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海南与广西两地微小按蚊杂交试验   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 观察海南微小按蚊与广西微小按蚊之间是否存在的生殖隔离。方法 在海南与广西两地分别采集微小按蚊,实验室中建立单雌繁殖线,用人工交配方法进行杂交试验,观察后代雌蚊的可育性;按Coluzzi方法制备杂种F1代雌蚊卵巢营养细胞多线染色体标本,观察各区带的联会情况。结果 各交配组的后代均显示可育;杂种F1代雌蚊的卵巢营养细胞多线染色体各区正常联会。结论 海南微小按蚊与广西微小按蚊之间存在生存殖隔离,是  相似文献   

桂南与桂西两地微小按蚊杂交试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对桂南和桂西两地微小按蚊进行杂交试验。发现两地微小按蚊杂种后代都能育,杂种F1卵巢营养细胞多线染色体未见有恒定不联会区。证明桂南和桂西两地微小按蚊不存在生殖隔离,是同种。  相似文献   

目的:观察广西凌云微小按蚊与云南元江微小按蚊之间是否存在生殖隔离.方法:分别在两地的牛房采集胞血的微小按蚊,在实验室单雌驯养2代,用人工交配方法进行杂交试验,观察子1代(F1)的可育性.结果:Y×L组的产卵率极低,卵的孵化率为0,卵内未见胚胎形成,显示不育.Y×F1的孵化率、化蛹率均明显低于亲本,可育性低.结论:广西凌云微小按蚊与云南元江微小按蚊已存在部分生殖隔离,系两个不同的亲缘种.  相似文献   

目的:为了解徽小按蚊在人房的种群密度和栖息情况,我们于2001年7月在勐腊县象明乡进行了该蚊调查。方法:采取二种诱蚊灯(CDC和UV紫外灯)通宵诱蚊,以及白天用杀虫剂全房喷洒,采集栖息在房间的微小按蚊。结果:CDC和UV通宵诱蚊共捕获该蚊396只,其中CDC115只,UV241只,白天杀虫剂喷洒采集到微小按蚊2只,经数据统计分析发出,CDC与UV诱捕微小按蚊有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:UV紫外灯可作为今后微小按蚊密度监测的有效方法。  相似文献   

<正> 微小按蚊属蚊科、按蚊亚科、按蚊属、寒蚊亚属、迈蚊组的蚊种之一,在这个组中,我国已报告的蚊种是:微小按蚊、乌头按蚊、溪流按蚊、瓦容按蚊、库态按蚊和杰普尔按蚊(杰普尔按蚊日月潭亚种),前四种均属微小按蚊种群。微小按蚊的形态变异微小按蚊的触须前1/3黑环与它后白环之比,湖比、福建、广东、广西、四川、贵州和云南的标本,它们的触须前1/3黑环均不到它后白环的3倍宽;而另一部分标本的触须前1/3黑环与它后白环约等宽。微小按蚊翅前缘脉基部虽具小白斑或由少数白鳞片  相似文献   

桂南与桂北微小按蚊杂交试验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过杂交试验,发现桂南与桂北两地微小按蚊杂种后代均可育,杂种F1卵巢营养细胞多线染色体呈联合状态。证明桂南与桂北两地微小按蚊之间不存在生殖隔离。  相似文献   

微小按蚊是海南岛的主要传疟媒介。1959年起每年进行全岛性室内杀虫剂喷洒抗疟后,1963~1965年三次全岛调查,证明微小按蚊已基本消灭。但近年来在一些地方出现微小按蚊回升扩散现象。1978年微小按蚊残存分布调查结果,发现微小按蚊点占28.2%,主要分布在岛的西南部,牛房捕获率高于人房。发现微小按蚊的地方,多数未停止过DDT喷洒。为了进一步了解残存微小按蚊的生态习性及室内DDT喷洒对它的作用,于1981年选择东方县中沙地区进行此项调查研究。  相似文献   

目的了解海南省海口市、文昌市、定安县、屯昌县及临高县按蚊的分布现状。方法采用牛帐法于2011年4~5月在这5市县的山区、丘陵及平原三类环境中选取15个村庄进行调查。结果共捕获按蚊13种2 939只,其中嵌斑按蚊所占比例最高,达58.9%(1 731/2 939),其次为中华按蚊,达26.0%(761/2 939)。主要媒介微小按蚊仅在屯昌2个调查点捕获;另外在海口演丰镇捕获嗜人按蚊。结论中华按蚊及嵌斑按蚊是我省主要按蚊种类;微小按蚊的种群密度可能处于较低水平,分布点也可能在减少;但嗜人按蚊的分布点可能在扩大。  相似文献   

海南岛微小按蚊在1959年大规模喷洒灭蚊前,全岛除海口市外,其余各市县均有发现,是当时的主要疟疾媒介。1959年起连年进行大规模室内滞留喷洒DDT或六六六后,1963-1964年全岛调查,证明微小按蚊已基本消灭。[1、2、3]。七十年代以来调查发现微小按蚊点逐渐增多,近年调查资料表明全岛19个市县均查见微小按蚁,是丘陵区引起疟疾局部流行的重要媒介[4、5、6]。为便于全面了解海南微小按蚁研究现状,现将有关资料综述如下:1.微小按蚊分布情况1953-1957年全岛调查表明除海口市外,其余17个市县均有微小按蚊存在。1959年起经过连年使用杀…  相似文献   

辛硫磷、滴滴涕和凯素灵控制传疟媒介的效果观察   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
辛硫磷、滴滴涕(DDT)人畜房滞留喷洒73天,按蚊(Anopheles)下降率分别为83.22%和87.40%,其中,传疟媒介微小按蚊(An.minimus)下降率为76.67%和71.60%,凯素灵喷洒28天,按蚊下降率为8.59%,微小按蚊为95.50%,辛硫磷1g/m~2滞留洒7天,按蚊下降率为65.56%,喷洒13天微小按蚊下降率达77.36%,辛硫磷室内滞留喷洒控制传疟媒介未见报道,当地控制传疟媒介的首选灭蚊剂为辛硫磷、DDT和凯素灵,但须达到有效量。  相似文献   

目的 寻求较为理想的疟原虫的检出、观察的新方法。方法 将被感染小鼠血细胞进行分层离心,取红细胞层再离心,沉淀物推片瑞氏染色。结果 视野中感染疟原虫的红细胞数量明显增加易于寻找。虫体形态清晰,结构完整利于观察和鉴定。结论 经分层离心后制片是一种较为理想的疟原虫教学标本制作方法。  相似文献   

Chen X  Xiao B  Xu H  Shi W  Gao K  Rao J 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》2003,116(7):1016-1021
Objective To demonstrate the side effects of malariotherapy and to explore safe procedures in conduct of malariotherapy for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients.Methods Twenty HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients were selected for the study of malariotherapy and were intravenously infected with Plasmodia vivax to induce therapeutic malaria. Malaria was terminated with chloroquine after 10 -20 malarial febrile episodes. Clinical assessments were made before (baseline), during (malarial phase) and after (post) termination of malaria. The density of Plasmodia in peripheral blood from the HIV/AIDS patients were compared to that from HIV-negative naturally infected malarial patients who donated the blood for the therapeutically induced malaria. CD4 cell baseline levels were correlated to the severity of malarial symptoms and parasitemia.Results There were no significant differences of Plasmodium density between the HIV/AIDS patients injected with P, vivax and the HIV-negative blood donors. However, it was found that the HIV-positive patients had milder malarial symptoms and parasitemia with progressively lower CD4 cell baseline levels. All patients developed every day or every other day fever episodes with headache and shaking chill. These symptoms were well tolerated with the aid of anti-pyretic medications. Spleen and liver enlargement were seen in 15 of 20 and 4 of 20 patients respectively. Transitory liver effects with increase of serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase were seen in 2 of 20 during malarial phase. Most patients experienced mild to medium anemia and 6 of 20 patients developed thrombocytopenia during malarial phase. All these side effects disappeared after termination of malaria or within one month thereafter. No complications occurred in these patients.Conclusions Therapeutically induced acute vivax malaria was well tolerated in 20 HIV-positive subjects who represented a range of CD4 cell levels from 1868/μ1 to 15/μ1. Malariotherapy did not induce complications while increasing CD4 cell levels in most treated HIV/AIDS patients (results published elsewhere).  相似文献   

Here presents a brief summation of studies on the home-made drughydroxypiperaquine,which has been shown to be an effective malarial suppressant.The chemistry,antimalarial activity,clinical efficacy in malarial chemotherapy aswell as the principal toxicity data of this drug are summarized in this paper.  相似文献   

Rupture of the spleen in malaria may constitute a diagnostic challenge to many clinicians particularly in non-endemic areas where experience with malaria is limited. Our aim is to increase the awareness among clinicians from non-endemic areas of serious malarial complications. We present a young American military man who was admitted to Hamad General Hospital and had 2 serious malarial complications, namely, acute pulmonary edema and rupture of the spleen. He was unusual compared with what was published previously in 4 main points: 1. The rupture of spleen occurred while the patient on mechanical ventilation and under the effect of sedation, which constituted a diagnostic challenge. 2. The 2 complications occurred in a patient with a low parasitemia. 3. The causative species for splenic rupture is Plasmodium falciparum, and 4. The first sample of peripheral blood smear for malarial parasite was negative. We treated him successfully and discharged home in a good condition.  相似文献   

从Wistar株大白鼠尾静脉注射子孢子后2h及16h,腹腔内注射毫菊氯仿提取物70mg/kg两次,42h时肝内红外期疟原虫数量明显减少,其形态大小、成熟度均受到影响,结果提示是菊氯仿提取物对肝内红外期疟原虫发育有明显抑制作用。  相似文献   

In any study there remains a proportion of cases, about 25-40%, where cause of splenomegaly is not identified on usual evaluation, that is labelled as indeterminate group. The aim of this study was to evaluate various causes of splenomegaly. Thereafter the patients with splenomegaly of indeterminate origin were to be re-evaluated with detailed investigations (for the cause of splenomegaly). Causes of splenomegaly were looked into 100 adult patients with splenomegaly, admitted over a period of ten months in a teaching hospital in South India. Patients having ascites were excluded from the study. Malaria was the commonest cause of splenomegaly, observed in 22 patients. Other causes, in order of importance, were chronic myeloid leukaemia (n=11), non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis (n=9), enteric fever (n=9), cirrhosis of liver (n=8) and hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly also called as tropical splenomegaly syndrome (n=7) and so on. Hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly was the commonest cause (7 of 24 patients) of massive splenomegaly. Twenty-three patients had splenomegaly of indeterminate origin ie, cause could not be detected on first assessment. Detailed re-evaluation with repeat investigations including liver biopsy revealed the causes as follows: Hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly -7 (30.4%), non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis - 4 (17.4%), cirrhosis of liver - 4 (17.4%) and iron deficiency anaemia - 5 (21.7%). In 3 patients (13.0%), no diagnosis could be arrived at despite best efforts. Obscure splenomegalies may be due to conditions like hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly, non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis, iron deficiency anaemia, and even cirrhosis of liver, while malaria is still the most important cause of splenomegaly in India. Whereas the overall incidence of hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly was only 7% in this study, it stood as the leading cause (29.2%), when analysed among patients with massive splenomegaly. Liver biopsy should be performed in all cases of obscure splenomegaly to arrive at the final diagnosis.  相似文献   

五指山市居民和上山过夜人群疟疾调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解五指山市居民和上山过夜人群的疟疾实际流行状况及其影响因素。方法 对五指山市1013个居民和307个上山过夜进行工种、居住条件、蚊帐使用、生活习惯、疟疾防护、疟疾发病及治疗等方面的访问调查,并同时采集双份滤纸血和一个厚血膜进行PCR和显微镜带虫检查。结果 居民疟疾年发病率为15.2%,其中恶性疟、间日疟、未分型疟疾年发病率分别为3.8%、8.3%、3.2%。上山过夜人群疟疾年发病率为30.9%,其中恶性疟、间日疟、未分型疟疾年发病率分别为16.6%、6.2%、8.1%;上山过夜和不上山过夜居民带虫率分别为2.3%(7/307)和2.4%(18/744);疟疾漏报率为89.0%。结论 五指山市疟疾流行严重,上山过夜和不采取防护措施为疟疾感染的主要原因,居民防护意识淡漠,及时就诊率低,不良的生活习惯等也是当地疟疾流行的重要原因。  相似文献   

报告以重复横向调查方法,应用间接荧光抗体试验,检测人群的疟疾抗体水平,并同时镜检小学生厚血膜中的疟原虫。调查表明,该地区人群的疟疾抗体阳性率逐年上升,并随年龄的增长而升高;1981年及1982年小学生的原虫阳性率也高于1980年。显示当地疟疾的传播有上升趋势。  相似文献   

Malaria is the most important parasitic disease of man. It is the protozoan infection of RBCs transmitted by bite of blood feeding female anopheline mosquito. Until the 19th century malaria was found throughout Europe, North America and Russia. Since then, it has been eradicated from these areas but in tropics though initial efforts of eradication had been successful, there has been resurgence of disease accompanied by increasing resistance of the anopheline vector to insecticide and of the parasite to antimalarial drugs. We report two cases of falciparum malaria in which there was co-existent vivax malarial infection. These two cases were both exposed to highly endemic zone for malaria.  相似文献   

目的了解孕期疟原虫感染对妊娠结局及母儿的影响。方法选择孕期疟原虫感染248例(观察组)及正常孕妇216例(对照组)为调查对象。比较两组对象在妊娠结局、母体贫血、孕妇死亡、新生儿出生体重及新生儿窒息等方面的差异。结果观察组流产、早产、死胎发生率及孕妇死亡率高于对照组(均P<0.05);观察组引起妊娠贫血与对照组比较无统计学意义,但观察组引起中、重度贫血多于对照组,差异有统计学意义;观察组中低体重新生儿的出生率明显高于对照组,但观察组新生儿窒息的发生与对照组差异无显著性。结论孕期感染疟原虫可增加流产、早产、死胎、新生儿低出生体重的发生,同时加重妊娠贫血,增加孕妇病死率,但对新生儿窒息影响不大。  相似文献   

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