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Rebecca A Prosser 《Brain research》1998,808(1):15
The mammalian circadian pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) can be reset in vitro by various neurochemical stimuli. This study investigated the phase-shifting properties of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and serotonin (5-HT) agonists when applied alone, as well as their combined effects on clock resetting. These neurotransmitters have both been shown to advance the SCN clock in vitro when applied during the daytime. By monitoring the SCN neuronal activity rhythm in vitro, I first confirm that the 5HT1A/5HT7 agonist (+)DPAT maximally advances the SCN clock when applied at zeitgeber time 6 (ZT6). Conversely, NPY only phase advances the neuronal activity rhythm when applied at ZT 10. This effect occurs through stimulation of Y2 receptors. NPY, again acting through Y2 receptors, blocks (+)DPAT-induced phase shifts at ZT 6, while neither (+)DPAT nor 5-HT affect NPY-induced phase shifts at ZT 10. NPY appears to block (+)DPAT-induced phase shifts by preventing increases in cyclic AMP. These data are the first to demonstrate in vitro interactions between daytime resetting stimuli in the rat, and provide critical insights into mechanisms controlling circadian clock phase. 相似文献
Destruction of the hamster serotonergic system by 5,7-DHT: effects on circadian rhythm phase, entrainment and response to triazolam 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The role of the serotonergic system in the regulation of hamster circadian rhythms was analyzed using intraventricular injection of the selective neurotoxin, 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT). Sixty days after 5,7-DHT administration, immunoreactive serotonin in the forebrain, particularly the suprachiasmatic nuclei and intergeniculate leaflets, was severely depleted in 16 animals, moderately depleted in four and only slightly affected in four. 5,7-DHT produced an immediate and sustained advance of the onset of running wheel activity relative to the 24 h light-dark (LD) cycle. Activity onset occurred 0.7 +/- 0.07 h before lights out among 5,7-DHT-treated animals compared with 0.18 +/- 0.04 h after lights out for vehicle-infused controls. This new, advanced phase angle of entrainment was maintained throughout the 60-day period of the study while the animals remained in a LD cycle, including after an 8-h phase advance of the light cycle. 5,7-DHT treatment also delayed the offset of wheelrunning in 16 of 24 animals and reduced the likelihood of a smooth pattern of reentrainment to the shifted LD cycle. The drug treatment did not affect circadian period in constant darkness, the rate of reentrainment to an 8-h phase advance or the amount of wheelrunning activity per day. In addition, 5,7-DHT treatment had no effect on the ability of triazolam, a short-acting benzodiazepine, to accelerate the rate of reentrainment to an 8-h phase advance. These observations show that ascending projections of midbrain raphe serotonin neurons participate in the regulation of the circadian activity phase but are not required for triazolam-induced acceleration of reentrainment to a phase-advanced LD cycle. 相似文献
Prosser RA 《Brain research》1999,818(2):784-413
The suprachiasmatic (SCN) circadian pacemaker generates 24 h rhythms of spontaneous neuronal activity when isolated in an acute brain slice preparation. The isolated pacemaker also retains its capacity to be reset, or phase-shifted by exogenous stimuli. For example, serotonin (5-HT) agonists advance the SCN pacemaker when applied during mid subjective day, while neuropeptide Y (NPY) agonists and melatonin advance the pacemaker when applied during late subjective day. Previous work has demonstrated interactions between NPY and 5-HT agonists, such that NPY can block 5-HTergic phase advances, while 5-HT agonists do not prevent NPY-induced advances. Due to a number of similarities in the actions of melatonin and NPY in the SCN, it seemed possible that melatonin and 5-HT might interact in the SCN as well. Therefore, in this study potential interactions between melatonin and 5-HT agonists were explored. Melatonin inhibited phase advances by the 5-HT agonist, (+)DPAT, and this inhibition was decreased by co-application of tetrodotoxin. Conversely, melatonin was unable to block phase advances by the cyclic AMP analog, 8BA-cAMP. Finally, neither 5-HT agonists nor 8BA-AMP were able to block melatonin-induced phase advances. These results demonstrate a clear interaction between melatonin and 5-HT in the SCN, and suggest that melatonin and NPY may play similar roles with respect to modulating the phase of the SCN circadian pacemaker in rats. 相似文献
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is densely innervated by serotonergic fibers originating in the median raphe nucleus (MR). Serotonin (5-HT) specific lesions of the MR alter entrainment and eliminate 5-HT fibers in the SCN, as well as in all other MR-recipient areas. The present study used 5-HT specific lesions of the SCN or the MR to determine the role of 5-HT in the SCN as a regulator of entrainment. Neurotoxic lesions of the MR significantly reduced 5-HT cell bodies in that nucleus and eliminated essentially all 5-HT innervation of the SCN. As previously demonstrated, these anatomical changes were associated with an advance in activity onset, delay in offset and expansion of the activity phase (alpha). Neurotoxin directly applied to the SCN caused an advance in the average activity onset, but had no effect on offset or alpha. About half of the SCN lesion animals had onsets equivalent to the MR lesion group, whereas onsets of the remaining animals were normal. Loss of SCN 5-HT innervation was severe for all SCN lesion animals, but significantly greater for those with advanced activity onsets. These results suggest that although the 5-HT projection to the SCN is likely to be responsible for modulating activity onset, the timing of activity offset appears to be regulated by a MR projection to an area outside the SCN. Furthermore, surprisingly few 5-HT fibers in the SCN are sufficient to maintain the normal phase angle of entrainment. 相似文献
Rok-Bujko P Krząścik P Szyndler J Kostowski W Stefański R 《Behavioural brain research》2012,226(1):87-95
Recent studies have shown that neurodevelopmental disturbances in the structure and function of the brain are significant factors in the onset of psychiatric disorders. Such deficits may also affect neurotransmission. Among the different neurotransmitter systems, serotonin (5-HT) plays an important role in the organisation and maturation of brain structures during development. The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of neonatal 5-HT depletion on emotional and exploratory behaviours in adult rats. Three-day-old Wistar male rats received intraventricular injections of the selective serotonin neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT). Littermates given saline injections acted as controls. After three months, rat behaviour was analysed in an open field test, a social interaction test and a novel object test. Moreover, contextual-conditioned freezing and ultravocalisation fear responses were studied. The pain reactivity was measured in a flinch-jump test. Biochemical analysis of 5,7-DHT-treated rats revealed a significant decrease in the concentration of 5-HT and its metabolite in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum, with a decreased dopamine level in striatum. Early serotonin depletion reduced locomotor activity in the open field test and attenuated social interaction in non-aversive conditions and exploration of a novel object in adult rats. Ultravocalisation, but not freezing, was increased in the contextual fear-conditioning paradigm in 5-HT-depleted rats. There was no difference in the pain threshold between groups. These data demonstrate that neonatal 5-HT depletion resulted in subtle alterations in the locomotor, exploratory and conditioned fear response of adult animals. 相似文献
Electrophysiological studies were conducted on chloral hydrate-anesthetized rats to determine if the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) exerts an inhibitory influence upon the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN), and if this inhibition is mediated by the release of serotonin (5-HT). Conditioning stimuli presented to the DR 100-400 ms before an optic tract (OT) shock significantly lowered the amplitude of OT shock-elicited, postsynaptic, field potentials of less than 3 ms latency. Rare, long-latency, field potentials (greater than 5 ms) were diminished in amplitude when preconditioning intervals were less than 15 ms. Six days after intracerebral injection of the 5-HT neurotoxin, 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (8 micrograms), into the dLGN, significant reductions were observed in 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid in the dLGN. Field potentials recorded on the sixth day in indoleamine-depleted dLGN were significantly less inhibited by DR preconditioning. Intracerebral injections of a control solution neither altered monoamine levels nor the degree of inhibition by DR preconditioning. These data provide further evidence that inhibition of dLGN by DR is mediated by release of 5-HT. 相似文献
Serotoninergic transmission is implicated in the photic and non-photic regulation of circadian rhythms. 5-HT (1-100 microM), carboxamidotryptamine (5-CT 0.1-10 microM) and (+)-8-hydroxy-dipropylaminotetraline (8-OH-DPAT, 1-30 microM) dose-dependently activated an outward current (5-100 pA) in 30% of neurons voltage-clamped at -60 mV in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in vitro slice. EC(50) values were 7.0 microM for 5-HT and 0.2 microM for 5-CT. Serotonin-induced outward current was associated with an increase in input conductance, and the current was blocked by Ba(2+) (1 mM). The amplitude of the current was enhanced by depolarization, reduced by hyperpolarization, and reversed its polarity during a hyperpolarization beyond the potassium equilibrium potential. Mean amplitudes of the 5-HT outward current changed with time of the subjective circadian day. The value near CT2 (23.8 pA) was about 4 times greater than that around CT14 (6.7 pA). Cells that responded with an outward current showed four types of morphology: monopolar, simple bipolar, curly bipolar and radial shaped; they were localized in all parts of the SCN. The EPSC evoked by retino-hypothalamic-tract (RHT) stimulation was inhibited 26% but the inward current induced by exogenously applied glutamate or NMDA was not affected by serotonin agonists. Focal stimulation-induced and spontaneous IPSC but not the exogenous GABA-induced outward current were inhibited by 5-HT agonists in a subpopulation of cells. In conclusion, 5-HT regulates SCN neurons by both pre- and post-synaptic inhibitory mechanisms; the latter may play a key role in modulating SCN circadian rhythm by activation of 5-HT receptors and opening of a potassium channel. 相似文献
Steven M. Yellon Keri J. Thorn Kevin L. Buchanan Michael A. Kirby 《Brain research bulletin》1993,32(1)
Retinal projections to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) mediate the effect of photoperiod to entrain circadian rhythms and to control reproductive maturation in the Djungarian hamster. To determine whether the retinal innervation of the SCN had fully developed by the onset of puberty in this hamster species, prepubertal and postpubertal hamsters received an intraocular unilateral injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and after 24 h, the anterograde transport of HRP to the SCN was studied. In prepubertal hamsters, the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT) was found to project to the medial and caudal SCN, principally the ventrolateral regions and, to an extent, the dorsomedial portion of the nucleus. RHT innervation was asymmetric; the SCN contralateral to the monocular injection received the dominant projection. A similar pattern of retinal projections was found postpubertally; however, the ipsilateral SCN was less extensively labelled with HRP and smaller as determined by Nissl counterstain compared to that in prepubertal hamsters. These findings indicate that modifications in the retinal innervation of the SCN occur as late as puberty, and may be part of a developmental change in the mechanism which processes photoperiodic information during sexual maturation. 相似文献
Drugs such as p-chloroamphetamine or a combination of tranylcypromine and tryptophan release serotonin in the central nervous system and produce a behavioral serotonin syndrome. However, in the presence of methysergide or following destruction of descending spinal serotonergic projections by 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, central serotonin release produces hyperlocomotion. This supports the hypothesis that release of serotonin in the brain promotes locomotion but that the expression of this effect can be blocked by concomitant intraspinal effects of serotonin release. Hyperlocomotion induced by serotonin release is attenuated or blocked by: (a) pretreatment with p-chlorophenylalanine; (b) acute surgical lesions of the basal diencephalon; (c) chronic lesions of the ventromedial midbrain tegmentum by local injection of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine; and (d) acute surgical decortication. Medial decortication tends to be more effective then lateral decortication. Hyperlocomotion produced by methamphetamine is also attenuated or blocked by acute basal diencephalic lesions or decortication. It is suggested that ascending serotonergic and dopaminergic projections collaborate in the generation of spontaneous voluntary motor activity. 相似文献
Serotonergic neurons in the fetal dorsal raphe nucleus were grafted together with fetal anterior hypothalamic tissue including the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) to the anterior eye chamber of adult rats. After 6 weeks transplantation, the double grafts were immunocytochemically examined using antisera against serotonin, arginine vasopressin (AVP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). The raphe grafts contained a large number of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons and fibers, but only a few AVP-immunoreactive fibers and VIP-immunoreactive neurons and fibers. On the other hand, numerous AVP- and VIP-immunoreactive neurons and fibers were found in the SCN of the anterior hypothalamic graft. Outgrowing serotonin-immunoreactive fibers from the raphe tissue were densely distributed in the anterior hypothalamic graft. In the SCN, however, only a few fibers were detected. The results demonstrate that the isolated anterior hypothalamic grafts can be innervated by the serotonergic neurons from the raphe grafts, but the innervation pattern of these fibers was quite different from the normal rat. The present results indicate that the isolated SCN has an inhibitory influence on the growth of serotonergic fibers. 相似文献
The role of neurophysiological activation of suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) cells in phase shifting the circadian pacemaker of the hamster was investigated in a combined behavioural and electrophysiological study. An electrophysiological study examined the relation between the pattern of light presentation and the induced discharge rate in the SCN. Behavioural experiments examined the relation between the pattern of light presentation and the magnitude of phase shift induced. The combination of these results provides an indirect assay of the relations between induced neural discharge in the SCN and phase shifts of the circadian activity rhythm. The data indicate that the magnitude of phase shifts is monotonically, but not linearly, related to photically induced changes in discharge rate. 相似文献
C. Manrique A. M. Franois-Bellan L. Segu D. Becquet M. Hry M. Faudon F. Hry 《Brain research》1994,663(1)
Serotonin1B (5-HT1B) receptor binding in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) following impairment of serotoninergic transmission was studied by quantitative autoradiography. Serotonin (5-HT) denervation with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) caused a significant increase in the density of 5-HT1B receptors in both the ventral (62%) and dorsal (53%) parts of the SCN as early as 3 days after axotomy. The magnitude of this increase did not differ 3, 15 or 21 days post-lesion. An up-regulation of 5-HT1B receptors with similar magnitude was obtained in the two parts of the SCN after inhibition of 5-HT synthesis by chronic parachlorophenylalanine treatment. In this case, up-regulation was shown to be reversible after restoration of 5-HT synthesis with
-5-hydroxytryptophan. These results indicate that 5-HT1B receptor density in the SCN was inversely correlated with 5-HT levels. These plastic properties exhibited by 5-HT1B receptors in the SSN are discussed in relation to the mode of 5-HT transmission and possible localization of the receptors onto the main chemically defined cell populations of the nucleus. 相似文献
Chiaki Fukuhara Taeko Nishiwaki Felino R.A. Cagampang Shin-Ichi T. Inouye 《Brain research》1994,645(1-2)
Administration of a somatostatin (SS) depletor, cysteamine, markedly reduced SS levels in rat suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). At the same time, cysteamine administration induced a circadian rhythm of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) content in the SCN, which otherwise remains constant under constant environmental conditions. These results suggest that the stable level of VIP in the SCN under constant conditions is not an intrinsic property of VIP neurons but a consequence of interactions with other components in the SCN. 相似文献
Neuropeptide Y-containing fibers/terminals were immunohistochemically detected in the ventral portion of the marmoset suprachiasmatic nucleus, approximately matching the distribution of its retinal afferents. On the other hand, serotonergic fibers/terminals were found mostly in central and dorsal areas of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, almost completely sparing its ventral portion. These data may represent a morphological substrate for differential actions of serotonin and neuropeptide Y in the control of circadian rhythmicity in marmosets. 相似文献
Light induction at Fos within the Syrian hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) occured first at postnatal day 4. The number of cells with light-induced Fos-like immunoreactivity (Fos-LI) per unit volume of SCN increased with age. Blinding experiments were used to demonstrate that the eye, though possessing an immature retina, appears to be necessary for light induction of Fos. In neonatal hamsters, environemntal cycles (e.g., light and darkness) may be able to reinforce the effect of maternal melatonin in synchronizing the pup's clock. 相似文献
The effects of short-term serotonin (5-HT) depletion by p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) on the firing activity of dorsal raphe nucleus 5-HT neurons, on the responsiveness of dorsal hippocampus pyramidal neurons to microiontophoretically applied 5-HT and on the efficacy of the electrical stimulation of the ascending 5-HT pathway in suppressing the firing activity of CA3 dorsal hippocampus pyramidal neurons were assessed in chloral hydrate-anesthetized rats. PCPA (250 mg/kg/day i.p. for 2 days) reduced the 5-HT content of the dorsal hippocampus by 90%. However, the number of spontaneously active 5-HT neurons per microelectrode trajectory through the dorsal raphe or their average rate of firing was unaltered. The effect of afferent 5-HT pathway stimulation was reduced in only 40% of treated rats, whereas the sensitivity of CA3 pyramidal neurons to microiontophoretic 5-HT was not modified. The function of the terminal 5-HT autoreceptor was assessed using methiothepin, an autoreceptor antagonist. Methiothepin (1 mg/kg, i.v.) significantly enhanced the efficacy of the stimulation in PCPA-treated rats, although the degree of enhancement was much less than in controls. A greater reduction of the effectiveness of the stimulation was obtained by increasing the dose of PCPA (350 mg/kg/day i.p. for 2 days). This regimen reduced the 5-HT content of the dorsal hippocampus by 95%. In these rats, the sensitivity of the terminal 5-HT autoreceptor was assessed by increasing the frequency of the stimulation from 1 to 5 Hz. This procedure reduced to a similar extent the efficacy of the stimulation in treated and control rats, suggesting that the reduced effectiveness of methiothepin in enhancing 5-HT synaptic transmission in PCPA-treated rats is due to a lower degree of activation of the terminal 5-HT autoreceptor. The present results showing that the 350 mg/kg/day regimen of PCPA, but not the 250 mg/kg/day regimen, reduced the efficacy of the stimulation of the ascending 5-HT pathway suggest that a greater than 90% depletion is required to affect 5-HT neurotransmission significantly. The reduced level of activation of terminal 5-HT autoreceptors in rats treated with the lower dose of PCPA may facilitate the release of the remaining 5-HT per stimulation-triggered action potential, ensuring a virtually unaltered synaptic efficacy. 相似文献
E. Todd Weber Robert L. Gannon Anna Marie Michel Martha U. Gillette Michael A. Rea 《Brain research》1995,692(1-2)
Circadian rhythms in mammals are entrained to the environmental light cycle by daily adjustments in the phase of the circadian pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Brief exposure of hamsters maintained under constant darkness to ambient light during subjective nighttime produces both phase shifts of the circadian activity rhythm and characteristic patterns of c-fos protein (Fos) immunoreactivity in the SCN. In this study, we demonstrate that light-induced phase shifts of the circadian activity rhythm are blocked by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of the competitive nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor,N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME), but not by the inactive isomer,d-NAME. The effects ofl-NAME are reversible and dose-related, and are countered by co-injection of arginine, the natural substrate for NOS. While effects on behavioral rhythms are pronounced, similar treatment does not alter the pattern of light-induced Fos immunoreactivity in the SCN. These results suggest that nitric oxide is a component of the signal transduction pathway that communicates photic information to the SCN circadian pacemaker, and that nitric oxide production is either independent of, or downstream from, pathways involved in induction of c-fos expression. 相似文献
N. Ozaki D. Nakahara Y. Kasahara T. Nagatsu 《Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996)》1991,86(3):175-179
Summary The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) has been identified as a major circadian pacemaker. Methamphetamine has been shown to modify the behavior of circadian rhythms. We detected extracellular serotonin (5-HT) and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the SCN in freely moving rats, using a microdialysis method, to investigate biochemical effects of methamphetamine in the SCN. Methamphetamine infusion into the SCN dose-dependently increased extracellular 5-HT and decreased extracellular 5-HIAA. 相似文献