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Here, we report sudden, unexplained neurological collapse in 14 young people while bathing with hot water associated with the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)-based water heaters (gas geysers) in ill-ventilated bathrooms. None of the patients reported any circumstantial evidence of seizures or prior epilepsy. One patient developed cortical blindness and demonstrated posterior leucoencephalopathy on imaging studies. The remaining patients made rapid and excellent recovery without any residual neurological sequelae. In these cases, the results of all routine investigations, i.e., serum chemistry, brain imaging (computed tomography in 2 and magnetic resonance imaging in 10) and electroencephalography were normal. The clinical clustering of these cases in winter months with similar presentations of reversible encephalopathy probably indicates an inhalational toxin exposure. Therefore, we postulate a hypothesis that harmful emissions consisting of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon gases (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), produced by incomplete combustion of LPG might be responsible for the cellular injury and subsequent transient neurological deficits. Physicians should be aware of this entity in order to avoid misdiagnosis of this condition as seizures, and a public awareness should also be created regarding the proper use of these devices.  相似文献   

We present two patients with delayed neurological deterioration following apparent recovery from carbon monoxide poisoning in whom magnetic resonance imaging showed abnormalities. In the first patient, cortical grey matter abnormalities were seen without white matter changes. Visual evoked potentials were, however, abnormal. In the second, diffuse white matter lesions were detected. In neither patient were basal ganglia lesions seen.  相似文献   

Panayiotopoulos syndrome is a common multifocal autonomic childhood epileptic disorder with significant clinical, pathophysiological and management implications. It affects otherwise normal children with onset at around 3–6 years. It is characterized by seizures, often prolonged, with predominantly autonomic symptoms and mainly ictal vomiting. EEG shows shifting and/or multiple foci, often with occipital dominance. Despite characteristic clinical and EEG manifestations Panayiotopoulos syndrome is often confused with occipital epilepsy and acute non-epileptic disorders such as encephalitis, syncope, cyclic vomiting or atypical migraine. This review aims to describe Panayiotopoulos syndrome on the basis of independent major studies and provide clinical clues for diagnosis and management.  相似文献   

Analysis of 124 of the author's cases shows that an isolated mechanical compression of the suprascapular nerve lies often at the bottom of shoulder pain without obvious cause. The term "incisura scapulae syndrome" is recommended. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this tunnel-syndrome are described in detail.  相似文献   

Summary Although individual extrapyramidal symptoms as a consequence of carbon monoxide intoxication have frequently been reported, typical (complete) Parkinson's syndrome has very rarely been documented. This report presents for the first time a case of acute Parkinson's syndrome with delayed manifestation after the initially occurring organic psychosis. A 53-year-old man with a long history of schizoaffective psychosis first developed a severe acute organic psychosis with disturbances of orientation and marked amnestic disturbances after carbon monoxide intoxication as a result of a suicide attempt. On the 21st day after intoxication, acute Parkinson's syndrome with right accentuation was recorded, with CCT identification of lesions on both sides of the basal ganglia area. Full remission of the Parkinson's syndrome was achieved with rheological treatment and l-dopa therapy.   相似文献   

Portosystemic shunts (PSS) remain an unrecognized cause of neurological or psychiatric disorders. Here we report 5 patients with neuropsychiatric presentations of PSS. Main presentations encompassed progressive Parkinsonism, organic psychosis, recurrent coma, recurrent delusion, cognitive decline and posterior cortical atrophy. None of our patients had a known history of liver disease and laboratory analyses of liver function were normal or only slightly perturbed. Only 16 similar cases of PSS revealed by neurological or psychiatric symptoms were found in the English literature. Clinical presentations were similar to our patients but asterixis, cerebellar symptoms and spastic paraparesis were noticed in some cases. EEG could be normal or could show non specific slow waves or even, rarely, triphasic slow waves. The most frequent and specific diagnostic features included hyperammonemia, abnormal brain magnetic resonance spectroscopy and visualization of the shunts by ultrasonography or abdominal imaging techniques. Therefore, in otherwise unexplained neuropsychiatric disturbances, ammonia should be routinely measured and, if elevated, a dedicated gastroenterologist or an expert radiologist should be consulted for potential PSS examination. Treatment of the shunts or of the hyperammonemia resulted in marked neurological or psychiatric improvement in all cases.  相似文献   

Hyperekplexia (startle disease) is an unusual, familial, neurological disorder characterized by abnormally enhanced startle response, followed in most cases by momentary generalized muscular stiffness. These attacks may cause the patients to fall rigidly, while remaining fully conscious. Startle symptomatology has generally an onset in infancy and is often accompanied, during the first years of life, by rigidity, sleep myoclonus, motor delay, regurgitation and apneic spells, which may cause sudden death. Stiff-baby syndrome is a familial disorder characterized by marked rigidity, with neonatal onset and gradual reduction during infancy, regurgitations, motor delay and attacks of stiffness. We report 4 new cases of hyperekplexia from two different families and another infant with stiff-baby syndrome discussing clinical, electrophysiological and genetic aspects of both neurological disorders in relation to other reported cases. We suggest a continuum between these familial syndromes, which are often misinterpreted as epilepsy or other disorders. This study was supported in part by grants of the Italian Ministry of Health. (Current Research Projects 1989)  相似文献   

We report the case of a 16-year-old boy diagnosed to have Sotos syndrome, with rare association of bilateral primary optic atrophy and epilepsy. He presented with accelerated linear growth, facial gestalt, distinctive facial features, seizures and progressive diminution of vision in both eyes. He had features of gigantism from early childhood. An MRI showed that brain and endocrine functions were normal. This case is of interest, as we have to be aware of this not so rare disorder. In addition to the classic features, there were two unusual associations with Sotos syndrome in the patient.  相似文献   

The occurrence of transient recurrent stereotypical neurological events mandates the exclusion of an underlying brain lesion. When imaging studies demonstrate the presence of a structural brain lesion, a cause and effect relationship between the two entities is assumed, and the decision for surgical intervention may then follow almost automatically. We describe five patients with transient neurological events suspected as being seizures that were referred for surgery because of an associated structural brain lesion. Video electroencephalographic recordings revealed that the events that brought these patients to neurosurgical attention were non-epileptic seizures. None of these patients underwent surgical intervention, and all were referred for behavioral therapy. Therefore, even in the presence of a confirmed brain lesion, the presenting paroxysmal events may be of a non-organic origin and should not necessarily be assumed to be caused by the concomitantly existing structural abnormality.  相似文献   

The incidence of constipation as an adverse effect of pregabalin has previously been reported as low, with all cases described as either mild or moderate. From the experience of a tertiary referral epilepsy hospital center, we report several cases of severe and disabling constipation after initiating pregabalin, and resolving only on drug withdrawal. Of 80 consecutive patients, six (7.5%) developed significant constipation within 1–2 weeks of commencing pregabalin. Constipation was the most frequent adverse effect that required pregabalin to be withdrawn (6.3% of patients). The severity of symptoms was dose dependent. Pregabalin can cause marked constipation in some patients, and can lead to multiple unnecessary investigations and procedures if the clinician is not aware of this entirely reversible side effect.  相似文献   

The syndrome of malignant migrating partial seizures in infancy was first reported in 1995, and is now included among the childhood epilepsy syndromes in development in the proposal of the revision of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification of the epilepsies and epilepsy syndromes. The main clinical features are seizure onset in the first 6 months of life, occurrence of almost continuous migrating polymorphous focal seizures, combined with multifocal ictal electroencephalography (EEG) discharges, and progressive deterioration of psychomotor development. Etiology is so far unknown. Seizures are markedly drug resistant and outcome is generally severe. Based on age at onset, migrating partial seizures in infancy (MMPEI) may be placed between early epileptic encephalopathies (early myoclonic encephalopathy [EME] and early infantile epileptic encephalopathy [EIEE]) and infantile spasms.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial disorders have a broad clinical spectrum and are genetically heterogeneous, involving two genomes. These disorders may be develop at any age, with isolated or multiple system involvement, and any pattern of inheritance. Neurological involvement is the most frequent, and concerns muscular, peripheral and central nervous system. Among these diverse signs, some are suggestive of mitochondrial disease, such as progressive external ophthalmoplegia, exercise intolerance, psychomotor regression, stroke-like episodes, refractory epilepsy and Epilepsia Partialis Continua. Others are less specific and mitochondrial hypothesis may be evocated because of either association of different neuromuscular signs or a multisystemic involvement. This review describes the wealth of this neurological and neuromuscular symptomatology through different syndromes reported in the literature, according to preponderant signs and to modes of inheritance, as key elements to guide genetics testing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To elucidate the electroclinical features and long-term outcome of patients with pattern-sensitive epilepsy. METHODS: We reviewed the clinical and electroencephalographic (EEG) findings of 73 (43 female and 30 male) patients in whom pattern-sensitive epilepsy was diagnosed at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A.) from 1950 through 1999. We contacted patients and their relatives by letter or telephone to obtain the latest seizure and quality-of-life outcomes. RESULTS: The median age at onset of seizures was 12.8 years (range, 0.6-32.9 years). Most patients had absence, myoclonic, or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Interictal epileptiform discharges in the EEG were detected in 61 (83.6%) patients and were generalized in 54 (74%). Paroxysmal epileptiform discharges in the EEG elicited with standard patterns were all generalized in two thirds of patients but were restricted to the posterior head region in one-third. Eight (11%) patients did not exhibit photosensitivity. Television was the most common precipitant [30 patients (41%)]. Twenty-nine patients gave a clear history of one or more seizures precipitated while viewing environmental patterns such as window screens, garments, tablecloths, and ceiling tiles; the rest of the patients admitted that they preferred to avoid looking at patterned objects because these objects made them uncomfortable. The electroclinical features suggested juvenile myoclonic epilepsy in 14 patients, progressive myoclonus epilepsy in three, progressive familial cerebellar ataxia with myoclonus in two, and severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy in one. During a median follow-up period of 15.7 years, 25 (45.5%) of 55 patients who were followed up for > or =5 years achieved complete seizure remission. The median age at remission was 24.4 years. The absence of progressive neurologic disease was correlated significantly with remission; a family history of seizures showed a trend in favor of remission. More than two thirds of the patients did not consider the seizures an impediment to their family life or to educational and occupational achievements. CONCLUSIONS: Although pattern sensitivity as a trait occurs in various epileptic syndromes, pattern-sensitive epilepsy is a readily distinguishable subtype of the visually provoked reflex epilepsies. In our opinion, the location and extent of the excitable region or regions within the visual cortex concerned with different attributes of visual function dictate susceptibility to a specific trigger (intermittent light, pattern, or color) or closely related multiple triggers and the resultant electroclinical phenomenon.  相似文献   

Background –  Genomic analysis using microarray tools has the potential benefit of enhancing our understanding of neurological diseases. The analysis of these data is complex due to the large amount of data generated. Many tools have been developed to assist with this, but standard methods of analysis of these tools have not been established.
Objective –  This study analyzed the sensitivity and specificity of different analytical methods for gene identification and presents a standardized approach.
Methods –  Affymetrix HG-U133 plus 2.0 microarray datasets from two neurological diseases – chronic migraine and new-onset epilepsy – were used as source data and methods of analysis for normalization of data and identification of gene changes were compared. Housekeeping genes were used to identify non-specific changes and gender related genes were used to identify specific changes.
Results –  Initial normalization of data revealed that 5–10% of the microarray were potential outliers due to technical errors. Two separate methods of analysis (dChip and Bioconductor) identified the same microarray chips as outliers. For specificity and sensitivity testing, performing a per-gene normalization was found to be inferior to standard preprocessing procedures using robust multichip average analysis.
Conclusions –  Technical variation in microarray preprocessing may account for chip-to-chip and batch-to-batch variations and outliers need to be removed prior to analysis. Specificity and sensitivity of the final results are best achieved following this identification and removal with standard genomic analysis techniques. Future tools may benefit from the use of standard tools of measurement.  相似文献   

We performed STXBP1 mutation analyses in 86 patients with various types of epilepsies, including 10 patients with OS, 43 with West syndrome, 2 with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, 12 with symptomatic generalized epilepsy, 14 with symptomatic partial epilepsy, and 5 with other undetermined types of epilepsy. In all patients, the etiology was unknown, but ARX and CDKL5 mutations were negative in all cases. All coding exons of STXBP1 were analyzed by direct-sequencing. Two de novo nucleotide alterations of STXBP1 were identified in two patients with Ohtahara and West syndrome, respectively. No de novo or deleterious mutations in STXBP1 were found in the remaining 84 patients with various types of symptomatic epilepsies. This is the first case report showing that STXBP1 mutations caused West syndrome from the onset of epilepsy. STXBP1 analysis should be considered as an etiology of symptomatic West syndrome without explainable cause.  相似文献   

Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a progressive degenerative movement disorder resulting from a fragile X “premutation”, defined as 55–200 CGG repeats in the 5′-untranslated region of the FMR1 gene. The FMR1 premutation occurs in 1/800 males and 1/250 females, with FXTAS affecting 40–45% of male and 8–16% of female premutation carriers over the age of 50. FXTAS typically presents with kinetic tremor and cerebellar ataxia. FXTAS has a classical imaging profile which, in concert with clinical manifestations and genetic testing, participates vitally in its diagnosis. The revised FXTAS diagnostic criteria include two major radiological features. The “MCP sign”, referring to T2 hyperintensity in the middle cerebellar peduncle, has long been considered the radiological hallmark of FXTAS. Recently included as a major radiological criterion in the diagnosis of FXTAS is T2 hyperintensity in the splenium of the corpus callosum. Other imaging features of FXTAS include T2 hyperintensities in the pons, insula and periventricular white matter as well as generalised brain and cerebellar atrophy. FXTAS is an under-recognised and misdiagnosed entity. In patients with unexplained tremor, ataxia and cognitive decline, the presence of middle cerebellar peduncle and/or corpus callosum splenium hyperintensity should raise suspicion of FXTAS. Diagnosis of FXTAS has important implications not only for the patient but also, through genetic counselling and testing, for future generations.  相似文献   

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