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患者男,63岁,以发现左侧颈部包块10年,间断憋气1年,加重4个月于2007年2月18日入院.患者自述颈部包块生长缓慢,感冒时增大,引起憋气、胸闷,休息后缓解,4个月前加重,并有吞咽不畅,可进食,"抗生素"治疗后缓解.  相似文献   

<正>【简要病史】患者L女士,55岁,汉族,内蒙古自治区人,主因"发现左颈部包块3个月"入院。患者3个月前偶然发现左颈中上部包块,不伴疼痛、红肿、耳鸣等,无发热等症状。曾就诊于当地医院及北京某医院,超声及CT检查提示:"颈部包块,性质待定?"。为进一步治疗来我院就诊,门诊以"颈部包块(左)"收住院。既往体健,无甲状腺及其它部位肿瘤的病史,近期无头颈部的感染、外伤、中心静脉穿刺、颈部按摩等,无药物滥用病史。专科检  相似文献   

喉部哑铃状血管淋巴管瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
患者,男,27岁。因左颌下包块10年,声音嘶哑1个月于2002年7月27日入院。患者10年前无意中触摸左颌下时发现一花生米大的包块,质软,海绵状,挤压可变小,无痛痒.当时未诊治。包块渐长大,曾2次就诊于当地医院。给予局部穿刺。均抽出暗红色血性分泌物,诊断“左颈部血管瘤”。  相似文献   

患儿,男,3.5岁,以“左颈部包块4个月、间断性右外耳道流脓血伴耳廓下红肿3个月”收住院。4个月前发现左颈部中、上段有一包块,约核桃大小,无痛,逐渐增大。3个月前无明显诱因右耳流脓,耳廓红肿、疼痛,于当地医院抗炎治疗,10d舌流脓停止,肿胀消退,1周前上述症状复发。  相似文献   

1临床资料患者,女,54岁,因发现“颈部包块5个月”于2020-10-13入院。患者自诉5个月前无意中发现颈部包块,无手足颤抖、乏力、纳差、消瘦、声嘶等症状。病程中包块渐进性增大,入院前1个月于外院行甲状腺细针穿刺活检提示:(右侧叶)甲状腺乳头状癌,(左侧叶)少量骨骼肌及淋巴样组织,建议行免疫组化明确诊断。患者为求进一步手术治疗就诊我院。既往体健,体格检查:双叶甲状腺可扪及包块,颈部正中偏左侧可扪及一约3.0 cm×2.0 cm大小包块,  相似文献   

患者,男,49岁,因咽痛1年余、活动后气促1周于2010年3月31日入院。患者1年前无明显诱因出现咽痛,之后发现左颈部包块且缓慢增大,3个月前出现说话含球音,痰中带血,吞咽痛明显,近1周活动后呼吸困难,一直未治疗。2个月体重下降3kg。  相似文献   

患者女 ,30岁。因左侧咽部肿胀伴左颈部肿物 1个月余而入院。患者入院前 1个月出现左侧咽部肿胀 ,同时左颈部出现一无痛性包块 ,抗生素治疗无效 ,且左颈部包块逐渐增大。入院诊断为 :左颈部咽旁肿物待查。检查 :左侧咽部扁桃体、软腭向前内侧凸出 ,左侧颈部下颌角处可扪及核桃大小圆形肿物 ,质硬 ,无压痛 ,不活动。CT片示 :左侧咽部外侧颈椎前方有软组织肿物 ,充填左侧间隙 ,突向左侧咽腔 ,未见颅底骨质破坏。腮腺造影示 :左腮腺内侧软组织影 ,腮腺未见器质性改变。于入院半个月后在全麻下行左颈咽旁肿物切除术。术中见肿物位于颈动脉三角…  相似文献   

患者,男,42岁,以“发现左颈部包块伴进行性增大8个月”为主诉于2005年10月21日上午入院。局部检查见:左颈部下颌骨下缘近下颌角处见一约4cm×3cm×1cm大小肿块,质硬,活动尚好,无触痛。患者在我科门诊于2005年10月18日行局部肿块彩超,提示:左颈下区实质性包块。在彩超引导下穿刺组织病检提示:(左下颌)来源于基底细胞良性肿瘤,细胞增生活跃,因穿刺组织少,术后明确诊断。患者入院后于2005年10月21日下午3时即在局部麻醉下行“左颈部肿块加颌下腺切除术”,术中见肿块位于左颌下腺前内方,质硬,颌下腺质地偏硬,与周围组织粘连明显,舌神经与颌下腺…  相似文献   

例1男,52岁。主诉:颈部包块3年。3年前右颈前出现一个鸡蛋大小的包块,无疼痛及呼吸困难,未行诊治。3年来包块逐渐增大,并于左颈部、双侧锁骨上区触及多个包块,颈部明显增粗,低头受限,同时出现呼吸困难,不能平卧,于1998年2月21日入院。  相似文献   

患者男,47岁,因发现右耳廓肿物1个月余,于2009年7月入院.患者入院前1个月发现右耳甲腔包块,无疼痛,逐渐增大,无全身不适及发热等.曾2次包块穿刺,抽出淡黄色液体,包块变小,但很快又复发.  相似文献   

Ishii K  Adachi H  Tsubaki K  Ohta Y  Yamamoto M  Ino T 《The Laryngoscope》2004,114(12):2176-2181
OBJECTIVES: We sought to clarify the relationship between the outcome of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis with the characteristics of the thoracic aortic aneurysm and the surgical procedure used in each patient. METHODS: Nine patients who developed recurrent nerve paralysis (nonsurgical paralysis) due to a thoracic aortic aneurysm alone and 14 patients who underwent artificial vessel replacement for thoracic aortic aneurysm and developed recurrent nerve paralysis postoperatively (surgical paralysis) were evaluated. RESULTS: In the patients with nonsurgical paralysis, the aneurysms were similar in size to those of other patients who underwent surgery of the thoracic aorta and were invariably located near the aortic arch. Aneurysm shape was not associated with nerve paralysis. Surgical paralysis was alleviated in two patients. Surgical paralysis was observed in 9% of those who underwent surgery of the thoracic aorta. Vocal cord mobility recovered in 4 of the 11 patients with surgical paralysis who underwent follow-up. Symptoms were alleviated by rehabilitation in many patients who did not recover vocal cord mobility. The positions of the artificial vessel anastomoses are thought to be closely related to the outcome of paralysis. CONCLUSION: Recurrent nerve paralysis reduced not only the patient's quality of life but also survival by leading to disorders including aspiration pneumonia. Therefore, early rehabilitation should be performed, and surgical treatment should be considered, if necessary, for patients with recurrent nerve paralysis.  相似文献   

True aneurysm of the facial artery is extremely rare. We describe a case of true facial aneurysm of the submandibular lesion in a 73-years-old man. A color Doppler ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT) revealed a 2.1 cm × 1.5 cm aneurysm with turbulent arterial flow and some thrombus inside the lumen. At the operation, the aneurysm was excised and proximal and distal ends of the facial artery were ligated. The histopathologic examination confirmed a true aneurysm of the facial artery with degenerative changes of the wall and some thrombus in the lumen. The postoperative course was uneventful, and no recurrence has been noted in more than 1-year follow-up.  相似文献   

We present a case of true facial artery aneurysm with no associated risk factors, which was non-pulsatile on presentation. This case is unique as the lesion was identified using computed tomography scanning, due to the unusual presentation. The vast majority of aneurysms of the head and neck have a traumatic aetiology, giving rise to false aneurysms; true aneurysms are extremely rare. We discuss the implications of such a lesion and its management.  相似文献   

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