBSS手术疗效的关键。  相似文献   

目的研究腹腔镜和内镜联合,腹腔镜多科疾病联合或多种疾病联合手术的可能性、安全性。方法运用十二指肠镜+腹腔镜+胆道镜完成对82例胆囊结石合并胆总管结石病人进行ERCP+LC+LCDE;运用腹腔镜+结肠镜对9例结肠肿瘤进行手术;利用腹腔镜+胃镜对3例胃肿瘤病人进行手术等;运用腹腔镜分别对胆囊结石合并其它疾病的174例病人进行多科联合手术或多种疾病联合手术。结果272例病人均顺利完成手术,其中3例并发腔镜戳孔部位脂肪液化,1例并发皮下气肿并高碳酸血症,经积极治疗后均达到临床治愈标准,痊愈出院。结论腹腔镜和内镜联合、多科联合、多种疾病联合手术,安全、可靠、可行,有良好的临床运用价值。  相似文献   

The educational committee of the society of gastroenterological surgery made a rule that the specialist of gastroenterological surgery must have a title of a general surgeon which was approved by the educational committee of the Japan surgical society. This means that a specialist of gastroenterological surgery should be able to treat diseases in the area of the general surgery and should be able to do the primary cares for whole areas of gastroenterological diseases which are the upper and the lower intestinal diseases, hepato-bilial and pancreatic diseases in addition. The Japan society of gastroenterological surgery offers a 7 years long gastroenterological surgery training curriculum after graduate from a medical school to train the specialist of Gastroenterological surgery. In this 7 years training period, the Japan surgical society also offers a 5 years long general surgery training course in the first 5 years. These two courses are proceeding in parallel. The essential contents of these two courses are overlapped, so these common contents may count as experiences for both courses respectively.  相似文献   

Failures of disc surgery and repeat surgery   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

After a conservative treatment for breast cancer, 75% of patients end up with a good aesthetic result, i.e. little or no residual asymmetry and minor postradiotherapy after-effects. In 20 to 25% of cases, the conservative treatment leaves lasting after-effects associated with surgery and radiotherapy. Such aesthetic after-effects are difficult to treat and they require additional plastic surgery in 5 to 10% of cases. Oncoplastic surgery, which combines large lumpectomy and remodeling procedure involving different plastic surgery methods, improves these cosmetic results after a partial mastectomy and widens the scope for conservative treatment. Today, these techniques are well codified. They range from simple reshaping to more sophisticated techniques involving a concomitant controlateral-breast-symmetrisation procedure. These surgical options must be elaborated in detail with the patient and depend on the patient, the type of the tumor, its position, the ratio between the volume of the tumor and that of the breast and the overall care given by a multispecialist team. Plastic surgery is now an integral part of the treatment of breast cancer, hence the use of the word: oncoplastic surgery.  相似文献   

Vascular surgery itself developed for the surgical treatment for the vascular lesions such as occlusion and/or aneurysm. But recently the fine vascular surgical technique has been applied also to the treatment of malignancy affected the abdominal visceral organs. For instance, it is for the curative operation, when the malignant lesion such as bile duct carcinoma involves the main portal system because the resection with reconstruction of the portal vein is nowadays feasible. In this paper I would like to describe the technique of vascular reconstruction for the general surgeons and to report the current status of introduction of vascular surgery into the abdominal surgery in Japan.  相似文献   

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