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The effectiveness of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) in thrombolytic therapy is dependent upon the rate at which therapeutically administered tPA reaches the clot site and the proportion of that tPA which is enzymatically active. Interactions between tPA and its main plasma inhibitor (PAI-1) and between tPA and the endothelial cells lining blood vessels are two factors which may limit efficacy. In an attempt to identify the regions of the tPA molecule involved in these interactions, we have examined a series of synthetic peptides with amino acid sequences corresponding to different regions of the tPA molecule for their ability to protect tPA from inactivation by PAI-1 and for their ability to reduce the binding of tPA to endothelial cells. Three peptides were identified which were especially effective at maintaining tPA activity in the presence of PAI-1 and three others were found which had a lesser effect. These same peptides were also found to inhibit the binding of tPA to endothelial cells. This suggests that the same regions of the tPA molecule are involved in both processes. None of the peptides inhibited the binding of tPA to fibrin. These peptides may serve as models for the development of agents for enhancing the activity of both endogenous tPA and of tPA administered in thrombolytic therapy.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of complex formation between protease inhibitors present in plasma from different species and a human plasminogen activator purified to homogeneity from the supernatant of a human melanoma cell line was studied in vitro. The fibrinolytic activity of the one-chain plasminogen activator disappeared from human, cat and rabbit plasma with a half-life of 100 minutes. By means of antibodies directed against purified protease inhibitors the main inhibitor in human, cat, dog and rabbit plasma was identified as 2-antiplasmin. 2-macroglobulin and Cl-esterase-inhibitor functioned as inhibitors to a lesser extent. The main inhibitor in rat plasma was 2-macroglobulin. The plasma half-life was 3 (rabbit and human) to 10 (dog and rat) times shorter for the two-chain form than for the one-chain form of the plasminogen activator molecule. It is also concluded that, with respect to plasma elimination of the fibrinolytic activity, among the common laboratory animals, the rabbit is the most suitable animal available for the study of fibrinolysis.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is associated with elevated tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) levels during CPB and increased plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) levels post-operatively. The goal of this study was to estimate the rate of t-PA and PAI-1 secretion in vivo, before, during and after CPB. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Estimated rates of t-PA and PAI-1 secretion were based on measured levels of active and total t-PA, and active and total PAI-1, obtained before, during and after CPB from nine males, combined with a computer model of each patient's vascular system that continuously accounted for secretion, clearance, hemodilution, blood loss and transfusion. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: At baseline, the average t-PA and PAI-1 secretion rates were 0.74+/-0.33 and 1.28+/-0.74 pmol/s, respectively. Within 5 min of CPB initiation, t-PA secretion increased six-fold to 4.41+/-2.58 pmol/s, while PAI-1 secretion was unchanged, resulting in a six-fold increase in active t-PA levels. t-PA secretion remained elevated throughout CPB and into the early post-operative period. Average PAI-1 secretion did not start to increase until the end of CPB. By 2 h after surgery, average PAI-1 secretion had increased 15-fold to 19.60+/-17.10 pmol/s, resulting in reduced levels of active t-PA even though t-PA secretion was still elevated. We conclude that CPB induces an immediate sustained increase in t-PA secretion followed by a delayed progressive increase in PAI-1 production. Variations in the level of active t-PA are a function of the relative rates of t-PA versus PAI-1 secretion at different times during and after surgery.  相似文献   

Effects of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), urokinase(u-PA) and their combinations on plasminogen activation rate (PAR) in plasma, were investigated. T-PA and u-PA over concentrations range of 10 U/ml to 50 U/ml induced a linear, concentration dependent increase in PAR. Combinations of t-PA and u-PA in ratios of 3/1,1/1 and 1/3 induced additive but not synergistic effect in the activation of plasminogen. We conclude, therefore, that t-PA and u-PA do not act synergistically in the activation of plasminogen in plasma .  相似文献   



To investigate whether t-PA Alu repeat insertion/deletion (I/D) and PAI-1 4 G/5 G genetic variations are associated with the risk of MI.


We conducted a meta-analysis to assess the association between the t-PA I/D and PAI-1 4 G/5 G polymorphisms and risk of MI. We also performed subgroup analyses based on ethnicity (Caucasian, Asian, and African), gender and age. Forty one eligible studies including 12,461 cases and 14,993 controls were identified to evaluate the impact of PAI-1 4 G/5 G polymorphism on MI. Seven studies investigated the relationship between t-PA I/D and MI.


This meta-analysis revealed that the PAI-1 4 G allele (4 G/4 G and 4 G/5 G genotype) was associated with an increased risk of MI compared with the 5 G allele in the overall population (OR = 1.094, 95% CI = 1.021 - 1.172, p = 0.011). The relative risks of MI for 4 G/4 G genotype was increased when compared to 5 G/5 G genotype and 5 G allele, with odds ratio at 1.157 (95% CI 1.015 - 1.320, p = 0.029) and 1.126 (95% CI = 1.015 - 1.249, p = 0.025). However, the results show that the 4 G/5 G polymorphism risk for MI was not associated with ethnicity stratification as Caucasian, Asian or African population. No substantial differences in the genotype distributions were observed in the MI group and control group along the lines of gender and age. After multivariable analysis t-PA I/D polymorphism showed no consistent association with MI.


This study suggests that the 4 G/5 G polymorphism of PAI-1 may be a risk factor for MI in overall populations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the lytic efficacy of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) following different dosing regimens. Radiolabelled clots from dog whole blood were inserted into an extracorporeal jugular loop in anesthetized dogs. Clot size (counts/min) was continuously recorded. tPA was administered as a single 1 min bolus of 0.4 mg/kg, as four multiple bolus injections of 0.1 mg/kg each at 30 min intervals, or as an initial bolus (0.04 mg/kg) followed by a 30 min infusion of 0.36 mg/kg (10%/90%, bolus/infusion). Multiple injections of the same total dose of tPA resulted in 76% and 51% greater clot lysis than single bolus injection or bolus/infusion regimen, respectively, measured 120 min after initial dosing. There were no differences in fibrinogen, plasminogen or alpha-2-antiplasmin between the different treatment groups at 120 min.  相似文献   

Thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) has been used to treat myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism in humans. This plasminogen activator may also be useful in treating certain strokes. We infused tPA or saline in rabbits 15 minutes after selective internal carotid artery embolization with 18-hour aged autologous clot. By serial angiography, the tPA-treated group demonstrated rapid angiographic reperfusion of the occluded vascular territory in 7 of 8 animals, whereas none of 6 saline controls did. None of the animals in either group developed macroscopic cerebral hemorrhage. Both groups showed cerebral infarction, predominantly in the territory of the occluded vessel; the extent of infarction did not differ between tPA-treated animals and controls. Early tPA therapy can allow reperfusion of occluded cerebral arteries safely and effectively in a rabbit cerebral embolization model.  相似文献   

We used stored plasma samples from 409 patients in the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke (NINDS) tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) Stroke Trial to examine the relationship between an apolipoprotein (Apo) E2 or an Apo E4 phenotype and a favorable outcome 3 months after stroke, the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage, and the response to intravenous t-PA therapy. For the 27 patients with an Apo E2 phenotype who were treated with t-PA, the odds ratio (OR) of a favorable outcome at 3 months was 6.4 [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.7-15.3%] compared to the 161 patients without an Apo E2 phenotype who were treated with placebo. The 190 patients treated with t-PA who did not have an Apo E2 phenotype also had a greater, though less pronounced, likelihood of a favorable outcome (OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.2-3.2%) than patients without an Apo E2 phenotype treated with placebo. For the 31 patients with an Apo E2 phenotype treated with placebo, the OR of a favorable 3 month outcome was 0.8 (95% CI 0.4-1.7%) compared to the 161 patients without an Apo E2 phenotype treated with placebo. This interaction between treatment and Apo E2 status persisted after adjustment for baseline variables previously associated with 3 month outcome, for differences in the baseline variables in the two treatment groups and in the Apo E2-positive and -negative groups, and for a previously reported time-to-treatment x treatment interaction (p = 0.03). Apo E4 phenotype, present in 111 (27%) of the 409 patients, was not related to a favorable 3 month outcome, response to t-PA, 3 month mortality, or risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. We conclude that the efficacy of intravenous t-PA in patients with acute ischemic stroke may be enhanced in patients who have an Apo E2 phenotype, whereas the Apo E2 phenotype alone is not associated with a detectable benefit on stroke outcome at 3 months in patients not given t-PA. In contrast to prior studies of head injury and stroke, we could not detect a relationship between Apo E4 phenotype and clinical outcome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND NAD PURPOSE: Abnormalities in the fibrinolytic system have been associated with an increased risk for stroke in a few studies. This study was designed to test whether plasma levels of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), and tPA/PAI-1 complex could predict a first-ever stroke. METHODS: The study was an incident case-control study nested within the V?sterbotten Intervention Program and the Northern Sweden Monitoring Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA) cohorts. In this study 108 first-ever stroke cases were defined according to the MONICA classification, and 216 controls from the same cohort were randomly selected and matched for age, sex, sampling time, and geographic region. RESULTS: Stroke occurred on average 30 months after the blood sampling date. The mean plasma concentration of tPA/PAI-1 complex was higher for the stroke cases than for the controls (3.9 versus 3.0 microgram/L). In univariate regression analysis, significantly higher odds ratios were found for the tPA/PAI-1 complex as continuous variable. When divided into quartiles, the odds ratio was 2.74 for the highest quartile compared with the lowest. In the multivariate model, the tPA/PAI-1 complex remained an independent predictor for stroke. Additionally, tPA mass concentration quartiles 3 and 4 showed a significant association with all stroke as outcome. No association was found, however, for PAI-1. In subgroup analysis of cerebral hemorrhage (n=18), the mean tPA/PAI-1 complex level was higher for the cases than for the controls (4.8 versus 3.0 microgram/L), and in multivariate analysis including all controls (n=216), only tPA/PAI-1 complex remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: This prospective study shows that tPA/PAI-1 complex, a novel fibrinolytic marker, is independently associated with the development of a first-ever stroke, especially hemorrhagic stroke. This finding supports the hypothesis that disturbances in fibrinolysis precede a cerebrovascular event.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to elucidate the acute effect of insulin on levels of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor of endothelial cell type (PAI-1). Nine middle-aged, non-obese and non-smoking men were studied during a hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic glucose clamp for 2 h. Plasma insulin level during the clamp averaged 84 +/- 12 mU/l and euglycemia was maintained at 4.9 +/- 0.6 mmol/l. The t-PA activity gradually increased (75% mean increase after 2 h, p less than 0.001) and the PAI-1 activity decreased (49% mean decrease after 2 h, p less than 0.001) during the clamp. t-PA activity decreased and PAI-1 activity increased after the insulin infusion was ceased, but they were still 48% higher and 38% lower, respectively, after 60 min. PAI-1 and t-PA activities were not affected by saline infusion for 2 h. Thus, acute changes in the insulin levels lead to rapid alterations in the fibrinolytic system even when euglycemia is maintained. These effects may be induced by insulin itself or by the concomitant activation of the sympatho-adrenal system during the euglycemic clamp.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Randomized trials demonstrate that intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) improves outcome in acute ischemic stroke (AIS). To assess translation of this efficacy into effectiveness in routine clinical practice we performed a case-control study of tPA treatment for AIS in a single hospital. METHODS: 151 tPA-treated AIS patients (1996-2005) were matched 1:1 with blinding to outcome to controls from a prospective registry based on age, gender, pre-stroke Oxford handicap scale (OHS), stroke severity, and subtype. The outcomes were in-hospital death, symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (SICH), length-of-stay (LOS), discharge OHS and long-term survival. RESULTS: In-hospital mortality (23% vs. 24%) or long-term survival (median follow-up of 2 years) was not different between cases and controls (p = 0.83). SICH occurred in 7.8% (95% CI 4.2-13.5%) of tPA-treated patients. Median LOS was non-significantly shorter for cases (13 [7-29] vs. 16 [8-32] days, p = 0.14) but significantly shorter in tPA-treated vs. non-treated women (14 [7-28] vs. 20 [11-34] days, p = 0.04). At discharge 6.6% (95% CI 1.1-12.0%) more tPA-treated patients than controls had no disability (OHS < or = 1, p = 0.02). However, there was no difference in discharge independence rates or proportion discharged home. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate minor improvements in early recovery after stroke with tPA but the impact is less dramatic than that reported in randomized trials. This may relate to timing of treatment and the type of patients treated.  相似文献   

The activation of a native form of plasminogen (Glu-plg) by tissue plasminogen activator(t-PA) was enhanced when the plasma was clotted by the addition of thrombin or thrombin plus Ca++. Cross-linking of fibrin in the clotted plasma did not inhibit the fibrin-associated enhancement of the activation of plasminogen by t-PA. When fibrinolysis induced by t-PA in the clotted plasma was measured using enzyme immunoassay, lysis of non cross-linked fibrin in the clotted plasma was faster than lysis of cross-linked fibrin, however such decrease in the extent of fibrinolysis was observed in cross-linked fibrin even in the absence of alpha 2antiplasmin (alpha 2AP) in a purified system. When Glu- or Lys-plg (modified plg) was activated by t-PA, the presence of fibrin enhanced significantly the extent of activation of both Glu- and Lys-plg, but the activation of Glu-plg by urokinase (UK) was enhanced in the presence of fibrin. The activation of Lys-plg by UK was rather inhibited in the presence of fibrin.  相似文献   

A single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (A431sc-uPA) was purified approximately 18,000-fold from A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cell supernatants by monoclonal antibody immunoaffinity chromatography on 5B4-agarose and ion-exchange FPLC (overall yield 63%). More than 100 micrograms of A431sc-uPA can be recovered per liter of supernatant. The product is homogeneous by SDS-PAGE and reverse phase FPLC analysis while two main isoelectric forms of pI 9.05 and pI 9.20 were observed by IEF. SDS-PAGE in reducing and non-reducing conditions, Western blot analysis and zymography showed that A431sc-uPA is a single-chain protein of about 50,000 Mr immunologically related to urokinase (uPA) and distinct from tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). The N-terminal aminoacid sequence of A431sc-uPA (27 residues) is identical to that of human kidney single-chain uPA. A431sc-uPA does not incorporate 3H-diisopropylfluorophosphate and is virtually inactive on the synthetic substrate S-2444. Plasmin treatment converts A431sc-uPA into a two-chain active form with a fibrinolytic specific activity of 123,000 I. U./mg.  相似文献   

The relationships between tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), its fast acting inhibitor (PAI-1) and euglobulin clot lysis time (ELT) were investigated with healthy volunteers' plasma. Turbidimetric clot lysis assay by the microtiter plate reader was utilized for ELT with a slight modification. Both tPA and PAI-1 showed the significant correlation with ELT. tPA had a significantly positive, not negative, correlation with ELT (R = 0.387, p less than 0.001). Higher correlation coefficients (R = 0.580, p less than 0.001 and R = 0.599, p less than 0.001) were obtained between ELT and total PAI-1 or free PAI-1 than tPA or tPA-PAI-1 complex (R = 0.427, p less than 0.001). The positive correlation was also obtained between tPA and PAI-1. These data suggest that PAI-1 is a highly important factor for ELT, especially, the amounts of free PAI-1 being the key factor to determine the ELT, which can represent the potential activity of the fibrinolytic system.  相似文献   

Intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator is an established therapy for adults with ischemic stroke. In this Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky population-based study, 8% were eligible. However, no established therapy exists for children with acute ischemic stroke. Accordingly, investigators assessed rates of eligibility for recombinant tissue plasminogen activator therapy among children (<18 years of age) in the same population to aid planning of future clinical trials. The investigators identified 29 pediatric ischemic strokes during 3 separate study periods (1993-1994, 1999, and 2005) and determined potential eligibility for recombinant tissue plasminogen activator therapy based on 2007 American Heart Association guidelines for adults. Depending on how relative contraindications were considered, 1 to 3 cases (3%-10%) met eligibility criteria. On the basis of national pediatric stroke incidence rates extrapolated from our population, it is estimated that up to 178 children might be eligible for intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator therapy annually in the United States. Thus, recruitment for clinical studies is likely to be challenging and requires a concerted multicenter effort.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: There is little reported of the safety and efficacy of high-dose intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (alteplase) in combination with heparin anticoagulation in patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: Thirty-two patients with severe hemispheric stroke syndrome caused by angiographically proven middle cerebral artery and/or intracranial internal carotid artery occlusion were treated with 100 mg alteplase by intravenous infusion over 90 minutes within a mean +/- SD of 226 +/- 68 minutes after symptom onset. Recanalization was assessed by digital subtraction angiography in all patients immediately after treatment and by transcranial Doppler monitoring (n = 30) and/or a third angiogram (n = 5) 12-24 hours later. RESULTS: Complete or partial reperfusion was observed in 11 patients (34%) 90 minutes after the initiation of alteplase infusion and in 17 patients (53%) within 12-24 hours. Hemorrhagic infarction without clinical deterioration was detected by follow-up computed tomography in nine patients (28%). Fatal parenchymal hemorrhage occurred in three patients (9%) with huge middle cerebral artery infarcts. Serious hemorrhage from the puncture site occurred in two patients (6%). Good clinical outcome correlated with reperfusion (p less than 0.05) and the presence of grade 2 collateral blood flow (p less than 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: When 100 mg of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator was given within the first 6 hours of acute stroke together with heparin the incidence of deleterious hemorrhage was less than 10%. Reperfusion and effective collateral blood flow seem to be two important factors associated with a small infarct volume and good clinical outcome.  相似文献   

Modulation of zinc toxicity by tissue plasminogen activator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)-plasmin proteolytic system mediates excitotoxin-induced neurodegeneration in vivo and in cell culture. tPA also confers neuroprotection from zinc toxicity in cell culture through a proteolysis-independent mechanism. This raises two questions: what is this non-enzymatic mechanism, and why tPA does not synergize with zinc to promote neuronal cell death? We show here that zinc binds to tPA and inhibits its activity in a dose-dependent fashion, thus terminating its protease-dependent neurotoxic capacity. We extend the previously reported culture findings to demonstrate that elevated zinc is neurotoxic in vivo, and even more so when tPA is absent. Thus, physiological levels of tPA confer protection from elevated free zinc. Mechanistically, tPA promotes movement of zinc into hippocampal neuron cells through voltage-sensitive Ca(2+) channels and Ca(2+)-permeable AMPA/KA channels. Therefore, zinc and tPA each appear to be able to limit the potential of the other to facilitate neurodegeneration, a reciprocal set of actions that may be critical in the hippocampus where tPA is secreted during the nonpathological conditions of learning and memory at sites known to be repositories of free and sequestered zinc.  相似文献   

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