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Large acquired bladder diverticula in adults may cause severe urodynamic disturbance and exacerbate difficulty in micturition. They may accommodate a large proportion of the contents of the bladder during attempted voiding, thus decreasing the effect of the detrusor muscle contraction. The post-micturition radiographs on intravenous urography, after the diverticula have emptied again, may only show a large intravesical post-micturition residue and give little information as to the size of the diverticula during the act of micturition.  相似文献   

Prolactin-secreting adenomas, the commonest of the pituitary tumours, are being recognised with increasing frequency in men. Their appearance and behaviour differ from those occurring in women, being typically larger and more aggressive. We describe the clinical features and radiological findings of three prolactinomas in young males and review the literature.  相似文献   

Coils of the cochlea.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abnormalities of the cochlear portion of the bony labyrinth may often be suspected but are inadequately demonstrated by conventional tomography in the antero-posterior position. Further views are necessary. The authors demonstrate this by means of a comparison between tomographic and histological sections of the inner ear of an anencephalic with a unilateral Mundini defect. Submento-vertical tomograms give a good demonstration of the cochlea.  相似文献   

Water-soluble contrast media have replaced myodil for cervical myelography. In the presence of significant degenerative disease, the normal cervical lordotic curve may be decreased, straightened or even reversed, making it impossible to 'pool' sufficient contrast medium in this region. In such cases, third generation computed tomography is invaluable in confirming or excluding the presence of cervical disc protrusion.  相似文献   

The normal cross-sectional anatomy of the axillary and supraclavicular regions is demonstrated. One hundred and sixty chest computed tomography scans were reviewed and criteria for differentiating normal axillary and supraclavicular structures from enlarged lymph nodes established. Axillary structures 14 mm or larger are suggestive of axillary adenopathy. Axillary structures 10-13 mm in size raise the possibility of adenopathy.  相似文献   

Due to the anatomical relationship of the jaws to the infratemporal fossa this area is readily involved in pathological processes of the jaw. Conventional radiographs play a limited role in demonstrating this region. A variety of primary diseases of the jaws, namely hereditary, developmental, infective, benign and malignant tumours with extension into the infratemporal fossa, are presented. Computed tomography is an excellent method for showing both osseous and soft-tissue components which include bony destruction, new bone formation, soft tissue calcification, inflammatory and malignant processes affecting the muscles and fat in the infratemporal fossa.  相似文献   

Rotatory subluxation of the scaphoid is an uncommon abnormality which is not widely understood. It can be difficult to diagnose and, if incorrectly managed, can lead to a severe and disabling radio-carpal arthritis. While complicating many forms of wrist trauma, its place in the lunate-perilunate dislocation spectrum being especially important, the abnormality may occur in the absence of trauma, such as with rheumatoid arthritis; its association with Kienb?ck's disease is documented in this paper. The mechanisms underlying the subluxation are discussed and the importance of early diagnosis is stressed. Eight cases of rotatory subluxation of the scaphoid are reported to illustrate the presentations, symptomatology and complexities of diagnosis.  相似文献   

The assessment of acetabular fractures by conventional radiology is difficult whilst essential to the planning of orthopaedic treatment. This report details the results of computed tomography (CT) in a study of acetabular fractures in 30 patients. Computed tomography was always superior to conventional radiology, particularly in the evaluation of lesions of the posterior acetabular margin. The standard classification of the fractures did not require modification but was reinforced by the three-dimensional visualisation of the lesions. The particular contribution of CT was in the assessment of associated lesions often not apparent on conventional views of the pelvis: these comprised sacroiliac lesions in 60% of cases, intra-articular loose bodies in 33% of cases and pelvic haematomas in 17% of cases. As a result of CT, treatment was changed in one third of cases. In addition to its role in indicating the need for surgical or orthopaedic treatment, CT sometimes permitted a better choice of surgical technique, especially in respect of sacroiliac lesions causing as yet unexplained sciatica.  相似文献   

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