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目的探讨阴道超声及血清CA125测定对诊断治疗卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿及子宫腺肌病的价值。方法对卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿及子宫腺肌病患者631例进行回顾性分析,术前均经阴道超声检查,部分患者进行了血清CA125测定。结果阴道超声检查卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿符合率98.7%;子宫腺肌病符合率91.7%;卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿合并子宫腺肌病符合率95.1%。血清CA125检查卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿,阳性率39.4%;子宫腺肌病阳性率52.2%;卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿合并子宫腺肌病阳性率59.2%。结论阴道超声可做为较准确诊断卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿及子宫腺肌病的首选方法。阴道超声下囊肿穿刺是治疗卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿的简便、有效的方法之一。血清CA125测定可做为卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿及子宫腺肌病的协助诊断方法,应进一步完善对照组的研究。  相似文献   

子宫内膜-子宫肌层连接区(EMJ)是指子宫内膜与子宫肌层连接的区域,是子宫壁的重要组成部分,在结构与功能上均具有特殊性.其结构及功能的损伤与子宫腺肌病的发生存在一定关系,其病理学、影像学的特征改变有助于子宫腺肌病的诊断.本文就EMJ的结构与功能特征及其在子宫腺肌病中的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

子宫内膜—子宫肌层连接区与子宫腺肌病的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
子宫内膜-子宫肌层连接区(EMJ)是指子宫内膜与子宫肌层连接的区域。是子宫壁的重要组成部分。在结构与功能上均具有特殊性,其结构及功能的损伤与子宫腺肌病的发生存在一定关系。其病理学、影像学的特征改变有助于子宫腺肌病的诊断。本文就EMJ的结构与功能特征及其在子宫腺肌病中的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症超声断层诊断法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
子宫内膜异位症为育龄妇女多发疾病,其中包括原因不明的不孕患者,近几年发病率明显增加,子宫内膜异位发生在子宫肌壁内为子宫腺肌病,又名为内在性子宫内膜异位症;发生于盆腔内为外在性子宫内膜异位症,超声波检查的适应证,为子宫腺肌病及外在性子宫内膜异位症,局部形成大囊肿即巧克力囊肿。播种在盆腔内腹膜面和子宫韧带小的蓝色浆果样斑点超声诊断困难。一、子宫腺肌病:比巧克力囊肿发病率高,单纯型子宫腺肌病超声诊断确诊率为86.2%。 (一)超声被扫描特点:(1)肿瘤在宫体。(2)子宫表面光滑。(3)超声回音在子宫前壁边界清晰,而后壁边界不清  相似文献   

目的 研究子宫内膜病变经阴道超声诊断的效果。方法 选取80例疑似子宫内膜病变患者,经病理学检查后确诊。给予患者经阴道超声和经腹部超声检查,比较两种检查手段的诊断结果、诊断效能、子宫内膜病变类型诊断结果。结果 80例疑似子宫内膜病变患者,经病理学检查后确诊为子宫内膜恶性病变12例,良性病变68例。两种检查方式的敏感度、特异度、准确率对比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。经阴道超声与经腹部超声不同病变类型检出结果对比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。影像学表现:子宫内膜癌:子宫形态增大,宫腔增大。超声显示子宫内膜增厚,呈不规则低回声,回声不均匀,宫腔内出现息肉样肿物,边缘不光滑,回声不均匀及液体积聚。宫腔内有丰富的血流信号,这些信号为网状形式。血管形态分布不规则。子宫黏膜下肌瘤:超声图像清晰,黏膜下肌瘤是类圆形或扁椭圆形,宫腔内回声团较低。子宫内膜息肉:边缘有较高回声,子宫内膜息肉与子宫肌层分界清晰。结论 经阴道超声诊断子宫内膜病变诊断效果显著,诊断准确率高,在子宫内膜病变类型鉴别上具有应用优势。  相似文献   

子宫内膜癌合并子宫腺肌病癌变临床罕见,无特异性临床表现,多依靠术后病理明确诊断,其治疗多依据子宫内膜癌的治疗原则,预后尚不清楚。报告了1例57岁因绝经后阴道出血就诊的女性患者,彩色超声提示子宫腺肌病,子宫内膜厚9 mm,诊断性刮宫病理提示子宫内膜样腺癌,进一步行子宫内膜癌全面分期术,术后病理提示子宫内膜腺癌合并子宫腺肌病癌变。术后诊断为子宫内膜癌Ⅰa期合并子宫腺肌病癌变,术后定期随访,未见复发征象。  相似文献   

王祎祎  段华   《实用妇产科杂志》2021,37(3):190-194
子宫内膜癌是女性生殖系统最常见的恶性肿瘤,其中部分病例合并子宫腺肌病。两者在疾病起源上均不同程度地受雌激素诱导,且子宫内膜细胞具有类似的生物学特征;子宫腺肌病不仅自身具有子宫内膜恶性转化潜能,也可能通过发挥屏障作用抑制原发子宫内膜癌进展。然而,子宫腺肌病的子宫多伴有形态结构失常,造成合并子宫腺肌病的子宫内膜癌灶累及肌层的影像学对比度下降,并给术后的病理诊断分期带来困扰和挑战。目前,针对合并子宫腺肌病的子宫内膜癌的预后情况仍无统一共识,但更多倾向子宫腺肌病合并症可能是Ⅰ型子宫内膜样腺癌的良好预后指标。本文从子宫内膜癌与子宫腺肌病在病因机制、进展转归等诸多方面存在相似性和相关性出发,探讨总结合并子宫腺肌病对子宫内膜癌进展转归、术前影像学诊断、术后病理分期和预后的影响,以期为临床处理两者共存的相关问题提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>子宫内膜异位症(简称内异症)是指子宫内膜腺体和间质出现在子宫腔被覆内膜以外的部位(不包括子宫肌层),生长、浸润、反复出血,继而引发疼痛、不孕及结节或包块等症状的疾病。子宫腺肌病(简称腺肌病)是指子宫肌层内出现子宫内膜腺体和间质,在激素的影响下发生出血、肌纤维结缔组织增生,形成的弥漫性病变或局限性病变,也可局灶形成子宫腺肌瘤病灶。关于腺肌病,存在很多迷惑和问题,有很多模糊和争论。早在4000多年前的希波克拉底时代,  相似文献   

刘晓敏 《现代妇产科进展》2012,21(11):904-905,907
通常情况下,子宫腺肌病的确诊必须通过子宫切除术后标本的病理检查,该病常发生于45~50多岁的妇女。因此,不可能评估其与不孕症的关系。直到现在,仍然没有流行病学的数据证明子宫腺肌病和生育能力低下存在确切关系。目前,新的成像技术可以在更早时期提供一种非侵袭性的诊断,国内外许多报道都证明药物、手术或者联合治疗能恢复子宫腺肌病妇女的生育能力,间接证明两者之间有关联。研究显示,在功能水平上,子宫腺肌病患者的子宫结合带或者子宫肌层内存在一些扰乱子宫收缩的异常现象,推测与生育能力低下有关。还有一些相关证据来源于实验数据,如在狒狒体内,子宫腺肌病及子宫内膜异位症均与原发性不孕密切相关。关于子宫腺肌病妇女正常和异常子宫内膜的研究,间接证明子宫内膜功能性和容受性的改变与不孕症相关。总之,根据系统的临床研究,有充分的间接证据证明子宫腺肌病与不孕症之间存在联系。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经阴道彩色多普勒超声对鉴别诊断子宫肌瘤与子宫腺肌症的临床意义。方法 选取68例子宫肌瘤设为A组,46例子宫腺肌症患者设为B组。两组患者均实施经腹部及经阴道彩色多普勒超声检查,比较两组疾病诊断效果。结果 经阴道彩色多普勒超声检查对子宫肌瘤与子宫腺肌症疾病的诊断准确率高于经腹部彩色多普勒超声检查(P<0.05)。经阴道彩色多普勒超声检查中A组患者血流阻力指数、血流搏动指数、舒张期峰值速度及收缩期峰值速度均低于B组(P<0.05),且A组超声图像特征:主要表现为低回声,特殊情况存在小部分略强回声。B组超声图像特征:主要特征呈现筛孔状暗区、星点状血流信号,基本呈现较强的光团回声。结论 经阴道彩色多普勒超声诊断子宫肌瘤和子宫腺肌症可取得较为准确的鉴别诊断效果,为临床诊断、治疗提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

The diagnosis of adenomyosis is feasible on pathological specimen examination, while it is unreliable on clinical findings, biopsy, hysteroscopy, sonohysterography, and routine ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging. Several patterns of 'abnormality' described on imaging have been linked to adenomyosis, but the correlation is weak and the diagnostic accuracy is low outside of a research context. Nevertheless, thickening or abnormality of the subendometrial myometrium, the outer part of the 'endometrial-subendometrial myometrium unit' (thought to be important in human fertility) has been repeatedly documented on imaging, called 'adenomyosis' and linked to infertility. This paper discusses the value of the physiological endometrial-subendometrial myometrium unit in human fertility, reviews the current criteria for its imaging, and reports on its relationship to fertility. It is proposed that endometrial-subendometrial myometrium unit disruption disease is considered as a new entity (distinguished from adenomyosis), the diagnosis of which is feasible and straightforward on imaging and expressed mainly by pathological thickening or abnormality of the subendometrial myometrium (myometrial halo or junctional zone). The study also reports on the influence of abnormal thickening or disruption on human fertility and outcome of assisted reproduction techniques, and demonstrates that this new entity is epidemiologically different from adenomyosis.  相似文献   

Adenomyosis is characterized by the presence of ectopic foci of endometrial glandular tissue and/or stroma within the myometrium. The diagnosis of adenomyosis is traditionally made through histologic evaluation of the postsurgical specimen. More recently, imaging with transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) has been used for the preoperative diagnosis of adenomyosis. As yet, there is no consensus regarding the best imaging feature or combination thereof for the nonsurgical diagnosis of adenomyosis. This study systematically evaluated the literature in the last 10 years to determine the accuracy of 2-dimensional (2D) TVUS, different imaging features, enhancing methods such as 3-dimensional (3D) TVUS, elastography and color Doppler in the nonsurgical diagnosis of adenomyosis. A total of 8 studies were included. Pooled sensitivity and specificity for 2D TVUS for the diagnosis of adenomyosis for all combined imaging characteristics was 83.8% and 63.9%, respectively. Pooled sensitivity for 355 total patients with use of imaging feature of heterogeneous myometrium with 2D TVUS was highest (86.0%), and pooled specificity for 283 total patients with use of globular uterus was highest (78.1%). After including the “question mark” sign with other TVUS features, higher sensitivity and specificity, of 92% and 88%, respectively, were noted. For 3D TVUS, pooled sensitivity and specificity for all combined imaging characteristics was 88.9% and 56.0%, respectively. Poor definition of junctional zone showed the highest pooled sensitivity (86%) and the highest pooled specificity (56.0%) for the diagnosis of adenomyosis with 3D TVUS. There was no improvement in overall accuracy in 3D TVUS compared with 2D TVUS. Preliminary results of TVUS with color Doppler showed a high sensitivity and specificity for the differentiation between adenomyosis and myomas (95.6% and 93.4%, respectively). Also, TVUS elastography in 1 study showed an improvement in specificity (82.9%) compared with 2D TVUS (63.9%), albeit with comparable sensitivity. Larger studies are needed to advance our understanding of the different types of adenomyosis and their clinical impact.  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveTo evaluate the ultrasound features, types, and degrees of adenomyosis among adolescents and to correlate these findings with clinical symptomsDesignA retrospective observational study.SettingGynecological ultrasound units from January 2014 to June 2020.PatientsA total of 43 adolescents (aged 12–20 years) who were diagnosed as having adenomyosis at a pelvic ultrasound examination.InterventionsUltrasound features and location and type of adenomyosis within the uterus were evaluated on stored 2-dimensional images and videos and 3-dimensional volumes. Adenomyosis was classified as mild, moderate, and severe according to the extension of the disease in the uterus as described in our previous published classification.Measurements and Main ResultsAdenomyotic features recorded among our population were myometrial hyperechoic areas, uterine wall asymmetry, intramyometrial cystic areas, and some types of junctional zone alterations. The posterior uterine wall (58%) and the outer myometrial layer (93%) were mostly affected. In 44% of adolescents (19/43) with adenomyosis, at least 1 location of pelvic endometriosis was documented. Dysmenorrhea was the most commonly reported symptoms (88%), and it was associated with adenomyosis of the outer myometrium, myometrial hyperechoic areas, uterine wall asymmetry, and intramyometrial cystic areas. Adolescents with dyspareunia showed diffuse adenomyosis (9/9 patients) including both the inner and outer myometrium (7/9 patients) and in the posterior wall (7/9 patients). Heavy menstrual bleeding was associated with diffuse adenomyosis (18/23 patients) mostly of the outer myometrium (22/23 patients). Scoring system showed predominantly mild disease and no severe adenomyosis was found. Adolescents with diffuse adenomyosis were significantly older and showed a high percentage of heavy menstrual bleeding compared with those with the focal disease of the inner myometrium.ConclusionThis study shows that adenomyosis is not only a pathology of adult life, but it involves young patients mostly in a mild-to-moderate form and is associated with typical painful symptoms. In adolescents, the diagnosis of adenomyosis is feasible through a noninvasive way with ultrasound and a proper management can be set.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a highly accurate non-invasive technique for the diagnosis of adenomyosis. Typical MR features include either diffuse or focal thickening of the junctional zone or an ill-defined area of low signal intensity in the myometrium on T2-weighted MR images. Occasionally, the islands of ectopic endometrial tissue can be identified as punctate foci of high signal intensity. Less commonly, adenomyosis can present as a well-circumscribed form known as adenomyoma, adenomyotic cyst characterized by the presence of haemorrhagic cyst, or adenomyomatous polyp protruding into the uterine cavity. The MR appearances of adenomyosis may occasionally fluctuate in response to hormonal stimulation and treatment. MR imaging is helpful not only in monitoring the treatment effect of hormonal therapy, but also in predicting therapeutic effect. In cases of endometrial cancer in the uterus with adenomyosis, evaluation of myometrial invasion may become difficult. Rarely, endometrial cancer may arise directly from adenomyosis resulting from malignant transformation of endometrial glands, creating diagnostic challenges. Differential diagnosis of adenomyosis on MR imaging include physiological myometrial contraction and almost all myometrial lesions, and they should be carefully differentiated from adenomyosis by identifying typical clinical and MR features in these lesions. Precise knowledge of the spectrum of MR features in adenomyosis greatly helps in determining an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of the patients.  相似文献   

An accurate preoperative diagnosis of uterine adenomyosis is often difficult. We reviewed our experience with ultrasound evaluation of this pathological entity. Patients with histologically proven adenomyosis were studied to determine the usefulness of ultrasound for the preoperative diagnosis of this entity. In patients with adenomyosis, variable ultrasound patterns are seen, namely, enlargement of the uterus, irregular vesicular spaces within the myometrium, and an acoustically enhanced posterior wall of the uterus. However, leiomyoma had a similar echopattern. Based on five cases of histologically extensive adenomyoasis, an accurate diagnosis of adenomyosis proved feasible when ultrasonography showed all three ultrasonic patterns mentioned above, associated with a retroverted uterus or possible adhesions between the uterus and structures in close proximity, nodule or outgrowth in the region of the uterosacral ligaments or in combination, as frequently found in conjunction with external endometriosis. The ultrasonographical demonstration of endometrial cyst of the ovary may contribute to an accurate diagnosis of adenomyosis.  相似文献   

Modern imaging techniques allow non-invasive diagnosis of adenomyosis, a relatively common disorder characterized by the presence of heterotopic endometrial glands and stroma in the myometrium with hyperplasia of the adjacent smooth muscle. The study of adenomyosis is greatly hampered by a lack of clear terminology and the absence of a consensus classification of the lesions. Any classification of adenomyosis must begin with an evaluation of the myometrium underlying the endometrium, the so-called junctional zone, since homogeneous thickening of this zone has become the standard criterion for non-invasive diagnosis. Although transvaginal sonography is useful for the detection of adenomyosis, the technique is highly operator dependent. Magnetic resonance imaging provides superior soft tissue resolution and currently represents the most accurate technique for non-invasive diagnosis. Adenomyosis represents a spectrum of lesions, ranging from increased thickness of the junctional zone to overt adenomyosis and adenomyomas, which in turn can be subclassified. It is increasingly recognized that adenomyosis is often associated with pelvic endometriosis yet the contribution of myometrial lesions to clinical symptoms, such as infertility and pain, remains poorly understood. Moreover, recent studies indicate that adenomyosis is a progressive disease that changes in appearance during the reproductive years. A consensus classification of uterine adenomyosis is urgently required.  相似文献   

Ulipristal acetate (UPA) is used for medical treatment of uterine fibroids. The aim of this study was to describe the effects on painful symptoms and the sonographic uterine modifications in patients with adenomyosis erroneously treated with UPA. This is an observational study on six women affected by adenomyosis and treated with three months of UPA (5?mg/24h). The baseline ultrasonography (US) was not performed at out center nor was the diagnosis of fibroids. The patients came to our attention after the treatment with UPA, prescribed by an external physician. During our post-treatment scan we found aspects of adenomyosis, while no fibroids were detected. Symptoms, myometrial and endometrial ultrasound features were evaluated. All patients reported an increase in pelvic pain. At US evaluation intramyometrial cystic areas were found in all six cases (100%). All patients showed an enhancement of adenomyosis features.The intra-myometrial cysts appeared enlarged and the vascularization enhanced when compared to the images of the pretreatment scan. In patients with adenomyosis treated with UPA due to an erroneous diagnosis of uterine fibroids we observed a worsening of the US features of adenomyosis and of the painful symptoms.  相似文献   


Background: Adenomyosis is a benign infiltration of endometrial stroma and glands into the myometrium. Until the advent and advancement of imaging techniques such as transvaginal ultrasound scan (TVUS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the diagnosis of adenomyosis could only be made with confidence using histology following hysterectomy.

Case: The patient is a 37-year-old woman, with a long history of secondary infertility. A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) and a pelvic MRI showed two separate uterine cavities. The patient underwent laparoscopy and hysteroscopy revealing a bicornuate appearance of the uterus and a uterine septum. Resection of the septum showed adenomyosis on histologic examination.

Comment: Adenomyosis of uterine septum should be considered if MRI shows features of adenomyosis elsewhere in the uterus with thickened junctional zone. Further research is needed to investigate this association with the pathogenesis of adenomyosis.  相似文献   

Uterine adenomyosis and/or adenomyoma is characterized by the presence of heterotopic endometrial glands and stroma within the myometrium, >2.5 mm in depth in the myometrium or more than one microscopic field at 10 times magnification from the endometrium–myometrium junction, and a variable degree of adjacent myometrial hyperplasia, causing globular and cystic enlargement of the myometrium, with some cysts filled with extravasated, hemolyzed red blood cells, and siderophages. Hysterectomy is a “gold standard” and definitive therapy for uterine adenomyosis, and many cases of adenomyosis have been diagnosed by pathological review retrospectively. As such, the diagnosis of adenomyosis is difficult, and this subsequently results in difficulty in the management of these patients, especially those who are symptomatic but have a strong desire to preserve their uterus. In our previous review, we found that the use of uterine-sparing surgery in the management of uterine adenomyosis and/or adenomyoma is still controversial, although some data support its feasibility. Conservative treatment is still needed in the group of patients that requires preservation of fertility and improvement of quality of life. However, studies focusing on the topic of medical treatment for adenomyosis are rare. In this article, current knowledge regarding the use of medical therapy for uterine adenomyosis, partly based on the understanding of endometriosis, is reviewed.  相似文献   

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