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This paper is a brief introduction to tissue-specific parameters and the utilization of various MR imaging sequences to display these parameters in order to differentiate normal from pathologic tissue and function. The three dominant tissue-specific parameters discussed are proton density, longitudinal relaxation time T1, and transverse relaxation time T2. For the utilization of gradient-echo sequences, transverse relaxation time T2* is introduced, more dependent on the environment or tissue interfaces than on the tissue itself. Another tissue-specific parameter is the concentration of macromolecules and their hydration layers as targeted with magnetization transfer imaging. Still another tissue-specific parameter is the chemical environment. Functional parameters that influence the contrast are diffusion, perfusion, flow, or motion. The sequence-related utilization of these tissue-specific parameters start with magnetization preparation as in spectral suppression of fat signal, relaxation-dependent elimination of fat or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) signal, simple inversion pulse, magnetization transfer saturation, or diffusion weighting. Possible contrast mechanisms for the tissue-specific parameters are discussed for each of the commonly used sequences, whether of spin-echo type or of gradient-echo type, with or without magnetization preparation, conventional single-echo acquisition, or contemporary multiecho acquisition.  相似文献   

The findings of MR imaging in 3 patients with bone metastases from medulloblastoma are reported. The first patient showed focal lesions of low signal intensity on T1-weighted spin echo images at a time when bone scintigraphy was negative for metastases. This patient later developed extensive osteosclerotic lesions visible on plain films. The bone marrow of the second patient showed diffuse low signal intensity on T1-weighted images. After chemotherapy the signal intensity of the bone marrow increased which correlated with a return of normal hematopoietic tissue. A response to chemotherapy was also found on MR imaging and repeat bone marrow biopsies in a third patient. A consistent finding was a low signal intensity on pre-gadolinium images, but the pattern (focal or diffuse abnormal signal intensity) was different in each patient. To our knowledge, this is the first report on MR imaging findings in bone metastases from medulloblastoma.  相似文献   

Purpose The aims of this study were to assess the performance of FDG PET at PET/CT imaging for the detection of pulmonary metastases and to evaluate differences in lesion detectability on attenuation-corrected (AC) and non-attenuation corrected (NAC) PET images.Methods The institutional PET/CT database was searched for patients with pulmonary metastases of 3–60 mm in diameter. Ninety-two patients with 438 metastases to the lungs were included in the study. The primary tumours were 33 malignant melanomas, 12 carcinomas of unknown primary, 11 colorectal carcinomas, eight differentiated thyroid carcinomas, seven aggressive non-Hodgkins lymphomas, six head and neck cancers, three breast cancers, two prostate cancers and ten others. Lesion detectability was visually compared between PET and CT and between AC and NAC PET images using a five-point scale.Results Of the 438 pulmonary metastases, 174 were detected with FDG PET (39.7%), six of them on NAC images only (not significant). Visual scores were higher on NAC images in 41.4% and equal in 54.6% of lesions. The sensitivity of FDG PET increased significantly from 0.405 for metastases of 5–7 mm in diameter to 0.784 for lesions of 8–10 mm and to 0.935 for lesions measuring 11–29 mm in diameter. No metastases smaller than 5 mm in diameter were seen on PET images.Conclusion FDG PET/CT is useful for the assessment of pulmonary metastases. The frequency of lesion detection is similar for AC and NAC PET images. A reduced sensitivity of FDG PET has to be considered for lesions smaller than 11 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

Kinematic CT and MR imaging of the patellofemoral joint   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anterior knee pain is a frequently encountered orthopedic symptom and is often associated with patellofemoral malalignment, which may cause chondromalacia of the patella. The difficulty in determining the patellar position between 0 ° and 30 ° of knee flexion with a conventional axial radiographic examination is well known. The introduction of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for the diagnosis of knee joint abnormalities has enabled assessment of the patellar position in this critical range. More recently, emphasis has been placed on dynamic visualization of patellar motion to detect an abnormal tracking pattern. The important influence of the quadriceps muscle on the patellar tracking pattern is well known and has been examined during active knee extension by the use of ultrafast CT, and motion-triggered and ultrafast MR imaging. This article provides an overview of the current status of kinematic CT and MR imaging in the diagnosis of patellofemoral alignment, its clinical implications, and future directions. Received: 6 April 1998; Revision received: 22 July 1998; Accepted: 27 July 1998  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging plays an increasingly important role in evaluation of the patient who has sustained spinal trauma. This review discusses the role of MR imaging relative to plain radiographs and computed tomography in the evaluation of the patient with spinal trauma and presents a method for systematic review of MR images for assessing spinal injury.  相似文献   

Pulmonary perfusion defects can be demonstrated with contrast-enhanced dynamic MR perfusion imaging. We present the case of a patient with a pulmonary artery sarcoma who presented with a post-operative pulmonary embolus and was followed in the post-operative period with dynamic contrast-enhanced MR perfusion imaging. This technique allows rapid imaging of the first passage of contrast material through the lung after bolus injection in a peripheral vein. To our knowledge, this case report is the first to describe the use of this MR technique in showing the evolution of peripheral pulmonary perfusion defects associated with pulmonary emboli. Received: 27 July 1998; Revision received: 28 October 1998; Accepted: 20 January 1999  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was the assessment of the diagnostic value of fat-suppression T2-weighted images for a variety of bone marrow lesions. We performed 40 studies of the axial or appendicular skeleton in 33 patients (age range 4–80 years) with neoplastic, inflammatory or traumatic lesions with a 0.5 T system (Glyroscan T5, Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands). Fat-suppression T2-weighted images [turbo spin echo (TSE) with spectral presaturation with inversion recovery (SPIR)] were obtained in addition to the routine T1-weighted SE and T2-weighted TSE sequences. Fat-suppression TSE T2-weighted images were better than standard TSE T2-weighted images in 25 studies. In 11 of them demonstration and characterization of the lesions (known from T1-weighted images) was possible only after fat suppression In the other 14 patients demonstration of the full extent of the lesion especially to the nearby soft tissues was possible only after fat suppression. In 13 studies no advantage was conferred by SPIR, whereas in two instances T2-weighted images were better. Fat-suppression T2-weighted images are diagnostically usefull in a variety of lesions of the musculoskeletal system, but their limitations should be known.Correspondence to: H. Chrysikopoulos  相似文献   



To qualitatively and quantitatively compare T2-weighted MR imaging of the liver using volumetric spin-echo with sampling perfection with application-optimized contrast using different flip angle evolutions (SPACE) with conventional turbo spin-echo (TSE) sequence for fat-suppressed T2-weighted MR imaging of the liver.

Materials and methods

Thirty-three patients with suspected focal liver lesions had SPACE MR imaging and conventional fat-suppressed TSE MR imaging. Images were analyzed quantitatively by measuring the lesion-to-liver contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of main focal hepatic lesions, hepatic and splenic parenchyma and qualitatively by evaluating the presence of vascular, respiratory motion and cardiac artifacts. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to search for differences between the two sequences.


SPACE MR imaging showed significantly greater CNR for focal liver lesions (median = 22.82) than TSE MR imaging (median = 14.15) (P < .001). No differences were found for SNR of hepatic parenchyma (P = .097), main focal hepatic lesions (P = .35), and splenic parenchyma (P = .25). SPACE sequence showed less artifacts than TSE sequence (vascular, P < .001; respiratory motion, P < .001; cardiac, P < .001) but needed a longer acquisition time (228.4 vs. 162.1 s; P < .001).


SPACE MR imaging provides a significantly increased CNR for focal liver lesions and less artifacts by comparison with the conventional TSE sequence. These results should stimulate further clinical studies with a surgical standard of reference to compare the two techniques in terms of sensitivity for malignant lesions.  相似文献   

Assessment of pulmonary hypertension by CT and MR imaging   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In the recent World Health Organization (WHO) classification the group of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PH) comprises the classic primary pulmonary hypertension and several conditions with definite or very high risk factors to develop pulmonary arterial hypertension. Therapeutic advances drive the need for a comprehensive pre-therapeutic evaluation for optimal treatment. Furthermore, follow-up examinations need to be performed to monitor changes in disease status and response to therapy. Up to now, the diagnostic imaging work-up of PH comprises mainly echocardiography, invasive right heart catheterization and ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy. Due to technical advances helical computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) became more important in the evaluation and for differential diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Both modalities are reviewed and recommendations for clinical use are given.This work was supported by the German Research Council (DFG, FOR 474).  相似文献   

脊柱转移瘤的MR诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨脊柱转移瘤的MR诊断。方法 回顾性分析120例脊柱转移瘤的MR表现。结果 脊柱转移瘤灶的异常MR表现为:(1)信号异常,在T1WI上,112例(93.3%)呈低信号,8例(6.7%)为等或混杂的信号,在T2WI上,89例(74.1%)呈稍高信号,33例(27.5%)为低或混杂信号;(2)病灶可呈跳跃式破坏,椎体附件受累,出现椎旁软组织肿块,但椎间隙保持完整;(3)伴发椎体压缩性骨折的病灶可呈“楔形”、“盘状”或“倒楔形”。脂肪抑制增强扫描可显示病变范围并发现平扫中未能发现的病变。结论 MRI是诊断脊柱转移瘤的可靠而重要的手段。  相似文献   

Fast spin echo vs conventional spin echo in cervical spine imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The major attraction of fast-spin-echo (FSE) imaging is reduced acquisition time; however, careful review of the literature reveals many weaknesses: phase-encoded blurring, truncation artefact, bright fat signal, reduced magnetic susceptibility and increased motion artefact. Our aim was a prospective, blinded comparison of FSE and conventional spin echo (CSE) in the cervical spine. Both sequences were performed in 43 patients (19 males and 24 females; mean age 45 years, range 15–66 years). Twenty-eight patients were studied at 1.5 T and 15 at 0.5 T. Typical sequence parameters were: at 1.5 T, TR/TE 2000/90 CSE and 3000/120 FSE, and at 0.5 T, 2200/80 CSE and 2800/120 FSE. Time saved on the FSE was used to increase the matrix and the number of acquisitions. Two neuroradiologists evaluated the images for pathology, artefacts, disc signal intensity, thecal sac compression and image quality. Ten patients had cord lesions; 2 (20 %) were missed on CSE. In 4 of 10 patients with moderate/severe thecal sac compression, the degree of stenosis was apparently exaggerated on CSE. The mean degree of confidence for the CSE sequences was 1.8 and for the FSE 1.1, where 1 is optimal. For cervical spine imaging, FSE should be preferred to CSE. Received 6 May 1996; Revision received 19 July 1996; Accepted 26 February 1997  相似文献   

The study object was to retrospectively compare the detection rate of hypervascular foci visualized by CT during hepatic arteriography (CTHA) in borderline nodules, which was observed upon cirrhotic livers, on dynamic MDCT, dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR (dynamic MR), and SPIO-enhanced MR imaging. Eighty-five nodules in 49 patients with cirrhosis were evaluated. When a part of the nodule showed hyperdensity relative to the surrounding areas of the nodule on CTHA, it was defined as "hypervascular focus." The relationships between the dynamic MDCT and dynamic MR and SPIO-enhanced MR imaging findings of these foci were analyzed using X(2) test. Hypervascular foci were detected in 17 (53%) of 32 on the arterial dominant phase of dynamic MDCT, in 19 (37%) of 51 on the arterial dominant phase of dynamic MR and in 6 (26%) of 23 on SPIO-enhanced MR imaging. Arterial dominant phase of dynamic MDCT demonstrated a significantly higher detection rate of hypervascular foci less than 5 mm in diameter than did dynamic and SPIO MR imaging (p<0.05). Hypervascular foci in borderline nodules could be better visualized by dynamic MDCT than by gadolinium- and SPIO-enhanced MR imaging. Dynamic MDCT is recommended for the follow-up examination of hypovascular borderline lesions.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate whether quantitative magnetic resonance (MR) fast spin-echo (FSE) imaging with moderate spatial resolution enables osteodensitometry in peripheral yellow bone marrow. Signal intensities in T1-weighted FSE images from yellow bone marrow indicate the amount of adipose tissue per volume. The signal intensity in marrow regions with spongy bone was assessed and compared to signal intensity of pure fatty marrow (100%). Heel bones of 30 patients with suspected osteoporosis were analyzed and the FSE images were compared with results from parallel MR gradient-echo (GE) imaging and quantitative computed tomography (QCT) examinations. High correlation was found between FSE imaging and QCT [r = 0.91 in the dorsal region of interest (ROI); r = 0.86 in ventral ROI]. Linear correlation coefficients between GE imaging and QCT were slightly lower in the dorsal part (r = -0.86) and considerably lower in the ventral part (r = -0.68). Correlation between the two MR techniques amounted to r = -0.72/-0.61 (dorsal/ventral). The high correlation between FSE imaging and bone mineral density (BMD) allows possible clinical applications of FSE imaging for diagnosis of osteoporosis. Further improvements of the accuracy using reference phantoms might be possible.  相似文献   

A method for acquiring pulmonary vascular magnetic resonance (MR) images with either venous or arterial flow suppression is described. The proposed method only marginally increases the overall imaging time compared with conventional flow-suppression techniques. This enables an acquisition to be completed within a single breath hold with some selectivity as to flow direction. Instead of applying a spatially selective presaturation pulse before each radio-frequency (RF) excitation pulse, the flow presaturation pulse is applied once every 16-20 RF excitation pulses. To avoid image artifacts and to maintain a steady state, each presaturation pulse interval is followed by a normal imaging segment but with data acquisition turned off. Overall imaging time is increased by two TR intervals for each presaturation segment. For a 256 × 128 matrix acquisition, venous flow presaturation increases overall imaging time by approximately 14 TR intervals, while arterial flow suppression increases imaging time by 10 TR intervals.  相似文献   

The intention of this article is to provide an overview of all MR imaging techniques that are accessible on most of commercially available scanners and have the potential to be used in routine clinical applications. The techniques implemented by the major vendors are briefly explained, including a comparison of the commonly used acronyms. A classification scheme is introduced which provides a reasonable illustration of similarities and differences between various techniques. The imaging techniques are divided into two main groups, the spin-echo and gradient-echo sequences. Within each group is the basic sequence, those which require a preparation of the magnetization, those which use multiple echoes to fill the k-space and those which are performed in a single shot. For each technique the typical clinical applications are listed or the potential applications which have been published. Received: 18 August 1998; Revision received: 3 November 1998; Accepted: 4 November 1998  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-supported chemotherapy on normal red bone marrow MR imaging in breast cancer patients with focal bone metastases. Material and Methods: 
Fifteen breast cancer patients who were examined before and after chemotherapy with T1-weighted-SE and long echo-time inversion-recovery turbo-spin-echo (long TE IR-TSE) sequences in the thoracolumbar spine and pelvis were retrospectively studied. Nine of them received G-CSF therapy after the administration of each chemotherapy course. Of these 9 patients, the MR follow-ups were performed during G-CSF in 4 patients and after G-CSF therapy in 5 patients. Six patients did not receive G-CSF. Signal intensity (SI) changes in normal bone marrow were evaluated visually in all patients and quantitatively in 13 patients. Results: 
In all 4 patients investigated during G-CSF therapy a diffuse, homogeneous SI increase on long TE IR-TSE was observed visually and quantitatively in initially normal bone marrow. This change obscured some focal lesions in 2 patients. No such SI change was visible after G-CSF therapy (p = 0.008) or in patients not receiving G-CSF. On T1-weighted images an SI decrease was found both during and after G-CSF therapy, but an increase occurred in patients not receiving G-CSF. Conclusion: 
G-CSF-supported chemotherapy can induce diffuse SI changes in normal red bone marrow on MR imaging. On long TE IR-TSE, the changes are visible during G-CSF treatment and can lead to misinterpretations in the response evaluation of bone metastases to therapy.  相似文献   

It is shown that the maximum average-data-collection-speed (ADCS) of multisection 2D hybrid-RARE sequences is independent of TR and TEeff, and a monotonically increasing function of echo-train-length (ETL). This result was used in the design of an optimized T1-weighted hybrid-RARE sequence that produces 20 images of the abdomen in 31 s divided into four breath-hold periods. The resulting ADCS is 58 lines in k-space per second. Twenty-four subjects (2 healthy volunteers and 22 patients) were imaged with a protocol that also included: (a) breath-hold T1-weighted FLASH which acquires data at 34 lines in k-space per second (49 s scan time), and (b) T1-weighted conventional spin-echo (9:44 minutes scan time) with respiratory compensation. The experiments show that this T1-weighted-hybrid-RARE sequence has: (1) a level of T1 weighting that is comparable with the conventional sequences, (2) very low vulnerability to susceptibility artifacts, (3) high data acquisition efficiency, and (4) higher SNR than T1-weighted-FLASH. In conclusion, the T1-weighted-hybrid-RARE sequence described herein is an efficacious and reproducible technique for rapid imaging of the upper abdomen during suspended respiration.  相似文献   

目的:探讨前列腺磁共振动脉自旋标记(ASL)检查的影像学表现及ASL检查在前列腺癌诊断中的价值.方法:35例临床疑似前列腺肿瘤的患者行磁共振检查(包括常规T1WI和T2WI及ASL检查),回顾性分析ASL检查对前列腺肿瘤的诊断价值.以穿刺病理检查结果作为金标准特患者分为两组:前列腺肿瘤组17例,年龄16~84岁,平均63.5岁,总PSA(TPSA)0.76~1733.24 ng/ml,平均207.77 ng/ml;非前列腺肿瘤组18例,年龄51~80岁,平均77.3岁,总PSA 0.55~94.79 ng/ml,平均13.71 ng/ml.其中的12例非前列腺肿瘤和10例前列腺肿瘤患者再行磁共振灌注成像(PWI)检查.结果:ASL检查中18例非前列腺肿瘤患者前列腺外周叶和中央带平均灌注值分别为(104.19±1.65)和(137.79±1.74) ml/(100g·min);17例前列腺肿瘤患者外周叶肿瘤和中央带肿瘤的平均灌注值分别为(152.80±3.38)和(170.47±5.34) ml /(100g ·min).PWI检查中12例非前列腺肿瘤患者外围叶和中央带平均灌注值分别为(176.55±21.44)和(597.30±34.97)ml /(100g·min);10例前列腺肿瘤患者外围叶肿瘤和中央带肿瘤平均灌注值分别为(449.98±21.44)和(756.74±41.14) ml /(100g·min).经统计学分析,前列腺非肿瘤外国叶与中央带、前列腺非肿瘤外围叶与前列腺外围叶肿瘤以及前列腺非肿瘤中央带与前列腺中央带肿瘤ASL检查平均灌注值差异均具有显著性意义(P<0.05).结论:对于由于肾功能不良或者其它原因不能进行PWI检查而疑似前列腺肿瘤的患者可借助磁共振ASL检查明确诊断.  相似文献   

The feasibility and diagnostic value of real-time magnetic resonance imaging (RT-MRI) for the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) was evaluated by comparing RT-MRI and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). In 39 consecutive patients with suspected PE real-time true fast imaging with steady-state precession (TrueFisp) was prospectively compared with contrast-enhanced MRA on a 1.5-T MR scanner. The TrueFisp sequence used allowed acquisition of T2-weighted images at 0.4 s per image so that the pulmonary vasculature could be visualized in three orientations in <3 min without the need for breath holding or contrast media application. Results of additional scintigraphic pulmonary perfusion examinations were available from 17 patients. All 39 primary RT examinations (100%) and 30 of 39 MRA examinations (77%) were of diagnostic quality. The reasons underlying failure to achieve diagnostic quality for MRA were breathing artifacts among dyspneic patients in all 9 cases. Compared with MRA, the sensitivities and specificities of RT sequences for PE were 93 and 100% (per examination), 96 and 100% (lobar artery PE), and 97 and 100% (segmental artery PE), respectively. Compared with scintigraphy, the sensitivity and specificity of RT-MRI were 83 and 100%, respectively. The MRA reached 100% sensitivity and specificity in this subgroup. The RT-MRI proved to be very robust and undisturbed by respiratory movements and patient cooperation. Its image quality assured fast diagnostic examinations, and its sensitivity and specificity, compared with MRA and scintigraphy, were sufficient to allow the diagnosis of acute central, lobar, and segmental PE; therefore, the emergency diagnosis of PE using RT-MRI is feasible and reliable.  相似文献   

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