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Several brain areas in the diencephalon are involved in the activation and expression of sexual behavior, including in quail the medial preoptic nucleus (POM). However, the ontogeny of these diencephalic brain nuclei has not to this date been examined in detail. We investigated the ontogeny of POM and other steroid‐sensitive brain regions by injecting quail eggs with 5‐bromo‐2‐deoxyuridine (BrdU) at various stages between embryonic day (E)3 and E16 and killing animals at postnatal (PN) days 3 or 56. In the POM, large numbers of BrdU‐positive cells were observed in subjects injected from E3–E10, the numbers of these cells was intermediate in birds injected on E12, and most cells were postmitotic in both sexes on E14–E16. Injections on E3–E4 labeled large numbers of Hu‐positive cells in POM. In contrast, injections performed at a later stage labeled cells that do not express aromatase nor neuronal markers such as Hu or NeuN in the POM and other steroid‐sensitive nuclei and thus do not have a neuronal phenotype in these locations, contrary to what is observed in the telencephalon and cerebellum. No evidence could also be collected to demonstrate that these cells have a glial nature. Converging data, including the facts that these cells divide in the brain mantle and express proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a cell cycling marker, indicate that cells labeled by BrdU during the second half of embryonic life are slow‐cycling progenitors born and residing in the brain mantle. Future research should now identify their functional significance. J. Comp. Neurol. 520:4226–4253, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) plays a key role in normal development. Recent studies show that IGF-I exerts a wide variety actions in the central nervous system during development as well as in adulthood. This report reviews recent developments on IGF-I actions and its mechanisms in the central nervous system, with a focus on its actions during the development of neural stem cells and progenitors. Available data strongly indicate that IGF-I shortens the length of the cell cycle in neuron progenitors during embryonic life and has an influence on the growth of all neural cell types. The phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways seem to be the predominant mediators of IGF-I-stimulated neural cell proliferation and survival. IGF-I actions, however, likely depend on cell type, developmental stage, and microenvironmental milieu.  相似文献   

Activity of the Notch1 gene is known to inhibit oligodendrocyte (OL) differentiation in vitro. We tested the hypothesis that the Notch1 pathway regulates in vivo myelin formation, by examining brain myelination of Notch1 receptor null heterozygotes mutant animals (Notch1(+/-)). We show that a deficiency in Notch1 expression leads to increased abundance of products of specific myelin genes in myelinated areas of the brain during the first 2 weeks of postnatal life. We observed increased numbers of myelinated axons in optic nerves and the presence of myelinated fibers in the molecular layer (ML) of the Notch1(+/-) cerebella. These findings were accompanied by up-regulation of Mash1 and down-regulation of Hes5 proteins. In addition, we found expression of Jagged1, one of the Notch1 activators, in unmyelinated axons of the cerebellar ML during normal development. Our findings indicate that the Jagged/Notch signaling pathway might actively participate in the regulation of myelination during central nervous system development and suggest that certain neuronal populations might regulate whether their axons are myelinated by the expression of inhibitory signals such as Jagged1.  相似文献   

Notch信号通路(NotchSignalingPathway)在决定细胞生命(包括增殖、分化以及凋亡)过程中发挥着重要作用,其功能异常可以导致细胞恶变和肿瘤形成。同时,针对Notch通路的分子靶向治疗的研究正成为目前肿瘤研究的热点之一。近年来研究表明,Notch信号通路与多种神经系统肿瘤包括垂体腺瘤的发生密切相关。现对Notch信号通路在神经系统肿瘤中的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

The hippocampus arises from the medial region of the subventricular (SVZ) within the telencephalon. It is one of two regions in the postnatal brain that harbors neural progenitors (NPs) capable of giving rise to new neurons. Neurogenesis in the hippocampus is restricted to the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus (DG) where it contributes to the generation of granule cell layer (gcl) neurons. It is thought that SGZ progenitors are heterogeneous, differing in their morphology, expression profiles, and developmental potential, however it is currently unknown whether they display differences in their developmental origins and cell fate‐restriction in the DG. Here we demonstrate that Cux2 is a marker for SGZ progenitors and nascent granule cell neurons in the perinatal brain. Cux2 was expressed in the presumptive hippocampal forming region of the embryonic forebrain from E14.5 onwards. At fetal stages, Cux2 was expressed in early‐forming Prox1+ granule cell neurons as well as the SVZ of the DG germinal matrix. In the postnatal brain, Cux2 was expressed in several types of progenitors in the SGZ of the DG, including Nestin/Sox2 double‐positive radial glia, Sox2+ cells that lacked a radial glial process, DCX+ neuroblasts, and Calretinin‐expressing nascent neurons. Another domain characterized by a low level of Cux2 expression emerged in Calbindin+ neurons of the developing DG blades. We used Cux2‐Cre mice in genetic fate‐mapping studies and showed almost exclusive labeling of Calbindin‐positive gcl neurons, but not in any progenitor cell types or astroglia. This suggests that Cux2+ progenitors directly differentiate into gcl neurons and do not self‐renew. Interestingly, developmental profiling of cell fate revealed an outside‐in formation of gcl neurons in the DG, likely reflecting the activity of Cux2 in the germinative matrices during DG formation and maturation. However, DG morphogenesis proceeded largely normally in hypomorphic Cux2 mutants lacking Cux2 expression. Taken together we conclude that Cux2 expression reflects hippocampal neurogenesis and identifies non‐self‐renewing NPs in the SGZ. © 2014 The Authors Hippocampus Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the role of the GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)R), expressed by undifferentiated neural progenitors isolated from fetal mouse neocortex, in the mechanisms relevant to self-replication and differentiation toward neuronal and astroglial lineages. Round spheres were formed with clusters of proliferating cells within 2-4 days during culture with epidermal growth factor (EGF), whereas the size of these clusters was drastically increased in proportion to increasing durations up to 10 days. Sustained exposure to the GABA(A)R agonist muscimol at 100 microM led to significant increases in the size of neurospheres cultured for 6-10 days, with increased proliferative activity and unchanged lactate dehydrogenase release in a manner sensitive to the GABA(A)R antagonist bicuculline. Muscimol also significantly increased the incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine in neurospheres in a bicuculline-sensitive manner, whereas both high potassium and nifedipine significantly decreased the neurosphere area with increased numbers of apoptotic cells. Prior activation of GABA(A)R significantly promoted the subsequent expression of an astroglial marker protein in cells differentiated by ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) toward an astroglial lineage after the removal of EGF, with a concomitant decrease in neuronal marker protein expression. In neurospheres with GABA(A)R activation, a significant and predominant increase was seen in mRNA expression of CNTF receptors. These results suggest that prior tonic activation of GABA(A)R may preferentially promote the differentiation by CNTF of neural progenitor cells toward an astroglial lineage through selective up-regulation of CNTF receptor expression in the developing mouse brain.  相似文献   

The neurons and glia that comprise the enteric nervous system (ENS), the intrinsic innervation of the gastrointestinal tract, are derived from vagal and sacral regions of the neural crest. In order to form the ENS, neural crest-derived precursors undergo a number of processes including survival, migration and proliferation, prior to differentiation into neuronal subtypes, some of which form functional connections with the gut smooth muscle. Investigation of the developmental processes that underlie ENS formation has progressed dramatically in recent years, in no small part due to the attention of scientists from a range of disciplines on the genesis of Hirschsprung's disease (aganglionic megacolon), the major congenital abnormality of the ENS. This review summarizes recent advances in the field of early ENS ontogeny and focuses on: (i) the spatiotemporal migratory pathways followed by vagal and sacral neural crest-derived ENS precursors, including recent in vivo imaging of migrating crest cells within the gut, (ii) the roles of the RET and EDNRB signalling pathways and how these pathways interact to control ENS development, and (iii) how perpendicular migrations of neural crest cells within the gut lead to the formation of the myenteric and submucosal plexi located between the smooth muscle layers of the gut wall.  相似文献   

Neuron production takes place continuously in the rostral migratory stream (RMS) of the adult mammalian brain. The molecular mechanisms that regulate progenitor cell division and differentiation in the RMS remain largely unknown. Here, we surveyed the mouse genome in an unbiased manner to identify candidate gene loci that regulate proliferation in the adult RMS. We quantified neurogenesis in adult C57BL/6J and A/J mice, and 27 recombinant inbred lines derived from those parental strains. We showed that the A/J RMS had greater numbers of bromodeoxyuridine‐labeled cells than that of C57BL/6J mice with similar cell cycle parameters, indicating that the differences in the number of bromodeoxyuridine‐positive cells reflected the number of proliferating cells between the strains. AXB and BXA recombinant inbred strains demonstrated even greater variation in the numbers of proliferating cells. Genome‐wide mapping of this trait revealed that chromosome 11 harbors a significant quantitative trait locus at 116.75 ± 0.75 Mb that affects cell proliferation in the adult RMS. The genomic regions that influence RMS proliferation did not overlap with genomic regions regulating proliferation in the adult subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. On the contrary, a different, suggestive locus that modulates cell proliferation in the subgranular zone was mapped to chromosome 3 at 102 ± 7 Mb. A subset of genes in the chromosome 11 quantitative trait locus region is associated with neurogenesis and cell proliferation. Our findings provide new insights into the genetic control of neural proliferation and an excellent starting point to identify genes critical to this process.  相似文献   

Notch pathway activation maintains neural stem cells in a proliferating state and increases nerve repair capacity. To date, studies have rarely focused on changes or damage to signal transduction pathways during cerebral hemorrhage. Here, we examined the effect of acupuncture in a rat model of cerebral hemorrhage. We examined four groups: in the control group, rats received no treatment. In the model group, cerebral hemorrhage models were established by infusing non-heparinized blood into the brain. In the acupuncture group, modeled rats had Baihui(DU20) and Qubin(GB7) acupoints treated once a day for 30 minutes. In the DAPT group, modeled rats had 0.15 μg/m L DAPT solution(10 m L) infused into the brain. Immunohistochemistry and western blot results showed that acupuncture effectively inhibits Notch1 and Hes1 protein expression in rat basal ganglia. These inhibitory effects were identical to DAPT, a Notch signaling pathway inhibitor. Our results suggest that acupuncture has a neuroprotective effect on cerebral hemorrhage by inhibiting Notch-Hes signaling pathway transduction in rat basal ganglia after cerebral hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Two types of interventions to remyelinate the adult demyelinated central nervous system were investigated in heterozygous transgenic mice overexpressing the proteolipid protein gene. 1) A cocktail of trophic factors, “TS1,” was directed toward the activation of the endogenous pool of neural progenitors to increase the number of myelinating oligodendrocytes (OL) in the brain. 2) A combinatorial approach in which OL progenitors were coinjected with TS1 into the corpus callosum of wild‐type and He4e transgenic mice that displayed hindlimb paralysis. The levels of locomotor ability in these mice were evaluated after a single treatment. The data showed that a single administration of either one of the interventions had similar therapeutic effects, alleviating the symptoms of demyelination and leading to the recovery of hindlimb function. Histological and immunofluorescent examination of brain sections showed extensive remyelination that was sufficient to reverse hindlimb paralysis in transgenic mice. When the interventions were administered prior to hindlimb paralysis, He4e mice were able to walk up to 1 year of age without paralysis. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Imura T  Nakano I  Kornblum HI  Sofroniew MV 《Glia》2006,53(3):277-293
Recent findings show that the predominant multipotent neural stem cells (NSCs) isolated from postnatal and adult mouse brain express glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), a protein commonly associated with astrocytes, and that primary astrocyte cultures can contain GFAP-expressing cells that act as multipotent NSCs when transferred to neurogenic conditions. The relationship of GFAP-expressing NSCs to GFAP-expressing astrocytes is unclear, but has important implications. We compared the phenotype and neurogenic potential of GFAP-expressing cells derived from different CNS regions and maintained in vitro under different conditions. Multiple labeling immunohistochemistry revealed that both primary astrocyte cultures and adherent neurogenic cultures derived from postnatal or adult periventricular tissue contained subpopulations of GFAP-expressing cells that co-expressed nestin and LeX/CD15, two molecules associated with NSCs. In contrast, GFAP-expressing cells in similar cultures prepared from adult cerebral cortex did not express detectable levels of LeX/CD15, and exhibited no neurogenic potential. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) of both primary astrocyte cultures and adherent neurogenic cultures for LeX/CD15 showed that GFAP-expressing cells competent to act as multipotent NSCs were concentrated in the LeX-positive fraction. Using neurosphere assays and a transgenic ablation strategy, we confirmed that the predominant NSCs in primary astrocyte and adherent neurogenic cultures were GFAP-expressing cells. These findings demonstrate that GFAP-expressing cells derived from postnatal and adult forebrain are heterogeneous in both molecular phenotype and neurogenic potential in vitro, and that this heterogeneity exists before exposure to neurogenic conditions. The findings provide evidence that GFAP-expressing NSCs are phenotypically and functionally distinct from non-neurogenic astrocytes.  相似文献   

INSM1 is a zinc-finger protein expressed in the developing nervous system and pancreas as well as in medulloblastomas and neuroendocrine tumors. With in situ hybridization combined with immunohistochemistry, we detected INSM1 mRNA in all embryonic to adult neuroproliferative areas examined: embryonic neocortex, ganglionic eminence, midbrain, retina, hindbrain, and spinal cord; autonomic, dorsal root, trigeminal and spiral ganglia; olfactory and vomeronasal organ epithelia; postnatal cerebellum; and juvenile to adult subgranular zone of dentate gyrus, subventricular zone, and rostral migratory stream leading to olfactory bulb. In most of these neurogenic areas, subsets of neuronal progenitors and nascent, but not mature, neurons express INSM1. For example, in developing cerebellum, INSM1 is present in proliferating progenitors of the outer external granule layer (EGL) and in postmitotic cells of the inner EGL, but not in mature granule cell neurons. Also, lining the neural tube from spinal cord to neocortex in mouse as well as human embryos, cells undergoing mitosis apically do not express INSM1. By contrast, nonsurface progenitors located in the basal ventricular and/or subventricular zones express INSM1. Whereas apical progenitors are proliferative and generate one or two additional progenitors, basal progenitors are thought to divide terminally and symmetrically to produce two neurons. The nematode ortholog of INSM1, EGL-46, is expressed during terminal symmetric neurogenic divisions and regulates the termination of proliferation. We propose that, in mice and humans, INSM1 is likewise expressed transiently during terminal neurogenic divisions, from late progenitors to nascent neurons, and particularly during symmetric neuronogenic divisions.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cells are among the first cells that ventricular zone neuroblasts encounter during early development. The ventricular zone cells promote angiogenesis by the invading vasculature, with the release of endothelial mitogens. Yet the feedback support of young neurons by endothelial cells (ECs) has not hitherto been explored. We therefore asked whether ECs might participate in neuronal recruitment, by providing neurotrophic support to newly generated neurons. We used the neurogenic subependymal zone (SZ) of the adult rat forebrain as a model system, because of its well-characterized and relatively homogeneous population of neuronal precursor cells. We found that explants of the adult rat SZ raised on ECs generated more neurons, which survived longer, than explants raised on astrocytes, fibroblasts, or laminin. This endothelial trophic effect was humoral, in that it was also noted in SZ explants raised in noncontiguous coculture with ECs grown on porous inserts. RT-PCR for neurotrophin family members revealed that cultures of both human brain- and umbilical cord-derived ECs produced brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA, but no detectable NGF, NT-3, or NT-4 mRNA. ELISA revealed that BDNF protein was secreted by ECs into the medium at >1 ng/ml. The neurotrophic effect of ECs could be replaced by added BDNF, and was blocked by addition of 5 microg/ml trkB-Fc to endothelial-SZ cocultures. Thus, endothelial cells can act as sources of secreted BDNF, through which the capillary microvasculature may act to support neuronal recruitment and survival in the CNS.  相似文献   

The ret proto-oncogene product (Ret) has been shown to be one of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) receptors in dopaminergic, norepinephric and motor neurons. We immunohistochemically examined the expression of Ret in the human central nervous system (CNS). The distribution of Ret was generally identical to that of myclin as stained using the Klüver-Barrera method. We further investigated the expression of Ret in human fetal brains (19, 29 and 39 weeks gestation) and various brain tumors. The Ret positivity was observed to be associated with the myelin sheath of the cerebral white matter in 29-and 39-week-old fetal brains. Ret is known to be expressed in neural crest-derived cells. We could immunohistochemically confirm the Ret expression in the pheochromocytomas and neuroblastomas of retroperitoneal space. As for the brain tumors, no Ret expression was observed in glioblastomas, oligodendrogliomas, and schwannomas examined, although the glial cells surrounding the tumor and the pre-existing myelin sheath revealed positivity for Ret. In the CNS, Ret expression appears to be closely associated with the myelin sheath; therefore, Ret immunostaining may be useful in ascertaining the demyelinating lesions in the CNS.  相似文献   

目的:应用基因芯片研究人脑动静脉畸形(BAVM)的畸形团及周围脑组织的Notch信号通路相关基因的差异表达。方法:收集有出血史的5例BAVM标本,在畸形团、周围脑组织分别取材,进行Notch信号通路基因芯片杂交,得到基因芯片上各基因点数值型信号强度,计算其均数和标准差。计算畸形团芯片及周围脑组织芯片上各基因点的比值。取比值>1.5或<0.67的因子,归纳总结出表达水平有明显差异的基因。以realtime PCR方法对其中任意选取的2个基因进行验证。结果:在113个Notch信号通路基因中,共筛选出27个明显变化的基因,其中,上调4个,下调23个。较为重要的基因包括Notch信号通路配体DLL1、DLL3,受体及配体裂解关键基因ADAM10、ADAM17,Notch信号通路靶基因HES5,Notch相关的Sonic Hedgehog通路基因GLI1、Wnt信号通路基因FZD1、原癌基因LMO2。realtime PCR验证DLL1和HES5两个基因,其检测结果与芯片结果基本相符。部分Notch信号通路关键基因在两个部位表达无差异。结论:多个Notch信号通路基因在BAVM畸形团及周围脑组织存在差异表达,提示BAVM的发生发展与Notch信号通路有关。周围脑组织中,Notch信号通路亦可能存在异常。差异表达的基因可作为BAVM进一步研究的切入点。  相似文献   

Collapsin-response mediator proteins (CRMPs) are highly expressed in the developing brain where they take part in several aspects of neuronal differentiation. CRMPs are still present postnatally, but their function remains speculative in the adult brain. We studied the expression and localization of CRMP1, CRMP2 and CRMP5 in two areas of the nervous system with persistent neurogenesis in adult mice, the olfactory mucosa and the olfactory bulb. In the olfactory mucosa, we have established that CRMP expression is restricted to postmitotic cells of the olfactory neurons lineage. CRMP5 is coexpressed with growth associated protein of 43 kDa (GAP43) in immature olfactory neurons and is down-regulated in olfactory marker protein-positive mature neurons. In contrast, CRMP1 and CRMP2 persist at all stages of differentiation from immature GAP43-positive to fully mature olfactory neurons. In the olfactory bulb, CRMP1, CRMP2 and CRMP5 are abundant in neuronal progenitors of the subependymal layer and in differentiating interneurons. In both areas, the subcellular distribution of CRMP1 or CRMP2 is different in mature vs. immature neurons, suggesting that these proteins are sequentially involved in various cellular events during neuronal lifetime. The variations of CRMP expression following axotomy are consistent with their differential localization and functional involvement in immature vs. mature neurons of the olfactory system. Our data bring new insight to the putative functions of CRMPs within areas of the adult nervous system with permanent neurogenesis, some related to differentiation of newly generated neurons but others occurring in mature neurons with a limited lifespan.  相似文献   

Alpha-taxilin has been identified as a binding partner of syntaxin family members and thus has been proposed to function in syntaxin-mediated intracellular vesicle trafficking. However, the lack of detailed information concerning the cellular and subcellular localization of alpha-taxilin impedes an understanding of the role of this protein. In the present study, we characterized alpha-taxilin-expressing cells in the rat CNS with a specific antibody. During embryonic development, alpha-taxilin was prominently expressed in nestin-positive neural stem cells in vivo and in vitro. As CNS development proceeded, the alpha-taxilin expression level was rapidly down-regulated. In the postnatal CNS, alpha-taxilin expression was almost confined to the neuronal lineage, with the highest levels of expression in motor neurons within the brainstem nuclei and spinal cord and in primary sensory neurons in mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. At the cellular level, alpha-taxilin was preferentially located in Nissl substance-like structures with a tigroid or globular morphology within the soma and proximal to dendrites, but it was excluded from terminals. Combined staining with propidium iodide demonstrated that alpha-taxilin distribution overlapped with the cytoplasmic compartment enriched in RNA species, suggesting a close association of alpha-taxilin with actively translating ribosomes or polysomes in neurons. In agreement with this, a recent study indicated the preferential binding of alpha-taxilin to the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (alphaNAC), a dynamic component of the ribosomal exit tunnel in eukaryotic cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that alpha-taxilin plays multiple roles in the generation and maintenance of neurons through modulation of the NAC-mediated translational machinary and/or the syntaxin-mediated vesicle traffic in the soma.  相似文献   

目的 探讨切口蛋白受体3(notch3)在非功能性垂体腺瘤发病机制中的作用. 方法 收集无锡市第二人民医院神经外科自2005年1月至2011年12月收治的16例被病理证实为非功能性垂体腺瘤的肿瘤标本,以及5例正常垂体组织(通过通过组织捐赠获得),采用逆转录-聚合酶链反应、免疫印迹法、免疫组化等方法观察notch3 mRNA及蛋白在非功能性垂体腺瘤和正常垂体组织中的表达情况. 结果 在非功能性垂体腺瘤组织中,notch3mRNA及蛋白表达均显著上调,高于正常垂体组织,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 Notch3蛋白的过度表达可能在非功能性垂体腺瘤的生长过程中具有重要意义.  相似文献   

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