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Objectives: Impairment in early B-cell development can cause a predominantly antibody deficiency with severe depletion of peripheral B-cells. Mutations in the gene encoding for Bruton’s-tyrosine-kinase (BTK) and the components of the pre-B-cell receptor complex or downstream signaling molecules have been related to this defect in patients with agammaglobulinemia.

Methods: Iranian patients with congenital agammaglobulinemia were included and the correlation between disease-causing mutations and parameters such as clinical and immunologic phenotypes were evaluated in available patients.

Results: Out of 87 patients, a molecular investigation was performed on 51 patients leading to identification of 39 cases with BTK (1 novel mutation), 5 cases of µ-heavy chain (3 novel mutations) and 1 case of Igα-deficiencies.

Conclusion: Although there is no comprehensive correlation between type of responsible BTK mutation and severity of clinical phenotype, our data suggest that BTK-deficient and autosomal recessive agammaglobulinemia patients differ significantly regarding clinical/immunologic characteristics.  相似文献   

X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is clinically characterized by recurrent bacterial infections during early infancy. Although it is not a phagocytic disorder, XLA is sometimes associated with neutropenia. We conducted a nation-wide survey to determine the frequency of neutropenia among Japanese XLA patients. Responses were received from 87 (86%) of 101 patients in which BTK mutations were previously identified, and of these, 16 (18%) had neutropenia. All episodes of neutropenia occurred before initiation of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) replacement therapy. Two XLA patients died of multiple organ failure caused by severe neutropenia and Pseudomonas sepsis before initiation of IVIG replacement therapy. These results suggest that, in some cases, severe bacterial infections in XLA patients might be caused not only by antibody deficiencies but also by neutropenia.  相似文献   

The experiments with passive transfer of splenocytes obtained from animals immunized with Trypanosoma cruzi lysate revealed the role of cell-mediated component of the immunity in the antitumor effect of T. cruzi. The common features of T. cruzi antigens and tumor-specific antigens of Ehrlich’s adenocarcinoma were demonstrated. These antigens were shown to have common epitopes with mammalian mucins. The oncoprotective effect was achieved by immunization with type II and III mucins and was reproduced after passive transfer of splenocytes from immunized animals. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 145, No. 3, pp. 326–329, March, 2008  相似文献   

Wogon-Sugi has been reported as a cytoplasmically inherited virescent mutant selected from a horticultural variety of Cryptomeria japonica. Although previous studies of plastid structure and inheritance indicated that at least some mutations are encoded by the chloroplast genome, the causative gene responsible for the primary chlorophyll deficiency in Wogon-Sugi, has not been identified. In this study, we identified this gene by genomic sequencing of chloroplast DNA and genetic analysis. Chloroplast DNA sequencing of 16 wild-type and 16 Wogon-Sugi plants showed a 19-bp insertional sequence in the matK coding region in the Wogon-Sugi. This insertion disrupted the matK reading frame. Although an indel mutation in the ycf1 and ycf2 coding region was detected in Wogon-Sugi, sequence variations similar to that of Wogon-Sugi were also detected in several wild-type lines, and they maintained the reading frame. Genetic analysis of the 19 bp insertional mutation in the matK coding region showed that it was found only in the chlorophyll-deficient sector of 125 full-sibling seedlings. Therefore, the 19-bp insertion in the matK coding region is the most likely candidate at present for a mutation underlying the Wogon-Sugi phenotype. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This report describes the development of in-house real-time PCR assays using minor groove binding probes for simultaneous detection of the Bacillus anthracis pag and cap genes, the Francisella tularensis 23 KDa gene, as well as the Yersinia pestis pla gene. The sensitivities of these assays were at least 1 fg, except for the assay targeting the Bacillus anthracis cap gene, which showed a sensitivity of 10 fg when total DNA was used as a template in a serial dilution. The clinical value of the Bacillus anthracis- and Francisella tularensis-specific assays was demonstrated by successful amplification of DNA from cases of cow anthrax and hare tularemia, respectively. No cross-reactivity between these species-specific assays or with 39 other bacterial species was noted. These assays may provide a rapid tool for the simultaneous detection and identification of the three category A bacterial species listed as biological threats by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from three hospitals in Israel was the aim of the study presented here. We identified 11 distinct genetic clones by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Molecular typing identified four different SCCmec types—I, II, IV, and V−and nine spa types. Spa type t002 was the most common. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The parasite Trichomonas vaginalis causes one of the most common non-viral sexually transmitted infections in humans. Mycoplasmas are frequently found with trichomonads but the consequences of this association are not yet known. In the present study, the effects of T. vaginalis harboring M. hominis on human vaginal epithelial cells and on MDCK cells are described. The results were analyzed by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, as well as using cell viability assays. There was an increase in the cytopathic effects on the epithelial cells infected with T. vaginalis associated with M. hominis compared to T. vaginalis alone. The epithelial cells exhibited an increase in the intercellular spaces, a lesser viability, and increased destruction provoked by the infected T. vaginalis. In addition, the trichomonads presented a higher amoeboid transformation rate and an intense phagocytic activity, characteristics of higher virulence behavior.  相似文献   

In this work, identification and analyses of 48 full-length sequences of the ospA gene isolates of Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii from Western Siberia and Mongolia has been made. It was shown that B. garinii isolates was of its high genetic heterogeneity of the ospA gene. Four genetic groups of the ospA gene from the Ixodes persulcatus tick collected in of Western Siberia and Mongolia were defined. The basic differences in the genetic variants of the ospA gene considered are seen in regions which code for antibody determinants of thhe OspA protein.  相似文献   

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a zoonotic disease transmitted between rodents and canines, mainly by Phlebotomus sand flies and man. In southern Iran, the incidence of this protozoan disease has doubled over the last decade. The present study deals with histopathological features of CL in Tatera indica and Gerbillus spp. that participate in the epidemiology of CL in southern Iran. Thirty-two trapped rodents were evaluated for any Leishmania infection using enzyme electrophoresis and polymerase chain reaction and were concomitantly studied for any histopathological changes. Histopathological studies showed that bone marrow was the tissue of choice for light and electron microscopic study of Leishmania, demonstrating the macrophages infected with the amastigote form of the parasite. This is the first report of the histopathological detection of L. major in naturally infected T. indica and Gerbillus spp in the Larestan region.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used to make a detailed study of chromosome pairing at metaphase I (MI) of meiosis in six F(1) hybrid plants of the allotetraploid Festuca pratensis x Lolium perenne (2n = 4x = 28; genomic constitution FpFpLpLp). The mean chromosome configurations for all hybrids analysed were 1.13 univalents + 11.51 bivalents + 0.32 trivalents + 0.72 quadrivalents, and the mean chiasma frequency was 21.96 per cell. GISH showed that pairing was predominantly intragenomic, with mean numbers of L. perenne (Lp/Lp) and F. pratensis (Fp/Fp) bivalents being virtually equal at 5.41 and 5.48 per cell, respectively. Intergenomic pairing between Lolium and Festuca chromosomes was observed in 33.3% of Lp/Fp bivalents (0.62 per cell), in 79.7% of trivalents - Lp/Lp/Fp and Lp/Fp/Fp (0.25 per cell), and in 98.4% of quadrivalents - Lp/Lp/Fp/Fp and Lp/Lp/Lp/Fp (0.71 per cell). About 4.0% of the total chromosome complement analysed remained as univalents, an average 0.68 Lp and 0.45 Fp univalents per cell. It is evident that in these hybrids there is opportunity for recombination to take place between the two component genomes, albeit at a low level, and this is discussed in the context of compromising the stability of Festulolium hybrid cultivars and accounting for the drift in the balance of the genomes over generations. We speculate that genotypic differences between hybrids could permit selection for pairing control, and that preferences for homologous versus homoeologous centromeres in their spindle attachments and movement to the poles at anaphase I could form the basis of a mechanism underlying genome drift.  相似文献   

Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an obligate intracellular bacterial parasite in human and animal granulocytes. In Europe, A. phagocytophilum is transmitted by Ixodes ticks; Ixodes ricinus is the vector of the parasite in Poland. In terms of epidemiology, the identification of pathogens in ticks increasingly relies on molecular techniques. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with species-specific primers is a tool that allows the quick and accurate detection of pathogens in ticks, humans, or animals. DNA was extracted from the blood of Capreolus capreolus and Cervus elaphus, and amplified using the primers HS1/HS6 (external) and HS43/HSVR (internal). For sequencing, six samples from roe deer and two samples from red deer were selected, and the resulting sequences were submitted to GenBank (accession numbers DQ779568, DQ779567, EU157919, EU157920, EU157921, EU157922). These nucleotide sequences were compared with each other and five variants were distinguished in roe deer and one in red deer. A comparison of the sequences of the author’s database revealed 45 polymorphic sites of substitution character (76% transitions and 24% transversions). The homology tree revealed two groups, one with sequences only from roe deer, while the second with sequences isolated mainly from red deer, livestock animals, and humans. These strains of A. phagocytophilum are also present in Poland.  相似文献   

We compared two technologies of real-time PCR (with the use of fluorescent SYBR Green I dye and specific TaqMan probe) for quantification of the dose of her2 gene in breast tumors. The maximum increase in the gene dose in TaqMan and SYBR Green I analyses was 10-and 5-fold, respectively. In was found that TaqMan and SYBR Green I technologies allow detection of the matrix in amounts corresponding to 1–100 and 2.5–40.0 ng genomic DNA, respectively. Tenfold increase in the gene dose leads to incorrect evaluation of multiplication ratio in the SYBR Green I analysis. These results suggest that TaqMan technology is more preferable for correct evaluation of her2 gene dose. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 145, No. 2, pp. 201–205, February, 2008  相似文献   

Acinetobacter infections have been attracting increasing attention during recent years because they have become common in hospitalized patients, especially in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. However, the available literature suggests that the pathogen has another fearful potential; it can cause community-acquired infections. We searched PubMed and the reference lists of the initially identified articles and identified six case series regarding a total of 80 patients with community-acquired Acinetobacter baumannii infections; from these, 51 had pneumonia and 29 had bacteremia. Of these 80 patients, 45 (56%) died of the infection. In addition, we identified 26 case reports regarding 43 patients with community-acquired Acinetobacter infections; from these, 38 had pneumonia, two had meningitis, one had soft-tissue infection, one had ocular infection, and one had native valve endocarditis. Comorbidity was commonly present in patients reported in the case series as well as the case reports, mainly, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, renal disease, and diabetes mellitus; heavy smoking and excess alcohol consumption were also common. Most of the studies originated from China, Taiwan, and tropical Australia. We also identified 12 retrospective or prospective studies (seven from the Far East, two from Oceania, one from N. Guinea, one from Palestine, and one from USA/Canada) that reported the frequency of community-acquired Acinetobacter infections; the range of isolation of Acinetobacter from patients with community-acquired pneumonia in these studies was 1.3%-25.9%. In conclusion, most community-acquired Acinetobacter infections have been reported from countries with tropical or subtropical climate, and mainly affect patients with some form of comorbidity or are associated with heavy smoking and excess alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

The trophozoites of Trichomonas gallinae and Tetratrichomonas gallinarum were studied by means of light and electron microscopy after cloning and cultivating them axenically. T. gallinae trophozoites varied in shape reaching from ovoidal to pyriform and had a size of about 7–11 μm. They were provided with four free flagella and a fifth recurrent one, which did not become free at the posterior pole. The nucleus was ovoid, had a size of about 2.5–3 μm, and was situated closely below the basal bodies of the flagella. The axostyle consisted of a row of microtubules running from the region of the apical basal bodies to the posterior end of the cell. In addition to flagellated stages, which contained food vacuoles, hydrogenosomes, a costa-like structure, and glycogen granules besides lacunes of endoplasmic reticulum, spherical, nonflagellated, and cyst-like stages occurred. The trophozoites of T. gallinarum appeared mostly pear-shaped and ranged in size from 6 to 15 μm. They had also four free anterior flagella and a fifth recurrent one, which became free at the posterior pole in contrast to that of T. gallinae. Another clearly visible difference to T. gallinae was the occurrence of a sphere of lacunes of the endoplasmic reticulum surrounding in a regular distance the nucleus with its typical perinuclear membranes. Furthermore, the food vacuoles appeared very large. However, both species clearly differed from the trophozoites of Histomonas meleagridis.  相似文献   

Inflammatory fibroid polyp (IFP) is a benign reactive uncommon submucosal lesion of the gastrointestinal tract, the small intestine being the most common site of origin. Histologically, IFPs are characterized by spindle cells, a heavy inflammatory infiltrate including eosinophils and onion-sheet-like formation of lesional cells around blood vessels. We present a case report of an IFP harboring an activation mutation in the PDGFRα gene. The lesion was positive for CD34, PDGFRα, and p-PDGFRα immunostaining but was negative for c-KIT and desmin. After a sequencing analysis of KIT and PDGFRα, a mutation consisting of an in-frame deletion of codons 567-571 and a missense mutation in codon 566 (S566R) of PDGFRα was observed. This mutation could activate key cellular pathways with involvement in the pathogenesis of this entity. We concluded that more studies are necessary in order to clarify if this finding is a biologically distinct behavior or, on the contrary, represents a specific feature of the IFP.  相似文献   

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