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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) represents a group of clinically heterogeneous retinal degenerations in which all modes of inheritance have been described. We have previously found two different clinical profiles in X linked RP as a function of age and mode of onset. The first clinical form has very early onset with severe myopia. The second form starts later with night blindness with mild myopia or none. At least two genes have been identified in X linked forms, namely RP2 (linked to DXS7, DXS255, and DXS14) and RP3 (linked to DXS84 and OTC) on the short arm of the X chromosome. In order to contribute to phenotype-genotype correlations in X linked RP, we tested the hypothesis that the two clinical profiles could be accounted for by the two different gene loci. The present study provides evidence for linkage of the clinical form with early myopia as the onset symptom with the RP2 gene (pairwise linkage to DXS255: Z = 3.13 at theta = 0), while the clinical form with later night blindness as the onset symptom is linked to the RP3 gene (pairwise linkage to OTC: Z = 4.16 at theta = 0).  相似文献   

There is significant evidence for genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity in X linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP). We have studied the linkage of XLRP in four Irish families to a number of polymorphic DNA markers. We report linkage between the DXS7 (L1.28) locus and the XLRP locus (Z = 3.445, theta = 0.00). Combined with the previously published data on British and Danish families, the genetic distance between the DXS7 and XLRP loci is now estimated at 5 cM with a maximum lod score of 13.026 and a 1-lod confidence interval of 0.75 to 9.5 cM. Linkage was also observed between 754 and XLRP (Z = 3.41, theta = 0.00) and between pERT87 and XLRP (Z = 1.37, theta = 0.1). The heterogeneity of XLRP is discussed in relation to these observations.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of progressive hereditary disorders of the retina in which various modes of inheritance have been described. Here, we report on X linked RP in nine families with constant and severe expression in carrier females. In our series, however, the phenotype was milder and delayed in carrier females compared to hemizygous males. This form of X linked RP could be regarded therefore as partially dominant. The disease gene maps to chromosome Xp2.1 in the genetic interval encompassing the RP3 locus (Zmax=13.71 at the DXS1100 locus). Single strand conformation polymorphism and direct sequence analysis of the retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator (RPGR) gene, which accounts for RP3, failed to detect any mutation in our families. Future advances in the identification of X linked RP genes will hopefully help to elucidate the molecular basis of this X linked dominant RP.  相似文献   

Three families with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) are described in which the disorder shows apparent X linked inheritance but does not show linkage to the RP2 and RP3 regions of the short arm of the X chromosome. The families are also inconsistent with a localisation of the disease gene between DXS164 and DXS28. In one case, reassessment of the family in the light of these results suggested that the family may have an autosomal dominant form of RP. The remaining two families are consistent with X linkage and suggest the possibility of a new X linked RP (XLRP) locus. These families highlight the difficulties in determining the mode of inheritance on the basis of pedigree structure and clinical data alone. Molecular genetics plays an important role in confirming the mode of inheritance and in detecting potential misclassifications, particularly in a group of disorders as heterogeneous as RP. They emphasise that caution is required in genetic counselling of RP families, particularly in the absence of any molecular genetic analysis.  相似文献   

We have defined a new genetic locus for an X linked form of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) on chromosome Xq28. We examined 15 members of a family in which RP appeared to be transmitted in an X linked manner. Ocular examinations were performed, and fundus photographs and electroretinograms were obtained for selected patients. Blood samples were obtained from all patients and an additional seven family members who were not given examinations. Visual acuity in four affected individuals ranged from 20/40 to 20/80+. Patients described the onset of night blindness and colour vision defects in the second decade of life, with the earliest at 13 years of age. Examined affected individuals had constricted visual fields and retinal findings compatible with RP. Based on full field electroretinography, cone function was more severely reduced than rod function. Female carriers had no ocular signs or symptoms and slightly reduced cone electroretinographic responses. Affected and non‐affected family members were genotyped for 20 polymorphic markers on the X‐chromosome spaced at 10 cM intervals. Genotyping data were analysed using GeneMapper software. Genotyping and linkage analyses identified significant linkage to markers DXS8061, DXS1073, and DXS1108 with two point LOD scores of 2.06, 2.17, and 2.20, respectively. Haplotype analysis revealed segregation of the disease phenotype with markers at Xq28.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) represents a group of inherited human retinal diseases which involve degeneration of photoreceptor cells resulting in visual loss and often leading to blindness. In order to identify candidate genes for the causes of these diseases, we have been studying a pool of photoreceptor-specific cDNAs isolated by subtractive hybridization of mRNAs from normal and photoreceptorless rd mouse retinas. One of these cDNAs was of interest because it mapped to proximal mouse chromosome 1 in a region homo-logous to human 8q11-q13, the locus of autosomal dominant RP1. Therefore, using the mouse cDNA as probe, we cloned the human cDNA (hG28) and its corresponding gene and mapped it near to D8S509, which lies in the RP1 locus. This gene consists of four exons with an open reading frame of 6468 nt encoding a protein of 2156 amino acids with a predicted mass of 240 kDa. Given its chromosomal localization, we screened this gene for mutations in a large family affected with autosomal dominant RP previously linked to the RP1 locus. We found an R677X mutation that co-segregated with disease in the family and is absent from unaffected members and 100 unrelated controls. This mutation is predicted to lead to rapid degradation of hG28 mRNA or to the synthesis of a truncated protein lacking approximately 70% of its original length. Our results suggest that R677X is responsible for disease in this family and that the gene corresponding to hG28 is the RP1 gene.  相似文献   

Mutations in the RP1 gene causing autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Retinitis pigmentosa is a genetically heterogeneous form of retinal degeneration that affects approximately 1 in 3500 people worldwide. Recently we identified the gene responsible for the RP1 form of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) at 8q11-12 and found two different nonsense mutations in three families previously mapped to 8q. The RP1 gene is an unusually large protein, 2156 amino acids in length, but is comprised of four exons only. To determine the frequency and range of mutations in RP1 we screened probands from 56 large adRP families for mutations in the entire gene. After preliminary results indicated that mutations seem to cluster in a 442 nucleotide segment of exon 4, an additional 194 probands with adRP and 409 probands with other degenerative retinal diseases were tested for mutations in this region alone. We identified eight different disease-causing mutations in 17 of the 250 adRP probands tested. All of these mutations are either nonsense or frameshift mutations and lead to a severely truncated protein. Two of the eight different mutations, Arg677X and a 5 bp deletion of nucleotides 2280-2284, were reported previously, while the remaining six mutations are novel. We also identified two rare missense changes in two other families, one new polymorphic amino acid substitution, one silent substitution and a rare variant in the 5'-untranslated region that is not associated with disease. Based on this study, mutations in RP1 appear to cause at least 7% (17/250) of adRP. The 5 bp deletion of nucleotides 2280-2284 and the Arg677X nonsense mutation account for 59% (10/17) of these mutations. Further studies will determine whether missense changes in the RP1 gene are associated with disease, whether mutations in other regions of RP1 can cause forms of retinal disease other than adRP and whether the background variation in either the mutated or wild-type RP1 allele plays a role in the disease phenotype.  相似文献   

X‐linked Retinitis Pigmentosa (XLRP) shows a huge genetic heterogeneity with almost five distinct loci on the X chromosome. So far, only two XLRP genes have been identified, RPGR (or RP3) and RP2, being mutated in approximately 70% and 10% of the XLRP patients. Clinically there is no clearly significative difference between RP3 and RP2 phenotypes. In the attempt to assess the degree of involvement of the RP2 gene, we performed a complete mutation analysis in a cohort of patients and we identified five novel mutations in five different XLRP families. These mutations include three missense mutations, a splice site mutation, and a single base insertion, which, because of frameshift, anticipates a stop codon. Four mutations fall in RP2 exon 2 and one in exon 3. Evidence that such mutations are different from the 21 RP2 mutations described thus far suggests that a high mutation rate occurs at the RP2 locus, and that most mutations arise independently, without a founder effect. Our mutation analysis confirms the percentage of RP2 mutations detected so far in populations of different ethnic origin. In addition to novel mutations, we report here that a deeper sequence analysis of the RP2 product predicts, in addition to cofactor C homology domain, further putative functional domains, and that some novel mutations identify RP2 amino acid residues which are evolutionary conserved, hence possibly crucial to the RP2 function. Hum Mutat 18:109–119, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The X-linked retinitis pigmentosa protein RP2 is a GTPase activating protein (GAP) for the small GTPase Arl3 and both proteins are implicated in the traffic of proteins to the primary cilia. Here, we show that RP2 can facilitate the traffic of the Gβ subunit of transducin (Gβ1). Glutathione S-transferase (GST)-RP2 pulled down Gβ from retinal lysates and the interaction was specific to Gβ1, as Gβ3 or Gβ5L did not bind RP2. RP2 did not appear to interact with the Gβ:Gγ heterodimer, in contrast Gγ1 competed with RP2 for Gβ binding. Overexpression of Gβ1 in SK-N-SH cells led to a cytoplasmic accumulation of Gβ1, while co-expression of RP2 or Gγ1 with Gβ1 restored membrane association of Gβ1. Furthermore, RP2 small interfering RNA in ARPE19 cells resulted in a reduction in Gβ1 membrane association that was rescued by Gγ1 overexpression. The interaction of RP2 with Gβ1 required RP2 N-terminal myristolyation and the co-factor C (TBCC) homology domain. The interaction was also disrupted by the pathogenic mutation R118H, which blocks Arl3 GAP activity. Interestingly, Arl3-Q71L competed with Gβ1 for RP2 binding, suggesting that Arl3-GTP binding by RP2 would release Gβ1. RP2 also stimulated the association of Gβ1 with Rab11 vesicles. Collectively, the data support a role for RP2 in facilitating the membrane association and traffic of Gβ1, potentially prior to the formation of the obligate Gβ:Gγ heterodimer. Combined with other recent evidence, this suggests that RP2 may co-operate with Arl3 and its effectors in the cilia-associated traffic of G proteins.  相似文献   

A form of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) mapping to chromosome 17p has been reported in a single large South African family. We now report a new family with severe early onset ADRP which maps to 17p. Linkage and haplotype analysis in this family places the ADRP locus in the 5 cM interval between markers AFMc024za5 and D17S1845, confirming the data obtained in the South African family. The discovery of a second 17p linked family may imply that this is one of the more common loci for dominant RP. In addition, the confirmation of an RP diagnosis at this locus is of interest since loci for a dominant cone dystrophy and Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA1) have recently been linked to the same markers. While the cone dystrophy locus may be allelic with RP, our data and that of Goliath et al show that distinct genes are responsible for dominant RP and Leber's congenital amaurosis on chromosome 17p.  相似文献   

We analyzed 151 pedigrees (209 cases) of retinitis pigmentosa in Shanghai, China. Of the 209 cases, the proportion of autosomal recessive (AR), autosomal dominant (AD), X-linked recessive (XR), and simplex cases is 33.1, 11, 7.7, and 48.3% respectively. The average age of onset was 24.7 years in the AD type, 22.9 years in the AR and five years in the XR type. The average refractive errors were ?1.88 D in the AD type, ?2.37 D in the AR type, and ?5.72 D in the XR type. In addition, 24, 100 persons were screened and six cases of retinitis pigmentosa were found. The gene frequencies of the AR (including simplex cases), AD, and XR types as calculated from the disease prevalence were 0.0142267, 0.0000137, and 0.0000384, respectively. The gene frequency of the AR type as calculated from the frequency of consanguinity (15.9%) was 0.00389, which is much less than that calculated from the prevalence. The probable explanation is that the AR type of retinitis pigmentosa really consists of several different disease entities, with each entity representing a separate gene mutation. The number of different mutations within the AR group is estimated to lie between 11 and 41.  相似文献   

X linked spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SEDT) is a rare disorder characterised by disproportionate short stature and degenerative changes in the spine and hips. We report a large kindred with 11 affected males and 17 obligate carrier females. We examined clinically and radiographically the seven living affected males and obtained detailed historical information on the four dead. The natural history was characterised by normal growth until late childhood. Decreased growth velocity was the earliest detectable abnormality. In adulthood, four subjects required hip replacements but disability was minimal. Clinical examinations showed a characteristic habitus with short stature (> 2 SD below the mean) and a decreased upper segment to lower segment ratio (> 1 SD below the mean) in all affected subjects. Also noted were scoliosis (6/7), and decreased range of hip rotation (6/7), and decreased range of movement of the lumbar spine (4/7). Radiographic evaluations were available on nine subjects. Radiographic changes were evident in two patients in childhood; findings in adulthood included narrow disc spaces (8/9), platyspondyly (7/9), the characteristic central and posterior hump of the vertebral bodies (6/9), bony spurs (7/ 8), and pelvic abnormalities (7/9). We also systematically evaluated eight obligate carrier females. They could not be distinguished from the general population on clinical and radiographic findings. Linkage analysis showed significant linkage with markers on Xp22, as previously reported. A recombinant event between DXS43 and DXS207 places the locus distal to DXS43.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the genetic etiology of a pedigree affected with hereditary retinitis pigmentosa. Methods High-throughput DNA sequencing was used to analyze the sequences of 173 genes associated with hereditary eye diseases in the proband. Suspected mutation was verified with PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing. Results The proband was found to have carried a c. 570-571 ins GAAGATGCTGT insertional mutation in the RP2 gene located on the X chromosome. All female carriers of the pedigree were heterozygous, while all affected males were hemizygous for the same mutation. Conclusion The inheritance pattern of this retinitis pigmentosa pedigree was X-linked recessive. The c. 570-571 ins GAAGATGCTGT insertional mutation of the RP2 gene probably underlies the disease. © 2018 West China University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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