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现在,我们工作忙了,应酬常了;朋友多了,聚会密了;生活好了,饭桌丰富了。这样一来,难免萼消化不良。,这时候,多酶片就派上用场了。  相似文献   

头发又白了些,皱纹又深了些,眼睛又花了些,骨头又脆了些,夜尿又频繁了些……而这些都无情地提示我们,衰老的步伐加快了,年轻的身影越来越模糊;血糖高了眼睛模糊起来、血压高了头晕乎起来、冠心病发了胸痛了起来……这些都痛苦地纠结我们,疾病已经来到了我们  相似文献   

对乙酸乙酯合成实验方法进行了改进 ,提出了新的实验操作方案 ,克服了原实验方法的不足 ,显著减少了浓 H2 SO4 的用量 ,从而降低了反应温度 ,避免了实验的炭化现象 ,减少了副产物的发生 ,并提高了产率。  相似文献   

针对军队医疗单位现存特殊药品普遍存在批号老、质量差、数量大、积压严重的问题,我们组织进行了清查处理工作,分清了留用品和报废品,对报废品进行了监督销毁。通过清查处理,摸清了现状,甩掉了包袱,总结了经验,健全了制度,强化了管理。  相似文献   

全身美遍,只差脚丫钱太太最近忙着往美容院跑:眼看就快过年了,想着要美美过个年,于是全身上下都美了个遍——牙做了洗牙+抛光,脸做了美容,脖子做了美脖,背做了美背,手也做了美手,全身还做了磨砂+牛奶浴,就差美足了。问她为什么不把脚丫也去美上一美,钱太太就愁眉苦脸,一肚子难言之隐。  相似文献   

研究了一种用物理法从牛血凝血块中提取Cu,Zn-SOD新工艺技术,克服了传统工艺需加抗凝剂的缺陷,运用了超滤、冻干等一些新技术,提高了成品质量;对其进行活力测定,可达5000u/mg以上,进行了稳定性分析,测定了超滤效果,并且完善了工艺路线。  相似文献   

相信谁都经历过皮肤瘙痒,痒得厉害了怎么办?难受!挠啊,不停地挠!这是最直接、最原始的办法。可是,越挠越痒,越痒越挠,特别是患了湿疹,一会儿这痒,一会儿那痒,搞得人心烦意乱。挠破了,出血了,"黄水"渗出来了,还想挠。挠得皮肤变粗糙,破了,结痂了,一片一片的,肌肤甲错的,太难看了。可还是痒,难受死了,这可怎么办?  相似文献   

钱花了不少,药用了不少,精力也消耗了不少,最后总算把转氨酶降了下来,乙肝病毒也被抑制了,然而,停药不久又复发了。药物用了一大堆,转氨酶和乙肝病毒却还是外甥打灯笼——照舅(旧)……谁都知道乙肝难治,长期身患乙肝的病人更是深有体会。可是,乙肝为什么这么难治呢?这难治的背后,真的是无可救药了?  相似文献   

乡镇设立卫生防疫站,体现了“预防为主”的方针,健全了三级防疫网,壮大了防疫队伍,扩大了卫生防疫工作的服务范围,提高了卫生防疫工作的质量,取得了较好的社效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

歌呤 《中国药店》2004,(10):104-105
老百姓一说拉肚子,氟哌酸就笑了;氟哌酸一说价格,黄连素就笑了;黄连素一说品牌,白加黑就笑了;白加黑一说历史,六味地黄丸就笑了,六味地黄丸一说名气,青霉素就笑了,青霉素一说药效,阿斯匹林就笑了.阿斯匹林一笑,就说出了自己的百年光辉历程.  相似文献   


The uptake of metals from food and water sources by insects is thought to be additive. For a given metal, the proportions taken up from water and food will depend both on the bioavailable concentration of the metal associated with each source and the mechanism and rate by which the metal enters the insect. Attempts to correlate insect trace metal concentrations with the trophic level of insects should be made with a knowledge of the feeding relationships of the individual taxa concerned. Pathways for the uptake of essential metals, such as copper and zinc, exist at the cellular level, and other nonessential metals, such as cadmium, also appear to enter via these routes. Within cells, trace metals can be bound to proteins or stored in granules. The internal distribution of metals among body tissues is very heterogeneous, and distribution patterns tend to be both metal and taxon specific. Trace metals associated with insects can be both bound on the surface of their chitinous exoskeleton and incorporated into body tissues. The quantities of trace meals accumulated by an individual reflect the net balance between the rate of metal influx from both dissolved and particulate sources and the rate of metal efflux from the organism. The toxicity of metals has been demonstrated at all levels of biological organization: cell, tissue, individual, population, and community. Much of the literature pertaining to the toxic effects of metals on aquatic insects is based on laboratory observations and, as such, it is difficult to extrapolate the data to insects in nature. The few experimental studies in nature suggest that trace metal contaminants can affect both the distribution and the abundance of aquatic insects. Insects have a largely unexploited potential as biomonitors of metal contamination in nature. A better understanding of the physico-chemical and biological mechanisms mediating trace metal bioavailability and exchange will facilitate the development of general predictive models relating trace metal concentrations in insects to those in their environment. Such models will facilitate the use of insects as contaminant biomonitors.  相似文献   

1. We visualized respiratory-related neuron network activity in the dorsal part of the pons and medulla of an in vitro preparation from newborn rats by optical recordings using a voltage-sensitive dye. We measured optical signals from several seconds before to several seconds after the inspiratory phase using the inspiratory motor nerve discharge as the trigger signal and we averaged the optical signals of 20-50 respiratory cycles to obtain an optical image correlating specifically to inspiratory activity. 2. Four areas that were excited or inhibited corresponding to the respiratory cycles were detected. (i) The most rostral activity was in the rostral and lateral parts of the pons, with activity mainly in the inspiratory phase, corresponding to the pontine-respiratory group. (ii) In the midpontine level, inspiratory activity followed by long-lasting hyperpolarization appeared in the midlateral parts. This part was presumed to reflect activity in the locus coeruleus. The hyperpolarization became almost negligible after treatment with the alpha-adrenergic antagonist, phentolamine. (iii) In the dorsal medulla, the predominantly inspiratory activity was detected at the rostral level of the area postrema. This part was considered to reflect activity mainly of the hypoglossal nucleus. (iv) At a similar level, we also detected weak and disperse inspiratory activity extending more laterally and caudally than that of the hypoglossal nucleus activity. This might reflect activity of the dorsal respiratory group. 3. In conclusion, the present optical recording study revealed that the dorsal part of the lower brainstem in the in vitro preparation is noticeably active as well as the ventral part shown in the previous study. This method is very useful for analysis of pharmacological properties, as well as the spatio-temporal pattern of respiratory-related network activity in the brainstem.  相似文献   

My association with Tony Hugli, long-term editor of Immunopharmacology and International Immunopharmacology, came about by a specific and long-standing problem in inflammation research. What is the trigger mechanism of inflammation in physiological shock? This is an important clinical problem due to the high mortality associated with physiological shock. We joined forces in the search of the answer to this question for more than a decade. Our journey eventually led to development of the hypothesis that shock may be associated with pancreatic enzymes, a set of powerful digestive enzymes that are an integral part of human digestion. The digestive enzymes need to be compartmentalized in the lumen of the intestine where they break down a broad spectrum of biological molecules into their building blocks, suitable for molecular transport across the mucosal epithelium into the circulation. The mucosal epithelial barrier is the key element for compartmentalization of the digestive enzymes. But under conditions when the mucosal barrier is compromised, the fully activated digestive enzymes in the lumen of the intestine are transported into the wall of the intestine, starting an auto-digestion process. In the process several classes of mediators are generated that by themselves have inflammatory activity and upon entry into the central circulation generate the hallmarks of inflammation and eventually cause multi-organ failure. Thus, our journey led to a new hypothesis, which is potentially of fundamental importance for death by multi-organ failure. The auto-digestion hypothesis is in line with the century old observation that the intestine plays a special role on shock — indeed it is the organ for digestion. Auto-digestion may be the prize to pay for life-long nutrition.  相似文献   

Reports of the inhibitory effects of diaminocarboxylic acids on the uptake of amino acid transmitters led the present authors to examine the effects of simple aliphatic diamines on the synaptosomal uptake of glutamate, aspartate, GABA and glycine. The diamines studied were the series from ethylenediamine through to 1,7-diaminoheptane; DL-2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DABA) was also tested for comparative purposes. The greatest inhibition seen was on the uptake of glycine and GABA. Weaker effects on uptake were seen with glutamate, while aspartate was unaffected. The patterns of inhibition for glycine and GABA were similar and the effects were dose-dependent. 1,2-Diaminopropane was the most inhibitory, followed by ethylenediamine and 1,7-diaminoheptane. The reported inhibitory effects of DL-2,4-diaminobutyric acid on the uptake of GABA and glutamate were confirmed; comparable inhibition of the uptake of glycine and aspartate was seen but the effects on GABA were most potent. Inhibition of the uptake of GABA by 1,2-diaminopropane was approximately one fifteenth that reported for DL-2,4-diaminobutyric acid. The inhibition by diamine of the uptake of glycine and GABA can provide an explanation of the depressant effects of diamines, seen after ventricular administration; however, the excitotoxic effects of the diamines 1,3-diaminopropane through to 1,7-diaminoheptane could not be explained by the present results.  相似文献   

The spectre of an influenza pandemic is being widely mooted. Most of the strategies explored to date for controlling or treating the condition have centred on controlling the spread of the infection, the use of vaccines or anti-viral agents. There has been relatively little discussion about treating the lung and systemic inflammatory reactions that occur during influenza infection. In this review a range of therapeutic agents are proposed to treat the inflammatory reactions, principally in the lung as well as the systemic cytokine-mediated immuno-inflammatory reactions that may be a major cause of the morbidity and mortality associated with influenza infections. Among these are pentoxifylline, the statins, the macrolide antibiotics (e.g. azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin), resveratrol (a component of wine and fruits with inhibitory effects on influenza virus replication) and nutraceuticals (including those that contain flavonoids, the marine oils eicosapentanoic and docosanoic acids or the green-lipped mussel extract, Liprinol which may by virtue of the inhibitory effects on the production or actions of pro-inflammatory cytokines, be useful for their anti-inflammatory actions. The efficacy, mode of actions and side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are considered. There are a number of issues relating to their use in treating the inflammatory reactions in the respiratory tract. Among these are the development of gastro-intestinal ulcers and bleeding and hepato-renal reactions in patients that may because of severe systemic inflammation be prone to the development of these adverse reactions. There are also theoretical issues concerning the impact of COX-1 mediating reduction in prostaglandin and increased cytokine production that might have some negative consequences for respiratory inflammation.In conclusion, further consideration should be given to exploring the actions of these anti-inflammatory agents to control the respiratory inflammatory in influenza infections which can have serious consequences for the outcome of the infection.  相似文献   

1. The layer of adherent mucus that protects the surface of the stomach reflects a dynamic balance between biosynthesis of glycoprotein, secretion of preformed mucus and erosion of the adherent gel layer. The present study is the first in which all these processes have been measured concomitantly and was undertaken to define interrelationships between the three parameters. 2. A chambered sac preparation of amphibian gastric mucosa is described. Biosynthesis was determined by specific incorporation of radiolabeled sugars into purified glycoprotein. Mucus secretion was determined by measuring the thickness of the adherent gel and erosion of the surface layer was assessed from the appearance of soluble mucin in the luminal solution. 3. 16,16-Dimethyl-prostaglandin (PG. E2 stimulated glucosamine incorporation by 10-fold, but did not alter the rate of incorporation of galactose. There was a rapid two-fold increase in the thickness of the adherent mucus layer but no change in the rate of erosion. Dibutyryl-cAMP also stimulated mucus release but, unlike PG, increased glycoprotein labelling by galactose. 4. Both distention or the application of a cholinergic agonist increased adherent mucus thickness. Stimulation of mucus release in response to carbachol was accompanied by a decrease in glycoprotein labelling by galactose. In contrast, the adrenergic agent noradrenaline decreased secretion but did not influence labelling. 5. These results indicate that biosynthesis and secretion of gastric mucus are subject to differential regulation. Moreover, the profile of incorporation of sugars in response to secreta-gogues also differs, indicating the need for caution when interpreting effects on glycoprotein biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Strips of rabbit ear artery exhibit biphasic contractile responses to l-norepinephrine (1-NE), histamine, and serotonin. Evidence is presented on the basis of an analysis of the response to 1-NE that the two phases of contraction are associated with different modes of excitation and can be influenced independently. The initial part of the response is phasic. The response after 4 sec agonist exposure is the same as that after 32 sec. It is probably associated with local radial propagation of excitation in that the initial excitatory period is short, the contraction is preceded by electrical change and is abolished upon tissue exposure to a solution in which all NaCl and KCl is replaced by potassium methylsulfate. In contrast the second contractile phase is related to the time of tissue exposure to the drug, is an equilibrium-like response and is not dependent upon cell membrane polarization. Since this phase is more affected by calcium depletion than the first, the sources of activator calcium for the two phases may be different: that for the first phase many originate predominantly from intracellular and that for the second from extracellular sources. These findings support the hypothesis that the biphasic contractile response of the vessel reflects two different modes of excitation of the muscle wall by the agonists: the first, a triggered, propagated event; the second, a slow, equilibrium-type, non-propagated response.  相似文献   

With the continuing development of clinical drug resistance among bacteria and the advent of resistance to the recently released agents quinupristin-dalfopristin and linezolid, the need for new, effective agents to treat multi-drug-resistant Gram-positive infections remains important. This review focuses on agents presently in clinical development for the treatment of serious multidrug-resistant staphylococcal, enterococcal and pneumococcal infections, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci and penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Agents to be discussed that affect the prokaryotic cell wall include the antimethicillin-resistant S. aureus cephalosporins BAL9141 and RWJ-54428, the glycopeptides oritavancin and dalbavancin and the lipopeptide daptomycin. Topoisomerase inhibitors include the fluoroquinolones gemifloxacin, sitafloxacin and garenoxacin. Protein synthesis inhibitors are represented by the ketolides telithromycin and cethromycin, the oxazolidinones and the glycylcycline tigecycline. Although each of these compounds has demonstrated antibacterial activity against antibiotic-resistant pathogens, their final regulatory approval will depend on an acceptable clinical safety profile.  相似文献   

Nanoscience and nanotechnology has caused important breakthroughs in different therapeutic areas. In particular, the application of nanotechnology in ophthalmology has led to the development of novel strategies for the treatment of ocular disorders. Indeed, the association of an active molecule to a nanocarrier allows the molecule to intimately interact with specific ocular structures, to overcome ocular barriers and to prolong its residence in the target tissue. Over the last decade, our group has designed and developed a delivery platform based on the polysaccharide chitosan, which suits the requirements of the topical ocular route. These nanosystems have been specifically adapted for the delivery of hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs and also polynucleotides onto the eye surface. The results collected up until now suggest the potential of this delivery platform and the subsequent need of a full preclinical evaluation in order to satisfy the specific regulatory demands of this mode of administration.  相似文献   

杨亚敏  李琦  张纳新 《天津医药》2018,46(3):305-307
淀粉样变较少累及呼吸道,气管支气管淀粉样变较罕见,同时累及喉、气管及支气管的淀粉样变更为罕见。本文介绍 1 例喉、气管支气管淀粉样变的病例,该患者存在原发性喉淀粉样变,15 年后同时出现气管支气管淀粉样变。由于疾病罕见且临床表现不具特异性,导致患者曾被误诊为上呼吸道感染、支气管哮喘。患者经支气管镜镜下钳夹、氩气刀治疗后,症状明显缓解,目前病情较稳定,但仍需追踪远期预后。  相似文献   

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