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Although there is extensive theoretical and empirical evidence linking men's alcohol abuse and marital violence, no previous studies have assessed the substance use characteristics of women arrested for domestic violence. We recruited 35 women who were arrested for domestic violence and court-referred to batterer intervention programs. We administered multiple measures of substance use and abuse and assessed the women's marital aggression, marital satisfaction, depressive symptomatology, use of general violence, and their relationship partners' substance use. We also divided the sample into groups of hazardous drinkers (HD) and nonhazardous drinkers (NHD). Across the entire sample, almost half of the women were classified as HD. Over one-quarter of the women reported symptoms consistent with an alcohol abuse or dependence diagnosis, and approximately one-quarter of the sample reported symptoms consistent with a drug-related diagnosis. Over one-half of the total sample reported that their relationship partners were HD. Relative to the NHD group, the HD group scored higher on measures of drug problems, relationship aggression, general violence, and marital dissatisfaction. The results of the study suggest that substance use and abuse should routinely be assessed as part of batterer interventions and that batterer programs would be improved by offering adjunct or integrated alcohol treatment.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among distal (paternal and maternal family history of alcohol problems and violence) and proximal (general alcohol use, acute use associated with conflict incidents, alcohol-aggression expectancies) factors and physical aggression severity among 125 men and 125 women recruited from substance abuse treatment. Paternal alcohol problem history (PA) was related to alcohol-aggression expectancies, but no family history factors were related to general or acute alcohol use. Separate analyses examining predictors of aggression were conducted, one with general alcohol use and one with acute alcohol use. In both analyses, alcohol use and the maternal violence (MV) by PA interaction were significant. Specifically, MV was associated with aggression severity for those with a history of PA. The general alcohol use model also revealed significant alcohol by expectancy and MV by gender interactions. The findings suggest that expectancies are not the primary mediator of the alcohol-aggression relationship, alcohol use measurement issues may impact whether expectancies are observed to moderate the alcohol-aggression relationship, and that both maternal and paternal family history factors appear to impact aggression severity.  相似文献   

Despite an association between violence perpetration and substance use, the characteristics associated with violence among patients in treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs) are not well documented. Data were gathered from a national sample of men (n = 4,459) and women (n = 1,774) entering SUD treatment on history of violence perpetration, exposure to childhood physical abuse (CPA) and childhood sexual abuse (CSA), and reasons for entering treatment. Rates of violence perpetration were high (72% of men, 50% of women), and violence was associated with being referred by family members, prior SUD treatment, CPA, and CSA. In multivariate analyses, CPA was a significant correlate of violence perpetration across gender; however, CSA was only significant among women. Findings highlight the need for increased screening and treatment of violence perpetration among patients with SUD and suggest that CSA may be an important correlate of violence perpetration among women.  相似文献   

Although millions of adults meet criteria for substance use disorder (SUD) in the U.S., only a fraction receive treatment. This may be due to individuals with SUD not perceiving a need for treatment. In order to distinguish persons with SUD who perceive a need for treatment from those who do not, correlates for the perceived need for treatment were assessed for respondents with alcohol use disorder only, drug use disorder only and both alcohol and drug use disorder. Data were from the combined 2005-2009 datasets of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Logistic regression models were used to calculate odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals. Results demonstrated that among respondents who need treatment but did not receive treatment for alcohol use disorder, drug use disorder and both alcohol and drug use disorders, 3.3%, 8.3% and 12.4% perceived a need for treatment, respectively. No single socio-demographic correlate was predictive of perceiving a need across the three subpopulations suggesting that screenings for substance use disorder should be done in a setting where the general population may be accessed, e.g. primary care settings. Correlates associated with perceiving a need for treatment for all three subpopulations included psychological distress, disorder severity and substance type. Although respondents with greater disorder severity were more likely to perceive a need for treatment, a large proportion of those still do not perceive a need for treatment. Screening and brief interventions would facilitate treatment entry among those with the most severe disorders.  相似文献   



The present study was designed to examine the relationship between prior partner and non-partner aggression and suicidal ideation in patients seeking drug and alcohol treatment.


Patients entering drug and alcohol treatment (n = 488) were screened for prior partner and non-partner aggression as well as recent suicidal thoughts. We examined the association between aggression and suicidal ideation in bivariate and multivariate models.


Within the past two weeks, 33% (159/488) of the sample reported suicidal ideation. In bivariate analyses, neither psychological nor physical aggression towards a non-partner was related to suicidal ideation. Partner psychological aggression was related to suicidal ideation in bivariate but not multivariate analyses. Physical aggression towards a partner was consistently related to higher rates of suicidal ideation even after controlling for other known risk factors (OR = 1.8; CI = 1.1–2.7). Mediational analyses indicate that this relationship was no longer significant after accounting for current negative affect.


Suicidal ideation is common in patients seeking drug and alcohol treatment and particularly likely in those who report prior aggression towards a partner.  相似文献   

This study examined intimate partner aggression in a sample of 489 participants enrolled in substance use disorder treatment, and expands on prior research by including measures of various forms of aggression, a mixed gender sample (76% men, 24% women), and measurement of several potential risk domains. Aggression measures included both participant-partner and partner-to-participant psychological aggression, physical aggression and injury. Analyses focused on the role of distal and proximal risk factors, including demographics, history of childhood physical and sexual abuse, and family history of problems with alcohol, drugs and depression, as well as recent substance use and symptoms of depression. Overall rates of participant-partner psychological aggression (77%), physical aggression (54%) and injuring partners (33%) were high, as were rates of partner-to-participant psychological aggression (73%), physical aggression (51%), and injury (33%). Several distal (family history variables, physical abuse) and proximal factors (binge drinking, several different drugs, depressive symptoms) were bivariately related to most of the aggression measures. However, according to multivariate analyses predicting aggression and injury measures, binge drinking and cocaine use were the drugs significantly associated with most measures, depression symptoms also were related to most aggression and injury measures, and a history of reported childhood physical abuse was related to all frequency of aggression and injury measures among those reporting such behaviors. Overall, the high rates of aggression among both men and women observed in this study further illustrate the need for interventions targeting substance use and aggression, and for further research regarding the inter-relationships among substance, aggression and depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

Outcomes after behavioral couples therapy (BCT) were compared for 19 dually diagnosed veterans with combat-related PTSD and a substance use disorder (SUD, primarily alcohol dependence) and 19 veterans with SUD only. Clients with and without comorbid PTSD had very similar pre-treatment clinical profiles on dimensions of substance misuse, relationship functioning, and psychological symptoms. Further, both PTSD and non-PTSD clients showed good compliance with BCT, attending a high number of BCT sessions, taking Antabuse, and going to AA. Finally, both PTSD and non-PTSD groups improved from before BCT to immediately after and 12 months after BCT. Specific improvements noted were increased relationship satisfaction and reductions in drinking, negative consequences of drinking, male-to-female violence, and psychological distress symptoms. Extent and pattern of improvement over time were similar whether the client had PTSD or not. The present results suggest that BCT may have promise in treating clients with comorbid SUD and combat-related PTSD.  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between the use of various substances, selected psychosocial characteristics, and violence was examined. Groups of subjects in treatment for a primary problem with cocaine (n=300), cannabis (n=128), alcohol (n=110), other drugs (33), tobacco (n=249) or gambling (n=199) completed a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire included questions on various psychosocial scales (i.e., aggressive personality, chronic stress, sleep problems, impulsivity, disrespect for the law and social supports), frequency of drug and alcohol use, and violence in the past year. For the univariate analyses, all of the drug and psychosocial variables were significantly related to violence. In the multivariate analyses, frequency of cocaine and alcohol use, disrespect for the law, aggressive personality, age and sex were significantly related to violence. The findings point to multi-causal explanations; however, both alcohol and cocaine use appear to play a significant role in explaining violence.  相似文献   

BackgroundPolydrug use may challenge effective treatment for substance use disorders. We evaluate whether secondary substance use modifies the association between treatment and primary drug use among primary heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine (MA) users.MethodsData were obtained from prospective cohort studies on people who use illicit drugs (PWUD) in California, USA. Using repeated monthly data on self-reported secondary substance use (heroin, cocaine, MA, alcohol or marijuana; ≥1 day in a month), primary drug use (≥1 day in a month), and treatment participation, collected via timeline follow-back, we fitted generalized linear mixed multiple regression models controlling for potential confounders to examine the interactions between treatment and secondary substance use on the odds of primary heroin, cocaine and MA use, respectively.ResultsIncluded in our study were 587 primary heroin, 444 primary MA, and 501 primary cocaine users, with a median of 32.4, 13.3 and 18.9 years of follow-up, respectively. In the absence of secondary substance use, treatment was strongly associated with decreased odds of primary drug use (adjusted odds ratios (aORs): 0.25, 95% CI: 0.24, 0.27, 0.07 (0.06, 0.08), and 0.07 (0.07, 0.09)) for primary heroin, MA, and cocaine users, respectively. Secondary substance use of any kind moderated these associations (0.82 (0.78, 0.87), 0.25 (0.21, 0.30) and 0.53 (0.45, 0.61), respectively), and these findings were consistent for each type of secondary substance considered. Moreover, we observed different associations in terms of direction and magnitude between secondary substance use and primary drug use during off-treatment periods across substance types.ConclusionThis study demonstrates secondary substance use moderates the temporal associations between treatment and primary drug use among primary heroin, MA and cocaine users. Disparate patterns of polydrug use require careful measurement and analysis to inform targeted treatment for polydrug users.  相似文献   

The majority of U.S. adults with substance abuse or dependence are gainfully employed. However, little is known about outcomes among stably employed people in treatment for substance dependence. Participants (N = 212) entering a residential treatment program completed the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) at intake and 6 and 12 months follow-up. Significant improvements were seen in absenteeism, number of employment problem days, and whether their job was in jeopardy 12 months later. Overall, 65% were retained by their original employer. ASI composite alcohol, drug, legal, family, and psychiatric scores also improved significantly. Continuous abstinence was achieved by 65% and 51% at 6 and 12 months, respectively. Although less likely to be referred to treatment by their employer, women responded to treatment as well as men, reporting similar abstinence rates and overall quality of life during the year following discharge from treatment.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether (combinations of) specific substance use disorders predicted any and severe perpetration and victimization in males and females entering substance abuse treatment. All patients (N = 1799) were screened for IPV perpetration and victimization; almost one third of the sample committed or experienced any IPV in the past year. For males, an alcohol use disorder in combination with a cannabis and/or cocaine use disorder significantly predicted any IPV (perpetration and/or victimization) as well as severe IPV perpetration. For females, alcohol and cocaine abuse/dependence predicted both any IPV (perpetration and/or victimization) and severe IPV perpetration. Results from the present study emphasize the importance of routinely assessing IPV in patients in substance abuse treatment and demonstrate that clinicians should be particularly alert for IPV in patients with specific substance use disorder combinations.  相似文献   

Although cross-sectional studies reveal an association between women's substance use and experiencing physical violence from one's intimate partner, the temporal ordering of these variables is not clearly established. The current study involved longitudinal examination of the association of women's substance use with subsequent experiences of intimate partner violence as well as the association between women's experiences of intimate partner violence and their subsequent substance use. Women ages 18-30 who were in heterosexual relationships (n=724) were recruited through random digit dialing in the Buffalo, NY, area. Within ongoing relationships, women's use of hard drugs was associated with increased odds of experiencing intimate partner violence over the next 12 months. Both marijuana and hard drug use were associated with increased likelihood of experiencing violence in new relationships. Women's heavy episodic drinking did not predict subsequent experiences of partner violence in ongoing or new relationships. Experiences of intimate partner violence had a significant effect on subsequent relationship satisfaction, which was modestly associated with subsequent heavy episodic drinking but not with subsequent drug use.  相似文献   

Previous research has identified a strong association between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorder (SUD), necessitating the development of treatments that address both conditions. Some pharmacotherapies are effective for the treatment of PTSD and SUD alone, however; no medications have been proven to be effective for the combination of these conditions. We review the recent advances in pharmacological treatment of comorbid PTSD and SUD. A randomized clinical trial of sertraline, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), did not show overall efficacy for comorbid PTSD and alcohol dependence (AD), although it may have efficacy among light drinkers. Another clinical trial demonstrated the efficacy of both disulfiram and naltrexone for the treatment of AD in individuals with PTSD. A more recent clinical trial suggested that norepinephrine uptake inhibitors may also have efficacy for the treatment of comorbid PTSD and AD. In animal and preliminary human studies, brain norepinephrine and glutamate/GABA have emerged as potential treatment targets for comorbid PTSD and SUD. Noradrenergic medications that are promising for comorbid PTSD and SUD include prazosin, guanfacine, and atomoxetine. Promising glutamate/GABA medications include topiramate, memantine, acamprosate, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), and ketamine. The safety and efficacy of these medications for the treatment of PTSD and SUD need to be tested in controlled clinical trials.  相似文献   

Alcohol use disorders (AUDs) continue to be one of the most pervasive and costly of the substance use disorders (SUDs). Despite evidence of clinical effectiveness, adoption of medications for the treatment of AUDs is suboptimal. Low rates of AUD medication adoption have been explained by characteristics of both treatment organizations and individual counselor's attitudes and behaviors. However, few studies have simultaneously examined the impact of organizational-level and counselor-level characteristics on counselor perceptions of EBPs. To address this gap in the literature, we use data from a national sample of 1178 counselors employed in 209 privately funded treatment organizations to examine the effects of organizational and individual counselor characteristics on counselor attitudes toward tablet and injectable naltrexone. Results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) show that organizational characteristics (use of tablet/injectable naltrexone in the program, 12-step orientation) were associated with counselor perceptions of naltrexone. Net of organizational characteristics, several counselor level characteristics were associated with attitudes toward tablet and injectable naltrexone including gender, tenure in the field, recovery status, percentage of AUD patients, and receipt of medication-specific training. These findings reveal that counselor receptiveness toward naltrexone is shaped in part by the organizational context in which counselors are embedded.  相似文献   

We examined the interaction between a form of subjective emotional reactivity (perceived coping) and physiological reactivity in relation to risk for substance use disorders. Skin conductance responses to unpredictable white noise blasts were collected from 110 men and women who also rated their perceived coping to the blasts and underwent semi-structured interviews to assess psychiatric symptoms. Reported inability to cope in conjunction with low skin conductance reactivity were related to higher symptom counts of alcohol and cannabis use disorders as well as antisocial personality disorder symptoms. The findings highlight the potential importance of the interface between cognitive/emotional and physiological processes as they relate to risk for substance use disorders and perhaps other externalizing disorders.  相似文献   

The present study describes patterns of co-morbidity between alcohol use and other substance use problems in the Australian population using data from the 1997 National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being. Multiple regression analyses examined whether the observed associations between alcohol and other drug use disorders were explained by other variables, including demographic characteristics and neuroticism. We also assessed whether the presence of co-morbid substance use disorders affected treatment seeking for a mental health problem. Alcohol use was related strongly to the use of other substances. Those who did not report alcohol use within the past 12 months were less likely to report using tobacco, cannabis, sedatives, stimulants or opiates. Higher rates again were observed among those with alcohol use disorders: half (51%) of those who were alcohol-dependent were regular tobacco smokers, one-third had used cannabis (32%); 15% reported other drug use; 15% met criteria for a cannabis use disorder and 7% met criteria for another drug use disorder. These associations were not accounted for by the demographic and other variables considered here. Co-morbid substance use disorders (sedatives, stimulants or opioids) predicted a high likelihood of seeking treatment for a mental health problem among alcohol-dependent people. [Degenhardt L, Hall W. Patterns of co-morbidity between alcohol use and other substance use in the Australian population. Drug Alcohol Rev 2003;22:7 - 13]  相似文献   

The present study sought to address a gap in the literature by providing preliminary evidence of the prevalence and clinical characteristics of comorbid generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and alcohol use disorders (AUD) in a front-line outpatient substance abuse clinic. Of 39 outpatients meeting criteria for an AUD, nearly half (46%) also met criteria for current GAD. The onset of GAD occurred prior to AUD in 67% of comorbid cases, with an average time lag of 12.5 years among individuals with primary GAD. Participants with comorbid GAD–AUD endorsed higher levels of worry severity and worry-reduction alcohol expectancies, and 55.6% of comorbid participants had a history of suicide attempts. Groups did not differ on anxiety sensitivity, social anxiety, or depression. Comorbid participants were more likely to indicate that worry interfered with their substance abuse treatment, and to indicate interest in concurrent treatment targeting their worry. Study findings provide initial evidence that GAD may be a prevalent and relevant factor among individuals with AUD seeking outpatient substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   

We compared the prevalence of injuries requiring medical treatment in the general population, in cocaine users and in heroin users, and we studied the factors associated with the occurrence of injuries in these groups, using data from two interview surveys carried out in 1993 in Spain: the National Health Interview Survey, a national representative sample of the non-institutionalized general population, and a survey of a non-probability sample of heroin or cocaine users selected from the community. The subjects included in the study were persons 16–40 years of age in urban areas: 4261 persons from the general population, 369 cocaine users and 215 heroin users. The annual prevalence of injuries requiring medical treatment was 7.9% in the general population, 10.8% in cocaine users and 35.2% in heroin users. There was a statistically significant positive association of injury occurrence (1) among the general population: with male sex, alcohol use, use of tranquillizers/sleeping pills, and the use of antidepressants or stimulants; (2) in cocaine users: with the use of opiates other than heroin; and (3) in heroin users: with alcohol use, the use of tranquillizers/sleeping pills, and the injected route. The only statistically significant negative association was with the amount of cocaine consumed among heroin users. The results suggest that other psychoactive substances besides alcohol are positively associated with injury occurrence, and that cocaine use may contribute to a reduced risk of injuries associated with the use of depressants (alcohol, tranquillizers, heroin).  相似文献   

Evidence has shown that frequency and quantity of drug usage are reduced after treatment but the effect of opioid addiction treatment on alcohol consumption remains unclear.  相似文献   

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