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The role of interleukin-5 (IL-5) during Toxoplasma gondii infection was investigated by comparing disease progression in IL-5 gene deficient (IL-5-/-) mice and their wild-type (WT) counterparts on a C57BL/6 background. IL-5-/- mice infected orally with T. gondii were less susceptible to infection than WT mice as demonstrated by reduced mortality rates. Consistent with this data, orally infected IL-5-/- mice had less severe pathological changes in their small intestines than WT mice at 8 days postinfection. At this time, splenocytes and mesenteric lymph node cells derived from IL-5-/- mice produced levels of IL-12, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-4, IL-10, and nitric oxide (measured as nitrite) similar to those derived from WT mice when stimulated with Toxoplasma lysate antigen. However, peak serum IL-12 and IFN-gamma levels (at days 6 and 8, respectively) were significantly higher in IL-5-/- mice than in WT mice. In addition, WT mice but not IL-5-/- mice had raised levels of eosinophils in their peripheral blood between days 5 and 8 following infection. Oral administration of N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl (from day 4 postinfection) increased mortality rates in both IL-5-/- and WT mice, indicating a protective role for nitric oxide during the early stages of oral T. gondii infection. In comparison with oral infection, no difference in mortality was observed between IL-5-/- and WT mice following intraperitoneal infection with T. gondii, with all mice surviving until 35 days postinfection. Similarly, no significant differences were observed in the severity of the meningitis, perivascular cuffing, or number of microglial nodules or parasites in the brains of intraperitoneally infected mice. Together, these results demonstrate a detrimental role for IL-5 during the early stage of oral infection with T. gondii which is associated with increased small-intestine pathology, eosinophilia, and reduced plasma IL-12 and IFN-gamma levels.  相似文献   

Thymocytes from mice 2 weeks after infection with Toxoplasma gondii resisted natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytolysis in contrast to the high sensitivity of normal mouse thymocytes. The infected mouse thymocytes also failed to form conjugates with effector cells and to compete for cytolysis of NK sensitive targets. These effects were mediated, at least in part, by interferon-gamma because normal thymocytes became NK insensitive after incubation in the infected mouse serum which contained significant amount of interferon-gamma, and pH 2 treatment of the serum abolished the effect. An alternate possibility for the reduced NK sensitivity of the infected mouse thymocytes was the elimination of NK-sensitive cells from the thymus, since histopathological studies showed marked atrophy and clearance of NK-sensitive thymocytes in the cortex of thymuses of infected mice. Although T. gondii induced augmentation followed by suppression of the host splenic NK activity, it seems unlikely that this altered NK activity was responsible for the lowered NK sensitivity of the thymocytes.  相似文献   

We studied hematopoiesis in bone marrow and blood of CBA mice following infection with Toxoplasma gondii. Our data showed that acute infection with the virulent RH strain was associated with leucopenia, thrombocytopenia and bone marrow hypoplasia while, in spite of the infection-induced damage of the granulocyte cell lineage, in bone marrow stimulated production of granulocytes was revealed. In peripheral blood, T. gondii infection caused a significant decrease in the total number of white blood cells, reticulocytes and platelets. However, the relative proportion of granulocytes and lymphocytes was changed in favor of granulocytes, as compared to pre-infection levels. The functional activity of granulocytes was also increased. The bone marrow alterations were characterized by a decrease in the total number of nucleated cells due to the reduced numbers in all cell compartments of erythroid and megakaryocytic lineage, as well as in the number of mature granulocytes and lymphocytes. In contrast, femoral granulocytic proliferative compartments, colony forming unite granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM) and morphologically recognizable proliferative granulocytes (PG), exhibited stimulated granulopoiesis, while the number of mature monocytes was close to the control value. In summary, we have shown that acute T. gondii infection results in profound alterations of the hematopoietic system that markedly contribute to the clinical onset of the disease and the, ultimately lethal, outcome.  相似文献   

Autophagy was found to play an antimicrobial or antiparasitic role in the activation of host cells to defend against intracellular pathogens, at the same time, pathogens could compete with host cell and take advantage of autophagy to provide access for its proliferation, but there are few articles for studying the outcome of this competition between host cell and pathogens. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between autophagy activated by Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) and proliferation of T. gondii affected by autophagy in vitro. Firstly, human embryonic fibroblasts (HEF) cells were infected with T. gondii for different times. The monodansylcadaverine (MDC) staining, acridine orange (AO) staining, punctuate GFP-LC3 distribution, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) assays were conducted, and the results were consistent in showing that gondii infection could induce autophagy. Secondly, HEF cells were infected with T. gondii and treated with autophagy inhibitor bafilomycin A1 or inducer lithium chloride for different times. Giemsa staining was conducted, and the results exhibited that T. gondii infection-induced autophagy could in turn promote T. gondii proliferation. Simultaneously, the results of Giemsa staining also revealed that autophagy inhibitor could reduce the number of each cell infected with T. gondii and inhibit T. gondii proliferation. In contrast, autophagy inducer could increase the number of each cell infected with T. gondii and encourage T. gondii proliferation. Therefore, our study suggests that T. gondii infection could activate autophagy, and this autophagy could in turn facilitate T. gondii proliferation in HEF cells for limiting nutrients.  相似文献   


Natural killer cells play a vital role in the rejection of tumors and pathogen-infected cells. NK cells are indispensable in the early immune response against viral infections by directly targeting infected cells. Furthermore, NK cells influence adaptive immunity by driving virus-specific T-cell responses. Respiratory syncytial virus, a highly contagious virus that causes bronchiolitis, is the main reason for mortality in infants and elderly patients. RSV infection triggers both innate and adaptive immune responses. However, immunity against RSV is ephemeral due to the impaired development of immunological memory. The role of NK cells during RSV infection remains ambiguous. NK cells play a dual role in RSV infection; initially, their role is a protective one as they utilize their intrinsic cytotoxicity, followed by a detrimental one that induces lung injury due to the inhibition of antibody responses and the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors. Noteworthy, IFN-γ released from NK cells play a critical role in promoting a shift to adaptive responses and inhibiting antibody responses in neonates. Indeed, NK cells have a pro-inflammatory and inhibitory role rather than a cytotoxic one that contributes to the severity of the disease. Therapeutic options, including DNA-protein-based vaccines, synthetic peptides, and attenuated strains, are presently under tests. However, there is a need for effective strategies to augment NK cell activity and circumvent the pro-inflammatory activity to benefit the host. In this review, we focused on the role played by NK cells in the immune response and its outcome on the immunopathogenesis of RSV disease.  相似文献   

The involvement of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in resistance to Toxoplasma gondii infection was examined by means of experiments in which mice were treated with anti-TNF antibodies prior to infection with ME49, a low-virulence Toxoplasma strain. In (BALB/cBy x C57BL/6J)F1 (CB6F1) mice, which are highly resistant to intraperitoneal (i.p.) infection with T. gondii ME49, 10(4) neutralizing units of anti-TNF caused a significant increase in trophozoite numbers in the peritoneal cavities of infected mice and transient signs of illness but no deaths. i.p. infection of anti-TNF-treated C57BL/6J (B6) mice, which are more susceptible to T. gondii and develop a chronic progressive toxoplasmosis, resulted in death for some of the mice. If the mice were infected perorally, however, and treated with anti-TNF, mortality was extensive in B6 mice but not in CB6F1 mice. Although it was not detected in their sera, TNF was found in the peritoneal fluids of i.p.-infected CB6F1 and B6 mice. Endogenously produced TNF thus appears to be an important mediator of resistance to T. gondii.  相似文献   

A total of 28 domestic ducks were divided into seven groups of four ducks. Six groups were inoculated per os with 10(1), 10(2), 10(3), 10(4), 10(5) and 10(5.7) oocysts Toxoplasma gondii oocysts (K21 strain, which is avirulent for mice), and the remaining group was used as a control. Antibodies to T. gondii were detected in all ducks by the indirect fluorescence antibody test first on day 7 post-inoculation (p.i.). Antibody titres were found in the range of 1:20 to 1:640 depending on the infectious dose of the oocysts. From day 14 p.i. antibody titres increased to 1:80 to 1:20 480. Between days 14 and 28 p.i. (end of the experiment), antibody titres decreased in 14 ducks, remained the same in seven ducks, and continued to increase in three ducks. Bioassay in mice revealed T. gondii in the breast and leg muscles and the heart (100%, n=47), brain (91%, n=22), liver (54%, n=13) and stomach (46%, n=24). The infected ducks showed no clinical signs; however, the results of bioassay indicate that, compared with some gallinaceous birds, domestic ducks were relatively susceptible to T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to determine whether resistance to acute Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice depends on a mechanism involving CR3, the type 3 complement receptor. Nineteen of 22 mice (86%) given multiple injections of the anti-CR3 monoclonal antibody, 5C6, prior to and after intraperitoneal inoculation of cysts of the ordinarily mildly virulent ME49 strain of T. gondii died within 8 to 12 days, whereas control antibody-treated mice survived. All (five of five) anti-CR3-treated BALB/c mice infected via the natural peroral route died within 8 days of infection. Flow cytometric analysis of cells recovered from peritoneal lavages of anti-CR3-treated T. gondii-infected mice revealed that the percentage of Thy-1+ CD4- CD8- cells was reduced to about 50% of that of control antibody-treated mice and to about 20% of the number of such cells in controls. The numbers of macrophages, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and lymphocytes recovered from the peritoneal cavities of T. gondii-infected mice were all reduced in anti-CR3-treated mice to about 40% of those of controls. In addition, anti-CR3-treated mice had less than 25% of the induced NK cell activity of the controls, and gamma interferon was reduced to undetectable levels. Thus, the rapid death of anti-CR3-treated mice was probably caused by impaired preimmune defenses. Histological examination of anti-CR3-treated T. gondii-infected mice revealed extensive liver pathology compared with that of infected mice given a control antibody or uninfected mice given anti-CR3. The inflammation, degeneration, and necrosis in most of the anti-CR3-treated mice were severe enough to account for the observed mortalities.  相似文献   

Protective immunity against Toxoplasma gondii is known to be mediated mainly by T lymphocytes and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma). The contribution of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-lymphocyte subsets to protective immune responses against T. gondii infection, triggered by a GRA1 (p24) DNA vaccine, was assessed in this study. In vitro T-cell depletion experiments indicated that both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell subsets produced IFN-gamma upon restimulation with a T. gondii lysate. In addition, the GRA1 DNA vaccine elicited CD8(+) T cells that were shown to have cytolytic activity against parasite-infected target cells and a GRA1-transfected cell line. C3H mice immunized with the GRA1 DNA vaccine showed 75 to 100% protection, while 0 to 25% of the mice immunized with the empty control vector survived challenge with T. gondii cysts. In vivo T-cell depletion experiments indicated that CD8(+) T cells were essential for the survival of GRA1-vaccinated C3H mice during the acute phase of T. gondii infection, while depletion of CD4(+) T cells led to an increase in brain cyst burden during the chronic phase of infection.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine if natural killer (NK) cells are important for early control of the virulent strain Brucella abortus 2308 following infection of mice with high or low challenge doses. Splenocytes from C57BL/10 and BALB/c mice that had been infected with the lower dose of B. abortus displayed increased cytotoxicity against YAC-1 cells during the first week after infection, while infection of C57BL/10 mice with the higher challenge dose either did not alter the level of NK cytotoxic activity or decreased it, depending upon the time postinfection. In vivo depletion of NK cells by monoclonal antibody anti-NK1.1 or polyclonal anti-asialoGM1 antiserum did not result in an increase in the number of brucellae recovered from the spleens or livers of the brucella-resistant C57BL/10 mice or from the spleens of the susceptible BALB/c mice during the first week after infection. Treatment of control mice with the NK-reactive antibodies, however, decreased killing of the NK-sensitive target YAC-1, indicating that the NK cell depletion regimes were effective. Our results suggest that NK cells are not crucial for early control of B. abortus 2308 even though they may be activated following infection. Further experiments indicated that treatment of C57BL/10 mice with poly(A:U) did not decrease the number of brucellae recovered from their spleens although it did decrease the CFU in livers of mice infected with the high challenge dose.  相似文献   

The mononuclear cells in the peripheral blood of 17 adults with acute phase toxoplasmosis were characterized with monoclonal antibodies. The absolute number of lymphocytes was increased by the presence of high numbers of T-cells with a surface phenotype of T-cytotoxic/suppressor cells (OKT3+, OKT8+). Shortly after the onset of the infection these cells expressed activation antigens (OKT10+, OKIa+). These changes were more pronounced in patients with lymphadenopathy, but were also present in those without symptoms of the disease. The activation antigens disappeared in the first weeks after onset of the disease but the reversed OKT4/OKT8 ratio persisted for 2 to 4 months. It generally normalized in parallel with clinical recovery of the patients. In one patient, however, a reversed OKT4/OKT8 ratio was present for more than 1 year after the disappearance of the symptoms.  相似文献   

The IgG antibody profile to Toxoplasma gondii proteins of less than 37 kilodaltons in sera from patients with acute and previous infection was studied by immunoblotting. Bands at 28, 29, and 36 kilodaltons were more common in acute infection (10 out of 10, nine out of 10, and nine out of 10, respectively) compared with previous infection (five out of 10, four out of 10, and one out of 10, respectively). The 6 kilodalton band was present in 10 out of 10 sera from patients with acute infection and five out of 10 sera from those with previous infection. A new observation is a doublet of bands of 22-25 kilodaltons present only in sera from patients with acute infection. This doublet may be a more reliable indicator of acute infection than the 6 kilodalton band.  相似文献   

Resistance to Toxoplasma gondii involves the development of a highly polarized Th1-type cytokine expression. SAG1 transgenic mice are highly susceptible to T. gondii infection due to their non-reactivity to SAG1 of the protozoan parasite. Here we describe cytokine profiles during the acute phase of T. gondii infection, which are associated with the susceptibility of SAG1 transgenic mice. SAG1 transgenic mice showed a 4.5-fold increase in susceptibility upon inoculation with a sublethal dose of the Beverley strain of T. gondii compared to their wild-type counterparts (mortality: 81 vs. 18%, respectively). When analysis of the most important cytokines involved in the mediation of resistance to infection was carried out, SAG1 transgenic mice exhibited low production levels of IL-12, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha in sera during the acute phase of T. gondii infection. Antibody and T cells specific for SAG1 were not mounted upon SAG1 stimulation in SAG1 transgenic mice. Moreover, in vitro studies indicated that in SAG1 transgenic mice IFN-gamma and IL-12 production was lower than in their wild-type counterparts, although levels of TNF-alpha increased in SAG1 transgenic mice on day 9 after infection. Low IgG2a levels were detected in SAG1 transgenic mouse sera. Unresponsiveness to SAG1 of T. gondii renders SAG1 transgenic mice unable to develop a strong Th1-based protection against T. gondii infection. These results provide evidence that SAG1 is a pivotal antigen involved in the induction of immune responses towards the development of Th1-protective immunity during T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates and immunocompromised hosts. Both acute invasion and reactivation of latent infection result in an inflammatory reaction with lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils. The mechanisms responsible for triggering the local host response to toxoplasmosis are not fully understood. Infection of monolayers of human HeLa epithelial cells and fibroblasts with T. gondii resulted in a marked increase in the expression of interleukin-8 (IL-8)-specific mRNA and secretion of the proinflammatory and chemoattractant cytokines interleukin-8 (IL-8), GROalpha, and MCP-1. Host cell invasion and lysis were required for this response, as tachyzoite lysates alone had no effect on IL-8 secretion. IL-8 release was dependent on the release of soluble host cell factors: IL-1alpha in HeLa cells and an additional mediator in fibroblasts. HT-29 epithelial cells, which lack IL-1alpha or another IL-8-inducing activity, did not release IL-8 after infection, although they were efficiently infected with T. gondii and increased IL-8 secretion in response to added IL-1alpha. These data suggest that proinflammatory chemokine secretion is an important host cell response to toxoplasmosis and that the release of IL-1alpha and other mediators from lysed host cells is critical for this chemokine response.  相似文献   

During oral infection, mucosal immunity assumes a predominant role. Here, we addressed the role of mast cells (MCs), which are mainly located in mucosa during oral infection with Toxoplasma gondii, using MC‐deficient (W/Wv) mice. We show that in the absence of MCs the resistance of W/Wv mice to oral infection was considerably reduced. W/Wv mice uniformly succumbed within 15 days of infection after administration of cysts of the ME49 strain of T. gondii. The rapid lethality of T. gondii in W/Wv mice correlated with a delayed Th1‐cell response, since IFN‐γ and IL‐12 levels peaked in the later phase of the infection. In vitro, BM‐derived MCs were able to recognize parasite lysate in a MyD88‐dependent way, reaffirming the role of this TLR adapter in immune responses to T. gondii. The importance of MCs in vivo was confirmed when W/Wv mice reconstituted with BM‐derived MCs from control mice retrieved an early strong Th1‐cell response and specially a significant IL‐12 production. In conclusion, MCs play an important role for the development of a protective immune response during oral infection with T. gondii.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV), a member of the mosquito-borne flaviviruses, is a serious public health problem in many tropical countries. We assessed the in vivo physiologic contribution of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, a population of nonconventional lipid-reactive αβ T lymphocytes, to the host response during experimental DENV infection. We used a mouse-adapted DENV serotype 2 strain that causes a disease that resembles severe dengue in humans. On DENV challenge, splenic and hepatic iNKT cells became activated insofar as CD69 and Fas ligand up-regulation and interferon-γ production. C57BL/6 mice deficient in iNKT cells (Jα18(-/-)) were more resistant to lethal infection than were wild-type animals, and the phenotype was reversed by adoptive transfer of iNKT cells to Jα18(-/-) animals. The absence of iNKT cells in Jα18(-/-) mice was associated with decreased systemic and local inflammatory responses, less liver injury, diminished vascular leak syndrome, and reduced activation of natural killer cells and neutrophils. iNKT cell functions were not necessary for control of primary DENV infection, after either natural endogenous activation or exogenous activation with the canonical iNKT cell agonist α-galactosylceramide. Together, these data reveal a novel and critical role for iNKT cells in the pathogenesis of severe experimental dengue disease.  相似文献   

H Takada  G Matsuzaki  K Hiromatsu    K Nomoto 《Immunology》1994,82(1):106-112
We have reported that T cells bearing T-cell receptors (TcR) of gamma delta type (gamma delta T cells) appear in the peritoneal cavity in a relatively early stage of primary intraperitoneal (i.p.) Listeria monocytogenes infection, and play a significant role against the infection. To elucidate the protective role of natural killer cells which also appear in the early stage of L. monocytogenes infection, mice were treated with anti-NK1.1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) to deplete NK cells before the infection. They exhibited accelerated clearance of L. monocytogenes, accompanied by enhanced induction of gamma delta T cells in the peritoneal cavity compared with non-treated mice. When the mice were depleted of gamma delta T cells by in vivo administration of anti-TcR gamma delta mAb, the bacterial burdens of organs from infected mice were not affected by NK cell depletion. These results suggest that, although NK cells increase significantly during the early stage of L. monocytogenes infection, they do not take part in the early host resistance against i.p. L. monocytogenes infection. It is also suggested that increased gamma delta T cells in the peritoneal cavity of NK cell-depleted mice can be one of the factors responsible for the enhanced clearance of L. monocytogenes in the early stage of infection.  相似文献   

The effects of swimming exercise on the pathogenesis of acute murine toxoplasma infection were studied. Swimming (45 min/day) initiated on the day of inoculation with the avirulent Me49 strain of Toxoplasma gondii did not alter survival of infected mice. At a later stage of infection, daily swimming appeared to promote the recovery of appetite and weight gain. Immune activation was apparent in toxoplasma-infected mice, and swimming blunted splenic enlargement but not the respiratory burst activity of peritoneal exudate cells. Infection caused a significant elevation of serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF) levels which was attenuated by a daily swimming program. These data show that swimming exercise is not deleterious to mice acutely infected with T. gondii Me49 and that the more rapid recovery in exercised mice is associated with reduced serum TNF levels.  相似文献   

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