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现代人的健康,除了身体的健康,还包括心理的健康。如果你的心理是健康的,你的人生也会是快乐的、幸福的;如果你的心理是病态的,那么你的人生也会是痛苦的、忧伤的。如果你想改变你的世界,创造你的辉煌,就必须首先改变你的不良心理。  相似文献   

美是人类永恒的追求。在科技进步,生活水平提高的今天,美容已成为人们生活中的一部分。然而,人们的美容方法大都是利用层出不穷的化装品和不断更新的美容技术,而忽视了人的机体作为一个整体的统一性。因为化装品再好,美容术再新,也只是外因,对于人的容颜的改变只是局部的和暂时的,而内在的精神作用对于人的容颜的影响才是长期的、整体的和根本的。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,人们的物质生活水平不断的提高,由于人们日常饮食的不注意,导致心脏病的产生几率越来越高.心脏病的发病过程比较的漫长,并且心脏病在目前只能得到控制不能进行完全的治愈.所以患者的心理是一个很值得关注的问题,一旦病人的情绪过于激动就会导致心脏病的复发,所以对于心内科患者的护理是非常重要的,让患者充分的释放自己内心的郁闷和压力,逐步的走向健康的生活方式.文章从心内科患者存在的心理问题以及心内科患者心理问题的护理两个方面进行论述,从而深入的了解和探索心内科患者的心理疾病,进一步加快心内科疾病的治疗,还人们一个健康的生活身体.  相似文献   

指错误的或不科学的性观念及由此产生的错误的或荒谬的行为。性愚昧的产生与后天的教育有直接的关系,社会性观念的错误或不科学是愚昧产生的根本原因,人们不能接受系统的科学性教育,而错误地接受社会媒体上的不科学的性观念是性愚昧产生的直接原因。  相似文献   

在农村小学英语教学的过程中,能真正的结合学生的学习兴趣来进行,调动起学生学习的英语的积极性,才能够真正的把学生学习的主动性调动起来,并真正的促进英语的教学质量的提高。在小学英语教学的过程中,应当特别的注重教学方法的运用,以及教学方法在实际教学实效中所展示的作用。  相似文献   

通常,人们认为儿童的生长发育是相当有规律的,即生长发育是平均的,呈周期性的。 但国外最近研究表明,儿童生长发育恰恰是不平稳的、持续的、而是散发的、跳跃式的。 美国宾夕法尼亚大学的人类学家对33名发育正常的儿童的生长测量表明,这些孩子是以一系列不规则的突然增长1厘米的方式生长的。而  相似文献   

今天的孩子是幸福的,吃的、穿的、喝的、玩的、用的、空前的富有;来自“四二十”家庭结构的层层呵护,花朵般的孩子们正以他们强劲的消费能力依凭感觉操纵着长辈们的钱袋……然而,优越的环境似乎并非真正意义上使孩子们的身心状态达到理想的尺度。  相似文献   

作者描述了能被广泛接受的全民健康保险的一些必须具备的特征。这种计划必须代表渐进的而不是彻底的变化;必须遵重公民、病人和提供者的权益必须避免在现有的令人满意的组织方面造成重大的破坏;必须避免发生重大的意外收益或损失;必须避免较大程度的收入再分配;必须不致引起通货膨胀。作者的计划在于组织有效的护理机构,成功的机构能吸引忠于职守的医生,并赢得他们的信任,能使保险和护理的提供统一起来,能将医生的利益与病人获得高质量价廉的护理结合起来。此种计划的重要潜在缺点是对低工资收入工人就业机会的影响,但是这种影响可被降低到最低程度,此外,作者讨论了对全日制工人的雇主征收保险金的计划,最近在马萨诸塞州制定的法律,高度风险的联营和加拿大的系统,并将这些情况与作者的计划进行了比较。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的浪潮,医疗这一方面的竞争力也变得越来越普遍。在当前的社会中,护士们的基本品质已经成型,那就是"深究医学技术,专业精益求精"。同时,随着科学技术的不断发展,医学技术也在飞快的发展着,人们对于健康的需求也在日益增长着,这就意味着我们现在的医疗服务需要改进。病人对于就医的心理是选择最好的,而我们对于护理专业人员的个人价值观的培养,以及对她们的医德教育培养的基本要求也是这样的。为了能够让我们的护理专业人员对提供优化服务、推动卫生事业的发展、促进医学科技的和卫生健康的发展起到积极的作用,我们就要在解放医学生产力的同时,让我们的护理专业人员要对自身的综合素质有更高的要求,适应社会的发展。  相似文献   

迟威 《药物与人》2014,(9):43-43
现代医学的发展已经越来越朝着科学有效,合理完善的方面发展,我们的制度也在不断的进步和更新,随着现代社会对于人身安全的注重,我们的社会和医学研究方面对于人的各个生命特征都进行了一定的研究和总结,我们的社会医学的发展也是在不断的扩充和拓展的过程。在我们的各种医学研究中,我们对于心血管疾病的研究一直都是我们的重点,心血管类的疾病发病率较高,是现代社会的大部分老人甚至年轻人的一个困扰,本文主要介绍的就是有关于心血管疾病的根治药物,以及这类药物给人的身体带来的不良反应,当然,更加重要的是,我们如何对其进行研究和防治。  相似文献   

Farrington CP 《Vaccine》2004,22(15-16):2064-2070
Epidemiological methods involving only cases are reviewed in the context of vaccine safety studies. These methods include some ecological methods, case-coverage methods, case-crossover and self-controlled case series methods. The properties of the methods are described using examples from the literature. It is argued that such methods, and in particular the self-controlled case series method, are powerful epidemiologic tools meriting the same attention as more traditional cohort and case-control methods.  相似文献   

医院污水处理方法应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马玉梅  赵微  刘红雁 《职业与健康》2010,26(10):1180-1182
目的医院污水的处理越来越受到人们的重视,医院污水处理方法主要有生物学方法、物理方法和化学方法。生物学方法包括简易生化处理、活性污泥法、生物接触氧化法、膜生物反应器、曝气生物滤池等,是环境微生物技术在处理医院污水方面的具体应用。物理方法主要用于污水的预处理和消毒,如紫外线消毒法。化学方法主要用于消毒,包括氯消毒法、臭氧消毒法、电化学法以及光触媒技术的应用。应根据医院的类型、规模、总污水量和污水性质,明确污水来源,选择合理、有效的处理工艺,保证医院污水得到有效处理,使出水水质符合现行有关国家排放标准的规定。  相似文献   

目的评价由倾向指数方法得到的暴露效果的估计量和统计性质,并探讨其实用性。方法利用计算机模拟对倾向指数方法在无模型误定和有模型误定情况下的偏度和精度进行分析,并与基于模型方法的模拟结果进行比较。结果当存在模型误定时,倾向指数方法比基于模型的方法具有较好的稳健性。结论对于大量、关系复杂的数据,应用倾向指数方法具有较大的灵活性。  相似文献   

本文概括地介绍了医学统计学在卫生事业管理中的一些重要领域的应用和进展 ,主要是调查研究中的抽样方法、预测研究及统计方法、统计决策、现代质量管理统计方法、综合评价理论与方法等等。  相似文献   

There is growing interest in using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to generate evidence about the effectiveness of health prevention, services, and intervention programs. With the emerging importance of mixed methods research across the social and health sciences, there has been an increased recognition of the value of using mixed methods for addressing research questions in different disciplines. We illustrate the mixed methods approach in prevention research, showing design procedures used in several published research articles. In this paper, we focused on two commonly used mixed methods designs: concurrent and sequential mixed methods designs. We discuss the types of mixed methods designs, the reasons for, and advantages of using a particular type of design, and the procedures of qualitative and quantitative data collection and integration. The studies reviewed in this paper show that the essence of qualitative research is to explore complex dynamic phenomena in prevention science, and the advantage of using mixed methods is that quantitative data can yield generalizable results and qualitative data can provide extensive insights. However, the emphasis of methodological rigor in a mixed methods application also requires considerable expertise in both qualitative and quantitative methods. Besides the necessary skills and effective interdisciplinary collaboration, this combined approach also requires an open-mindedness and reflection from the involved researchers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To review methods that seek to adjust for confounding in observational studies when assessing intended drug effects. METHODS: We reviewed the statistical, economical and medical literature on the development, comparison and use of methods adjusting for confounding. RESULTS: In addition to standard statistical techniques of (logistic) regression and Cox proportional hazards regression, alternative methods have been proposed to adjust for confounding in observational studies. A first group of methods focus on the main problem of nonrandomization by balancing treatment groups on observed covariates: selection, matching, stratification, multivariate confounder score, and propensity score methods, of which the latter can be combined with stratification or various matching methods. Another group of methods look for variables to be used like randomization in order to adjust also for unobserved covariates: instrumental variable methods, two-stage least squares, and grouped-treatment approach. Identifying these variables is difficult, however, and assumptions are strong. Sensitivity analyses are useful tools in assessing the robustness and plausibility of the estimated treatment effects to variations in assumptions about unmeasured confounders. CONCLUSION: In most studies regression-like techniques are routinely used for adjustment for confounding, although alternative methods are available. More complete empirical evaluations comparing these methods in different situations are needed.  相似文献   

This systematic review quantifies methods used to measure the ‘retail food environment’ (RFE), appraises the quality of methodological reporting, and examines associations with obesity, accounting for differences in methods. Only spatial measures of the RFE, such as food outlet proximity were included. Across the 113 included studies, methods for measuring the RFE were extremely diverse, yet reporting of methods was poor (average reporting quality score: 58.6%). Null associations dominated across all measurement methods, comprising 76.0% of 1937 associations in total. Outcomes varied across measurement methods (e.g. narrow definitions of ‘supermarket’: 20.7% negative associations vs 1.7% positive; broad definitions of ‘supermarket’: 9.0% negative associations vs 10.4% positive). Researchers should report methods more clearly, and should articulate findings in the context of the measurement methods employed.  相似文献   

体表心电电位的研究主要有两个部分的内容,采集系统和数据处理方法,关于体表心电电位的采集系统,介绍了利用虚拟仪器概念并借助于高速开放总线标准的设计方案,对于心电数据的处理方法则分析介绍了定性和定量的处理方法,在定性处理方法中讨论静态和动态的标测方法,在定量处理方法中讨论了统计学方法,逆运算方法和主分量分析方法。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare four different immunological methods to analyse fungal alpha-amylase in flour dust samples. Three European research groups have independently developed four immuno assay based methods to measure alpha-amylase in air samples. Three of the methods use polyclonal antibodies and one method uses monoclonal antibodies. Eighty personal samples have been collected during two to three work-shifts in four bakeries. Sampling was performed with PAS-6 inhalable dust samplers and aliquots from each sample were analysed by the three laboratories. The agreement between the four methods was high compared with agreement between immunological methods to measure other allergens in the air, e.g. for rat allergens. For the three methods with polyclonal antibodies the mean differences for individual samples was less than a factor of two. The arithmetic means (AM) of the estimated alpha-amylase exposure were 12.5, 11.3, 8.6 and 25.9ng/m(3) for the respective methods with values ranging from below the detection limit to 192, 215, 207 and 615 ng/m(3). The AM for all samples analysed by the methods with polyclonal antibodies varied by about a factor of 1.5. About one-third of the values were below or at the detection limit for all methods. In a regression analysis the squared correlation coefficients (R(2)) between the methods varied between 0.91 and 0.95 for the log transformed values. For workplace monitoring, results from the methods using polyclonal antibodies will be relatively comparable. High levels of alpha-amylase might differ in absolute numbers with a factor of two or more between the different methods but will anyway be considered as high and should result in preventive actions. On the other hand, this study also shows that despite the relative agreement between methods, there is a clear need for standardization.  相似文献   

罗俊容    邓桥  陈昭斌       《现代预防医学》2021,(20):3689-3693
目的 研究目前公共场所异味来源及消毒除味方法。方法 在中国知网、万方、PubMed、Web of Science、Science Direct数据库检索1995年1月—2021年7月国内外关于公共场所异味的相关性研究53篇,并对文献进行整理归纳与总结。结果 公共场所异味产生的来源有公共卫生用具、建筑及装修材料、家具及装饰类用品、集中空调系统、流动人群和周围工业污染等六大类。消毒除味的物理方法包括通风、电离、吸附、吸收、膜分离,化学方法包括光催化氧化、臭氧催化氧化和二氧化氯消毒和生物方法包括酶氧化、植物净化和生物过滤器。结论 公共场所异味来源多、消毒除味方法种类多,但不同方法的使用有一定限制,今后需要加强现有方法的优化、新方法的开发及这些方法的效果监测。  相似文献   

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