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目的了解深圳市娱乐场所服务小姐AIDS知识和相关危险行为,为AIDS行为干预提供依据。方法按国家综合监测点方案抽样方法抽取4个区娱乐场所性服务小姐413名,采用一对一匿名的问卷式调查和采血。结果调查对象平均年龄为(22.4±4)岁,性服务小姐AIDS知识较缺乏,蚊虫钉咬会感染艾滋病全对率50%、同桌吃饭会感染艾滋病全对率64.6%、不共用注射器能预防艾滋病全对率95.4%、AIDS传播途径全对率69.1%。安全套使用率低。最近一次与客人发生性关系时只有75.9%的性服务小姐使用安全套。性服务小姐感染艾滋病的有1例,占0.24%;感染梅毒的有18例。占4.4%。结论多数暗娼对艾滋病严重性认识不足,在卖淫活动中未能100%地使用安全套进行安全的性行为,存在着感染与传播艾滋病的高危险性,应加强综合监测与科学防控。  相似文献   

目的了解清远市娱乐场所女性性工作者艾滋病防治知识、态度及行为的改变情况,评价干预措施效果。方法 2009年对清远市部分娱乐场所女性性工作者开展防病知识宣传、安全套推广等综合干预措施,干预前后分别进行艾滋病相关知识和安全性行为问卷调查,对干预前后效果进行分析和评价。结果干预前调查333人,干预后调查216人。接受干预后,调查对象的艾滋病相关知识总知晓率从干预前的68.47%提高到干预后的83.33%(P〈0.01);最近1个月、最近1次商业性行为时每次使用安全套者所占比例分别从干预前的76.28%、89.79%提高到干预后的93.52%和98.15%(P〈0.01);出现生殖道不适症状的比例和性病患病率从干预前的63.66%、42.04%下降到干预后的43.06%和31.02%,干预前后比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论通过综合干预可以有效地提高娱乐场所女性性工作者的艾滋病知识知晓率和安全性行为,应继续加强艾滋病知识的宣传和持续开展100%安全套推广使用工作。  相似文献   

目的了解柳州市及柳江、柳城县娱乐场所性服务工作者(FSW)艾滋病相关知识和相关危险行为,为艾滋病行为干预提供依据。方法采用分层抽样方法抽取娱乐场所性服务工作者1047名,采用一对一匿名的问卷调查和采血。结果调查对象平均年龄为(25.8±6.4)岁,FSW艾滋病知识较缺乏,蚊虫叮咬会感染艾滋病正确率依然最低,为79.2%;不同对象安全套使用率有差异,最近一次与客人发生性关系时有80.3%的FSW使用安全套,而最近一次与配偶/同居男友发生性关系时安全套使用率为50.0%,两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.1,P〈0.05)。FSW感染艾滋病的有4例,占0.4%;感染梅毒的有28例,占2.7%。结论柳州市FSW艾滋病相关知识缺乏和性行为的反应因素,提示应加大性病知识宣传力度,以控制艾滋病、性病传播。  相似文献   

李珊  宁柱 《医学信息》2007,20(4):699-700
目的为了有效控制公共娱乐场所服务小姐性病艾滋病的蔓延,探讨女性高危人群性病艾滋病教育措施。方法对自贡市公共娱乐场所180名服务小姐进行了性病艾滋病干预(健康教育)研究,干预后采用与基线调查相同问卷访谈。结果干预一年后,目标人群对STD、AIDS的正确知晓率均具有显著提高,其它指标也明显高于未进行干预前的认识水平。结论对女性高危人群性病艾滋病知识进行健康教育很有必要,它对提高公共娱乐场所服务小姐的性病艾滋病知识水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的了解重庆市男男性服务工作者(MB)在男男性接触者中艾滋病和梅毒感染率及其高危行为状况,为开展该人群的干预提供科学建议。方法分析2006-2008年男男性服务工作者调查资料,比较分析该人群HIV、梅毒感染率及其高危行为状况。结果 2006-2008年分别调查了男男性服务工作者47、71和54人,最近1次与男性肛交时安全套使用率由2006年的66.0%上升至2008年的75.9%;最近1次因金钱与男性发生肛交性行为时安全套使用率由2006年的70.2%上升至2008年的79.6%;2006-2008年最近6个月因金钱与男性发生无保护性肛交的比例分别为42.6%、40.8%、50.0%。2006-2008年HIV感染率分别为12.8%、9.9%、7.4%;梅毒感染率分别为19.1%、8.5%、5.6%。结论重庆市男男性服务工作者HIV感染率高,高危行为普遍存在,应加强该人群的干预工作。  相似文献   

目的了解男男性行为者(MSM)艾滋病防治知识掌握情况及高危行为方式,为在该人群中开展艾滋病预防干预工作提供依据。方法在男男性行为者聚集场所进行问卷调查。结果调查对象年龄中位数为29岁,以未婚、高中文化程度、省外流动人口及在东莞居住2年以上者为主;艾滋病知识知晓率为91.75%;74.75%的调查者在过去的6个月中有过同性性行为(其中3.34%的人有过同性商业性行为),其中51.84%的人每次都使用安全套;39%的人在过去的6个月与女性有过性行为,其中37.82%的人每次都使用安全套;27.25%的人在过去的6个月与男性、女性都有过性行为;7.25%的人在最近一年曾患过性病;10.5%的人HIV抗体筛查结果阳性。结论应采用民间组织宣传干预与VCT检测相结合的模式,加强MSM人群的艾滋病宣传教育工作,推广使用安全套,防止HIV在MSM人群中的传播及经其女性性伴向一般人群传播。  相似文献   

目的:调查雅安市艾滋病、梅毒、丙肝等性传播疾病患病人群的基本情况,通过血清学指标调查HIV感染情况,提供艾滋病防治的基础依据,寻求艾滋病防治有效措施。方法:在雅安市采用备案整群抽样与滚雪球相结合的方式招募调查对象,采用统一的健康调查问卷进行调查,进行HIV梅毒、丙肝血清抗体检测,用EpiData3.1软件进行数据录入,SPSS17.0软件进行数据分析。结果:被调查的270份样本,高危人群年龄分布以40~69岁为主,艾滋病防治知识总知晓率为68.89%,最近1年与商业性伴发生商业性行为时使用安全套的比例占调查人数的45.92%,最近一次与商业性伴发生商业性行为时安全套使用的比例为41.85%;HIV阳性率为0.05%;梅毒阳性率为2.59%;丙肝阳性率为0.74%。结论:患病人群中文化程度低、重体力劳动、娱乐场所工作人群暴露感染风险较大,要关注异地打工独居人群,加强健康促进和干预工作,重视感染人群配偶的健康保护,加强艾滋病健康教育宣传防治工作。  相似文献   

目的了解清远市高危人群HIV感染流行趋势和艾滋病相关知识知晓情况,为采取有针对性的行为干预措施和开展宣传教育工作提供准确的信息。方法于2005-2008年采用横断面调查的方法对强制戒毒者、暗娼和性病门诊就诊者等高危人群进行监测,并调查吸毒者和暗娼的艾滋病相关知识知晓情况。结果吸毒人群HIV抗体阳性率介于2.58%~4.15%之间;吸毒者中注射吸毒的比例为82.05%,其中共用注射器吸毒的比例为57.26%;吸毒者中42.39%有商业性行为,而且从未使用安全套的比例为52.53%。在227名暗娼中未发现HIV抗体阳性者,暗娼中最近1个月与客人发生性行为时坚持每次使用安全套的比例为39.43%。性病门诊就诊者HIV抗体阳性率介于0.20%~0.42%之间;34.56%的性病门诊就诊者最近3个月有非婚性伴,而且从未使用安全套的比例为16.25%。调查人群的艾滋病相关知识总体知晓率为57.17%,其中吸毒者和暗娼艾滋病相关知识总知晓率分别为53.05%、61.73%。结论清远市高危人群中以吸毒者HIV抗体阳性率较高,注射吸毒及共用注射器的比例较高,性乱人群中HIV流行水平较低,但存在不安全性行为;高危人群中艾滋病相关知识知晓率低,需采取有效的行为干预措施,加大宣传力度和覆盖面。  相似文献   

男男性接触人群艾滋病高危行为互联网QQ干预效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解普宁市男男性接触者人群(MSM)的基本情况,利用互联网QQ对MSM进行艾滋病高危行为干预并评价干预效果,探讨互联网QQ干预模式的可行性,为基层县市提供借鉴经验。方法建立项目专用QQ群,在普宁市采用同伴推动抽样法(RDS)招募MSM作为干预对象加入该QQ群,通过互联网在QQ群内进行调查及干预,对干预效果进行评价。评价内容包括艾滋病知识知晓率、安全套使用情况、求医意识及行为变化等。结果干预前与干预后分别调查58、54人。艾滋病相关知识总知晓率由干预前的62.07%提高到干预后的88.89%(P〈0.01);最近一次与男性发生肛交性行为时安全套使用率由干预前的18.97%提高到干预后的40.74%(P〈0.05),近3个月来与男性发生肛交性行为时每次都使用安全套的比例由干预前的10.34%提高到干预后的31.48%(P〈0.01);如果出现生殖器破损或HIV病毒感染相关症状时,调查对象打算“到合法正规医院就诊”的比例从干预前的53.45%上升到干预后的85.19%(P〈0.01)。干预前后比较差异均有统计学意义。结论采用互联网QQ对MSM进行艾滋病高危行为干预效果显著.有推广及借鉴价值。  相似文献   

2009年深圳市暗娼综合监测调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解深圳市娱乐场所暗娼AIDS知识和相关危险行为,为AIDS行为干预措施提供依据。方法按国家综合监测点方案的抽样方法抽取4个区娱乐场所暗娼426名,采用一对一匿名的问卷方式进行调查和采血。结果调查对象平均年龄为(23.5±4.9)岁,暗娼AIDS知识较缺乏。其中,蚊虫钉咬会感染艾滋病全对率为35.2%、同桌吃饭会感染艾滋病全对率为67.6%、不共用注射器能预防艾滋病全对率为89.4%、AIDS传播途径全对率为77.6%。安全套使用率低,最近一次与客人发生性关系时只有68.0%的暗娼使用安全套。426名暗娼中未发现HIV感染者,感染梅毒的有19例,占4.5%。结论多数暗娼对艾滋病的严重性认识不足,在卖淫活动中未能100%地使用安全套进行安全的性行为,存在着感染与传播艾滋病的高危险性,应加强综合监测与科学防控。  相似文献   

This study examined the masturbatory experiences and other sexual activities of young Korean males in military service. The actual status of masturbation and its relationship to sexual activity questionnaire. A total of 1,212 young males among military personnel in Korea were interviewed with sexuality questionnaires on masturbation, sexual intercourse and personal characteristics. We divided these subjects into four groups according to the age of initiation of masturbation and analyzed the relationship between masturbation and other sexual activities. The mean age of subjects was 22.03 +/- 1.22 (19-27) years. The percentage of men who reported ever having masturbated was 98.1% (1189/1212) and the average age of initiation of masturbation was 14.26 +/- 1.66 years. So we divided 1,212 males into four groups on the basis of the average age below and above one standard deviation. Overall, 67.7% (821/1212) had experienced sexual intercourse, and significantly, the earlier the initiation age of masturbation, the higher the coitus rate in each group (p < 0.05). About 21.5% of the men who were not virgins had experienced their first sexual intercourse with prostitutes. The mean age of first coitus, the incidence of sexually transmitted disease (STD) and the frequency of masturbation were closely linked to the initiation age of masturbation, respectively (p < 0.05). A masturbatory guilt feeling was seen in about 10.9% (132/1212) and there was no significant difference according to the types of religious worship (p = 0.227). On the basis of this study, sexual activities generally increased accordingly as the beginning of masturbation was earlier. Coital incidence in this study was 67.7% for young males in Korean military service, and 21.5% of them had their first sexual intercourse with prostitutes. Prostitution still plays an important role in the sexual lives of males in Korea. The incidence of STD was over 10% and homosexual manifestation was seen in 1.07% of subjects. Thus a proper and sound sex education at school during childhood is needed in Korea. A large scale survey of sexual behavior in various populations is essential for the improvement of correct sexual concepts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe health risk behavior, knowledge, and attitudes about HIV/AIDS and its prevention in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of 219 MSM using a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: Men who have sex with men were easy to locate and willing to answer detailed questions about their sexual behavior. Self-identified sexual orientation was 67% homosexual, 31% bisexual, and 1.4% heterosexual. High-risk sexual behavior was common. The mean number of sexual partners was 3.3 in the previous month and 14.8 in the previous year. Only 32% used condoms during their last intercourse, and only 40% used a condom when their last intercourse included anal sex. Eighty-one percent reported sex with nonregular male partners, and 22% also had sex with women in the past year. Drug use other than alcohol was rare. Most correctly identified high-risk sexual behavior and body fluids that could transmit HIV; however, only about half knew that someone who appeared healthy could transmit HIV or that there was no cure for AIDS. Self-rated risk for HIV was very low, and fewer than one third believed that homosexuals in Vietnam are at increased risk for HIV. CONCLUSION: Men who have sex with men in HCMC are at high risk for HIV. Knowledge about HIV transmission and prevention could be improved. Education and interventions specifically aimed at MSM are needed, because education targeted at the general population may not reach MSM or influence their behavior.  相似文献   

One hundred six black males completed a questionnaire concerning attitudes and knowledge about the use of condoms and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Of the 106 males in the study, 27 (26%) reported that they "always" used condoms, 31 (29%) did not use condoms and had low intentions of using them, and 48 (45%) reported high intentions to use condoms. Results indicated that knowledge about AIDS was exceptionally high for black males in all three groups. Black males with low intentions to use condoms reported significantly more negative attitudes about the use of condoms (eg, using condoms is disgusting) and reacted with more intense anger when their partners asked about previous sexual contacts, when a partner refused sex without a condom, or when they perceived condoms as interfering with foreplay and sexual pleasure. A significantly larger percentage of low intenders were treated for gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and genital warts than males in the other groups. Drug use did not differentiate the three groups, although marijuana was used more often by males in the low-intender group. Finally, a larger percentage of black males in the low-intender group reported experiences with anal intercourse and sex with a prostitute, but considered themselves at lower risk for AIDS than did their high-intender or steady-user counterparts.  相似文献   

Gamines in Bogota, Colombia, are youths who live on the streets sometimes keeping loose family ties. They belong to informal gangs, use drugs, and survive by doing itinerant informal sector work, begging, and stealing. The New Life Program (NLP) of the Corporacion SOS Aldea de Ninos worked with three other agencies to investigate the lifestyle, attitudes, and knowledge of gamines about HIV/STDs for the purpose of designing AIDS/STD educational activities for the population. Focus group discussions and educational activities were conducted with 12 girls and 18 boys aged 14-25 years who had started living in NLP's shelter while working on the streets. Participants had spent an average of 7 years on the street typically from age 10. Concentrating primarily upon daily survival, these youths act on the basis of intuition and emotions. Verbal communication is essential to gain and maintain their trust. Although their sexual lives are influenced by the family of origin, institutions in which they have resided, and peers, and their daily lifestyles have much influence. Steady partners are sought for affection and romance, while sexual intercourse is had for pleasure and to satisfy biological need. Some homosexuality and prostitution are tolerated. Gangs also gang-rape and expel members thought to be traitors. The idea of birth control exists among the girls, but the boys overwhelmingly reject condom use. The boys got information on sex from prostitutes, erotic magazines, and adults, but girls rarely talk about sex. Many have had STDs and are generally aware about AIDS, but misinformed about transmission modes, symptoms, and treatment. The boys were especially negative about meeting a person with AIDS. Overall, the youths did not perceive themselves as being at risk for HIV infection. Participants also strongly distrusted the health system because many had been turned away for being dirty or received only callous treatment. The author concludes that we must acknowledge that street youths often continue high-risk behaviors even though they know the potential negative consequences; help them find substitutes for the income, pleasure, power, and communication stemming from sex; convince them of their personal risk through participatory activities; use a multifaceted approach to promote condoms; use an integrated approach; and integrated prevention activities with other services designed to meet their basic needs regarding health, education, and income.  相似文献   

This article examines the risky sexual behaviors, condom and drug usage, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and attitudes of African-American college students with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is the precursor of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A total of 408 (199 males, 209 females) African-American college students, representing 75% of the students enrolled in a southern university, were surveyed. The results revealed that 3.18% of the students reported having HIV/AIDS. The students with HIV/AIDS exhibited significant deficits in AIDS knowledge, particularly information concerning the transmission of HIV/AIDS. While subjects with HIV/AIDS did not differ from subjects without HIV/AIDS with regard to their perceived risk of being exposed to AIDS or their attitudes about using condoms, a significantly larger percentage of subjects with HIV/AIDS reported that they "always" used condoms with their partner. Nevertheless, subjects with HIV/AIDS were more likely to engage in anal intercourse, experience sex with prostitutes, and use drugs. Sexually transmitted diseases were more prevalent among subjects with HIV/AIDS, and syphilis was found to be the best predictor of HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

This editorial argues that in order to increase the use of condoms in the fight against AIDS, WHO's Global Program on AIDS (GPA) must address the problems of weak condom distribution and promotion systems. The available data indicates that condom use can protect against HIV transmission. Studies in Zaire, Denmark, Germany, and Australia reveal that seropositivity among prostitutes who use condoms is much lower than among prostitutes who do not use condoms. However, the use of condoms largely depends on whether services are available to the people who practice risk behavior, and whether such people can be motivated to adopt safe sex practices -- including proper and consistent condom use. In order to bring about this desired behavior change, it is essential to have a strongly managed integrated program that combines condom services and health promotion, as well as specific plans and budgets to distribute and promote condoms. In supporting national AIDS programs, GPA's current strategy for condom services includes the following: 1) the provision of high-quality, low-cost condoms; 2) assistance in developing comprehensive program management and technical support plans and budgets for incorporation into subsequent funding cycles; and 3) support for research and development of new methods for preventing the sexual transmission of HIV -- including barrier methods that can be controlled by women.  相似文献   

男性强制戒毒人群的健康危险行为研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的了解男性强制戒毒人群人口学特征、注射使用毒品情况及相关的健康危险行为的流行病学情况。方法采用世界卫生组织毒品注射研究第二部分调查问卷(2a版)调查吸毒者社会人口学资料、吸毒的情况、性行为、艾滋病知识与行为改变等内容。结果共调查了200例对象,87.5%的被调查者曾静脉注射毒品,被调查者平均年龄为30.37±5.65岁,在最近六个月中,41.3%的注射毒品者曾合用针头和/或注射器,50.6%的吸毒者将自己使用过的针头和/或注射器给别人使用;大多数吸毒者(85%)与异性性伙伴性交时从不使用安全套;吸毒者了解AIDS知识的主要途径是大众媒体,61.8%的人从未采取任何预防艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染的措施。结论男性强制戒毒人群存在大量健康危险行为,是HIV感染和传播的高危人群。  相似文献   

A sample of African-American and white young adults were classified as having multiple sex partners or one sexual partner. Subjects with multiple sexual partners were more likely to use drugs and practice risky sexual behaviors such as having anal intercourse, having sexual experiences with a prostitute, and having a history of gonorrhea (P < .001) and genital warts (P < .01). Additional analyses were conducted to determine African-American versus white differences in risky sexual behaviors. Results indicated that whites in the multiple partners and single partner groups were more likely to engage in anal and oral sex, while African Americans were more likely to have sex with prostitutes. Attitudes about the use of condoms differed significantly by multiple partner status (P < .004) and gender (P < .007), but not ethnicity. However, angry reactions about the use of condoms occurred more with African Americans (P < .003) and males (P < .05) than with whites or females. While whites reported a greater use of drugs and a significantly higher level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, African Americans reported a significantly greater perception of risk for being exposed to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (P < .01) and significantly more gonorrhea (P < .10), syphilis (P < .05), and HIV/AIDS (P < .05). No whites in our sample were treated for syphilis nor had they tested positive for HIV/AIDS. On the other hand, 4.5% of the total sample of African Americans reported testing positive for HIV/AIDS. Finally, the results from discriminant analysis indicate that a large number of variables significantly discriminate between subjects who engage in risky sexual behaviors and those who do not. Although there is some similarity in the variables for African Americans and whites, there was tremendous variability between the ethnic groups in the factors that predict risky behaviors. These findings are discussed with reference to the need to develop HIV/AIDS prevention programs for African Americans that are based on data derived from African-American populations rather than from black versus white comparison studies.  相似文献   

Thika, Kenya, is an industrial town where many single male workers and bus drivers frequently stop during long distance trips. As such, the town was chosen as a site for various AIDS educational and condom distribution programs. Karina Kielmann of the Johns Hopkins University presented a paper examining the social impact of an AIDS education program on female prostitutes in Thika. She found the program to be based upon the assumptions that Thika has an identifiable homogenous group of prostitutes and that women with high-risk sex behavior can be taught to lower their levels of risk. In her interviews with women living in Thika, however, Kielmann found that the Western notion of prostitution simply did not apply to the quasi-commercial sexual relationships in which the women were involved. Relationships among these women were of many different types and duration, and not at all homogeneous within the group. Insofar as the ability and desire for these women to change their behavior, the majority of them are socioeconomically and legally marginalized, with little control over decision relating to sexuality. Moreover, most sexual health problems are so stigmatized that many women avoid the government services available near them. Maternal-child health and family planning clinics fail to meet their needs due to shortages of supplies, medicine, and staff. Women did not identify themselves as prostitutes, so significant behavior change did not occur as aa result of the prevention program. Kielmann's study raises questions about the notions of prostitution, risk, and responsibility as used in the medical discourse of AIDS education.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nigeria has the third highest population of people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Despite this, the knowledge of HIV/AIDS and uptake of voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) is still low, especially in the rural areas. This study assessed knowledge of HIV/AIDS and attitude towards VCT among adults in a rural community in northern Nigeria. METHODS: A pretested questionnaire was administered on a cross-section of 210 adults in Danbare village, northern Nigeria. Information about knowledge of HIV/AIDS and attitudes toward VCT was elicited among respondents. RESULTS: The majority of respondents (59%) did not know the causative agent of AIDS; however, knowledge of route of disease transmission was high, with 71% and 64% of study participants mentioning sexual activity and unscreened blood transfusion, respectively, as possible transmission routes. Respondents listed avoidance of premarital sex, outlawing prostitution, condom use and screening of blood before transfusion as protective measures. Overall, 58 (27.6%), 80 (38.1%) and 72 (34.3%) of the respondents had good, fair and poor knowledge of HIV/AIDS, respectively. After adjusting for confounders, female gender and formal education remained significant predictors of HIV/AIDS knowledge. Reasons for rejection of VCT included fear of stigma, marital disharmony, incurable nature of the disease and cost of treatment. Formal education, female gender and HIV knowledge significantly predicted positive attitude toward VCT for HIV/AIDS among the study population. CONCLUSION: More than half of the respondents had adequate knowledge of HIV/AIDS, and the majority were willing to have VCT. However, misconceptions, fear, gaps in knowledge and limited access to VCT remain prevalent. Our findings suggest the need to provide health education and scale up VCT services in northern Nigeria by targeting the efforts of international and local development partners to underserved rural areas.  相似文献   

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