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目的了解吉林珲春地区家畜中斑点热、莱姆病及其复合感染的情况。方法应用间接免疫荧光法检测家畜血清中斑点热群立克次体和伯氏疏螺旋体的IgG抗体。结果牛血清中斑点热感染率为18.0%,莱姆病感染率为27.5%,复合感染率为9.5%;羊血清中斑点热感染率为19.2%,莱姆病感染率为31.5%,复合感染率为12.8%。结论吉林珲春地区家畜中广泛存在斑点热和莱姆病的复合感染。  相似文献   

Previously we found that interleukin 2 (IL-2) induces tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of the serine/threonine-specific kinase encoded by the raf-1 protooncogene in a T-cell line, CTLL-2. Here we extended these findings by exploring the effects of selective removal of phosphate from tyrosines in p72-74-Raf-1 kinase that had been immunoprecipitated from IL-2-stimulated CTLL-2 cells. Treatment in vitro of IL-2-activated Raf-1 with the tyrosine-specific phosphatases CD45 and TCPTP (formerly called T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase) reduced Raf kinase activity to nearly baseline levels. This effect was completely inhibited by the phosphatase inhibitor sodium orthovanadate. In contrast, treatment of Raf-1 with a serine/threonine-specific phosphatase, protein phosphatase 1 (PP-1), resulted in a more modest decrease in Raf in vitro kinase activity, and this effect was prevented by okadaic acid. Two-dimensional phosphoamino acid analysis confirmed the selective removal of phosphate from tyrosine by CD45 and from serine and threonine by PP-1. The immunoreactivity of p72-74-Raf-1 with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies was also completely abolished by treatment with CD45 in the absence but not in the presence of sodium orthovanadate. These findings provide evidence that the IL-2-stimulated phosphorylation of Raf-1 on tyrosines plays an important role in upregulating the activity of this serine/threonine-specific kinase in CTLL-2 cells and, as such, provides a model system for studying the transfer of growth factor-initiated signals from protein tyrosine kinases to serine/threonine-specific kinases.  相似文献   

One of the ultimate objectives of de novo protein design is to realize systems capable of catalyzing redox reactions on substrates. This goal is challenging as redox-active proteins require design considerations for both the reduced and oxidized states of the protein. In this paper, we describe the spectroscopic characterization and catalytic activity of a de novo designed metallopeptide Cu(I/II)(TRIL23H)3+/2+, where Cu(I/II) is embeded in α-helical coiled coils, as a model for the CuT2 center of copper nitrite reductase. In Cu(I/II)(TRIL23H)3+/2+, Cu(I) is coordinated to three histidines, as indicated by X-ray absorption data, and Cu(II) to three histidines and one or two water molecules. Both ions are bound in the interior of the three-stranded coiled coils with affinities that range from nano- to micromolar [Cu(II)], and picomolar [Cu(I)]. The Cu(His)3 active site is characterized in both oxidation states, revealing similarities to the CuT2 site in the natural enzyme. The species Cu(II)(TRIL23H)32+ in aqueous solution can be reduced to Cu(I)(TRIL23H)3+ using ascorbate, and reoxidized by nitrite with production of nitric oxide. At pH 5.8, with an excess of both the reductant (ascorbate) and the substrate (nitrite), the copper peptide Cu(II)(TRIL23H)32+ acts as a catalyst for the reduction of nitrite with at least five turnovers and no loss of catalytic efficiency after 3.7 h. The catalytic activity, which is first order in the concentration of the peptide, also shows a pH dependence that is described and discussed.  相似文献   



Although the majority of patients with acute myeloid leukemia initially respond to conventional chemotherapy, relapse is still the leading cause of death, probably because of the presence of leukemic stem cells that are insensitive to current therapies. We investigated the antileukemic activity and mechanism of action of zalypsis, a novel alkaloid of marine origin.

Design and Methods

The activity of zalypsis was studied in four acute myeloid leukemia cell lines and in freshly isolated blasts taken from patients with acute myeloid leukemia before they started therapy. Zalypsis-induced apoptosis of both malignant and normal cells was measured using flow cytometry techniques. Gene expression profiling and western blot studies were performed to assess the mechanism of action of the alkaloid.


Zalypsis showed a very potent antileukemic activity in all the cell lines tested and potentiated the effect of conventional antileukemic drugs such as cytarabine, fludarabine and daunorubicin. Interestingly, zalypsis showed remarkable ex vivo potency, including activity against the most immature blast cells (CD34+ CD38 Lin) which include leukemic stem cells. Zalypsis-induced apoptosis was the result of an important deregulation of genes involved in the recognition of double-strand DNA breaks, such as Fanconi anemia genes and BRCA1, but also genes implicated in the repair of double-strand DNA breaks, such as RAD51 and RAD54. These gene findings were confirmed by an increase in several proteins involved in the pathway (pCHK1, pCHK2 and pH2AX).


The potent and selective antileukemic effect of zalypsis on DNA damage response mechanisms observed in acute myeloid leukemia cell lines and in patients’ samples provides the rationale for the investigation of this compound in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing of follicular lymphoma and diffuse-large B-cell lymphoma has revealed frequent somatic, heterozygous Y641 mutations in the histone methyltransferase EZH2. Heterozygosity and the presence of equal quantities of both mutant and wild-type mRNA and expressed protein suggest a dominant mode of action. Surprisingly, B-cell lymphoma cell lines and lymphoma samples harboring heterozygous EZH2(Y641) mutations have increased levels of histone H3 Lys-27-specific trimethylation (H3K27me3). Expression of EZH2(Y641F/N) mutants in cells with EZH2(WT) resulted in an increase of H3K27me3 levels in vivo. Structural modeling of EZH2(Y641) mutants suggests a "Tyr/Phe switch" model whereby structurally neutral, nontyrosine residues at position 641 would decrease affinity for unmethylated and monomethylated H3K27 substrates and potentially favor trimethylation. We demonstrate, using in vitro enzyme assays of reconstituted PRC2 complexes, that Y641 mutations result in a decrease in monomethylation and an increase in trimethylation activity of the enzyme relative to the wild-type enzyme. This represents the first example of a disease-associated gain-of-function mutation in a histone methyltransferase, whereby somatic EZH2 Y641 mutations in lymphoma act dominantly to increase, rather than decrease, histone methylation. The dominant mode of action suggests that allele-specific EZH2 inhibitors should be a future therapeutic strategy for this disease.  相似文献   

目的 观察盘状结构域受体2(DDR2)在大鼠酒精性肝纤维化不同病理阶段的表达情况,揭示DDR2在酒精性肝纤维化发生、发展中的作用.方法 橄榄油拌平衡饲料喂养大鼠的基础上给予60%(V/V)白酒胃内灌注,制备酒精性肝纤维化模型,分别于12、16、20周末观察肝脏病理学改变,并检测血清学指标和肝纤维化指标,荧光定量-PCR和Western blot检测肝组织DDR2基因和蛋白表达并与各项酒精性肝纤维化评价指标进行相关性分析.结果 (1)白酒灌胃后DDR2 mRNA和蛋白表达量随造模时间延长而增加,对照组DDR2 mRNA和蛋白表达分别为1.023±0.132、0.321±0.027,模型1组为3.644±1.686、0.476±0.046,模型2组为8.337±2.387、0.738±0.057,模型3组为15.730±4.569、0.997±0.049,四组之间DDR2 mRNA水平(F=21.74,P<0.01)及蛋白质表达(F=10.38,P<0.01)差异有统计学意义.(2)相关性分析显示酒精性肝纤维化形成过程中,DDR2与Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型胶原面积及血清透明质酸、层黏连蛋白、Ⅲ型前胶原、Ⅳ型胶原蛋白水平等均呈显著正相关,其中与Ⅲ型胶原、透明质酸、Ⅳ型胶原蛋白关系最为密切.结论 随酒精性肝纤维化进展,DDR2表达呈时间依赖性,提示其在酒精性肝纤维化的发生和进展中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

A distinct class of the biologically important subtilisin family of serine proteases functions exclusively within the cell and forms a major component of the bacilli degradome. However, the mode and mechanism of posttranslational regulation of intracellular protease activity are unknown. Here we describe the role played by a short N-terminal extension prosequence novel amongst the subtilisins that regulates intracellular subtilisin protease (ISP) activity through two distinct modes: active site blocking and catalytic triad rearrangement. The full-length proenzyme (proISP) is inactive until specific proteolytic processing removes the first 18 amino acids that comprise the N-terminal extension, with processing appearing to be performed by ISP itself. A synthetic peptide corresponding to the N-terminal extension behaves as a mixed noncompetitive inhibitor of active ISP with a Ki of 1 μM. The structure of the processed form has been determined at 2.6 Å resolution and compared with that of the full-length protein, in which the N-terminal extension binds back over the active site. Unique to ISP, a conserved proline introduces a backbone kink that shifts the scissile bond beyond reach of the catalytic serine and in addition the catalytic triad is disrupted. In the processed form, access to the active site is unblocked by removal of the N-terminal extension and the catalytic triad rearranges to a functional conformation. These studies provide a new molecular insight concerning the mechanisms by which subtilisins and protease activity as a whole, especially within the confines of a cell, can be regulated.  相似文献   

Regulation of ion-transport in the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) occurs via its cytoplasmic Ca2+-binding domains, CBD1 and CBD2. Here, we present a mechanism for NCX activation and inactivation based on data obtained using NMR, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). We initially determined the structure of the Ca2+-free form of CBD2-AD and the structure of CBD2-BD that represent the two major splice variant classes in NCX1. Although the apo-form of CBD2-AD displays partially disordered Ca2+-binding sites, those of CBD2-BD are entirely unstructured even in an excess of Ca2+. Striking differences in the electrostatic potential between the Ca2+-bound and -free forms strongly suggest that Ca2+-binding sites in CBD1 and CBD2 form electrostatic switches analogous to C2-domains. SAXS analysis of a construct containing CBD1 and CBD2 reveals a conformational change mediated by Ca2+-binding to CBD1. We propose that the electrostatic switch in CBD1 and the associated conformational change are necessary for exchanger activation. The response of the CBD1 switch to intracellular Ca2+ is influenced by the closely located cassette exons. We further propose that Ca2+-binding to CBD2 induces a second electrostatic switch, required to alleviate Na+-dependent inactivation of Na+/Ca2+ exchange. In contrast to CBD1, the electrostatic switch in CBD2 is isoform- and splice variant-specific and allows for tailored exchange activities.  相似文献   

The influenza A virus M2 channel (AM2) is crucial in the viral life cycle. Despite many previous experimental and computational studies, the mechanism of the activating process in which proton permeation acidifies the virion to release the viral RNA and core proteins is not well understood. Herein the AM2 proton permeation process has been systematically characterized using multiscale computer simulations, including quantum, classical, and reactive molecular dynamics methods. We report, to our knowledge, the first complete free-energy profiles for proton transport through the entire AM2 transmembrane domain at various pH values, including explicit treatment of excess proton charge delocalization and shuttling through the His37 tetrad. The free-energy profiles reveal that the excess proton must overcome a large free-energy barrier to diffuse to the His37 tetrad, where it is stabilized in a deep minimum reflecting the delocalization of the excess charge among the histidines and the cost of shuttling the proton past them. At lower pH values the His37 tetrad has a larger total charge that increases the channel width, hydration, and solvent dynamics, in agreement with recent 2D-IR spectroscopic studies. The proton transport barrier becomes smaller, despite the increased charge repulsion, due to backbone expansion and the more dynamic pore water molecules. The calculated conductances are in quantitative agreement with recent experimental measurements. In addition, the free-energy profiles and conductances for proton transport in several mutants provide insights for explaining our findings and those of previous experimental mutagenesis studies.The influenza type A virus is a highly pathogenic RNA virus that causes flu in birds and mammals (1). The influenza A M2 (AM2) protein (2) contains a homotetramer channel that transports protons across the viral membrane and acidifies the virion interior, enabling the dissociation of the viral matrix proteins, which is a crucial step in viral replication (3). The protein has been the target of antiviral drugs amantadine and rimantadine (4, 5). Much effort has been devoted to discovering the structure and proton transport (PT) mechanism of the AM2 channel, resulting in many crystal structures available in the protein data bank (614). Based on the crystal structures and electrophysiology experiments, several PT models have been suggested. These mechanisms can be divided into two main categories, delineated by the role of the four histidine residues (a.k.a. the His37 tetrad) that reside in the middle of the AM2 transmembrane domain (AM2/TM) (Fig. 1A), which has been experimentally shown (15) to account for the proton permeation behavior of the full AM2 protein. The “shutter” mechanism (16, 17) suggests that the His37 tetrad works as a gate. At low pH the gate opens due to the electrostatic repulsion between the biprotonated, positively charged histidine residues. The excess proton is then transferred through continuous water wire via the Grotthuss mechanism, without changing the protonation state of His37. In contrast, the “shuttle” mechanism (14, 1822) suggests that at acidic pH values the His37 tetrad changes protonation states (Fig. 1B) as it shuttles the proton through the His37–Trp41 quartet region (Trp41 lies just below His37 and is also thought to play an important role in the PT mechanism).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.(A) Equilibrated structures of the AM2 channel transmembrane domain (definition in main text). The backbones of three helices are shown in gray, and the side chains of pore-lining residues are shown as sticks. From N terminus to C terminus, Val27, Ser31, His37, and Trp41 are shown in blue, yellow, orange, and purple, respectively. The water oxygen densities from the simulations are shown as red shading. One helix is removed for the purpose of clarity. (B) The QM/MM simulations reveal that the excess proton (purple) is delocalized around the entry water cluster and histidine residues as it shuttles although the His37 tetrad. His37 is explicitly protonated in agreement with the shuttle mechanism.The structure and dynamics of water in the AM2 protein have also gained attention, because it is the essential medium for proton permeation. The high-resolution crystal structure [Protein Data Bank (PDB) code 3LBW] crystallized at pH 6.5 revealed layers of well-ordered water clusters above the His37 tetrad (12). However, the water dynamics in the AM2 protein probed using 2D infrared (2D-IR) spectroscopy revealed that the well-ordered “ice-like” pore water dynamics at pH 8.0 change to more mobile and “liquid-like” dynamics (on the timescale of a few picoseconds) at pH 3.2 (23). This result suggests an interesting pH-dependent behavior of the AM2 protein that is highly relevant for understanding its PT mechanism.Although many computational studies have investigated the features of AM2 that may influence its PT in recent years (12, 2440), only a few have explicitly simulated any aspect of the explicit PT process (24, 25, 29, 37, 38). This is because it is challenging to accurately model the charge delocalization and Grotthuss shuttling of the hydrated excess proton in a computationally tractable way. Among these studies, only one so far has provided a free-energy profile [potential of mean force (PMF)] for PT across the entire AM2/TM channel (25), which is the essential property for understanding the full proton permeation mechanism. However, this particular free-energy study was limited by the approximation that the His37 tetrad remains in a fixed protonation state during the proton conduction; therefore, it could not capture the more plausible shuttle mechanism (14, 1822). More recently, Carnevale et al. (29) used a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach to investigate PT in the specific region of the His37 tetrad of AM2. Although they could not achieve sufficient sampling to calculate a free-energy profile, this work did allow the His37 tetrad to change protonation states as necessitated by the shuttle mechanism. Their work in fact helped to lay the foundation for the study of PT in the His37 tetrad, using a QM/MM approach in that region of the channel.In the present study, a powerful multiscale combination of classical, reactive, and ab initio (QM/MM) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations is used to systematically investigate the proton solvation and transport mechanism through the full AM2 protein. By using a classical force field, the conformational ensemble of AM2/TM is characterized starting from two recent high-resolution structures in low- and intermediate-pH conditions [PDB codes 3C9J (9) and 3LBW (12), respectively]. The influence of pH on the protein and water dynamics is then investigated. It is found that as the pH is lowered, the channel adopts a more open conformation, the channel pore is more hydrated, and the pore water molecules are more mobile. Following this we use a synthesis of the reactive multistate empirical valence bond (MS-EVB) (41) and QM/MM approaches to calculate complete proton permeation free-energy profiles (PMFs) through the AM2/TM channel. Because the MS-EVB potential can be derived by force matching of ab initio MD simulation data (42), and because the force-matching algorithm provides a PMF for the reference potential, this unique combination of approaches yields a consistent multiscale computational framework for obtaining an ab initio-level quality PT free-energy profile. This multiscale combination of methods is thus used to calculate the PMFs for excess protons permeating through the entire AM2/TM channel, accounting for the charge delocalization and shuttling of hydrated excess protons through both water and the His37 tetrad explicitly. By virtue of this methodology, it is found that at lower pH values the free-energy barrier for a proton to diffuse to His37 is decreased and the proton conductance increased, explaining the unique pH-dependent activation mechanism of AM2. We also report the PMFs of several AM2 mutants, including the amantadine-resistant and transmissible mutants V27A and S31N. The calculated conductances of both the wild-type AM2 and its mutants are in close agreement with experimental results and provide microscopic explanations for their trends.  相似文献   

GPR40 and GPR120 are G-protein-coupled receptors that can be activated by medium- and long-chain fatty acids. GPR40 is expressed in several breast cancer cell lines and its stimulation with oleic acid (OA) induces cell proliferation. However, the signal transduction pathways activated by OA have not been studied in detail. Our results demonstrate that both GPR40 and GPR120 are expressed in MCF-7 cells. Stimulation of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells with OA promoted the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 at Thr-202 and Tyr-204 and the formation of AP-1-DNA complex in a fashion dependent of Src kinase activity and EGFR transactivation. Furthermore, proliferation induced by OA is restricted to breast cancer cells in a fashion dependent of ERK1/2 activation and matrix metalloproteinases. In summary, our data indicate that proliferation induced by OA is restricted to breast cancer cells, and that ERK1/2 activation and AP-1-DNA complex formation are mediated by Src family kinases and transactivation of EGFR.  相似文献   

P2X receptors are trimeric ATP-gated cation channels participating in diverse physiological processes. How ATP binding triggers channel opening remains unclear. Here the gating mechanism of a P2X receptor was studied by normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Based on the resting-state crystal structure, a normal mode involving coupled motions of three β-strands (β1, β13, and β14) at the trimeric interface of the ligand-binding ectodomain and the pore-lining helix (TM2) in the transmembrane domain (TMD) was identified. The resulting widening of the fenestrations above the TMD and opening of the transmembrane pore produce known signatures of channel activation. In MD simulations, ATP was initially placed in the putative binding pocket (defined by four charged residues located in β1, β13 and β14) in two opposite orientations, with the adenine either proximal or distal to the TMD. In the proximal orientation, the triphosphate group extends outward to draw in the four charged residues, leading to closure of β13/β14 toward β1. The adenine ring, wedged between β1 and β13, acts as a fulcrum for the β14 lever, turning a modest closure around the triphosphate group into significant opening of the pre-TM2 loop. The motions of these β-strands are similar to those in the putative channel-activation normal mode. In the distal orientation, the ATP stabilizes the trimeric interface and the closure of the pre-TM2 loop, possibly representing desensitization. Our computational studies produced the first complete model, supported by experimental data, for how ATP binding triggers activation of a P2X receptor.  相似文献   

The C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of polycystin-2 (PC2/TRPP2), a Ca2+-permeable channel, is frequently mutated or truncated in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. We have previously shown that this tail consists of three functional regions: an EF-hand domain (PC2-EF, 720–797), a flexible linker (798–827), and an oligomeric coiled coil domain (828–895). We found that PC2-EF binds Ca2+ at a single site and undergoes Ca2+-dependent conformational changes, suggesting it is an essential element of Ca2+-sensitive regulation of PC2 activity. Here we describe the NMR structure and dynamics of Ca2+-bound PC2-EF. Human PC2-EF contains a divergent non-Ca2+-binding helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif packed against a canonical Ca2+-binding EF-hand motif. This HLH motif may have evolved from a canonical EF-hand found in invertebrate PC2 homologs. Temperature-dependent steady-state NOE experiments and NMR R1 and R2 relaxation rates correlate with increased molecular motion in the EF-hand, possibly due to exchange between apo and Ca2+-bound states, consistent with a role for PC2-EF as a Ca2+-sensitive regulator. Structure-based sequence conservation analysis reveals a conserved hydrophobic surface in the same region, which may mediate Ca2+-dependent protein interactions. We propose that Ca2+-sensing by PC2-EF is responsible for the cooperative nature of PC2 channel activation and inhibition. Based on our results, we present a mechanism of regulation of the Ca2+ dependence of PC2 channel activity by PC2-EF.  相似文献   

Unfractionated heparin (UFH) enhances antithrombin (AT) inhibition of thrombin (IIa) and factor Xa (FXa). Low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) primarily enhance AT inhibition of FXa. M118 is a LMWH produced from UFH and retains its ability to promote both FXa and IIa inhibition. We tested the hypothesis that M118 has anticoagulant activities similar to UFH in an in vitro model of coagulation. Platelet IIa generation was assessed in a cell-based model that mimics aspects of coagulation in vivo. Inhibition of IIa generation as a function of concentration was steeper for UFH than Lovenox. The effect of M118 closely paralleled that of UFH. By contrast, M118 did not prolong the aPTT to as great a degree as UFH, though both prolonged the aPTT more than did Lovenox. Our data suggest that the ability to inhibit platelet surface IIa generation correlates with the therapeutic level of heparins and confirms similarities between the anticoagulant properties of M118 and UFH. Fred Spencer, MD served as a guest editor.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In this study, we examined the effects of vitamin K(2) (menaquinone 4), which has a geranylgeranyl side chain, on various lines of cells derived from human solid tumors and compared them with the effects of geranylgeraniol (GGO). METHODS: Cell proliferation was determined with 3'-[1-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium- bis (4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene-sulfonic acid hydrate (XTT), and the induction of apoptosis was analyzed by TUNEL staining and flow cytometry as well as by measurement of DNA fragmentation, released nucleosomes and caspase-3 activity. Levels of Bcl-2, Bax and cytochrome c were determined by immunoblotting. RESULTS: GGO inhibited the growth of all eight cell lines derived from solid tumors, while vitamin K(2) selectively inhibited the proliferation of ovarian TYK-nu and pancreatic MIA PaCa-2 cancer cells, inducing apoptosis in both cell lines. Far more time was required for the induction of apoptosis in these two cell lines by vitamin K(2) than by GGO. Apoptotic signals induced in TYK-nu cells during the first 2 days that followed the addition of vitamin K(2) to the culture medium were reversible, but these signals became irreversible after 3 days of treatment with vitamin K(2). The induction of apoptosis in TYK-nu cells by vitamin K(2) was inhibited by cycloheximide and also by starvation at a low concentration of serum. Neither cycloheximide nor starvation had any effect on the induction of apoptosis by GGO. Cytochrome c was released simultaneously with the initiation of apoptosis on treatment of TYK-nu cells with vitamin K(2) or GGO. However, GGO induced the release of cytochrome c from isolated mitochondria, while vitamin K(2) did not. The amount of Bcl-2 in TYK-nu cells was reduced by vitamin K(2), but not by GGO. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to GGO, vitamin K(2) induced apoptosis selectively in pancreatic MIA-PaCa 2 and ovarian TYK-nu cancer cells. It is suggested that de novo protein synthesis might be necessary for induction of apoptosis by vitamin K(2) but not by GGO, and thus, that vitamin K(2) and GGO might induce apoptosis by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Bile acids are essential for bile formation and intestinal absorption of lipids and fat-soluble vitamins. However, the intrinsic toxicity of hydrophobic bile acids demands a tight control of their intracellular concentrations. Bile acids are ligands for the farnesoid X receptor (FXR) that regulates the expression of genes controlling bile acid synthesis and transport. The human uridine 5'-diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 2B4 (UGT2B4) converts hydrophobic bile acids into more hydrophilic glucuronide derivatives. In this study, we identify UGT2B4 as an FXR target gene. METHODS: Human hepatocytes or hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells were treated with chenodeoxycholic acid or the synthetic FXR agonist GW4064, and the levels of UGT2B4 messenger RNA, protein, and activity were determined by using real-time polymerase chain reaction, Western blot, and glucuronidation assays. RESULTS: Treatment of hepatocytes and HepG2 cells with FXR agonists resulted in an increase of UGT2B4 messenger RNA, protein, and activity. A bile acid response element in the UGT2B4 promoter (B4-BARE) to which FXR, but not retinoid X receptor, binds, was identified by site-directed mutagenesis, electromobility shift, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. Retinoid X receptor activation abolished the induction of UGT2B4 expression and inhibited binding of FXR to the B4-BARE, suggesting that retinoid X receptor modulates FXR target gene activation. Overexpression of UGT2B4 in HepG2 cells resulted in the attenuation of bile acid induction of the FXR target gene small heterodimeric partner. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that UGT2B4 gene induction by bile acids contributes to a feed-forward reduction of bile acid toxicity and a decrease of the activity of these biological FXR activators.  相似文献   

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