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为了解接触苯对人免疫功能的影响,对某石油化工厂163名接触苯的作业工人(接触组)和42名不接触苯的工人(对照组)进行了职业卫生调查,测定血清IgG、IgM、IgA的含量。结果显示,高浓度苯接触组血清IgA含量低于对照组(P<0.05)。提示,接触苯对作业工人血清免疫球蛋白IgA水平有一定的影响。 相似文献
目的 研究低浓度烟草尘对接触工人血清肿瘤相关物质群(TSCF)水平的影响.方法 选择1 227名烟草接触工人为接触组,另选757名无职业接触史的行政后勤人员作对照.采用国产JFC-3型个体粉尘采样器对烟草作业岗位呼吸带进行多点采样,用滤膜重量法测定样品总尘浓度.使用福建新大陆生物技术有限公司生产的TSGF联合检测试剂盒测定血清TSGF含量.结果 作业岗位烟草尘浓度范围0.3~1.2(0.63±0.26)mg/m3,均没有超过国家卫生标准(TWA).接触组TSGF水平明显高于对照组(P<0.01);TSGF水平随接触工龄增加而升高(P<0.01);男工高于女工(P<0.01);接触组吸烟者均高于不吸烟者,且随着吸烟量的增加而增加(P<0.01);各年龄组之间差异无显著性(P>0.05).结论 烟草尘可致接触工人血清TSGF水平增高,吸烟有协同作用. 相似文献
箱包厂苯作业对接触工人职业健康状况的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨箱包厂苯对接触工人职业健康状况的影响。方法测定工作场所空气中的苯浓度,对苯接触组与对照组工人进行体检,检查外周血白细胞(WBC)、血红蛋白(Hb)、血小板(Pt)、微核(MN)、肝功能和HBsAg。结果苯接触组工人具有一定的神经系统症状和消化系统症状,外周血WBC、Hb、Pt下降人数分别占9、3%、11.3%和5.3%,苯接触组微核率2.75‰,与对照组比较有显著性差异。苯接触组肝功能异常和HBsAg阳性率明显高于对照组。结论从事苯作业的工人出现比较明显的神经系统和消化系统症状,并有外周血液系统的改变,需要高度重视苯对接触者的职业危害,加强职业卫生监督管理。 相似文献
长期接触低浓度混苯对作业工人健康的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
[目的]探讨苯、甲苯、二甲苯(3者为混苯)对作业工人健康的影响。[方法]选择我市某公司的造漆厂接触混苯的作业工人186名作为接触组,该公司油脂厂不接触混苯的作业工人106名作为对照组跟踪观察,测定作业环境中苯、甲苯和二甲苯的浓度。[结果]高血压和白细胞减少的检出率,接触组高于对照组(P<0.01,P<0.05)。[结论]长期接触混苯可能导致血压升高和白细胞减少,随接触时间的延长,高血压和白细胞减少有上升的趋势。 相似文献
目的 了解某化纤企业二硫化碳(CS2)的污染水平.方法 选择该企业有代表性的车间和工种,对作业工人接触CS2的浓度进行检测,同时,收集该企业历年来CS2浓度检测资料进行综合分析.结果 79.6%的工种接触CS2的短时间接触浓度≤10 mg/m3,92%的工种接触CS2的短时间接触浓度≤20 mg/m3;约70%的工种接触CS2的时间加权平均浓度≤5 mg/m3,约90%的工种接触CS2的时间加权平均浓度≤10 mg/m3,仅有个别工种作业工人接触CS2的时间加权平均浓度>15 mg/m3或短时间接触浓度>30 mg/m3.结论 该化纤企业大部分工种作业工人接触CS2的浓度相对稳定在较低水平,但仍有相当一部分工种作业工人接触CS2浓度超过国家职业接触限值,今后仍需加强对CS2污染的治理. 相似文献
目的 探讨天津市苯作业工人血细胞异常的影响因素。方法 2021年收集天津市某鞋厂苯作业工人2020年职业健康检查资料,并通过自行设计问卷进行流行病学调查。用logistic回归分析苯作业工人个人一般情况、职业史、既往及家族疾病史、个人行为习惯、女性生理和生育情况对苯作业工人血细胞异常的影响。结果 收集95例苯作业工人职业健康检查资料,并配合完成流行病学调查问卷,正常组苯作业工人66例,血细胞异常组苯作业工人29例。女性苯作业工人血细胞异常率高于男性(χ2=5.033,P<0.05),未绝经的女性苯作业工人血细胞异常率高于绝经的女性工人(χ2=7.469,P<0.01),年龄在18~<50岁的苯作业工人血细胞异常率高于年龄≥50岁的工人(χ2=5.265,P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析发现,低文化程度的苯作业工人血细胞异常风险高于中高文化程度工人(OR=4.951,95%CI:1.078~22.748),未绝经的女性苯作业工人血细胞异常风险高于绝经的女性工人(OR=0.127,95%CI:... 相似文献
目的探讨接触苯作业工人职业健康检查中白细胞计数限值的利弊。方法对北京市某区2009—2010年职业健康检查资料进行回顾性分析。结果 57家各类企业的苯作业工人(2772人次)在岗期间体检中无症状性白细胞计数低于4.5×109/L者占8%,经复查及职业病诊断资质的医疗机构定期观察后,除4人(白细胞计数在4.1~4.4之间)外,其他确定无异常;同期,共计4247人参加接触苯作业上岗前体检,其中白细胞计数低于4.5×109/L者占8.6%,与前一数据相近。结论应将接触苯作业工人职业健康检查中白细胞计数的接触限值回归到4.0×109/L,以保护在岗工人及求职者的就业权。 相似文献
目的:探讨天津市苯作业工人疑似职业病和职业禁忌证检出情况。方法:于2020年6月,将2019年1至12月天津市16个市辖区514家存在苯危害企业16 113名苯作业工人在岗期间职业健康检查资料纳入分析,企业信息包括用人单位所属地区、经济类型、行业分类和企业规模;苯作业工人在岗期间职业健康检查资料包括常规检查指标和苯专项... 相似文献
对北京市朝阳区35家存在苯危害的企业及其513名作业工人进行调查,检测工作场所空气中苯浓度,收集工人职业健康检查结果。结果显示,35家企业苯浓度均符合国家卫生标准。325人体检结果存在异常,主要为血常规异常(42.9%)。不同规模的企业作业工人之间白细胞下降率存在差异;作业工人随着工龄增加红细胞计数有降低的趋势。提示低浓度苯对作业工人血液系统有一定的影响,存在时间-效应关系,应定期进行职业健康检查,加强职业防护。 相似文献
A Yardley-Jones D Anderson D P Lovell P C Jenkinson 《British journal of industrial medicine》1990,47(1):48-51
Metaphase chromosome preparations were analysed as part of a larger study from a population occupationally exposed to benzene and compared with a control group. Forty eight of the 66 exposed individuals and 29 of the 33 controls had samples in which metaphase spreads could be evaluated. The incidence of chromosomal aberrations (particularly chromatid deletions and gaps) in the exposed group were slightly increased compared with the control group. This increase was of borderline significance in parametric statistical tests but was significant using Fisher's exact test. No lifestyle factors had any consistent effect on the incidence of chromosome aberrations, although there was a small reduction in gaps with increasing cigarette smoking. Older individuals had a higher incidence of chromosome exchanges and "other" aberrations. Individuals who reported a recent viral illness had a higher incidence of aberrations particularly gaps. There was no evidence of any correlation in the incidence of chromosome aberrations with any of the other biological parameters previously reported. The increased incidence of aberrations seen in the group exposed to benzene may result from a history of exposure to benzene. Nevertheless, other explanations such as sampling, interindividual variability, and unintentional bias in the selection of two groups cannot be excluded. 相似文献
A Yardley-Jones D Anderson D P Lovell P C Jenkinson 《Occupational and environmental medicine》1990,47(1):48-51
Metaphase chromosome preparations were analysed as part of a larger study from a population occupationally exposed to benzene and compared with a control group. Forty eight of the 66 exposed individuals and 29 of the 33 controls had samples in which metaphase spreads could be evaluated. The incidence of chromosomal aberrations (particularly chromatid deletions and gaps) in the exposed group were slightly increased compared with the control group. This increase was of borderline significance in parametric statistical tests but was significant using Fisher's exact test. No lifestyle factors had any consistent effect on the incidence of chromosome aberrations, although there was a small reduction in gaps with increasing cigarette smoking. Older individuals had a higher incidence of chromosome exchanges and "other" aberrations. Individuals who reported a recent viral illness had a higher incidence of aberrations particularly gaps. There was no evidence of any correlation in the incidence of chromosome aberrations with any of the other biological parameters previously reported. The increased incidence of aberrations seen in the group exposed to benzene may result from a history of exposure to benzene. Nevertheless, other explanations such as sampling, interindividual variability, and unintentional bias in the selection of two groups cannot be excluded. 相似文献
R. Smolik K. Grzybek-Hryncewicz A. Lange W. Zatoński 《International archives of occupational and environmental health》1973,31(3):243-247
Summary The serum complement level was determined in 79 persons subject to occupational exposure to benzene, toluene and xylene. In 62 of them the complement level was lower than the mean value of the control group. The mean value of the exposed persons is also statistically significantly lower than that of the control group (p<0.01). These findings are consistent with previous data suggesting the involvement of immunologic factors in the pathologic mechanism of exposure to benzene and its homologues. 相似文献
目的 了解苯接触对热应激蛋白(HSPs) 表达的影响以及HSPs 在苯毒性机理中的作用, 探讨HSPs 作为接触苯工人分子生物标志物的可能性。方法 选择接触苯浓度≥40mg/ m3 工人42 名为高暴露组, 接触苯浓度< 40mg/m 3工人50 名为低暴露组, 不接触苯等职业有害因素工人42 名为对照组。采用Westerndotblot 方法测定其血浆HSP27 、HSP60 、HSP70 及HSP90 水平。结果 发现高暴露组血浆HSP70 水平明显高于对照组( P< 0.05) , 而HSP27 、HSP60 和HSP90 在四组间差异无显著意义。结论 血浆HSP70 水平能反映工人接触苯的水平及反应能力, 作为分子生物标志物在苯作业工人健康监护中有一定价值。 相似文献
对合肥市90家涉苯企业进行工作场所苯浓度现场检测,并对2 154名苯作业工人血象异常的影响因素进行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果显示,性别、年龄、企业所有制类型是苯作业工人血象异常的独立影响因素。 相似文献
Cytogenetic study of workers exposed to benzene 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
D Picciano 《Environmental research》1979,19(1):33-38
Cytogenetic evaluation of peripheral lymphocytes from 52 workers exposed to low levels of benzene (less than 10 ppm) has revealed an increase in aberration rates as compared to that of a 44-person group seen for preemployment examination. Statistically significant differences were found in the distribution of specific types of chromosomal aberrations. These induced-aberrations levels were not related to the age of the workers. Continued study of benzene-exposed workers (as well as industrial populations exposed to any clastogenic agent) with medical cytogenetic surveillance, environmental monitoring, and lifetime epidemiologic investigation is recommended. 相似文献
王志相 《职业卫生与应急救援》2006,24(3):148-149
目的探讨某县辖区内苯作业工人职业健康检查结果与行业、工龄及其他因素的关系,以进一步保障苯作业工人的健康权益。方法收集苯作业工人的职业健康检查和治疗情况,按行业、作业工龄和治疗情况进行分析。结果某县辖区内苯作业工人全部参加职业健康体检,箱包皮革行业苯作业工人职业健康复查率最高,苯作业工人工龄大于2年的复查率高,但是复查对象经及时治疗后恢复情况好。结论职业健康检查能及时发现苯对工人健康的早期损害或可疑对象,定期体检有利于早诊断、早治疗、早康复。 相似文献
A Yardley-Jones D Anderson P C Jenkinson D P Lovell S D Blowers M J Davies 《Occupational and environmental medicine》1988,45(10):694-700
Blood samples were obtained from a population of refinery workers representing different age groups. Sixty six men with low average exposure to benzene and 33 male controls were investigated. An examination of cell cycle kinetics and sister chromatid exchange was carried out on control and exposed individuals. No significant differences were found between groups of individuals varying in their drinking and smoking habits or their exposure to diagnostic x rays. Individuals with the lowest and highest phenol values were examined for urine mutagenicity, with urinary phenol used here as an indicator of benzene exposure. There was no difference in the number of revertant colonies in strains TA98 and 100 between the high and low urinary phenol groups. There were also no differences in any of the biochemical measures or haematological parameters investigated in all the individuals except that higher values for mean corpuscular volume were found in exposed than in control individuals. These values, however, were within the normal clinical range. 相似文献