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A high frequency (greater than 80%) of acute lymphoblastic leukemias (ALL) exhibit a recombination of the T-cell receptor (TCR) delta chain locus. Interestingly, distinct TCR delta elements are preferentially used in immunologic subtypes. In a recent series of 201 children with common ALL (cALL) we observed a TCR delta rearrangement in 162 patients, 57% of the latter showing a hybridization pattern in Southern blots suggestive of a V delta 2 to D delta 3 recombination. To verify this interpretation and to elucidate in more detail the diversity of this common type of TCR delta recombination we amplified and sequenced the junctional region of nine cALL patients and cell line REH-6 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A V delta 2 D delta 3 recombination was confirmed in all cases; convincing evidence for the participation of D delta 1 or D delta 2 elements was not obtained. Eight of nine patients and REH-6 showed complete 5' D delta 3 boundaries within V delta 2 D delta 3 segments, a limitation of junctional diversity also detected in 50% of peripheral blood cell clones derived from two healthy probands. Notably, sequence identity at the V delta 2 D delta 3 junction was demonstrated for a cALL and one of the control clones. Another group of 35 of 162 cALL patients was characterized by V delta 2 rearrangements and biallelic deletion of J delta and C delta sequences. Using a J alpha consensus primer, PCR-directed sequence analysis demonstrated V delta 2 D delta 3 J alpha recombinations in all four cases analyzed by this approach. The J alpha segments of these patients differed, but were identical or homologous to published J alpha elements. Our data suggest a recombination pathway of the TCR delta/alpha locus leading to chimeric TCR alpha molecules, containing V delta and, remarkably, also D delta sequences.  相似文献   

Background PI3K/AKT pathway mutations are found in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, but their overall impact and associations with other genetic aberrations is unknown. PTEN mutations have been proposed as secondary mutations that follow NOTCH1-activating mutations and cause cellular resistance to γ-secretase inhibitors. DESIGN AND METHODS: The impact of PTEN, PI3K and AKT aberrations was studied in a genetically well-characterized pediatric T-cell leukemia patient cohort (n=146) treated on DCOG or COALL protocols. RESULTS: PTEN and AKT E17K aberrations were detected in 13% and 2% of patients, respectively. Defective PTEN-splicing was identified in incidental cases. Patients without PTEN protein but lacking exon-, splice-, promoter mutations or promoter hypermethylation were present. PTEN/AKT mutations were especially abundant in TAL- or LMO-rearranged leukemia but nearly absent in TLX3-rearranged patients (P=0.03), the opposite to that observed for NOTCH1-activating mutations. Most PTEN/AKT mutant patients either lacked NOTCH1-activating mutations (P=0.006) or had weak NOTCH1-activating mutations (P=0.011), and consequently expressed low intracellular NOTCH1, cMYC and MUSASHI levels. T-cell leukemia patients without PTEN/AKT and NOTCH1-activating mutations fared well, with a cumulative incidence of relapse of only 8% versus 35% for PTEN/AKT and/or NOTCH1-activated patients (P=0.005). Conclusions PI3K/AKT pathway aberrations are present in 18% of pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Absence of strong NOTCH1-activating mutations in these cases may explain cellular insensitivity to γ-secretase inhibitors.  相似文献   

V(D)J recombination is the process by which the diversity of antigen receptor genes is generated and is also indispensable for lymphocyte development. This recombination event occurs in a cell lineage- and stage-specific manner, and is carefully controlled by chromatin structure and ordered histone modifications. The recombinationally active V(D)J loci are associated with hypermethylation at lysine4 of histone H3 and hyperacetylation of histones H3/H4. The recombination activating gene 1 (RAG1) and RAG2 complex initiates recombination by introducing double-strand DNA breaks at recombination signal sequences (RSS) adjacent to each coding sequence. To be recognized by the RAG complex, RSS sites must be within an open chromatin context. In addition, the RAG complex specifically recognizes hypermethylated H3K4 through its plant homeodomain (PHD) finger in the RAG2 C terminus, which stimulates RAG catalytic activity via that interaction. In this review, we describe how histone methylation controls V(D)J recombination and discuss its potential role in lymphoid malignancy by mistargeting the RAG complex.  相似文献   

In this study five monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) to T-cell receptor (TCR) proteins (WT31, alpha F1, beta F1, TCR delta-1 and delta TCS-1) were used to identify discrete maturative stages in 40 cases of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). These MoAbs reacted exclusively with CD3+ T cells and did not label B-lineage and myeloid cells. In 17 of the 40 T-ALL cases studied the leukemic blasts lacked membrane and cytoplasmic TCR chains (group I). In 12 cases cells did not have membrane CD3/TCR but expressed cytoplasmic TCR proteins heterogenously: nine cases had cytoplasmic TCR beta chains (beta F1+, alpha F1-; group II), one case had cytoplasmic TCR alpha chains (alpha F1+, beta F1-; group III), and two cases were labeled by both alpha F1 and beta F1 MoAbs (group IV). The remaining 11 cases were mCD3+: nine were TCR alpha beta+ (group Va) and two exhibited TCR gamma delta (TCR delta-1+, delta TCS-1+; group Vb). The analysis of the TCR beta, -gamma, and -delta gene configurations in 23 of the 40 T-ALLs showed that: (1) the lack of TCR protein expression was due to the lack of TCR gene rearrangements only in one of nine cases; (2) five of five TCR beta+, TCR alpha- cases studied had germline TCR alpha genes (ie, no detectable TCR delta gene deletions); (3) seven of eight cases with TCR delta gene deletions expressed TCR alpha proteins, whereas in 12 of 20 of the T-ALLs with TCR beta gene rearrangements the synthesis of the corresponding protein occurred; only 2 of 16 cases with rearranged TCR delta genes expressed TCR delta chains. The T-ALL categories identified with anti-TCR MoAbs did not have additional characteristic phenotypic patterns and may correspond to the normal stages of T-cell development more precisely than those defined by other differentiation antigens.  相似文献   

The protein tyrosine phosphatase CD45, encoded by the PTPRC gene, is well known as a regulator of B- and T-cell receptor signaling. In addition, CD45 negatively regulates JAK family kinases downstream of cytokine receptors. Here, we report the presence of CD45 inactivating mutations in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Loss-of-function mutations of CD45 were detected in combination with activating mutations in IL-7R, JAK1, or LCK, and down-regulation of CD45 expression caused increased signaling downstream of these oncoproteins. Furthermore, we demonstrate that down-regulation of CD45 expression sensitizes T cells to cytokine stimulation, as observed by increased JAK/STAT signaling, whereas overexpression of CD45 decreases cytokine-induced signaling. Taken together, our data identify a tumor suppressor role for CD45 in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that DNA molecules with double-strand breaks at variable-(diversity)-joining [V(D)J] recombination signal sequences are relatively abundant in mouse thymocytes. This abundance strongly suggests that the mechanism of V(D)J recombination involves double-strand cleavage at recombination signals. As a first step toward understanding the mechanism of cleavage, we used a sensitive PCR assay to characterize the structure of one class of cleavage products, the signal ends, in detail. Here we demonstrate that most of these ends are blunt and terminate in 5' phosphoryl groups. Virtually all of the flush signal ends are full length. A minor subpopulation of broken ends terminates in short single-strand extensions. We have found no evidence for covalent DNA-protein linkages involving the signal ends. These data allow further refinement of the double-strand cleavage model for V(D)J recombination.  相似文献   

The variable domains of Ig and T-cell receptor genes in vertebrates are assembled from gene fragments by the V(D)J recombination process. The RAG1–RAG2 recombinase (RAG1/2) initiates this recombination by cutting DNA at the borders of recombination signal sequences (RSS) and their neighboring gene segments. The RAG1 protein is also known to contain a ubiquitin E3 ligase activity, located in an N-terminal region that is not strictly required for the basic recombination reaction but helps to regulate recombination. The isolated E3 ligase domain was earlier shown to ubiquitinate one site in a neighboring RAG1 sequence. Here we show that autoubiquitination of full-length RAG1 at this specific residue (K233) results in a large increase of DNA cleavage by RAG1/2. A mutational block of the ubiquitination site abolishes this effect and inhibits recombination of a test substrate in mouse cells. Thus, ubiquitination of RAG1, which can be promoted by RAG1’s own ubiquitin ligase activity, plays a significant role in governing the level of V(D)J recombination activity.V(D)J recombination plays a central role in the production of antigen receptors by recombining V, D, and J gene segments from their genomic clusters to give rise to the highly varied populations of immunoglobulins and T-cell receptors (1). Recombination starts with the introduction of double-strand breaks by the RAG1/RAG2 protein complex at a pair of recombination signal sequences (RSS) (2, 3), distinguished by the length of the spacer DNA separating their conserved heptamer and nonamer elements. Recombination requires one RSS with a 12-base pair spacer and another with a 23-base pair spacer. Each pair of breaks is then processed by the nonhomologous DNA end-joining group of proteins to produce a junction of two segments of coding sequence (a coding joint) and a junction of the two RSSs (a signal joint) (4). The purified RAG1/2 protein complex displays the correct specificity for pairs of RSSs (5, 6), and has thus been used as a model for the initiation of V(D)J recombination. Until recently, the RAG proteins used for these studies have generally been minimal “core” regions of RAG1 and RAG2 (amino acids 384–1,008 of 1,040 in mouse RAG1 and 1–387 of 527 in RAG2), which are sufficient for specific binding and cleavage activity in a purified cell-free system. Ectopic expression of these truncated proteins supports V(D)J recombination in suitable cell lines, although with differences from the full-length proteins that will be discussed here.A complex composed of core RAG1 and RAG2 is more active than its full-length counterpart in cleavage of extrachromosomal substrates in a hamster cell line, but overall recombination is reported to be lower (7), indicating a defect in the stages of recombination subsequent to DNA cleavage. Similarly, mice or pre-B cells missing the RAG2 C-terminal noncore region are defective in the V to DJ recombination step of Ig heavy chain joining, although the earlier D to J joining step is normal (8). The mice also display an increased prevalence of lymphomas (9). A plant homeo domain (PHD) within the RAG2 C terminus is known to bind to chromatin, and specifically to histone 3 trimethylated on lysine 4 (H3K4me3), which is presumably an important step in directing RAG1/2 to loci bearing this “activating” modification (10). The lack of this domain may largely explain the defective functions of the RAG2 core protein. Similarly, although core RAG1 can support D to J rearrangement at the Ig heavy chain locus in RAG1−/− pro-B cells, the level is reduced compared with that of full-length RAG1 (FLRAG1) (11), and deletions of certain smaller regions within the RAG1 N terminus have even greater effects (11). Some naturally occurring truncations of the RAG1 N terminus lead to human immunodeficiency (12). The functions of the parts of RAG1 and RAG2 outside of the catalytically essential cores have been reviewed (13). There is also evidence that the RAG1 and RAG2 C termini interact: DNA cleavage by RAG1/2 combinations containing both regions was greatly reduced but was restored upon addition of an H3K4me3-containing peptide (14). Relief of this autoinhibition may synergize with the chromatin-binding effect of the PHD domain to target recombination to the appropriate loci.The significant modulation of recombination in cells, and/or of DNA cleavage in vitro, by these “dispensable” regions of both RAG1 and RAG2 is further modified by covalent modifications of the proteins, which affect their stability or activity. RAG2 becomes phosphorylated at a specific site in its C terminus (T490) at the G1/S stage of the cell cycle, and is then ubiquitinated by the Skp2-SCF ubiquitin ligase, a central regulator of cell cycle progression, leading to its degradation in S phase (15, 16). Phosphorylation of RAG1 at residue S528 by the AMP-dependent protein kinase has also been described (17), in this case leading to increased activity of RAG1/2 both for cell-free DNA cleavage and for recombination in cells.The N terminus of RAG1 contains a Zn-binding motif (amino acids 264–389) that includes a C3HC4 RING (really interesting new gene) finger motif closely associated with an adjacent C2H2 Zn finger. This domain was shown to have ubiquitin ligase (E3) activity (18, 19), a common feature of RING finger domains, when combined with ubiquitin, the ubiquitin-activating (E1) enzyme, and an appropriate ubiquitin-conjugating (E2) enzyme. A naturally occurring human mutation in this RING finger motif (C328Y) was found to cause the primary immunodeficiency disease Omenn’s syndrome (20). A study of the equivalent mutation in mouse RAG1 (C325Y) showed that it greatly reduced recombination of an extrachromosomal plasmid, as did mutation of the neighboring residue (P326G) (21). Other RING finger residues critical for ubiquitin ligase activity appeared to contribute to robust recombination of extrachromosomal substrates (22). In biochemical experiments carried out with an N-terminal fragment of RAG1 (residues 218–389), the principal site of autoubiquitination was found to be a residue neighboring the RING finger, K233; mutation of this residue (K233M) essentially abolished autoubiquitination of the fragment (18).In this article, we assess the site or sites and extent of autoubiquitination of RAG1, the consequences of this modification for RAG1/RAG2 activity in a cell-free system and in cells, and the functional relationship between this modification and the histone-recognizing PHD domain of RAG2. We prepare FLRAG1 in complex with either full-length RAG2 (FLRAG2) or core RAG2 and find that FLRAG1 undergoes autoubiquitination specifically at K233. The ubiquitination of RAG1 protein enhances coupled cleavage by the RAG1/RAG2 complex of a 12/23 RSS pair by about fivefold. RAG1 autoubiquitination also ap-pears to be important for supporting V(D)J recombination in cells.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, a large number of genes involved in the pathogenesis of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) has been identified by molecular characterization of recurrent chromosomal aberrations and more subtle genetic defects. When reviewing the current list of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, it becomes clear that these can be grouped into four classes of mutations, which are involved in: (i) cell cycle deregulation; (ii) impaired differentiation; (iii) proliferation and survival advantage and (iv) unlimited self-renewal capacity. Based on recent studies of T-ALL, we can speculate that at least these four different mutations are required for the development of T-ALL. In this review we summarize our current insights into the molecular pathogenesis of T-ALL, and we discuss how these molecular findings provide new directions for future research and novel therapeutic strategies in T-ALL.  相似文献   

V(D)J recombination is critical to the generation of a functional immune system. Intrinsic to the assembly of antigen receptor genes is the formation of endogenous DNA double-strand breaks, which normally are excluded from the cellular surveillance machinery because of their sequestration in a synaptic complex and/or rapid resolution. In cells deficient in double-strand break repair, such recombination-induced breaks fail to be joined promptly and therefore are at risk of being recognized as DNA damage. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 is an important factor in the maintenance of genomic integrity and is believed to play a central role in DNA repair. Here we provide visual evidence that in a recombination inducible severe combined immunodeficient cell line poly(ADP-ribose) formation occurs during the resolution stage of V(D)J recombination where nascent opened coding ends are generated. Poly(ADP-ribose) formation appears to facilitate coding end resolution. Furthermore, formation of Mre11 foci coincide with these areas of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. In contrast, such a response is not observed in wild-type cells possessing a functional catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK(cs)). Thus, V(D)J recombination invokes a DNA damage response in cells lacking DNA-PK(cs) activity, which in turn promotes DNA-PK(cs)-independent resolution of recombination intermediates.  相似文献   

Patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias (T-ALLs) within the Leucemies Aigues Lymphoblastiques de l'Adulte-94 (LALA-94) prospective trial were treated with a 4-drug per 4-week induction, with intermediate-dose cytarabine and mitoxantrone salvage treatment for patients not achieving complete remission (CR) in 1 course. Only the latter received allografts, if possible, thus providing an informative setting for assessing early response. Representative patients with T-ALL (91 patients) were classified into surface T-cell receptor (TCR)-expressing T-ALL patients (TCRalphabeta+ or TCRgammadelta+), pre-alphabeta T-ALL patients (cTCRbeta+, TCR-), and immature (IM) cTCRbeta-, TCR- T-ALL patients; 81 patients underwent genotyping for SIL-TAL1, CALM-AF10, HOX11, and HOX11L2. Overall, CR was obtained in 81 (89%) patients; relapse rate was 62% at 4 years and overall survival (OS) rate was 38%. CR rate was significantly lower in IM T-ALL patients after 1 course (45% vs 87%; P < .001) and after salvage (74% vs 97%; P = .002), with the latter inducing a higher rate of CR (9 [64%] of 14) than initial induction. Once CR was obtained, cumulative relapse rates were similar for IM, pre-alphabeta, and TCR+ T-ALL patients (P = .51), but were higher in HOX11L2 (83%) and SIL-TAL1 (82%) T-ALL patients compared with other genetic subgroups (48%; P = .05). This was associated with an inferior OS for HOX11L2 T-ALLs (13% vs 47% in HOX11L2-T-ALLs; P = .009). The majority of patients with HOX11 T-ALL underwent allografting, predominantly in second CR, but were not associated with a superior OS. Both TCR and genotypic stratification can therefore contribute to risk-adapted management of adult T-ALLs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Minimal residual disease (MRD) is important in the measurement of response to treatment in childhood B- and T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and in adult B-cell ALL. Little is known about MRD evaluation in adult T-cell ALL. This study aimed to determine the prognostic significance of MRD measurements in adult T-cell ALL. DESIGN AND METHODS: T-cell receptor (TCR) gamma (G) and TCR delta (D) gene analyses were carried out at presentation in 49 patients with de novo T-ALL using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach. In 26 of the patients bone marrow (BM) samples were collected at sequential time points (0-2, 3-5, 6-9, 10-24 months) after diagnosis for MRD investigation. The relationship between MRD status and clinical outcome was investigated and correlated with age, gender and white blood cell count at presentation. RESULTS: TCRG clonal gene rearrangements were found in 40 patients (82%). Eleven patients showed TCRD rearrangements (22%), in one of them as the sole molecular marker. V(gamma)I family rearrangements predominated (45 of 65 alleles) together with V(delta)1-J(delta)1/2 (9 of 13 alleles). Continuous clinical remission (CCR) occurred in 17 patients while nine patients relapsed. MRD analysis showed that negative tests during the first 6 months post-induction, and persisting negative MRD after induction were the best predictors of CCR. A positive test after 5 months was better at predicting relapse. In only four of seven patients was relapse preceded by a positive test the 5 months preceding relapse. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: Overall the ability of positive and negative tests to predict relapse or CCR was weaker in this cohort of adult T-ALL patients than in T- and B-lineage childhood ALL and B-lineage adult ALL. TCRG and TCRD gene analysis provides a clonal marker in the majority of adult T-ALL. These results suggest that caution should be taken in using MRD data based on TCR gene rearrangements to predict prognosis in adult T-ALL. Biological reasons may underlie differences between the performance of MRD tests in B- and T-lineage ALL. Further studies in a larger cohort of patients are needed to determine the exact role that MRD determination has in the management of T-ALL in adults.  相似文献   

Hsiao  MH; Yu  AL; Yeargin  J; Ku  D; Haas  M 《Blood》1994,83(10):2922-2930
We have previously reported that greater than 60% of human leukemic T- cell lines possess mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene. To determine whether T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) patient samples possess p53 mutations, we screened peripheral blood-and bone marrow-derived leukemia samples, taken at diagnosis and at relapse, for p53 mutations. Exons 4 through 9 and selected intron regions of the p53 gene were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism and direct sequencing. p53 mutations were found in 0 of 15 T-ALL diagnosis samples, as compared with 10 of 36 (28%) T-ALL relapse samples. To determine whether p53 mutations play a role in the recurrence (relapse) of T-ALL, two special groups of T-ALL patients were studied: (1) a group of 8 relapse patients whose disease was refractory to chemotherapeutic treatment, and (2) a group of 6 "paired" T-ALL cell samples from patients for whom we possess both diagnosis and relapse samples. Three of 8 relapsed patients (37.5%) whose disease was refractory to the reinduction of remission by chemotherapy possessed missense mutations of the p53 gene. All 3 cases had mutations in exon 5. Among the paired samples, 3 of 6 patients harbored p53 mutations at disease recurrence, but possessed only wild- type p53 alleles at diagnosis. One case had mutation on exon 4, 1 case in exon 5, and 1 case in exon 8 with loss of heterozygosity. These data clearly indicate that recurrence of T-ALL is associated with missense mutations in p53. Our results indicate that (1) mutations of p53 do occur in T-ALL in vivo, and such mutations are associated with the relapse phase of the disease; and (2) p53 mutation is involved in the progression of T-ALL. This conclusion is supported by our observation that the introduction of T-ALL-derived mutant p53 expression constructs into T-ALL cell lines further increases their growth rate in culture, enhances cell cloning in methylcellulose, and increases tumor formation in nude mice.  相似文献   

Recently, numerous reports have highlighted the restriction of the CDR3 length of T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain in T-cells infiltrating solid tumors and hematological malignancies. However, these studies ignored the restriction of CDR3 length of TCR alpha chain and few of them attempted to reveal the mechanisms of the oligo-clonal expansion of T cells in the tumors. The primary aims of this study were twofold to: (i) analyze the CDR3 length of TCR alpha and beta chain in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of T-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL); and (ii) discover the relationship between the clonality of T cells and the process of TCR rearrangement in peripheral T cells. To this end, we investigated the TCR BV and TCR AV family spectratypes of two T-ALL patients and healthy controls using the immunoscope spectratyping technique. We found that the spectratypes exhibited a Gaussian distribution in healthy controls. However, the TCR repertoires of the two patients were highly restricted in the number of different TCR BV and TCR AV family members present. Furthermore, we found that the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of two T-ALL patients had the recombination signal sequence (RSS) 5'- and 3'-breaks end in the TCR BD2 gene using a specialized ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction, implying the ongoing recombination of the TCR beta gene. Analysis of the particular CDR3 length of TCR alpha/beta T cells might be helpful for further study of the individualized therapy of T-ALL. This information will also be helpful in exploring new immunological pathogenesis and facilitating the design of a T-ALL vaccine, as well as in improving our understanding of healthy human T-cell development.  相似文献   

Chen  CL; Fuscoe  JC; Liu  Q; Relling  MV 《Blood》1996,88(6):2210-2218
Etoposide is one of the most widely used antineoplastics. Unfortunately, the same treatment schedules associated with impressive efficacy are associated with an increased risk of secondary acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which has prompted its withdrawal from some treatment regimens, thereby potentially compromising efficacy against the original tumor. Because etoposide-associated AML is characterized by site-specific illegitimate DNA recombination, we studied whether etoposide could directly cause site-specific deletions of exons 2 and 3 in the hprt gene. Human lymphoid CCRF-CEM cells were treated with etoposide for 4 hours, and DNA was isolated after subculturing. The deletion of exons 2 and 3 from hprt was assayed by a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. In the absence of etoposide treatment, the frequency of deletions of exons 2 and 3 was very low (5.05 x 10(-8)). After exposure to 10 mumol/ L etoposide, the frequency of the exon 2 + 3 deletion was increased immediately after and at 24 hours after etoposide treatment (65 to 89 x 10(-8)) and increased to higher levels (128 to 173 x 10(-8)) after 2 and 6 days of subculture (P < .001 overall). The frequency of the exon 2 + 3 deletion assessed at 6 days of subculture after 4 hours of 0, 0.25, 1, 2.5, 5, and 10 mumol/L etoposide treatment increased with etoposide concentration, ie, 5.05 x 10(-8), 89.2 x 10(-8), 108 x 10(-8), 142 x 10(-8), 163 x 10(-8), and 173 x 10(-8), respectively (P < .0001). Sequencing of a subset of amplified products confirmed the presence of DNA sequences at the breakpoints consistent with V(D)J recombination. By contrast, exon 2 + 3 deletions after etoposide treatment in the myeloid cell lines KG-1A and K562 showed no evidence of V(D)J recombinase in their genesis. We conclude that etoposide can induce the illegitimate site-specific action of V(D)J recombinase on an unnatural DNA substrate after a single treatment in human lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

DNA nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) is the major pathway for repairing DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells. It also functions to carry out rearrangements at the specialized breaks introduced during V(D)J recombination. Here, we describe a patient with T(-)B(-) severe combined immunodeficiency, whose cells have defects closely resembling those of NHEJ-defective rodent cells. Cells derived from this patient show dramatic radiosensitivity, decreased double-strand break rejoining, and reduced fidelity in signal and coding joint formation during V(D)J recombination. Detailed examination indicates that the patient is defective neither in the known factors involved in NHEJ in mammals (Ku70, Ku80, DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit, Xrcc4, DNA ligase IV, or Artemis) nor in the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex, whose homologue in Saccharomyces cerevisiae functions in NHEJ. These results provide strong evidence that additional activities are crucial for NHEJ and V(D)J recombination in mammals.  相似文献   

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