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目的通过潜在心脏死亡人体器官捐献(DCD)案例的访谈工作,探讨家属对亲属器官捐献决定的影响因素分析及应对措施,为制定临床上缓解器官供应紧缺的应对方案提供依据。方法选取2015年1月~2016年1月参与本移植医学中心协调的潜在DCD案例62例,对潜在DCD者的家属通过专业调查人员进行访谈,通过对DCD案例成败分析、访谈时机、调查人员专业度、家属对器官捐献接受程度、家庭成员构造、家庭成员对DCD决定的影响等调查,探索家属对亲属器官捐献决定的影响因素分析及应对措施。结果捐献成功的主要因素:(1)与家属访谈的时机均为家属放弃治疗之后;(2)家属接受临床DCD的概念及流程,对DCD体制和使用情况不会质疑;(3)调查人员通过DCD访谈技巧培训;(4)患者家庭构造是核心家庭,DCD讨论参与者只有核心的家庭成员。结论家属对亲属DCD的决定受多种因素的影响,政府与医疗机构需要规范DCD 体制,加强调查人员的专业培训,宣传DCD知识,改良DCD的社会舆论,建立国家级DCD登记与分配平台,进而缓解器官供应紧缺的难题,提高我国DCD数量和捐献率具有重要的临床意义。   相似文献   

目的探讨潜在器官捐献者家属捐献意愿现状并探讨其影响因素。方法选取2015年1月-2018年12月我院危重患者家属404名,根据其是否有意向进行器官捐献及是否最终捐赠分为有意向最终捐献组(49名)、有意向未捐献组(41名)及无意向组(314名)。分析可能影响3组家属进行器官捐献的相关因素。结果 (1)单因素分析结果显示,学历、年收入、宗教信仰、医学专业、接受器官捐赠宣教、接受组织协调、担忧自身权益、担心分配不均及对机构不信任是家属捐献意愿的影响因素,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。(2)有序Logistics分析结果显示,高收入且为医学专业是促进器官捐赠的影响因素,而低学历、未接受器官捐赠宣教、担心自身权益得不到保障、无组织协调及对机构不信任则是潜在人群拒绝器官捐赠的影响因素。结论对潜在器官捐献家属进行宣教和出台相关政策保证器官捐赠人群自身权益,并将相关事宜透明化,是促进潜在器官捐赠家属捐赠的有效手段,其中保障器官捐赠者自身权益是捐赠者主要关心问题。  相似文献   

DCD器官捐献者家属访谈心理因素调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析心脏死亡器官捐献者的病因及影响家属捐献的心理因素。方法潜在捐献者符合Maas-tricht分类中第Ⅲ类标准或中国Ⅲ类标准。结果2010年3月~2011年12月访谈潜在捐献者67例,同意捐献者17例,成功捐献器官16例。结论器官捐献工作的开展,社会的认可,器官捐献知识的普及和捐献意识的提高是基础,协调员的坚持与付出,有关部门的支持是器官捐献工作取得成功的重要因素。  相似文献   

[目的]了解护士对器官捐献协调的知识、态度、行为现况及影响因素。[方法]采用自行设计的一般资料调查表及器官捐献协调知识量表、态度量表、行为问卷对北京市某三级甲等综合医院35个科室的303名护士进行问卷调查。[结果]器官捐献协调工作知识量表均分为20.14分,态度量表均分为3.73分,器官捐献协调工作态度量表的动力维度均分4.01分、阻力维度均分2.47分;0.7%的研究对象表示有过器官捐献协调工作的经验;0.3%表示做过器官捐献专业协调员;器官捐献协调工作知识与态度得分呈正相关(r=0.171,P0.05);逐步回归分析显示:职称、参加过公益活动以及接受过器官移植或捐献的相关培训是影响知识得分的因素(P0.05);职称、学历、执业过程中遇到过潜在捐献者及身边的人捐献过器官是影响态度得分的因素(P0.05)。[结论]护士对器官捐献协调工作的知识掌握程度处于中等水平;护士对器官捐献协调工作的态度比较积极,但同时拥有诸多顾虑担心,应加强对护士的相关培训,加快器官捐献协调工作的职业化建设,使护士消除顾虑,积极投身器官捐献协调工作。  相似文献   

[目的]了解护士对器官捐献协调的知识、态度、行为现况及影响因素。[方法]采用自行设计的一般资料调查表及器官捐献协调知识量表、态度量表、行为问卷对北京市某三级甲等综合医院35个科室的303名护士进行问卷调查。[结果]器官捐献协调工作知识量表均分为20.14分,态度量表均分为3.73分,器官捐献协调工作态度量表的动力维度均分4.01分、阻力维度均分2.47分;0.7%的研究对象表示有过器官捐献协调工作的经验;0.3%表示做过器官捐献专业协调员;器官捐献协调工作知识与态度得分呈正相关(r=0.171,P<0.05);逐步回归分析显示:职称、参加过公益活动以及接受过器官移植或捐献的相关培训是影响知识得分的因素(P<0.05);职称、学历、执业过程中遇到过潜在捐献者及身边的人捐献过器官是影响态度得分的因素(P<0.05)。[结论]护士对器官捐献协调工作的知识掌握程度处于中等水平;护士对器官捐献协调工作的态度比较积极,但同时拥有诸多顾虑担心,应加强对护士的相关培训,加快器官捐献协调工作的职业化建设,使护士消除顾虑,积极投身器官捐献协调工作。  相似文献   

[目的]了解公民逝世后器官捐献(DCD)潜在捐献者家属的心理感受,并探讨其应对方式。[方法]采用现象学研究法对5例DCD潜在捐献者家属10人进行访谈,运用Colaizzi法分析资料提炼主题。[结果]DCD潜在捐献者家属心理感受可归纳为3个主题:矛盾情感、正向情感、负向情感。[结论]DCD潜在捐献者家属矛盾情感和负向情感可通过移植协调员及医护人员的正确引导转为正向情感,因此,应加强器官移植的正面宣传,倡导社会、家庭支持,关注潜在捐献者家属的心理感受,普及脑死亡知识,提高器官捐献率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨压力理论对心脏死亡器官捐献供者家属面临的伦理问题的指导性意义,缓解供者家属焦虑状态,争取可供移植器官的来源。方法收集我院54例潜在捐献者资料,分析捐献者家属心理压力的来源,探讨压力理论对缓解压力,加强供者家属对伦理问题应对的作用。结果54例潜在捐献者中同意捐献者35例,成功捐献22例。结论压力理论可应用于今后心脏死亡器官捐献供者家属管理中,为争取更多可移植器官提供保障。  相似文献   

解雨  雷蕾  谢勤  段方见  罗羽 《护理学报》2021,28(22):40-44
目的 综合现阶段器官捐献中劝捐协调过程的现状,分析阻碍中国器官劝捐工作的具体因素,旨在为制定科学、规范、实用的劝捐策略提供依据,提高我国器官劝捐成功率。方法 通过对国内外器官捐献相关文献的阅读及梳理,分析、总结器官劝捐工作的影响因素及劝捐策略。结果 影响劝捐的主要因素有:家属对捐献工作仍存在不信任,潜在捐献者及家属文化根源及心理危机,协调员专业性不强、胜任力较不足。结论 提出进一步完善体制,增加公众信任度;从协调员选拔及培训提出规范化建议;宣传应普及,深入推广死亡教育,营造器官捐献良好的文化氛围;加强科学研究挖掘劝捐成功的经验、改善协调员劝捐策略,从国家层面到个人共同努力促进器官移植事业良性发展。  相似文献   

背景:心脏死亡捐献是国内现阶段解决器官来源的科学决策。国内外对移植器官受者及其家属的相关指标探讨较多,其次为捐献态度及其影响因素调查和伦理相关问题的研究,基于心脏死亡捐献基础上的供者及家属情况分析探讨较少。目的:回顾性分析吉林大学第一医院自2011年被卫生部和中国红十字会指定为心脏死亡捐献工作第二批试点单位以来的工作经验,汇总供者及其家属的信息,及时审视工作进展并探讨需要改进的方面。方法:以单中心试点工作以来获得的组织经验为基础,结合所接触的供者及其家属的自然状况、社会属性、对心脏死亡捐献的认知等情况,予以统计学处理。结果与结论:吉林大学第一医院心脏死亡捐献工作已逐步正规化,取得了一定成果,工作中总结了现存问题及普遍误区,以指导下一步工作。总结改进要点如下:①采取具体措施协助供者家属应对传统观念、心理压力及伦理问题。②大力发展与地方医院的交流与合作。③不能疏忽伦理评估与审批。④认真准确及时地上报供者信息,并随时更新受者信息库中的资料。⑤遇到特殊案例应进行小组讨论,针对个案探讨成功或失败的经验。⑥培养心脏死亡捐献团队成员整体素养。  相似文献   

目的 探讨蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)脑死亡患者作为器官捐献供体的护理要点.方法 2011年1月至2012年7月,8例因SAH脑死亡患者,在家属知情同意的情况下拟行可控性心脏死亡器官捐献(DCD),回顾总结供体器官获取之前,机械通气、血管活性药物应用、监测血压、心率、血气分析、尿量、电解质酸碱平衡、体温、肌酐、尿素氮等维持供体器官灌注的有效方法.结果 7例供体顺利完成可控性DCD,捐献的器官功能稳定正常,1例患者因出现肾功能损害放弃捐献.结论 有效的供体维护是确保潜在的脑死亡供体器官成功捐献和捐献器官移植手术成功的重要因素之一.  相似文献   

韦林山  黄海  霍枫 《中国临床康复》2013,(53):9209-9214
背景:器官捐献协调员是开展器官捐献工作的骨干力量,是提高中国器官捐献率的重要保证,而加快器官捐献协调员队伍建设的核心问题是实现职业化。目的:通过器官捐献协调员职业化建设的重大意义、内涵探析、现状总结以及建议对策等4个方面进行了尝试性探索。方法:以“器官捐献/器官移植/协调员/职业化,遗体捐献,心死亡”为中文捡索词,以“organ donation /organ transplantation /coordinator / profession/occupation/,body donation, cardiac death”为英文检索词,检索维普和中国知网(CNKI)期刊全文数据库、万方、Pubmed,Medline,Highwire和外文生物医学期刊全文数据库(Foreign Journals Integration System)2003年1月至2013年8月有关器官捐献报告中主要涉及器官捐献协调员的相关报道。然后二次人工检索器官捐献协调员后,纳入有关器官捐献协调员,以及器官捐献移植相关政策法规的文献,排除临床研究和基础研究性的文章,通过对文献归纳,总结分析目前中国器官捐献协调员的现况,提出器官捐献协调员职业化建设的对策。结果与结论:文章详细阐述了器官捐献协调员的深刻内涵、职业要求和社会定位,系统分析了国内目前器官捐献协调员队伍建设中存在的问题,粗略构建了中国器官捐献协调员职业化建设的基本框架,总结探索了器官捐献协调员职业化建设应采取的路径和方法。  相似文献   

Palliative care consultation has been demonstrated to be useful in many situations in which expert symptom management, communication around sensitive issues, and family support may serve to enhance or improve care. The process of organ donation is an example of this concept, specifically the process of donation after cardiac death (DCD). DCD allows patients with severe, irreversible brain injuries that do not meet standard criteria for brain death to donate organs when death is declared by cardiopulmonary criteria. The DCD method of donation has been deemed an ethically appropriate means of organ donation and is supported by the organ procurement and medical communities, as well as the public. The palliative care (PC) team can make a significant contribution to the care of the patient and family in the organ donation process. In this paper we describe the controlled DCD process at one institution that utilizes the PC team to provide expert end-of-life care, including comprehensive medical management and family support. PC skills and principles applicable to the DCD process include communication, coordination of care, and skillful ventilator withdrawal. If death occurs within 90 minutes of withdrawal of life support, organs may be successfully recovered for transplantation. If the patient survives longer than 90 minutes, his or her care continues to be provided by the PC team. Palliative care can contribute to standardizing quality end-of-life care practices in the DCD process and provide education for involved personnel. Further experience, research and national discussions will be helpful in refining these practices, to make this difficult and challenging experience as gentle and supportive as possible for the courageous families who participate in this process.  相似文献   

The aim was to explore how relatives and physicians understood cases where organ donation had been requested and what factors were salient for the decision on donation. Physicians of 25 deceased patients and 20 relatives were interviewed. The material was analyzed using qualitative methods. Eleven patients had declared their wishes on donation before death; in 14 cases the relatives had to decide. Half of these relatives accepted donation and half refused. The donation request was of secondary importance to the families; they were totally occupied by the death and initially tried to avoid the request by regarding “no” as a nonresponse. They needed support to relieve their immediate reactions of uneasiness, start rational thought processes, and reach well-grounded answers. The basis for requesting donation was good; relatives, with regard to circumstances, had been well prepared for the death by continuous information from the physicians and had confidence in staff, accepted that the question was raised, and understood the death criteria. However, about half the physicians experienced conflicts regarding prerequisites of procuring organs and dealing with relatives. Three different approaches were displayed: prodonation, neutral, and ambivalent. Only physicians with a prodonation approach received acceptance for donation.  相似文献   

The donor transplant coordinator system of our country started in about 1985. However, they were hospital dependent. The Japan organ transplant network (JOTNW) of independent establishments was established in 1995. As a result, The transplant coordinator divided into JOTNW and those who recommended the prefecture. However, the qualification of mediator is the same. Most of the donor in our country is non-heart beating kidney transplant donor. Therefore, the donor transplant coordinator in our country also has treated mainly the non-heart beating donor cases. However, the organ donation in the brain death became possible by enforcing the Organ Transplant Law in October, 1997. Then, it explains coordinator's role in the organ donation in the brain death of our country with a lot of restrictions compared with another country this time.  相似文献   

In Japan, the new law of organ transplantation was introduced in 2010 as broad opt in system likely WHO standard. However option for organ donation from the patients with brain death is not regulated by the law and depends on the decision of charged doctors. Organ donation is prohibited from the child injured with child abuse and the patients with mental retardation. Directed donation is adopted in USA and Korea, although it is prohibited in all European countries. It is permitted only for pre-registered donors and their parents, children and spouse in Japan. Opt out system should not be established in Japan because it is still not enough that general people accept brain death. Recruit and education of more coordinators and ICU doctors and nurses are also necessary, in terms of donor action program. In addition we have to keep on enlightening organ donation for general people.  相似文献   

When Organ Transplantation Law was issued, Japanese Organ Transplantation Network (JOT) was established. JOT plays a role in listing recipients, management and education of JOT coordinator(Co), publicity, and head-quarter at the time of organ donation. JOT Cos play roles in getting consent for organ donation from relatives, donor evaluation and management, organ transport, management of organ recovery and taking care of donor families during and after donation. Every prefecture has at least one own prefectural Co who is mainly working for public education and hospital development. They help JOT Co at the time of organ procurement. Most prefectures commission hospital staffs in procurement hospital to be an in-hospital Co, who find potential donors and support organ procurement.  相似文献   

As revised Japanese Organ Transplantation Law was issued on 17th July, 2010, standard process of organ procurement after brain death was changed as follows. After the patient is determined clinically brain dead, a doctor may tell his or her relatives the opportunity of organ donation and ask them whether they want to listen organ procurement by JOT coordinators. If they want to do so and to donate organs, brain death is determined by legally regulated method. Around this period, his or her organs are evaluated whether they are transplantable or not. After the patient was legally sentenced brain dead, transplant recipients are selected and procurement teams are sent from transplant centers. Organ function is evaluated again by procurement teams and then organs are procured and transplanted.  相似文献   

The death of a patient is seen by many nurses as the end of their interaction with the patient and family. However, the option of organ donation may extend that interaction and present another opportunity to serve as an advocate for the family, as well as for patients whom the nurse has never met. Patients who have been declared brain dead or from whom life support is going to be withdrawn following a neurological injury are potential organ donors. Although these patients and their families are frequently under the care of neuroscience nurses, all nurses need a thorough understanding of their responsibilities regarding identification and referral of potential organ donors to the designated Organ Procurement Organization (OPO). In addition, it is essential for nurses to understand the clinical presentation and determination of brain death in order to provide patient care and family education. Understanding how consent for organ donation should be obtained from families and how the organ recovery process works enables the nurse to collaborate with OPO staff and support the family in their decision regarding organ donation.  相似文献   

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