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Carroll J  Zeng FG 《Hearing research》2007,231(1-2):42-53
Increasing the number of channels at low frequencies improves discrimination of fundamental frequency (F0) in cochlear implants (Geurts, L., Wouters, J., 2004. Better place-coding of the fundamental frequency in cochlear implants. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115 (2), 844-852). We conducted three experiments to test whether improved F0 discrimination can be translated into increased speech intelligibility in noise in a cochlear implant simulation. The first experiment measured F0 discrimination and speech intelligibility in quiet as a function of channel density over different frequency regions. The results from this experiment showed a tradeoff in performance between F0 discrimination and speech intelligibility with a limited number of channels. The second experiment tested whether improved F0 discrimination and optimizing this tradeoff could improve speech performance with a competing talker. However, improved F0 discrimination did not improve speech intelligibility in noise. The third experiment identified the critical number of channels needed at low frequencies to improve speech intelligibility in noise. The result showed that, while 16 channels below 500Hz were needed to observe any improvement in speech intelligibility in noise, even 32 channels did not achieve normal performance. Theoretically, these results suggest that without accurate spectral coding, F0 discrimination and speech perception in noise are two independent processes. Practically, the present results illustrate the need to increase the number of independent channels in cochlear implants.  相似文献   



Speech recognition varies considerably following cochlear implantation for reasons that are still poorly understood. Considering the role of frequency discrimination in normal speech recognition, the aim of this study was to investigate the association between deficits in auditory frequency discrimination and speech recognition in cochlear implant users.


Frequency discrimination thresholds and speech recognition were assessed in a group of 20 cochlear implant users and 16 normally hearing controls.


Based on their results on the speech recognition task, the cochlear implant users were categorized either as proficient (n = 10) or non-proficient users (n = 10). The non-proficient cochlear implant users had poorer auditory frequency discrimination compared to the normal hearing participants and proficient cochlear implant users (both P < 0.05). No significant difference was found between the proficient cochlear implant users and the normally hearing group (P > 0.05). Furthermore, a bivariate correlation analysis revealed a relationship between speech recognition and frequency discrimination.


The present findings suggest an association between auditory frequency discrimination and speech recognition proficiency in cochlear implant users. Although no causal link can be drawn from these data, possible reasons for this association are discussed.  相似文献   

Tests utilizing audio-visual presentations of speech may have more significance than has hitherto been recognized. Such tests appear to offer more reliable, more realistic and more reproducible measures of communication impairments than either auditory speech discrimination tests, or visual speech discrimination tests.  相似文献   

The choice of frequency boundaries for the analysis channels of cochlear implants has been shown to impact the speech perception performance of adult recipients (Skinner et al, 1995; Fourakis et al, 2004). While technological limitations heretofore have limited the clinical feasibility of investigating novel frequency assignments, the SPEAR3 research processor affords the opportunity to investigate an unlimited number of possibilities. Here, four different assignments are evaluated using a variety of speech stimuli. All participants accommodated to assignment changes, and no one assignment was significantly preferred. The results suggest that better performance can be achieved using a strategy whereby (1) there are at least 7-8 electrodes allocated below 1000 Hz, (2) the majority of remaining electrodes are allocated between 1100-3000 Hz, and (3) the region above 3 kHz is represented by relatively few electrodes (i.e., 1-3). The results suggest that such frequency assignment flexibility should be made clinically available.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of reverberation upon the speech discrimination performance of 30 normally hearing subjects and 30 persons with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Following preliminary tests, the Modified Rhyme Test was administered monaurally and binaurally at reverberation times of 0, 1, 2 and 3 sec. All stimuli were administered under earphones. The lists and conditions were appropriately randomized and counterbalanced so that each subject heard a test list at each reverberation time (RT) monaurally and binaurally. The expected gain due to binaural summation of loudness was simulated in order to test the possibility that any binaural enhancement of intelligibility might be due to binaural loudness summation. For all conditions, the normally hearing subjects performed significantly better than the hearing-impaired group. However, in relative terms, the two groups were remarkably similar. Binaural scores were significantly higher than monaural scores at each RT for both groups (in spite of homophasic conditions). For both groups, monaural and binaural scores decreased with increasing RT. Monaural scores decreased at a significantly faster rate with RT than did the binaural scores (the binaural advantage, however, was larger for the normal group). Increasing the monaural presentation levels to simulate the binaural loudness gain did not result in higher scores. It was concluded that speech discrimination under reverberation is better binaurally than monaurally for both normally hearing and hearing-impaired persons. This is due, at least partly, to the ability of the binaural auditory system to squelch the effects of reverberation. A tentative model is suggested for the binaural squelch of reverberation. The current findings are compared with existing data; and suggestions are offered for clinical application.  相似文献   

Experiments previously reported in the literature suggest that people with dyslexia have a deficit in categorical perception. However, it is still unclear whether the deficit is specific to the perception of speech sounds or whether it more generally affects auditory function. In order to investigate the relationship between categorical perception and dyslexia, as well as the nature of this categorization deficit, speech specific or not, the discrimination responses of children who have dyslexia and those of average readers to sinewave analogues of speech sounds were compared. These analogues were presented in two different conditions, either as nonspeech whistles or as speech sounds. Results showed that children with dyslexia are less categorical than average readers in the speech condition, mainly because they are better at discriminating acoustic differences between stimuli belonging to the same category. In the nonspeech condition, discrimination was also better for children with dyslexia, but differences in categorical perception were less clear-cut. Further, the location of the categorical boundary on the stimulus continuum differed between speech and nonspeech conditions. As a whole, this study shows that categorical deficit in children with dyslexia results primarily from an increased perceptibility of within-category differences and that it has a speech-specific component. These findings may have profound implications for learning and re-education.  相似文献   

It is known that the middle ear acoustic reflex (AR) alters the transmission characteristics of the auditory system; however, disagreement exists on how these changes may influence the ears; transfer of speech stimuli. In this study, speech with and without a competing message was delivered at supra-AR levels to cat ears that demonstrated an active and a pharmaceutically inactivated middle ear reflex mechanism. Resulting cochlear potentials were tape recorded and subsequently presented to 18 human subjects with normal hearing. Findings suggest word and sentence discrimination is enhanced in the presence of a functioning AR, with implications for hearing aid use and stapedectomy procedure.  相似文献   

N. F. Viemeister and G. H. Wakefield's (1991) multiple looks hypothesis is a theoretical approach from the psychoacoustic literature that has promise for bridging the gap between results from speech perception research and results from psychoacoustic research. This hypothesis accounts for sensory detection data and predicts that if the "looks" at a stimulus are independent and information is combined optimally, sensitivity should increase for 2 pulses relative to 1 pulse. Specifically, d' (a bias-free measure of sensitivity) for 2 pulses should be larger than d' for 1 pulse. One speech discrimination paradigm that presents stimuli with multiple presentations is the change/no-change procedure. On a change trial, the standard and comparison stimuli differ; on a no-change trial, they are the same. Normal-hearing adults were tested using the change/no-change procedure with 3 consonant-vowel minimal pairs in combinations of 1, 2, and 4 repetitions of standard and comparison stimuli at various signal-to-noise ratios. If multiple looks extend to this procedure, performance should increase with higher repetition numbers. Performance increased with more presentations of the speech contrasts tested. The multiple looks hypothesis predicted performance better at low repetition numbers when performance was near d' values of 1.0 than at higher repetition numbers and higher performance levels.  相似文献   

Time-compressed versions of the WIPI and PB-K 50 speech discrimination measures were presented at two sensation levels to 60 children divided into three age-groups of 20 each. Results showed that average intelligibility scores increased as a function of increasing age and sensation level and decreased with increasing amounts of time compression. The PB-K 50 measure was found to be more difficult than the WIPI for each age-group under each condition of time compression and sensation level. The several factors under study were found to interact. The results are discussed relative to open- versus closed-message set response tasks and the implications for audiological diagnoses of children with central auditory processing problems.  相似文献   

Chatterjee M  Peng SC 《Hearing research》2008,235(1-2):143-156
Fundamental frequency (F0) processing by cochlear implant (CI) listeners was measured using a psychophysical task and a speech intonation recognition task. Listeners' Weber fractions for modulation frequency discrimination were measured using an adaptive, 3-interval, forced-choice paradigm: stimuli were presented through a custom research interface. In the speech intonation recognition task, listeners were asked to indicate whether resynthesized bisyllabic words, when presented in the free field through the listeners' everyday speech processor, were question-like or statement-like. The resynthesized tokens were systematically manipulated to have different initial-F0s to represent male vs. female voices, and different F0 contours (i.e. falling, flat, and rising) Although the CI listeners showed considerable variation in performance on both tasks, significant correlations were observed between the CI listeners' sensitivity to modulation frequency in the psychophysical task and their performance in intonation recognition. Consistent with their greater reliance on temporal cues, the CI listeners' performance in the intonation recognition task was significantly poorer with the higher initial-F0 stimuli than with the lower initial-F0 stimuli. Similar results were obtained with normal hearing listeners attending to noiseband-vocoded CI simulations with reduced spectral resolution.  相似文献   

The relation between reading ability and performance on an auditory temporal pattern discrimination task was investigated in children who were either good or delayed readers. The stimuli in the primary task consisted of sequences of tones, alternating between high and low frequencies. The threshold interstimulus interval (ISI) for discrimination of differences in the temporal properties of the sequences was measured. An ISI threshold was also measured in a control task that was identical to the primary task, except all tones in a control sequence had the same frequency. Delayed readers and good readers were equally able to discriminate the timing of the sequences at short ISIs, for both the primary and control tasks. Furthermore, the ISI thresholds were not correlated with the ability to read either irregular words or nonwords. These results suggest that reading ability is not related to the ability to track large and rapid frequency changes in auditory temporal patterns.  相似文献   

CONCLUSION: Neither speech understanding nor frequency discrimination ability was better in Nucleus Contour users than in Nucleus 24 straight electrode users. Furthermore, perimodiolar electrode placement does not result in better frequency discrimination. OBJECTIVES: We addressed three questions related to perimodiolar electrode placement. First, do patients implanted with the Contour electrode understand speech better than with an otherwise identical device that has a straight electrode? Second, do these groups have different frequency discrimination abilities? Third, is the distance of the electrode from the modiolus related to frequency discrimination ability? SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Contour and straight electrode users were matched on four important variables. We then tested these listeners on CNC word and HINT sentence identification tasks, and on a formant frequency discrimination task. We also examined X-rays and measured the distance of the electrodes from the modiolus to determine whether there is a relationship between this factor and frequency discrimination ability. RESULTS: Both speech understanding and frequency discrimination abilities were similar for listeners implanted with the Contour vs a straight electrode. Furthermore, there was no linear relationship between electrode-modiolus distance and frequency discrimination ability. However, we did note a second-order relationship between these variables, suggesting that frequency discrimination is worse when the electrodes are either too close or too far away from the modiolus.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The change/no-change procedure (J. E. Sussman & A. E. Carney, 1989), which assesses speech discrimination, has been used under the assumption that the number of stimulus presentations does not influence performance. Motivated by the tenets of the multiple looks hypothesis (N. F. Viemeister & G. H. Wakefield, 1991), work by R. F. Holt and A. E. Carney (2005) called this assumption into question (at least for adults): Nonsense syllable discrimination improved with more stimulus presentations. This study investigates the nature of developmental differences and the effects of multiple stimulus presentations in the change/no-change procedure. METHOD: Thirty normal-hearing children, ages 4.0-5.9 years, were tested on 3 consonant-vowel contrasts at various signal-to-noise ratios using combinations of 2 and 4 standard and comparison stimulus repetitions. RESULTS: Although performance fell below that which is predicted by the multiple looks hypothesis in most conditions, discrimination was enhanced with more stimulus repetitions for 1 speech contrast. The relative influence of standard and comparison stimulus repetitions varied across the speech contrasts in a manner different from that of adults. CONCLUSION: Despite providing no additional sensory information, multiple stimulus repetitions enhanced children's discrimination of 1 set of nonsense syllables. The results have implications for models of developmental speech perception and assessing speech discrimination in children.  相似文献   

This study investigated maturational changes in children's ability to discriminate the frequency of short-duration tone pulses. Frequency difference limens (DLs) were measured for digitally generated 1000-Hz tones with pulse durations of 200, 50, and 20 ms using a two-alternative, two-interval, forced-choice procedure. Participants were 16 5-year-old children; 10 children each in the age categories of 7, 9, and 11 years; and a control group of 10 young adults. Eleven of the 5-year-old children were unable to learn the experimental task. All children in the three older groups and the adults successfully completed the study. The five 5-year-old children who completed the task performed similarly to the 7-year-old children. All groups of participants showed an inverse relationship between duration of the signal and the size of the DL. The DLs at all three tone durations were significantly larger for the 7-year-old children than they were for the older children and adults. There were no significant differences in DL size among the 9-year-old, 11-year-old, and adult subjects at any tone duration. These findings suggest that the sensory and/or cognitive skills required to discriminate the frequency of brief-duration tones may not reach maturity until after age 7 years.  相似文献   

Two speech processor programs (MAPs) differing only in electrode frequency boundary assignments were created for each of eight Nucleus 24 Cochlear Implant recipients. The default MAPs used typical frequency boundaries, and the experimental MAPs reassigned one additional electrode to vowel formant regions. Four objective speech tests and a questionnaire were used to evaluate speech recognition with the two MAPs. Results for the closed-set vowel test and the formant discrimination test showed small but significant improvement in scores with the experimental MAP. Differences for the Consonant-Vowel Nucleus-Consonant word test and closed-set consonant test were nonsignificant. Feature analysis revealed no significant differences in information transmission. Seven of the eight subjects preferred the experimental MAP, reporting louder, crisper, and clearer sound. The results suggest that Nucleus 24 recipients should be given an opportunity to compare a MAP that assigns more electrodes in vowel formant regions with the default MAP to determine which provides the most benefit in everyday life.  相似文献   

Tests utilizing audio-visual presentations of speech may have more significance than has hitherto been recognized. Such tests appear to offer more reliable, more realistic and more reproducible measures of communication impairments than either auditory speech discrimination tests, or visual speech discrimination tests.  相似文献   

Forty hearing-impaired young adults were tested with a newly developed instrument designed to assess auditory speech processing skill. Analyses indicated that the resulting test data could be characterized in terms of the Rasch model for person measurement. Evidence of the scale's empirical validity also was obtained. The instrument uses a closed-set sentence discrimination task, and appears to be useful over a fairly wide range of hearing losses.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in speech discrimination in infants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A visually reinforced infant speech discrimination (VRISD) paradigm is described and evaluated. Infants at two ages were tested with the new paradigm on the following speech contrasts: [sa] vs [va], [sa] vs [fa], [sa] VS [za], [as] vs [a:s], vs [a:z], [at] vs [a:d], [a:t] vs [a:d], [at] vs [a:t], [fa] vs [thetaa]and [fi] vs [thetai]. The data reported are compared with data on the same speech contrasts obtained from three month olds in a high-amplitude sucking paradigm. Evidence suggesting developmental changes in speech-sound discriminatory ability is reported. Results are interpreted in light of salience of available acoustic cues and in terms of new methodological advances.  相似文献   

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