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Primary headache is a very common condition and one that nurses encounter in many different care settings. Yet there is a lack of evidence as to whether advice given to sufferers is effective and what improvements may be expected in the condition.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the advice given by a nurse to primary headache sufferers. The design was quasi-experimental. An experimental group (n?=?19) and a control group (n?=?25) of primary headache sufferers had their headache parameters of frequency, severity duration and disability (Migraine Disability Assessment) over the previous six months assessed. The experimental group then received advice in the form of health education from a nurse. Both groups kept a headache diary for six months. After six months both groups had their

headache parameters assessed again. Compared to the control group, there was a significant reduction in the severity of headaches experienced by the experimental group (p?=?0.006). Although there were reductions in frequency and duration of headaches experienced by the experimental group compared to the control group, these were not significant (p?=?0.664 and p?=?0.235, respectively). The Migraine Disability Assessment showed a trend towards reduced scores in the experimental group compared to controls which were not significant (p?=?0.535).

This pilot study suggests that health education can be effective in reducing the severity of headaches. However, a larger study over a longer period is needed to evaluate improvements in headache parameters.  相似文献   



Compare the effectiveness and tolerability of current therapy with frovatriptan 2.5-mg tablets (in 1–3 migraines) in patients with migraine previously using other triptans, analgesics/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or triptans and NSAIDs (T+NSAIDs).  相似文献   


Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of migraine and its responsiveness to migraine-specific therapy in patients with selfreported tension-type headache.

Methods: Patients were adults (n = 423) consulting one of 54 North American study sites including primary care clinics, neurology clinics, and headache clinics. The study comprised an initial diagnosis phase to determine the headache diagnosis of patients entering the study with self-reported tension/stress headache, including that previously diagnosed by a health care provider. Patients reporting tension/stress headache were evaluated and diagnosed as having migraine with or without aura, probable migraine, tension-type headache, or another headache type. Exclusion criteria included prior diagnosis of migraine or probable migraine and the presence of headache for at least 15 days monthly during either of the 2 months before screening. The initial phase was followed by a randomized, double-blind treatment phase to evaluate the efficacy of sumatriptan 100?mg tablets for the treatment of a single migraine attack in those meeting International Headache Society (IHS) criteria for migraine during the diagnosis phase.

Results: Of 423 patients reporting tension/stress headache at study entry, 84% (n = 357) were diagnosed at the clinic visit as fulfilling IHS criteria for migraine without aura or migraine with aura, and 65% (n = 276) were diagnosed with migraine only (i.e., with no other concurrent headache diagnosis). Three hundred thirty-two (332) patients entered the double-blind treatment phase. Headache relief rates 2?h post-dose, the primary efficacy endpoint, did not significantly differ between sumatriptan and placebo (?p = 0.099). However, improvements were significantly (?p < 0.05) greater with sumatriptan than placebo on several other headache-related efficacy measures.

Conclusions: Migraine headache may go unrecognized in patients with self-reported tension headache. Among patients having self-reported tension headache and diagnosed with migraine during the study, response to acute treatment with sumatriptan was inconclusive. Improvement with sumatriptan versus placebo was observed for some measures and not for others. The results should be interpreted in the context of study limitations including use of patient self-reports to assess headache diagnosis and possible lack of representativeness arising from the predominantly white sample.  相似文献   


Background: In treating migraine sufferers, physicians can choose from among seven triptans with different attributes.

Objective: To develop a system for selecting an oral triptan based on treatment priorities of migraine sufferers, neurologists, and primary care physicians (PCPs) in the United States, and evidence-based performance of triptans in clinical trials.

Methods: The TRIPSTAR project combines data on the treatment preferences of migraineurs and physicians with results from a meta-analysis of individual triptans, which evaluated their effectiveness on various clinical endpoints. Telephone interviews with migraine sufferers, neurologists, and PCPs were conducted to elicit individual views on the relative importance of a prespecified set of acute treatment outcomes. Four hundred and fifteen migraine sufferers, both triptan-experienced and triptan-naive, were interviewed. Also, 200 board-certified neurologists and 200 PCPs provided information on migraine patients from their clinical practice. A multi-attribute decision model for selecting an oral triptan was constructed using attribute importance weights collected at telephone interview and the meta-analysis data, which were drawn from 53 clinical trials of 6 oral triptans.

Results: Efficacy attributes were rated significantly more important than tolerability or consistency in selecting an oral triptan, according to migraine sufferers and physicians. Freedom from cardiovascular adverse events was the most important tolerability attribute, according to migraine sufferers and physicians alike. Pain free at 1?h was the most important lower-level efficacy attribute for migraine sufferers, while sustained pain free was most important for physicians. When weighted treatment attributes were combined with meta-analysis data in a multi-attribute decision model, almotriptan 12.5?mg, eletriptan 80?mg, and rizatriptan 10?mg were significantly closer to the hypothetical ideal triptan than was sumatriptan 100?mg. Triptans selected by the model were generally closer to the patient-specific ideal triptan than were the triptans prescribed by physicians.

Conclusions: Almotriptan, eletriptan, and rizatriptan were the three triptans closest to the ideal, from the perspectives of migraine sufferers, PCPs, and neurologists alike. The TRIPSTAR model may be a potentially useful decision-support tool to help physicians select the triptan most likely to produce a successful outcome in migraine sufferers.  相似文献   

目的:探讨影像检查方法对腮腺间隙原发病变的诊断及鉴别诊断的临床效果。方法筛选2013年8月~2014年4月本院收治的腮腺间隙原发病变患者21例,作为研究对象。对所有患者采用X线摄影、腮腺造影螺旋CT和MRI扫描进行腮腺间隙检查,通过回顾分析病灶影像,判断其影像学诊断的正确率,并总结病变处影像表现特点。结果 CT、MRI扫描诊断的正确率明显高于X线摄影,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。CT、MRI可对病灶的良恶性,病发位置等病情进行准确评估,较X线摄影具有明显优势,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论腮腺间隙原发病变通过影像学检查可表现一定的影像特点,因此在治疗前后进行腮腺造影螺旋CT及MRI检查可对疾病的诊断、术后康复效果的判定提供依据,并且能够对病变进行准确鉴别,具有治疗的指导意义。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe newly recognized General Practice Pharmacist (GPP) model in Australia, where non-dispensing pharmacists work in collaboration with general practitioners (primary care physicians) within their general practice/clinics represent an efficient yet novel approach for the management of chronic diseases. In chronic conditions, such as asthma, these models can help achieve optimal health outcomes, given current gaps between guidelines and practice.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to elicit pharmacists’ views and recommendations about pragmatic models of collaboration between GPPs and general practitioners in providing asthma management services in future service delivery models.MethodsCommunity pharmacists were recruited via convenience sampling and passive snowballing techniques. Qualitative, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted. Recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed utilizing NVivo® 11 software. Obtained data were content analyzed for emergent themes using the Braun and Clarke framework.ResultsTwenty-five interviews were conducted. Asthma management challenges in current practice and the implementation practicality of asthma care GPP models comprised the two major emerging themes. Pharmacists' time and workload constraints and patients' reluctance to seek pharmacists’ assistance to dispel misconceptions about asthma control were reported to be major barriers for the implementation of optimal asthma management services in community pharmacy. While a GPP dependent on several criteria. The development of specified channels for inter-professional communication for sharing of patient information and the willingness of stakeholders to accept and access such a model were reported. Funding and remuneration were considered critical factors by most participants. The professional self-autonomy of each healthcare professional involved in the GPP model was also highlighted as pertinent issue.ConclusionsThis study provides significant insights to create pragmatic scalable versions of a GPP care model that could facilitate better asthma care after key barriers and facilitators identified by participants are carefully addressed.  相似文献   


Background: Factors over and above the skills of the health care professional appear to impact on how well patients can cope with an illness following a consultation in general practice. These other factors appear to relate to the organisation and fabric of the doctor's practice. This study reports a systematic analysis of responses to a questionnaire survey of patients following a telephone consultation in a general practice setting. This study aims to explore how views on specific aspects of a general practice service contrast among patients.

Methods: A structured anonymised postal questionnaire was sent to 916 patients within 24?h of a telephone consultation with a doctor or nurse in five general practices in North Trent, UK. No reminders were sent. Included on the questionnaire were free-text questions that invited opinions on areas for improvement for the patients' registered practice. These were analysed qualitatively using content analysis by two independent researchers.

Results: The overall response rate was 52% although responses from young men were under-represented in the survey. One in three responders expressed a need for improvements in the practice. Five themes and a number of sub-themes were identified. Patients wanted more appointments, more access and less delay before appointments. Other themes included a desire for better communication, more patient friendly policies and facilities. Analysis suggests that it would be very difficult to satisfy the contrasting and divergent needs of all patients.

Conclusions: Communication with patients in general practice is influenced by the fabric, policies and reception staff in the practice as much as by the skills and resources of the care provider. Seeking patients' opinions about the practice within the context of a recent telephone consultation unearthed conflicting desires that cannot be satisfied given existing resources in the National Health Service (NHS). Patients favour a speedy, convenient and above all, tailored service. This may be impossible to deliver universally. Attention to the non-doctor aspects of the service may enhance the ability of practitioners to enable patients to cope with illness. The data suggest that patients are not universally satisfied with the service provided and that it would be naive to attempt to please them all.  相似文献   

The delivery of healthcare in most developed countries is under increasing pressure. Ageing populations with increasingly complex needs, coupled with financial constraints and imbalances in workforce, mean that healthcare policies look to contain cost and utilise resource as effectively as possible. Self-care is now widely advocated as a mechanism to manage acute presentations with pharmacy identified as a key resource to support such policy. Pharmacy teams are ideally positioned to facilitate the management of patients who present with acute illness. However, current evidence suggests that patient assessment and establishing a differential diagnosis could be better. It appears that how pharmacists are taught at Schools of Pharmacy adopts a protocol driven approach, which assumes presentation of low acuity conditions, and we argue that this method must be replaced with a curriculum that adopts clinical reasoning. This paper sets out the process of clinical reasoning and how the profession could embrace this as a better model in establishing a diagnosis.  相似文献   

Objective To describe the prevalence of inappropriate prescribing in primary care in Copenhagen County, according to the Medication Appropriateness Index (MAI) and to identify the therapeutic areas most commonly involved. Setting A cross-sectional study was conducted among 212 elderly ( >65 years) polypharmacy patients (five or more different medications) listed to 41 general practitioners (GPs) in the County of Copenhagen. Method Patients exposed to polypharmacy were identified via the database recording the drug subsidy system of Danish pharmacies. For each patient, data were collected on subsidised medications prescribed over 3 months by the patients’ own GPs. The GPs were asked to provide baseline information regarding the patients’ medical history and detailed information regarding the subsidised and non-subsidised medications prescribed to the patients. A MAI was scored for medication prescribed to the patients. Topical, dermatological medications and medications not used regularly were excluded. Results 212 patients were prescribed 1621 medications by their GPs at baseline. In all, 640 (39.5%) of the medications had one or more inappropriate ratings in the 10 criteria making up the MAI. The main part of the patients (94.3%) had one or more inappropriate ratings among their medications. A total of 12.3% of the medications were rated as ‘not indicated’, 6% were rated as ‘ineffective’, 6.7% were given in an incorrect dose, 0.7% were prescribed with incorrect directions, 1.3% had impractical directions, 0.7% of the drugs had clinically significant drug–drug interactions, 8.6% had clinically significant drug–disease/condition interactions, 3.1% were unnecessary duplications, 16.5% were given in an unacceptable duration and 27.1% of the medications were not the least expensive alternative. The therapeutic groups most commonly involved in inappropriate prescribing were medications for treatment of peptic ulcer, cardiovascular medications, anti-inflammatory medications, antidepressants, hypnotics and anti-asthmatics. Conclusion The overall prescribing quality in primary care in Copenhagen County, Denmark is good. However, the majority of patients used one or more medications with inappropriate ratings. The inappropriate prescribing relates to specific therapeutic groups and criteria, which should be targeted in future interventions.  相似文献   

Objective To assess whether the prescribing pattern of lipid-lowering drugs (LLD) changed after reimbursement criteria revision in a general practice in southern Italy. Methods From the Caserta-1 Local Health Service database, 93 general practitioners (GPs) who had consistently sent data about their patients during the years 2003-2005 were recruited. Prevalence of use and incidence of new treatments were calculated for each year, stratified by three drug cohorts: statins, omega-3 fatty acids, and fibrates. Subanalyses by gender, age, and indication of use were performed. Results Overall, 1-year prevalence of LLD use increased from 2003 to 2004. After reimbursement criteria revision (November 2004), a slight decrease was observed for statins, from 41.1 (95% CI: 39.9–42.2) per 1,000 inhabitants in 2004 to 40.3 (39.2–41.5) in 2005, while omega-3 utilization fell markedly: 14.6 (13.9–15.3) vs. 5.4 (5.0–5.8). The use of both statins and omega-3 fatty acids was reduced particularly for primary prevention. On the other hand, utilization of statins increased in diabetic patients and as secondary prevention from 2004 to 2005. Concerning individual molecules, 1-year prevalence of use of any statin declined from 2004 to 2005, except for rosuvastatin. Conclusions Revision of reimbursement criteria led to significant changes in the trend in LLD use in general practice in southern Italy: (1) statin utilization was slightly reduced in 2005, although it increased in certain categories, such as diabetic patients, and (2) omega-3 fatty acid use was strongly reduced even though a higher use in post-infarction cases was reported.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Effective treatments are available to reduce fracture risk in patients with osteoporosis. Prioritisation of assessment and treatment for those patients at highest risk of fracture will and treatment for those patients at highest risk of fracture will will ensure the optimal utilisation of healthcare resources. OBJECTIVES: To confirm prior fracture to be a strong predictor of osteoporosis, evaluate a simple means of identifying patients with osteoporosis, assess the current management gap in this high risk patient group and to enable initiation of treatment where appropriate.Research design and methods: All women >/=65 years of age living at home and registered with a general practitioner (GP) in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland (4045) were mailed an osteoporosis questionnaire. Participants were from an area of generally low socioeconomic background, where 16% of the population are over >/=65 years and >/=99% are Caucasian. Those who had sustained a fracture or had >/=2 osteoporosis risk factors and had not previously been screened for osteoporosis were invited for a Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan. A second group of women at high risk of osteoporosis were referred by their GP for a scan. Bone mineral density (BMD) was determined and treatment was reviewed and prescribed according to national guidelines. RESULTS: 2386/4045 women returned the questionnaire (response rate 59%); 2286 were correctly completed and made up the sample size. Eight hundred and fifty two had sustained >/=1 fracture(s), of whom 43 (5%) had previously had BMD testing and 80 (9.4%) were receiving treatment. There were 1434 women with no history of fracture that had >/=2 risk factors for osteoporosis. Of 395 women referred by their GP, 113 had sustained fractures. Following the audit, 1054 women were scanned, including 463 women who had not sustained fractures that had >/=2 osteoporosis risk factors. Of the 1054, 591 women had sustained 763 fractures: 46 (6.0%) hip, 284 (37.2%) wrist, 37 (4.8%) humerus and 396 (51.9%) other bones (mainly ankle or rib). Eighty (13.5%) women with a fracture history had normal BMD, 204 (34.5%) were osteopenic and 307 (51.9%) were osteoporotic. Older women were more likely to have osteoporosis: overall, 12.8%, 46.8% and 63.0% of women were osteoporotic in age groups <65 years, 65-75 years and >75 years, respectively. Treatment was prescribed according to Lanarkshire's osteoporosis guidelines for 670 (63.6%) patients: 90.0% received bisphosphonate + calcium/vitamin D and 10% received calcium/vitamin D. CONCLUSIONS: A simple scan identified patients with prior fracture and with osteoporosis. Prior fracture was confirmed to be a strong predictor of osteoporosis; 86.4% of women with a fracture history had low BMD and 51.9% had osteoporosis. Similar disease management programmes elsewhere in primary care to identify high risk patients and ensure appropriate prescribing would, in addition to implementing national guidelines, be pharmaco-economically prudent and improve management of patients with fragility fracture across the UK.  相似文献   

Objective We aimed to explore, using qualitative methods, the perspectives of patients with hypertension on issues relating to concordance in prescribing. Method This study took place in NHS general practices in Northern Ireland. A purposeful sample of patients who had been prescribed anti-hypertensive medication for at least one year were invited to participate in focus groups or semi-structured interviews; data were analysed using constant comparison. Main outcome measures The perspectives of patients with hypertension on issues relating to concordance in prescribing. Results Twenty-five individuals participated in five focus groups; two participated in semi-structured interviews. Participants felt they could make valuable contributions to consultations regarding their management. They were prepared to negotiate with GPs regarding their medication, but most deferred to their doctor’s advice, perceiving doctors’ attitudes and time constraints as barriers to their greater involvement in concordant decision-making. They had concerns about taking anti-hypertensive drugs, were aware of lifestyle influences on hypertension and reported using personal strategies to facilitate adherence and reduce the need to take medication. Conclusions Participants indicated a willingness to be␣involved in concordance in prescribing anti- hypertensive medication but needed health professionals to address their concerns and confusion about the nature of hypertension. These findings suggest that there is a need for doctors and other healthcare professionals with responsibility for prescribing to develop skills specifically to explore the beliefs and views underlying an individual’s medication use. Such skills may need to be developed through specific training programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.  相似文献   

朱珠  王毅 《世界临床药物》2013,34(7):389-393
紧张型头痛是最常见的原发性头痛,其发病率高,临床表现非特异,诊断需注意与继发性头痛及其他原发性头痛鉴别.综合疗法对改善患者症状及生活质量具有重要作用,本文综述各种紧张型头痛的治疗方法,包括急性发作期的止痛药物及预防性的药物、行为与物理治疗.  相似文献   

BackgroundAn aging population and rising multi-morbidity has shifted healthcare provision from secondary to primary care. Pharmacy-led services have been introduced to support this. The development of an outcomes framework for these services would facilitate conclusions to be drawn on their effectiveness.ObjectivesTo identify outcomes used to evaluate pharmacy-led medication therapy and disease management services within primary care settings to develop an outcomes framework for future studies.MethodsAn umbrella literature review was conducted. MEDLINE, EMBASE, The Cochrane Library and PsycINFO were searched in June 2020 to identify relevant articles. Eligible reviews were those including studies published from 2010 onwards which reported on the outcomes of pharmacy-led medication therapy and disease management services within primary care, excluding community pharmacy settings. Data were extracted and a content analysis, guided by the ECHO model, stratified the outcomes into four areas: economic, clinical, humanistic and service.ResultsTwenty-four reviews covering 52 unique studies were identified. Pharmacy-led services included: medication reviews (n=24, 46.2%), disease and therapy management (n=17, 32.7%), educational services (n=6, 11.5%), medicines reconciliation (n=3, 5.8%), and medication compliance support (n=1, 1.9%). Services were commonly targeted towards endocrine (n=23, 44.2%) or cardiovascular diseases (n=20, 38.5%). Outcomes most commonly explored were clinical (n=38, 73.1%) and service outcomes (n=37, 71.2%), followed by humanistic (n=23, 44.2%) and economic outcomes (n=13, 25.0%). Overall, 17 sub-categories of outcomes were identified; common sub-categories were: disease indicators [clinical]; medication use and healthcare utilisation [service]; adherence to medicines [humanistic]; and healthcare costs [economic].ConclusionsThe findings informed the development of an outcomes framework to guide the evaluation of medication therapy and disease management services, and facilitate international standardised outcome measures within primary care pharmacy to be developed. This could help offer vital evidence on the effectiveness of these services to ensure the pharmacy workforce is working optimally to support primary care.  相似文献   

目的:探讨胃肠道间质瘤二维声像图和彩色多普勒血流显像特点及其在诊断与鉴别诊断中的价值。方法:回顾性分析经病理证实的26例胃肠道间质瘤患者的临床资料、超声表现及手术病理结果,并对超声检查结果与手术所见进行对比分析。结果:26例患者中,肿瘤来源分别为胃16例(61.54%)、十二指肠3例(11.53%)、空回肠3例(11.53%)、结直肠2例(7.69%)、腹腔2例(7.69%)。病理诊断为良性3例(11.53%)、交界性4例(15.38%)、恶性19例(73.08%)。超声诊断符合率为53.84%(14/26),基本符合率为23.08%(6/26)。结论:超声检查在判断肿瘤来源、与周围组织关系及良恶性鉴别方面有重要临床意义。  相似文献   

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