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目的了解靖安县中小学校教室卫生状况,探讨学校卫生工作有效方法。方法在全县选取26所中小学校,每个学校随机选择有代表性的2~3间教室,监测人均面积、黑板、课桌椅、采光、噪音及教室照明等卫生指标。并根据卫生法规及标准进行评价。结果玻地面积比、采光系数、二氧化碳浓度、人均面积合格率较高;课桌椅分配、人工照明、噪音合格率较低。结论靖安县教室卫生状况不容乐观,应引起有关部门重视。  相似文献   

了解中国中小学校日常室内空气质量监测和管理现况,为制定学习生活环境的卫生标准提供科学依据.方法 采用分层抽样的方法抽取中国17个省(区、市)2 400所学校,通过问卷调查的方式对学校相关负责人进行日常通风换气情况的资料收集,采用x2检验分析不同学校类型间通风换气情况.结果 317所学校(占13.2%)检测过空气环境中CO2浓度.CO2日常检测情况城区学校优于乡镇学校,在寄宿/非寄宿分层中,非寄宿学校优于寄宿学校,差异均有统计学意义(x2值分别为72.06,21.89,P值均<0.01).日常检测过CO、可吸入颗粒物和可挥发性污染物的学校比例依次为6.5%,7.5%,9.3%.在参与调查的学校中,80.8%有日常通风换气制度,其中在寒冷季节每天换气累计时间在90 min以上的学校有925所,占38.5%;少于30 min的学校有331所,占13.8%.结论 卫生和教育等相关部门应完善针对教室空气质量监测的规定和标准.建议由疾病预防控制中心等有资质的检测机构进行检测,并加强学校管理力度,为中小学生营造健康的学习生活环境.  相似文献   

Milk consumption by black and by white pupils in two primary schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is heartening to note that relatively well nourished black children in the United States, a number of whom are, in all probability, lactose intolerant and most of whom are destined to become lactose intolerant adults, are able to consume nutritionally valuable quantities of milk with meals and, on the whole, do not report suffering from any abdominal pain or discomfort. It is also encouraging that this population of over two hundred primary school children consumed, on the average, 75 per cent of the 1/2 pt. milk served with lunch, reported drinking an average of three glasses of milk daily, and the vast majority reported liking milk and a number of other dairy products which are important nutrient sources in their diets.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This article describes and compares the performance characteristics of two approaches to outbreak detection in the context of a coroner-based mortality surveillance system using controlled feature set simulation. METHODS: The comparative capabilities of the outbreak detection methods--the Epidemic Threshold and Cusum methods--were assessed by introducing a series of simulated signals, configured as nonoverlapping, three-day outbreaks, into historic surveillance data and assessing their respective performances. Treating each calendar day as a separate observation, sensitivity, predictive value positive, and predictive value negative were calculated for both signal detection methods at various outbreak magnitudes. Their relative performances were also assessed in terms of the overall percentage of outbreaks detected. RESULTS: Both methods exhibited low sensitivity for small outbreaks and low to moderate sensitivity for larger ones. In terms of overall outbreak detection, large outbreaks were detected with moderate to high levels of reliability, while smaller ones were detected with low to moderate reliability for both methods. The Epidemic Threshold method performed significantly better than the Cusum method for overall outbreak detection. CONCLUSIONS: The use of coroner data for mortality surveillance has both advantages and disadvantages, the chief advantage being the rapid availability of coroner data compared to vital statistics data, making near real-time mortality surveillance possible. Given the lack of sensitivity and limited outbreak detection reliability of the methods studied, the use of mortality surveillance for early outbreak detection appears to have limited usefulness. If it is used, it should be as an adjuvant in conjunction with other surveillance systems.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of hepatitis A in two primary schools in different parts of a city were investigated using similar methods. The pattern of each outbreak indicated that caseto-case transmission was likely. In both schools more boys than girls were affected. In one school, infection was commoner in those who brought packed lunches to school (10/86) compared with those who took school dinners or went home for lunch (3/88), although this was not statistically significant. Simple measures, such as attention to personal hygiene and exclusion of sick children from school, appeared to control the outbreaks. School-based transmission of hepatitis A in 5–14 year olds may be more important than the literature suggests, and may partly explain the high incidence in this age group.  相似文献   

【目的】通过对清新区43所中小学教学环境的监测,了解学校卫生状况,发现存在问题并探讨解决方法,保障中小学生的身心健康。【方法】于2016—2017年随机选取清新区43所中小学校作为监测对象,按照GB/T 18205—2012《学校卫生综合评价》的项目和要求开展监测工作,用SPSS 23.0软件对监测数据进行统计分析,采用卡方检验进行率的比较。【结果】人均面积、课桌椅分配符合率、黑板反射比、黑板照度、黑板尺寸、课桌面照度、采光系数、窗地比、黑板下缘与地面距离、生活饮用水的总体合格率分别为30.23%、2.29%、49.22%、63.57%、47.67%、86.43%、79.84%、80.62%、75.58%、51.16%。课桌椅分配符合率城区学校高于乡镇学校,中学高于小学;人均面积合格率城区学校低于乡镇学校,中学高于小学;采光系数和课桌面照度合格率城区学校均低于农村学校,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。【结论】清新区学校卫生监测结果不容乐观,教育及卫生部门应重视学校卫生监测工作,为学生创造健康卫生的学校环境。  相似文献   

Background   Hygienic conditions in primary schools are a major concern for both governmental organizations and families. Particularly, the occurrence of faecal indicators on children's hands and various school surfaces has been associated with increased risk of diarrhoeal diseases. The presence of faecal streptococci on environmental surfaces and children's hands and the possible correlation with socio-economic factors were examined.
Methods   Overall, 1956 samples from hands and 1470 samples from surfaces were collected from 20 primary schools in Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Results   Faecal streptococci were found at 52.9% of children's hands and at 16.7% of other surfaces. Children, who had parents with the highest education level (>12 years), had the lowest percentage (48.8%) of faecal contamination on their hands. Furthermore, boys exhibited higher levels of hands contamination compared with girls. Among the environmental surfaces examined, the school canteen reception was the most contaminated area.
Conclusion   High faecal contamination was detected in primary schools in the examined region. Children's hands were highly infected (52.9%), while boys exhibited higher levels of contamination. The educational level of parents correlated well with the contamination of children's hands.  相似文献   

Respiratory symptoms in children at schools near a foundry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey was carried out in response to complaints of increased respiratory symptoms in children at schools near a foundry in Walsall, West Midlands. Air monitoring around the factory had shown concentrations of formaldehyde most of which were orders of magnitude below the current occupational exposure limit of 2.5 mg/m3, although concentrations up to 0.3 mg/m3 had been recorded over short periods. The study sample comprised children aged 6.8-7.8 years from 39 schools in the borough. Information about respiratory symptoms and potential risk factors for respiratory disease was elicited from parents by a self administered questionnaire. Data were obtained on 1334 children, a response rate of 81.8%. The prevalences of reported wheeze (11.1%), breathlessness (7.7%), and chest discomfort (8.6%) were similar to those in an earlier survey carried out in Southampton by the same method at the same time of year. Cough (prevalence = 18.4%) and chestiness at night (14.6%) were significantly less common than in Southampton. When sex, social class, housing tenure, passive smoking, and parental history of asthma were taken into account, the prevalences of symptoms at schools within one mile of the foundry were generally lower than in other parts of Walsall. These findings give no support to the hypothesis that foundry emissions cause respiratory disease in children, although an adverse effect in a few sensitive children cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

A random sample of headteachers in 150 primary schools in Hampshire were sent a questionnaire on nutrition teaching and use of tuck shops. The response rate was 90%. Nutrition was taught either directly or indirectly in 96% of the schools, although only 33% of schools had a policy concerning nutrition education. Having a policy was related to the aspects of nutrition which were taught and the subject areas where nutrition was included. Sixty-nine per cent of headteachers felt that staff would like more information or advice on nutrition education and this may have affected the low numbers of schools involved in taking any new initiatives to promote nutrition and healthy eating. Children were allowed to bring sweets in to 30% of schools and tuck shops were available in 22%. However, in 61% of schools children were only allowed to bring in fruit or vegetable snacks (apart from a packed lunch). It appears that schools are teaching nutrition but many lack information to help with the teaching.  相似文献   

By nearly any standard--federal research dollars, faculty credentials, and student career plans--the medical schools of East Carolina University and Johns Hopkins are as different as day and night. But both agree that Washington's efforts to boost the number of generalist physicians are inadequate.  相似文献   

程向东  张进国 《职业与健康》2012,28(17):2147-2148
<正>为掌握在校新生结核菌感染状况,及早发现现患患者,加强学校结核病的预防控制,保障学生的身体健康,控制结核病在学校内的传播流行,根据卫生部和教育部联合下发的《中小学生健康体检管理办法》(卫医发[2008]37号),要求对小学初  相似文献   

A survey was carried out in response to complaints of increased respiratory symptoms in children at schools near a foundry in Walsall, West Midlands. Air monitoring around the factory had shown concentrations of formaldehyde most of which were orders of magnitude below the current occupational exposure limit of 2.5 mg/m3, although concentrations up to 0.3 mg/m3 had been recorded over short periods. The study sample comprised children aged 6.8-7.8 years from 39 schools in the borough. Information about respiratory symptoms and potential risk factors for respiratory disease was elicited from parents by a self administered questionnaire. Data were obtained on 1334 children, a response rate of 81.8%. The prevalences of reported wheeze (11.1%), breathlessness (7.7%), and chest discomfort (8.6%) were similar to those in an earlier survey carried out in Southampton by the same method at the same time of year. Cough (prevalence = 18.4%) and chestiness at night (14.6%) were significantly less common than in Southampton. When sex, social class, housing tenure, passive smoking, and parental history of asthma were taken into account, the prevalences of symptoms at schools within one mile of the foundry were generally lower than in other parts of Walsall. These findings give no support to the hypothesis that foundry emissions cause respiratory disease in children, although an adverse effect in a few sensitive children cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

To estimate the mumps vaccine effectiveness (VE) during a large genotype D mumps outbreak, we conducted a cross-sectional study in eight primary schools and associated households in the Netherlands. Questionnaires were used to collect information on the occurrence of mumps. Multivariate analyses were used to estimate VE. Among schoolchildren we estimated the VE against mumps. Among household contacts where the schoolchild was the index case we estimated the VE against mumps and against mumps infectiousness. In total 1175 children and 2281 household contacts participated in the study. The mumps attack rate among schoolchildren was 17%. The mumps VE in schoolchildren was 92% [95% confidence interval (CI) 83-96%] and 93% [85-97%] for one and two doses of the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, respectively. The adjusted mumps VE among household contacts was 67% [65-95%] and 11% [-4 to 88%] against mumps and mumps infectiousness, respectively. Our study indicates that the mumps component of the MMR vaccine offered adequate protection against mumps among schoolchildren. The relatively low VE among household contacts is of concern.  相似文献   

Effluent from the La Hague nuclear fuel reprocessing plant was mixed with seawater in order to investigate the fate of the various radionuclides. Thus, a major objective of the present work is to characterize the effluent from La Hague reprocessing plant and to study how the radionuclide speciation changes with time when discharged into the marine environment. Discharges from the La Hague nuclear reprocessing plant represent an important source of artificially produced radionuclides to the North Sea. The transport, distribution, and biological uptake of radionuclides in the marine environment depends, however, on the physicochemical forms of radionuclides in the discharged effluents and on transformation processes that occur after entering the coastal waters. Information of these processes is needed to understand the transport and long-term distribution of the radionuclides. In the present work, a weekly discharged effluent from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Cap La Hague in France was mixed with coastal water and fractionated with respect to particle size and charged species using ultra centrifugation and hollow fiber ultrafiltration with on line ion exchange. The size distribution pattern of gamma-emitting radionuclides was followed during a 62-h period after mixing the effluent with seawater. 54Mn was present as particulate material in the effluent, while other investigated radionuclides were discharged in a more mobile form or were mobilized after mixing with sea water (e.g., 60Co) and can be transported long distances in the sea. Sediments can act as a sink for less mobile discharged radionuclides (Skipperud et al. 2000). A kinetic model experiment was performed to provide information of the time-dependent distribution coefficients, Kd (t). The retention of the effluent radionuclides in sediments was surprisingly low (Kd 20-50), and the sediments acted as a poor sink for the released radionuclides. Due to the presence of non-reacting radionuclide species in the effluent, a major fraction of the radionuclides, such as Cs-isotopes, 106Ru and 125Sb, in the effluent will be subjected to marine transport to the Northern Seas (i.e., the North Sea, Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea). The La Hague effluent may, therefore, contribute to enriched levels of radionuclides found in the English Channel, including 90Sr, 60Co and Pu-isotopes, and also 106Ru and 125Sb.  相似文献   

目的分析北京市某区两起小学乙型流感暴发疫情的流行病学特征,为流感暴发疫情的防控提供参考。方法对2010年1月北京市某区两起小学乙型流感暴发疫情进行临床诊断、流行病学分析及实验室病毒分离检测。并将分离结果与同期监测来源毒株、疫苗株序列进行比对分析。结果这两起乙型流感疫情暴发分别在一个班级范围内。罹患率分别为42.2%(19/45)和42.9%(18/42)。采集18件病人咽拭子样本,其中A校8件,B校10件。病毒分离得到5株乙型流感Victoria系毒株,其中A校2株,B校3株。与同期监测分离的4株乙型流感病毒以及乙型流感疫苗株进行序列比对,疫情与监测来源的毒株样本高度同源,与监测优势株型别一致,并与WHO推荐的2009~2010年乙型流感疫苗株同源性高达98.9%以上。结论流感流行优势型别更替时间段内容易暴发流感疫情,两起疫情均由乙型Victoria系引起。北京市流感样病例病原学监测为预测流感流行趋势提供依据,同时可对疫情的发生提供预警。  相似文献   

江苏省百所大、中、小学校健康教育状况及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:全面了解学校健康教育状况,为制定学校健康教育对策提供依据。方法:随机抽取全省106所大、中、小学校进行有关健康教育状问卷调查。结果:全省学校健康教育总体情况较好,城市好于农村,小学好于中学,中学好于大学。100.00%的学校均开展了学校健康教育工作,80.00%的学校开展学校健康教育5年以上,82.80%的学校有健康教育工作经费,70.00%的学校有健康教育设备用具和教具模型,94.00%的学校有专用固定健康板报。学校健康教育课程开课率小学达100.00%,中学为88.10%,大学为66.70%,98.90%的学校有健康教育教材,67.00%的学校认为现行教材较好或很好。健康教育教师小学每校平均6.1人,中学3.9人,大学3.6人,大专以上文化的占66.80%,经有关专业学习或岗前培训的达86.20%。学校健康教育重视程度仍然不够,学校健教经费投入较少,学校健教设施仍较缺乏,健康教育开课率在大中学校尚不足,专职教师平均每校仅1.4人,占健康教育教师的16.70%,健康教育教师所兼其他工作较多,健教教材在可操作性、通俗趣味性、实用性、创新性方面尚有缺憾,学校健康教育形式在健康咨询、组织专题健教活动、健康教育处方等方面较少。学校健康教育内容在儿童青少年成年期疾病预防、性病艾滋病预防、精神疾病预防、性健康及安全性行为和少女怀孕预防、自杀预防等方面尚开展不够。结论:学校健康教育总体情况较好,但仍有较多不足和问题,应切实加强改进和提高。  相似文献   

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