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In this study, 144 cases of biliary colic were treated by injecting Atropine in the auricu-lar points (Liver, Gallbladder). Among the 144 cases, 130 cases were markedly effective, 11 cases ef-fective and 3 cases ineffective, with the effective rate being 97. 90%. The results showed that therewas no difference between colic degrees, ages and analgesic effects. But analgesic effects for biliary as-cariosis and cholecystitis, cholelithiasis are much better than choledochal calculus (P<0.01).  相似文献   

Apatientisconsideredtohavesufferedfromconstipationwhenone'sstoolstaysintheintestineoverterm,andthestoolbecomesdryorhardandcan'tbedischargedoncewithin48hours,orevencan'tbedischargedwithoutlaxa-tive,suppositoryorenema.Theauthortreated65patientswithfunctionalconstipationinTan-zaniabyauricularacupointpressingassociatedwithacupunctureatZusanlipointwithsatisfac-toryresult,duringtwo-yearperiodfromAugust1993toAugust1995.CLINICALDATAofthe65casesofconsllIJ;lt1(;)11,23xvcrcmaleand42werefemaleandthe…  相似文献   

This paper introduces the discovery of the acupoint of auricular vagus nerve rootand its function. Especially the therapeutic effect is immediate for stuffy nose and tinnitus. It is easy,simple and effective therapeutic method without side-effect.  相似文献   

The study has explored 11 correlative variables which might affect the gallblad-der pressure GBP of patients with gall stone after auricular electrical stimulation by means of multiplestepwise regression. It was found that the size of gallbladder stone (X9), cholecystolithiasis (X4),sex (X1), and the baseline of GBP (X10) could affect the GBP change range (Y1) depressingly orreinforcingly. Also the baseline of GBP (Y1) could be affected by the variables X1 (sex), X2 (age),and X6 (long diameter of the gallbladder, LDGB), etc.. The result shows that the change in GBPafter auricular electrical stimulation is comprehensively influenced by multiple factors. And it providessome useful information for predicting the curative effect of auricular therapy on gallbladder stone inclinic.  相似文献   

119 patients with gastroduodenal diseases were observed,clinically and experi-mentally,on the effect of electro-acupuncture at the auricular acupoint"Gastric area" on gastrogram,and the effect was compared with that of Heart area and Ear tip points.There was a significant differ-ence in the amplitudes and frequencies of gastrogram of patients between pre-and post-acupuncture(P<0.01),with good diphasic regulation;the effect of acupuncturing at"Gastric area" is the mostsignificant as compared with that at "Heart" and "Ear tip".The experiment demonstrates that thereis a relationship between the "Gastric area" and stomach,and indicates that there is relative specificityof "Gastric Area" to stomach.This provides the experimental foundation for the auricular acupointtherapy in clinic.  相似文献   

Medicinalvesiculation ,alsoknownascoldmoxibustion ,whichhasbeendevelopedintotheapplicationofdrugattheacupuointinmoderntimes,referstothetherapyinwhichcertaindrug(s)is(are) placedoveranacupointtoinduceblistersortocauselocalcongestionfortherapeu ticpurpose.It…  相似文献   

Professor YAN Li , a well-known physician of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) fromthe First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin College of TCM, has engaged in clinical work for nearly 40 years and is good at treating encephalopathy, diabetes mellitus , hypertension, etc .. During my advanced study in Tianjin,the first author of this paper fortunately fol- lowed Professor YANin clinical practice and gained a great deal of benefits fromher .Following are her ex- perience about treatment of …  相似文献   

穴位贴敷治疗哮喘117例临床观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据“冬病夏治”的原则,采用伏天在背部肺俞、膈俞、肾俞贴敷哮喘膏的方法治疗哮喘。临床分组治疗观察117例,结果,虚寒型有效率为96%,痰热型有效率为84%,统计学处理提示,虚寒型与痰热型两组疗效差异有显著意义(P<0.001)。  相似文献   

In recent decades, the development of TCM diagnostic tools at home and abroad has made gratifying achievements.Venation diagnostic apparatus, moxibustion apparatus, magneto therapy apparatus, and tongue diagnosis instrument all have appeared.It signified the equipment has gone into the new stage of development of TCM diagnosis and treatment.This article gives a restricted view to the application of TCM diagnosis and treatment instrument from auricular point diagnosis.It pointed out that the technology content of TCM diagnosis instrument obviously on the low side:innovative TCM diagnosis and treatment apparatuses are less Diagnostic instruments will help the existing pattern of TCM diagnosis and treatment; they can provide a more scientific database, but they will not replace expert diagnosis.The involvements of diagnostic instruments are seen as a bridge: they will lead TCM to progress.Continuous improvements of diagnostic tools will also bring greater progress and development of TCM.  相似文献   

In the present paper,the therapeutic effect of acupoint application of Chinese materia Medica in the treatment of allergic asthma was observed.The results revealed that topical application of drug-paste[mixture of powder of Mahuang(Herba Ephedrae),Xixin (Herba Asari),Baijiezi(Semen Sinapis Albae),etc.]at the acupuncture points could improve symptome and signs of allergic asthma patients,with the total effective rate being 69.57%(16/23)for the short-term effect,and 52.17%(12/23)for the long-term effect.In medication(Aminophylline)group,of the 25 cases of allergic asthma,16(64.0%)were effective after 4 weeks of treatment,while 6(24.0%)were still effective that was shown by 6-months‘ follow up.The therapeutic effect of acupoint application group was significantly better than that of medication group in the long-term effect.Results also showed that no obvious interrelation between the short-term therapeutic effect and the duration of the severity of the disease.Results also display that acupoint application therapy is an effective,safe and handy method withfewer side effects for asthma.  相似文献   

为观察散瘀接骨精在四肢骨关节损伤康复中应用的疗效,将208例由于四肢骨关节损伤所致的组织粘连和瘢痕形成引起的陈旧性伤痛患者分两组治疗。对照组99例,在医师指导下行功能训练、物理治疗等常规处理;治疗组109例,加用散瘀接骨精以手法在损伤部位反复按揉20分钟,每天2次,7~10天为1个疗程;分别观察两组病人用药前后疼痛、肿胀、压痛、功能障碍等症状体征。均于治疗2个疗程后第4周观察疗效,结果治疗组显愈率80.7%,总有效率99.1%,对照组显愈率31.3%,总有效率82.8%,两组疗效差异有显著性。表明散瘀接骨精在四肢骨关节损伤康复治疗中效果显著。  相似文献   

为探索手法整复肱骨髁上骨折旋转移位时控制旋转角度的方法。根据肱骨下段宽阔而且扁平的结构特点 ,将 2 5张成人正常肱骨标准侧位 X线片、11张儿童正常肱骨标准侧位 X线片、16具成人正常上肢骨骼标本、8例肱骨髁上骨折患儿手术时的上肢骨骼 ,按年龄分为成人组和儿童组。对肱骨下段背面进行观察 ,并且测量 :1肱骨长轴和肱骨下段背面的夹角 ;2屈肘 90°位尺骨长轴和肱骨下段背面与横切面交线的垂线之间的夹角。结果发现 ,肱骨下段背面通常近似一平面 ,上述 2种夹角的角度在成人与儿童间数值差异无显著性 (P>0 .0 5 )。表明肱骨下段背侧平面确实存在 ;肱骨长轴和肱骨下段背面的夹角以及在屈肘 90°位尺骨长轴和肱骨下段背面与横切面交线的垂线之间夹角的角度均较恒定。根据上述肱骨下段的解剖特点设计出屈肘位定量内摆前臂法 ,并以此矫正传统手法整复失败的 16例患者的旋转移位 ,一次复位成功 13例 ,占 81.3% ,且无神经血管损伤。提示将角度量化的复位手法治疗旋转移位较传统手法更有效  相似文献   

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