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目的探究老年期痴呆患者照顾者照顾感受水平及影响因素。方法采用一般情况问卷、Zarit照顾者负担量表(ZBI)和照顾者积极感受量表对153例老年期痴呆患者及其照顾者进行调查,并进行统计学分析。结果老年期痴呆患者照顾者照顾负担的总分为(38.25±14.29)分,积极感受总分为(32.18±8.12)分,多元回归分析结果表明,照顾者自觉经济压力、家中分担照顾人数、照顾者自觉健康状况、每日照顾小时数为照顾负担的影响因素,目前与患者的情感关系、"放入养老机构照顾"想法的频率、患者性别、患者医疗费用支付方式、成为照顾者的动机为积极感受的影响因素。结论完善社区卫生服务体系,加强家庭照顾与社会正式支持的有效结合,在护理实践中,在关心痴呆患者的同时,也应该关心照顾者,应从消极与积极两个方面全面真实理解照顾者照顾感受,给予针对性的护理服务与指导,以达到减轻照顾者照顾负担、改善其身心健康的目的。  相似文献   

照顾感受是指照顾者由于为患者提供照顾活动而产生的各种体验和感觉,包括消极感受和积极感受两部分,消极感受最常用的概念是照顾负担,积极感受最常用的概念是照顾满意  相似文献   

目的研究居家老年期痴呆者照顾者的照顾负担和积极感受。方法采用一般情况问卷、照顾者负担量表、照顾者积极感受量表对71例照顾者进行量性研究;质性研究是对9例照顾者采用非结构式访谈。结果照顾者的负担总分(53.76±12.41)分,积极感受总分(27.15±5.32)分,均属中等程度;质性研究提炼出4个主题:无法接受现实,身心俱疲;自我调整,寻找新的生活平衡;多方学习,努力照顾好亲人;坦然面对,不离不弃,相伴永远。结论照顾者存在中等负担与积极感受两个不容忽视的问题,应采取积极有效的措施,减轻其负担,增强积极感受,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

老年期痴呆是由慢性或进行性大脑结构的器质性损害引起的高级大脑功能障碍的一组症候群,患者会在意识清醒的状态下出现持久的、全面的智能减退、情感和行为障碍,独立生活和工作能力丧失[1].最新流行病学调查显示,全球患有老年期痴呆的人数2010年已经达到35.6百万[2].我国是老年期痴呆的重灾区,老年期痴呆患者占世界的25%.  相似文献   

目的了解AD、血管性痴呆(VD)及其他类型痴呆(OD)的临床特点,评价不同类型痴呆照顾者负担的差异并分析影响照顾者负担的因素。方法 90名老年痴呆病人参加研究小组,采用MMSE、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)、神经精神症状问卷(NPI)、日常生活活动量表(ADL)评估所有病人情况。同时对照顾者一般情况、照顾者负担(CBI)、积极感受和社会支持进行相应的评估。结果 VD病人MMSE评分及口服药物种类、执行障碍发生率最高(P <0. 05);OD组NPI评分、空间障碍及幻视幻听发生率最高(P <0.05)。3组照顾者性别差异有统计学意义;90%的AD和VD照顾者照顾时间超过1年。AD照顾者所得到的社会支持相对更多(P <0. 05),OD照顾者的负担明显高于AD和VD组,且积极感受最低(P <0. 05)。多元线性回归分析表明,痴呆类型、护理年限和积极感受是照顾者负担的主要影响因素。结论 AD和VD相对其他类型的痴呆照顾者负担较轻,照顾者的负担与照顾者的积极感受、痴呆类型和照顾的年限有关。  相似文献   

<正>照顾者的生活质量在一定程度上受到其积极照顾感受的影响〔1〕。不同文化背景下照顾者的感受有巨大差异〔2〕。本研究旨在探讨脑卒中照顾者的积极感受、生活质量之间的相关性。1对象与方法1.1研究对象2011年6~9月便利随机抽取郑州市河医社区、棉西社区等4个社区119例脑卒中照顾者;入选标准:1符合1995年全国第四届脑血管病学术会议制定诊断标准,并经CT或磁共振成像(MRI)证实的脑卒中患者,与患者存在血缘  相似文献   

最新流行病学调查统计显示,全球患有老年期痴呆的患者人数已经高达2.4千万,更严重的是随着人口老龄化的迅速发展,老年期痴呆的发病率逐年上升〔1~3〕,据专家预测到2040年,这个人数将以每个二十年增加一倍的速度增长,每7秒钟就会产生1例新发病例〔4〕,对于90岁以上的已有认知障碍的  相似文献   

目的调查长沙市老年期痴呆患者疾病负担情况。方法采用目的抽样的方法,用家庭负担量表对190例老年期痴呆患者的照顾者进行家庭负担评估,以失能调整生命年(DALY)为评估指标评价老年期痴呆疾病个人负担。结果 97.3%的照顾者存在不同程度的家庭负担;照顾者在家庭娱乐活动(63.16%)、日常生活(56.84%)、心理健康(53.68%)、经济负担(52.10%)等维度阳性回答率均超过50%;老年期痴呆患者人均DALY损失为10.36年,6569岁患者DALY损失较重,女性人均DALY(15.33年)损失高于男性(9.93年,Z=-5.247,P<0.01)。结论老年期痴呆家庭负担具有普遍性和多维性;6569岁患者DALY损失较重,女性人均DALY(15.33年)损失高于男性(9.93年,Z=-5.247,P<0.01)。结论老年期痴呆家庭负担具有普遍性和多维性;6569岁年龄段患者,尤其是女性,是老年期痴呆防治工作中的重点。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年痴呆照顾者照顾负担与虐待倾向的相关性。方法运用照顾者虐待老年人评估量表中文版(CASE)、照顾者负担问卷(CBI)对重庆市主城区242名居家老年痴呆照顾者进行调查。结果 83.5%的照顾者对老年痴呆患者存在虐待倾向;老年痴呆照顾者的照顾负担总得分为(56.82±6.45)分,前3位分别是生理性负担(13.06±1.54)、时间依赖性负担(15.35±1.43)、情感性负担(11.74±1.07);照顾者虐待倾向得分与照顾负担得分呈正相关。结论老年痴呆照顾者照顾负担越重,发生虐待危险行为的可能就越大。应通过健康教育、护理支持等减轻照顾者照顾负担,从而减少虐待危险行为的发生,防止不法侵害的产生,弘扬尊老敬老的传统道德风尚。  相似文献   

<正>脑卒中发病后75%的患者遗留有不同程度的残疾,重度残疾者达40%以上〔1〕。国内外研究显示,长期照护会导致脑卒中患者主要照顾者出现焦虑、抑郁等不良心理状况〔2,3〕,且照顾者的负担随着焦虑的增加而增加〔4〕。本研究旨在了解社区脑卒中患者主要照顾者负担及焦虑状况及相关性。1对象与方法1.1对象选取郑州市2个社区脑卒中患者的主要照顾者105例。年龄30~82岁,脑卒中患者纳入标准:符合全国第四  相似文献   

It has been suggested that up to 15% of patients with AIDS may develop HIV-associated dementia. The syndrome may be either abrupt or insidious and is characterized by poor prognosis. Increasing cognitive impairment will necessitate the patient receiving a substantial amount of care and support in the community in addition to medical treatment and periods of hospitalization. The impact of caregiver burden is reasonably well documented in Alzheimer's disease, but there is a dearth of literature relating to caregiving and HIV-associated dementia. The current investigation is an observational study based on a small group of individuals which evaluates the experiences of these particular individuals as they care for their partner, friend, or son with HIV-associated dementia. The caregivers experience the stresses described in the non-HIV dementia literature; however, the nature of HIV disease means that there are issues involved in caring for this patient group that distinguish it from other types of dementia care; these include difficulties relating to specific HIV medical problems and problems with service shortfalls. The caregiver is more likely to be a parent or partner than a child of the patient due to the early age onset seen in this disease compared with Alzheimer's disease. Caregivers express their need for information about dealing with the everyday physical, behavioral, and emotional challenges and about services and benefits available. The interviewees expressed concerns over a perceived lack of communication and information from professionals involved in the patient's care and in the provision of services. The study offers an insight into the relevant issues affecting such caregivers and suggests areas of unmet needs that might be addressed in future service provisions.  相似文献   

Physical activity in the elderly has a significant influence on their health status. Studies have shown that elderly caregivers have fewer physical activities relative to non-caregivers. The present study aimed to identify factors associated with lower physical activity in elderly caregivers of demented patients. A cross-sectional survey of 50 elderly caregivers living with patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's-type dementia showed that the Zarit caregiver burden interview (ZBI) scores were significant predictors of physical activity measured by the questionnaire score (QS) of physical activities. Among the three subscales of the QS, it was only leisure time activity scores (LS) that the ZBI scores significantly predicted. The numbers of chronic diseases were associated with lower household activity scores (HS) and sport activities scores (SS). Physical activities, in particular leisure activities, were found to be inversely associated with care burden assessed by the ZBI. Interventions to increase the physical activity levels of older caregivers may improve their health status and quality of life.  相似文献   

目的探讨维、哈两民族失能老年人居家主要照护者照护需要与照护负担之间的关系。方法应用照护负担量表和照护需要问卷对621例维、哈民族主要照护者进行研究。结果维、哈民族失能老年人居家主要照护者对照护的总需要得分为(87.45±11.99)分,处于高需要水平,其中对经济协助的需要最高,条目均分为(4.15±0.62)分,选择需要和非常需要的照护者占到93.8%;照护需要总得分与照护负担得分存在正相关,相关系数r=0.324。结论满足维、哈照护者的照护需要可以减轻其照护负担。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study examined different predictive factors of burden in a sample of family caregivers of patients with dementia (PWD). In particular, the influence of social support and resilience on burden was tested, considering potential mediation effects.MethodsA total of 283 primary and family caregivers in Spain were evaluated using a standardized protocol to assess sociodemographic characteristics, clinical state of PWD and specific variables of caregiving and care providers.ResultsThe role of caregiver of PWD was more common in women, reporting significantly higher levels of burden than men. Resilience and social support accounted for most of the variance in burden. Furthermore, social support partially mediated the relationship between resilience and burden in caregivers.ConclusionsCaregivers’ resilience and social support are protective factors against burden in caregivers of PWD. Both factors should be considered for tailored interventions aimed at reducing the health costs of burden in this population.  相似文献   

BackgroundsWe focused on the frequency of “gratitude” expressed by home-based care receivers towards family caregivers before they were in the condition that needed care and investigated the relationship with caregiver burden.MethodsThis cross-sectional online survey was completed by 700 family caregivers in Japan. Caregiver burden was assessed using the Zarit Burden Interview. Caregivers with a score of ≤ 19 were defined as having mild caregiver burden, those with a score of 20 to 38 as having moderate, and those with a score of > 38 as having severe. Additionally, caregivers were asked, “How often did you get a ‘thank you’ from your care receiver before they were in a condition that needed care?” Answers were scored using a 11-point Likert scale. Answers with scores 0-2 were defined as low frequency of gratitude, 3-6 as middle, and 7-10 as high.ResultsAmong all caregivers, 233 (33.3%), 229 (32.7%) and 238 (34.0%) accounted for having mild, moderate and severe caregiver burden, respectively. High frequencies of gratitude of 48.9%, 43.7%, and 39.1%, respectively, were concluded with a significantly higher rate in the mild than in the severe caregiver burden group (p = 0.03). The results of multinominal logistic regression analysis, even after adjusting for several factors, show that high frequency of gratitude was significantly associated with caregiver burden (p < 0.01, OR: 0.48, 95%CI: 0.28-0.81).ConclusionsWe found the frequency of gratitude from the care receiver before they were in the condition that needed care was substantially associated with caregiver burden.  相似文献   

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