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Adolescents, who comprise 14% of the US population, are historically resistant to receiving health care. As a result, adolescents have low immunization rates and are becoming more susceptible to diseases that are preventable by vaccine, such as pertussis. The incidence of pertussis has increased during the past 25 years, with a notable shift in incidence from young children to adolescents and young adults. New vaccines that provide protection against pertussis for use in adolescents have been proven to be safe, effective, and cost-beneficial. Regional epidemics among infants and other vulnerable populations can be reduced or eliminated with improved immunity in adolescents.  相似文献   

Annual immunization of healthy children with live attenuated or inactivated influenza virus vaccine currently is under consideration in an attempt to reduce influenza-associated morbidity and mortality in children and the impact of influenza in the community. However, few studies have assessed the effects of this practice. Available data from studies conducted in children and adults provide reassurance that repeated annual immunization is safe and effective. Although the frequencies of significant responses to immunization (such as significant rise in titer or evidence of vaccine virus infection) are lower among persons who were immunized previously when compared with persons immunized for the first time, no consistent increases or decreases in serum antibody levels achieved after immunization or in the level of protective efficacy have been noted. Additional data regarding the effects of annual immunization are needed, and continued efforts to develop improved vaccines for the prevention of influenza are indicated.  相似文献   

Complementary and alternative medicine is widely used for children with autism spectrum disorder, despite uncertainty regarding efficacy. This review describes complementary and alternative practices commonly used among this population, the rationale for the use of each practice, as well as the side‐effect profile and evidence for efficacy. The existing evidence base indicates that melatonin can be recommended as a treatment for sleeping disturbances associated with autism spectrum disorder, while secretin can be rejected as an efficacious treatment for broader autistic symptoms. There is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions on the efficacy of modified diets, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, immune therapy, and vitamin and fatty acid supplementation. There is a clear need for methodologically rigorous studies to provide evidence‐based guidance to families and clinicians regarding complementary and alternative practices for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.  相似文献   

当前我国各地发生新型冠状病毒肺炎,儿童疫苗接种可能面临延迟。中华预防医学会及多地疾病预防控制中心相继发布了总的方向性指引和原则性建议,但具体疫苗延迟接种的安全性和有效性问题亟待释疑。中华预防医学会儿童保健分会组织专家通过检索国内外相关文献,及时发布了各免疫规划疫苗的接种建议。在此基础上,应广大专业技术人员和儿童监护人的迫切需求,编写此版常用的非免疫规划疫苗接种建议,为之后疫苗补种提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The role of aluminium for IgG and IgE responses to pertussis toxin (PT), as well as for side effects, was investigated in 49 children with known atopy status. Primary immunization had been given with an adsorbed monocomponent or an adsorbed two-component acellular pertussis vaccine. The children were then randomized to receive a booster immunization with either aluminiumadsorbed or non-adsorbed, whole cell, pertussis vaccine. Both vaccines induced good IgG responses with the adsorbed vaccine giving higher post-booster levels (p < 0.05). The adsorbed vaccine was, however, associated with more local side effects (p < 0.05) and tended to induce higher PT-IgE responses than the non-adsorbed vaccine. Furthermore, individuals who had received the two-component vaccine as primary immunization had higher PT-IgE responses after the booster, compared with individuals initially receiving the monocomponent vaccine (p = 0.041). No correlation between PT-IgE and PT-IgG levels was seen in any of the groups. Total serum IgE levels correlated to PT IgE levels, particularly in children with atopy (r = 0.950, p < 0.001). The addition of aluminium to the pertussis vaccine, was, thus, associated with a stronger IgG antibody response, but tended also to induce a stronger IgE antibody response. The correlation between total IgE and PT-IgE, which was most prominent in children with atopy, indicates that the role of immunization for the development of allergy merits further studies.  相似文献   

In a randomized, double-blind clinical trial, the efficacy and safety of norfloxacin were compared with nalidixic acid in the treatment of shigellosis in children. Out of 59 cases, Shigella spp. were isolated from 8 cases in the nalidixic acid group and 14 cases in the norfloxacin group. The norfloxacin group had significantly less duration of diarrhoea and presence of blood in stool as compared to the nalidixic acid group. No joint problem was encountered in this study at up to 4 months follow-up. Norfloxacin is safe and effective and showed no cartilage toxicity on short-term follow-up.  相似文献   

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) with fungal extracts has been beset by safety and efficacy problems, which result mainly from qualitative and quantitative variations. Little has been published on the safety and efficacy of these extracts. The objective was to analyze the safety and efficacy of ASIT with an Alternaria alternata extract. A total of 28 patients were selected with rhinitis and/or bronchial asthma because of Alternaria allergy and monosensitization to molds. The patients were randomized to an active ASIT or placebo group, both groups on a conventional immunotherapy schedule (increasing weekly doses until maintenance dose and then monthly doses). Adverse reactions were classified with the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology system. Clinical efficacy was analyzed for a year with symptom/medication diary cards, peak expiratory flow (PEF) measures, clinical severity score, severity of symptoms (visual analog scale), subjective evaluation of treatment by the patient and the physician, and a quality of life questionnaire. Twenty-three patients completed the study; all reached the established maintenance dose with only two mild adverse reactions in the whole sample. Significant improvements were found after 6 months in respiratory symptoms in the active treatment group, and in all symptoms in both groups. PEF increased significantly in the active treatment group but not in the placebo group. The severity of asthma decreased in the active treatment group, and the severity of rhinitis decreased in both groups. Visual analog scale scores for severity of symptoms improved in all phases in the active treatment group, but only after 12 months in the placebo group. Physicians judged the disease course as significantly better in the active treatment group. ASIT with the A. alternata extract was safe, with clinical improvements after one year of treatment.  相似文献   

National varicella immunization coverage using the current 1-dose immunization strategy has increased among vaccine-eligible children 19 through 35 months of age from 27% in 1997 to 88% by 2005. These high immunization rates have resulted in a 71% to 84% decrease in the reported number of varicella cases, an 88% decrease in varicella-related hospitalizations, a 59% decrease in varicella-related ambulatory care visits, and a 92% decrease in varicella-related deaths in 1- to 4-year-old children when compared with data from the prevaccine era. Despite this significant decrease, the number of reported cases of varicella has remained relatively constant during the past 5 to 6 years. Since vaccine effectiveness for prevention of disease of any severity has been 80% to 85%, a large number of cases of varicella continue to occur among people who already have received the vaccine (breakthrough varicella), and outbreaks of varicella have been reported among highly immunized populations of schoolchildren. The peak age-specific incidence has shifted from 3- to 6-year-old children in the prevaccine era to 9- to 11-year-old children in the postvaccine era for cases in both immunized and unimmunized children during these outbreaks. Outbreaks of varicella are likely to continue with the current 1-dose immunization strategy. After administration of 2 doses of varicella vaccine in children, the immune response is markedly enhanced, with > 99% of children achieving an antibody concentration (determined by glycoprotein enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) of > or = 5 U/mL (an approximate correlate of protection) and a marked increase in geometric mean antibody titers after the second vaccine dose. The estimated vaccine efficacy over a 10-year observation period of 2 doses for prevention of any varicella disease is 98% (compared with 94% for 1 dose), with 100% efficacy for prevention of severe disease. Recipients of 2 doses of varicella vaccine are 3.3-fold less likely to have breakthrough varicella, compared with those who are given 1 dose, during the first 10 years after immunization. To achieve greater levels of immunity with fewer serosusceptible people, greater protection against breakthrough varicella disease, and reduction in the number of outbreaks that occur nationwide among school-aged populations, a 2-dose varicella immunization strategy is now recommended for children > or = 12 months of age.  相似文献   

Budesonide: safety and efficacy aspects of its long-term use in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty-two asthmatic children aged 4 to 13 years (mean 9. 6) were enrolled in this open 12-month study of budesonide, 200 meg bid, administered by tube-spacer inhaler (INHALETE® ASTRA DRACO). The aim of the study was to assess long-term safety, as well as efficacy, of budesonide in children whose asthma was not adequately controlled by their current therapy. Children attended the clinic every three months for assessment of lung function and height. In addition, an adrenal function test and routine clinical chemistry and haematology were performed. Parents completed diary cards once each week, recording the child's PEF, asthma symptoms, β2-agonist consumption and other medication (no prophylactic drugs or other inhaled steroids were allowed and oral steroids were used for emergency treatment only). There were significant increases in all clinic lung function tests (baseline to last visit) and in diary card PEF (first 3 months vs last 3 months). These were accompanied by decreases in asthma symptoms and use of β2-agonists or other medication. There was no indication that growth was affected by study treatment and basal adrenal function (basal cortisol) did not change significantly throughout the study. The adrenal response to Synacthen had actually increased significantly by the end of the study. No serious adverse events were associated with budesonide treatment. In conclusion, regular budesonide therapy was associated with a significant improvement in lung function and symptoms over one year. Budesonide was well-tolerated by the children and appeared to have no adverse influence on either growth or adrenal function.  相似文献   

Objective : Deferiprone (L1), the new oral iron chelator has been studied in several countries for its efficacy and toxicity with some conflicting observations. Toxicity involving joints has been reported more frequently in Indian patients. The authors planned to include larger number of Indian thalassemics in studying safety and efficacy of Deferiprone.Methods : Seventy five thalassemic children (4–14 yr) were studied for one year with various investigations done periodically. Thirty patients (group A) received 50 mg/kg dose and 21 others (group B) received 75 mg/kg dose of Deferiprone. Rest of the patients were followed up without any chelator.Results: The serum ferritin levels reduced significantly in both groups (P<0.01 each); more in 75 mg/kg than the 50 mg/kg group. Arthropathy appeared in 15 (50%) patients in Group A and 6 (28.6%) of Group B after 1–12 (mean 6) months of L1 treatment; however, only one patient needed withdrawal of L1. Eleven patients needed indomethacin for pain relief. Seropositivity for antinuclear factor and rheumatoid factor had no relation to dose or duration of L1 therapy, arthropathy or the serum ferritin level. Twelve patients developed leucopenia (<3.0 x109/L) and neutropenia (0-1.8 x109/L) after 2–11 months of L1 therapy and was not related to the dose or duration of therapy. The drug was restarted in 10 patients and only one of them developed a second episode of neutropenia.Conclusion : Deferiprone is an effective iron chelator, but arthropathy and neutropenia are very frequent side effects and need strict monitoring during therapy. Most of the neutropenia are neither very severe nor recur with re-challenge with the drug. Similarly, arthropathy does not need withdrawal of drug in majority of patients.  相似文献   

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