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Assays for tumour necrosis factor and related cytokines   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

We compared the effects of human rTNF and murine rTNF in murine models of toxicity, esp. the induction of endotoxic shock. As was the case for the antitumour activity, we found a marked difference in activity between these two TNFs. Only murine rTNF was able to cause lethality, while human rTNF needed the synergistic action of sensitizing agents to become lethal. Further experiments, such as the study of IL-6 induction by TNF in mice, allowed us to distinguish two types of TNF effects: those that can equally well be exerted by human rTNF and by murine rTNF (type I effects) and those that can only be exerted by murine rTNF (type II effects). Both types of effects, the toxic (a type I effect) and the sensitizing (a type II effect) are needed to produce a lethal outcome. Other cytokines such as IL-1 and IFN-, however, can also exert such a sensitizing effect and consequently lead to a fatal outcome when co-administered with human rTNF.  相似文献   

Cachectin/tumor necrosis factor and other cytokines in infectious disease   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The studies reviewed here represent but a fraction of those published in the field last year, but they serve to illustrate two important points: (1) the cytokine network possesses enormous diversity of biological function, and (2) it is redundant, such that overlapping and synergistic effects are observed between many different cytokines. The impact of this system on the host is pervasive and readily amplifiable, and integrates the diverse responses to infectious disease which may be either beneficial, protecting against infection, or deleterious, causing tissue injury and death. The example of cachectin/TNF illustrates this type of scenario: during local infection or inflammation, low levels of cachectin/TNF act to enhance immune responsiveness, stimulate blood-vessel growth, increase energy mobilization, induce the release of other cytokines, and promote wound-healing; when overwhelming infection occurs, as in septicemia, large quantities of cachectin/TNF reach the circulation and cause shock, MSOF, and death; if a persisting infection develops and cachectin/TNF is chronically secreted, it mediates a state of cachexia which may be fatal. Future studies will undoubtedly advance our understanding of these effects, and that of the other cytokines. The development of novel therapies for inflammation, septic shock, and cachexia may be based on such advances.  相似文献   

M L Neale  R A Fiera    N Matthews 《Immunology》1988,64(1):81-85
Earlier studies have indicated a possible role for arachidonate metabolism in the direct cytolysis of tumour cells by tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in vitro. In this study, the involvement of arachidonate metabolism has been investigated further with the following results: (i) Cytolysis of human U937 tumour cells by recombinant TNF was reduced by dexamethasone and quinacrine, agents which inhibit phospholipase A2. (ii) U937 and L929 cells, which are susceptible to TNF cytolysis, released arachidonic acid and its metabolites within 5 hr of TNF challenge, before cell death was apparent. In contrast, U937/R and L929/R, which are resistant to the cytolytic effects of TNF, did not release arachidonate products on TNF challenge. (iii) rTNF cytolysis of U937 cells was not reduced by inhibitors of the cyclo-oxygenase and lipo-oxygenase pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism. Cytolysis was reduced, however, by inhibitors of the arachidonate metabolic pathway involving cytochrome P450-dependent reductase, but only at reagent concentrations that also inhibited phospholipase A2 activity. Overall, these observations indicate a role for phospholipase A2 but not for arachidonic acid or its metabolites in the direct cytolysis of tumour cell lines by TNF.  相似文献   

We have studied the participation of platelet-activating factor (PAF) in antigen-induced arthritis in rabbits, as well as the possible co-operation between PAF and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in their ability to induce joint inflammation when injected into the knees of healthy rabbits. The administration of two structurally different PAF receptor antagonists, BN52021 and Alprazolam, from 4 h before the intra-articular injection of ovalbumin in preimmunized rabbits, induced an important reduction in the synovial fluid volume, in the amount of cells infiltrating the articular cavity and the synovial membrane, as well as in the prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentration. Furthermore, proteoglycans of the articular cartilage, which were found diminished in animals with non-treated arthritis, were well preserved in rabbits treated with PAF antagonists. All the synovial fluids from joints with arthritis had detectable amounts of PAF. The injection of either TNF or PAF into the joints of normal rabbits induced a mild inflammation. When TNF was administered 1 h before PAF, a synergistic response was noted in the synovial fluid volume, in the accumulation of leucocytes, and in the amount of PGE2. The administration of BN50726, a hetrazepine with a potent PAF-receptor antagonist effect, induced a diminution in those parameters. Our results suggest that PAF may be an early and important mediator of joint damage, and that TNF can amplify the inflammatory response induced by PAF. PAF receptor antagonists could play some role in the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases.  相似文献   

L Bersani  F Colotta    A Mantovani 《Immunology》1986,59(2):323-325
Human and murine monocyte-macrophages kill actinomycin D (ActD)-treated WEHI 164 sarcoma cells in a 6-hr 51Cr-release assay (drug-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, DDCC). In this study, we have investigated the cytotoxic activity of human recombinant tumour necrosis factor (hrTNF) against untreated and ActD-treated WEHI 164 sarcoma cells. Human recombinant TNF when added to the 6-hr 51Cr-release assay killed ActD-treated targets at doses ranging from 33 to 0.33 ng/ml, whereas untreated targets were resistant to lysis. The kinetics of lysis of ActD-treated targets was similar for hrTNF and blood monocytes. The protease inhibitors phenyl-methyl-sulphonyl-fluoride (PMSF) and N-alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK) reduced the DDCC activity of monocytes, monocyte supernatants and hrTNF. Killing of drug-sensitized target cells by monocyte supernatants was totally inhibited by a rabbit anti-TNF serum. These, as well as previous data on the physicochemical properties of the soluble cytotoxic factor released by monocytes, suggest that rapid monocyte-mediated killing of ActD-pretreated WEHI 164 sarcoma cells involves TNF or TNF-like molecules.  相似文献   

Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) have emerged as a serious threat in immunocompromised patients during the last two decades. Host defenses including appropriate cytokine responses and intact phagocytic function are necessary to combat IFIs. Several cytokines have been investigated and developed for preventive and therapeutic use. Among them, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) has been mostly studied and used for various purposes, the most important being the faster recovery from neutropenia [1]. Other cytokines with potential clinical significance in relation to IFI are granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Supported by a large number of preclinical studies but limited clinical results their potential utility against IFI has been suggested. In this review, certain questions related to this issue are discussed based on data already available and an attempt to consider future research is made.  相似文献   

Both mice and rabbits injected intravenously with viable Listeria monocytogenes and challenged with bacterial lipopolysaccharide release tumour necrosis factor (TNF) into the blood. Optimal conditions for production of murine TNF using Listeria were established. The cell-kill efficacy of Listeria-TNF and of Corynebacterium parvum-TNF are comparable. Also, the two sera have similar spectra of activity; a wide variety of murine and human tumour cell lines are vulnerable while others are not affected. Among the cell lines tested, Ehrlich ascites tumour (EAT) cell was found to be most susceptible to the cytotoxic effect of TNF. The advantages of using Listeria for producing TNF and using EAT cells in studying the mechanism of action of TNF are discussed.  相似文献   

The members of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF)/tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily are critically involved in the maintenance of homeostasis of the immune system. The biological functions of this system encompass beneficial and protective effects in inflammation and host defence as well as a crucial role in organogenesis. At the same time, members of this superfamily are responsible for host damaging effects in sepsis, cachexia, and autoimmune diseases. This review summarizes recent progress in the immunobiology of the TNF/TNFR superfamily focusing on results obtained from animal studies using gene targeted mice. The different modes of signalling pathways affecting cell proliferation, survival, differentiation, apoptosis, and immune organ development as well as host defence are reviewed. Molecular and cellular mechanisms that demonstrate a therapeutic potential by targeting individual receptors or ligands for the treatment of chronic inflammatory or autoimmune diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the distribution and cellular origin of endogenous tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) in the cellular components of human gliomas. METHODS: Frozen sections of 26 gliomas (four astrocytomas (As); two oligoastrocytomas (OA); one ansplastic astrocytoma (AA); one anaplastic oligoastrocytoma (AOA); 18 glioblastomas (GB)) were examined immunohistochemically using antihuman TNF alpha and anti-Leu-M5 (CD11c) antibodies. Additional studies with double immunohistocchemical procedures were performed with anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein and anti-neurofilament antibodies. RESULTS: Eighty per cent of the AA, AOA, and GB (16 of 20) had a positive reaction for TNF alpha, but only 17% of As and OA (one of six) were positive. Positive cells were seen in both the tumour tissue and adjacent brain tissues. TNF alpha protein was detected not only in the tumour cells but also in the endothelium of tumour vessels as well as reactive astrocytes and neurons. CONCLUSIONS: Endogenous TNF alpha is present in cells of various origins in glial tumours including tumour vessels; however, the role of TNF alpha may be different in different types of cells or altered microenvironment.  相似文献   

Chlorpromazine (CPZ) has been previously shown to protect against endotoxin [lipopolysaccharide (LPS)] lethality and inhibit the release of tumour necrosis factor in vivo. We investigated at the cellular level whether this was due to direct inhibition of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) synthesis, using LPS-stimulated THP-1 human monocytic leukemia cells. We also studied the effect of CPZ on human TNF-alpha action by assessing TNF-alpha cytotoxicity on mouse fibrosarcoma L929 cells. CPZ (1-100 microM) inhibited TNF-alpha production in THP-1 cells in a dose dependent manner by a maximum of 80%. This effect was comparable to that of two well-known inhibitory drugs, dexamethasone and cyclicAMP. Inhibition was also evident at the mRNA level. On the other hand CPZ (10-25 microM) also inhibited TNF-alpha activity: in fact it reduced the cytotoxicity of TNF-alpha on L929 cells (EC50 was increased four times) and could provide protection even as a post-treatment. CPZ inhibited TNF-induced apoptosis in L929 cells, as detected by analysis of nuclear morphology. However, since we showed that apoptosis was very limited, and was not the main mode of cell death in our conditions, this could not explain the overall protection. Since CPZ did not interfere with either the oligomerization state of TNF-alpha or its receptor binding, our data suggest that it reduced cytotoxicity by inhibiting some steps in the TNF-alpha signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Extravillous trophoblasts (EVTs) invade and remodel uterine spiral arteries. Regulatory factors may include inherent vessel susceptibility, local oxygen levels and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha). We have used an in vitro model to investigate interstitial and endovascular invasion of myometrial spiral arteries from pregnant and non-pregnant uteri and also omental arteries. To model endovascular invasion, fluorescent-labelled EVTs were perfused into the lumen of these dissected vessels. For interstitial invasion, labelled EVTs were layered on top. Cultures were either maintained in 17% or 3% oxygen, or cultured with TNFalpha. The invasion of arteries from pregnant women occurred via both routes at 17% oxygen, with endovascular invasion more efficient than interstitial. In omental arteries and spiral arteries from non-pregnant women, endovascular invasion was limited. Endovascular and interstitial invasion were lower in all arteries at 3% oxygen. Typically, endovascular events were clustered, with an associated disruption in the adjacent endothelium and smooth muscle. A role for TNFalpha in limiting invasion was also supported. In conclusion, priming of uterine arteries may be necessary prior to EVT invasion. Oxygen is a sensitive regulator within this physiological model and increased invasion at higher pO2 may explain the homing of EVT to maternal arteries rather than veins. Adequate vascular transformation may therefore rely on a balance between vascular receptivity, oxygen partial pressure, and exposure to inflammatory mediators.  相似文献   

According to the ‘hygiene hypothesis’, the decreasing incidence of infections in western countries and more recently in developing countries is at the origin of the increasing incidence of both autoimmune and allergic diseases. The hygiene hypothesis is based upon epidemiological data, particularly migration studies, showing that subjects migrating from a low‐incidence to a high‐incidence country acquire the immune disorders with a high incidence at the first generation. However, these data and others showing a correlation between high disease incidence and high socio‐economic level do not prove a causal link between infections and immune disorders. Proof of principle of the hygiene hypothesis is brought by animal models and to a lesser degree by intervention trials in humans. Underlying mechanisms are multiple and complex. They include decreased consumption of homeostatic factors and immunoregulation, involving various regulatory T cell subsets and Toll‐like receptor stimulation. These mechanisms could originate, to some extent, from changes in microbiota caused by changes in lifestyle, particularly in inflammatory bowel diseases. Taken together, these data open new therapeutic perspectives in the prevention of autoimmune and allergic diseases.  相似文献   

Y Kobayashi  M Asada  T Osawa 《Immunology》1987,60(2):213-217
It is known that two major cytotoxins, lymphotoxin (LT) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF), are produced by T cells and macrophages, respectively. We report in this paper that a human T-cell hybridoma, AC5-8, produces TNF in addition to LT depending on the kind of stimuli used. When phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and concanavalin A (Con A) or PMA alone were used to induce AC5-8 cells to secrete a cytotoxin, we found that the cytotoxin secreted was antigenically indistinguishable from LT. On the other hand, when AC5-8 cells were activated by PMA and A23187, they secreted another cytotoxin which was antigenically indistinguishable from TNF, in addition to LT. These two cytotoxins could be separated by affinity chromatography on a column of Con A-Sepharose. A cytotoxin, which did not bind to the Con A-Sepharose column and showed about 70-95% of the total cytotoxic activity secreted from AC5-8 cells stimulated with PMA and A23187, was found to be antigenically identical to TNF. The other cytotoxin, which bound to the Con A-Sepharose column and showed only 5-30% of the total activity induced by PMA and A23187, was found to be antigenically identical to LT.  相似文献   

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