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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to explore gender differences in contractual commitments, job satisfaction and spouses' occupation among GP principals in NHS Scotland. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: This paper is based on data provided by a self-completion, postal questionnaire survey. The response rate was 50 per cent. FINDINGS: Males worked more hours than females and were more likely to work out-of-hours. Females reported greater job satisfaction but only when they worked fewer hours. Females earned less than males but there were no gender differences in total household income. Both genders planned to retire at 59 years. More males would delay retirement if they could work part-time. More females than males were in dual-doctor households. Male respondents in dual-doctor households were more likely to have modified their working hours or career aspirations than males in other households. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The number of hours worked by GPs is in part determined by the occupation/earning power of their spouse. The number of women GPs is increasing and they are likely to continue to choose to work fewer hours than their male counterparts have done in the past. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This study has attempted to incorporate spouse's occupation/income as a factor in the career choices of GPs in Scotland.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between hospital specialization and technical efficiency using different measures of specialization, including two novel approaches based on patient volumes rather than patient proportions. It was motivated by the observation that most studies to date have quantified hospital specialization using information about hospital patients grouped into different categories based on their diagnosis, and in doing so have used proportions—thus indirectly assuming that these categories are dependent on one other. In order to account for the diversification of organizations and the idea that hospitals can be specialized in terms of professional expertise or technical equipment within a given diagnosis category, we developed our two specialization measures based on patient volume in each category. Using a one-step stochastic frontier approach on randomly selected data from the annual reports of 1,239 acute care German hospitals for the years 2000 through 2010, we estimated the relationship of inefficiency to exogenous variables, such as specialization. The results show that specialization as quantified by our novel measures has effects on efficiency that are the opposite of those obtained using earlier measures of specialization. These results underscore the importance of always providing an exact definition of specialization when studying its effects. Additionally, a Monte Carlo simulation based on three scenarios is provided to facilitate the choice of a specialization measure for further analysis.  相似文献   

In epidemiological studies of infectious diseases it is not unusual to find that some potential risk factors are negatively associated with risk of illness. The mechanisms generating these associations are unclear in many cases, though one explanation is immunity due to prior exposure. We derive mathematical models for the proportion of a population who are infected with a disease and the proportion who are susceptible in any year of life when individuals are at risk of exposure through more than one route. It is shown that risk of illness declines with increasing age and that this risk declines most rapidly in those groups at increased exposure. In high exposure groups, the relative risk of illness, compared to a group with lower exposure, also declines with age, eventually becoming less than one. The threshold age at which the relative risk is less than 1, i.e., factor B becomes protective decreases with higher exposure rates. Epidemiological studies may substantially underestimate the importance of risk factors where exposure is consistent over many years.  相似文献   



Implementation of smoke free policies has potentially substantial effects on health by reducing secondhand smoke exposure. However little is known about whether the introduction of anti-smoking legislation translates into decreased secondhand smoke exposure. We examined whether smoking bans impact rates of secondhand smoke exposure in public places and rates of complete workplace smoking restriction.  相似文献   

Specialty hospitals have lower mortality rates for cardiac revascularization than general hospitals, but previous studies have found that this advantage disappears after adjusting for patient characteristics and hospital procedural volume. Questions have been raised about whether simultaneous relationships between volume and mortality might have biased these analyses. We use two-stage least squares with Hospital Quality Alliance scores and estimated market size as instruments for mortality and volume to control for possible simultaneity. After this adjustment, it is still the case that specialty hospitals do not have an advantage over general hospitals in mortality rates after cardiac revascularization. We find evidence of simultaneity in the relationship between volume and mortality.  相似文献   

Occupational cohort studies are usually carried out without the benefit of information on smoking habits of cohort members. One common approach to avoid confounding bias related to smoking habits is to carry out an internal analysis, comparing workers with different degrees of occupational exposure. The premise behind this approach is that within a cohort there is unlikely to be correlation between degree of exposure and smoking habits. If this were untrue, smoking could confound the disease-exposure relationships. Our purpose was to verify the premise. The study sample consisted of 857 French-Canadian men born between 1910 and 1930, with 11 or fewer years of education, and interviewed around 1980 in the context of an occupational cancer case-control study. For each man we had information on smoking habits, job history, and a history of the chemicals he was exposed to in each of his jobs. We computed two indices of the dirtiness of workers' job histories: one based on the job titles held by the man and a second based on the degree of exposures to workplace substances. There was no correlation between these indices of job dirtiness and smoking history. We also examined the smoking-exposure relationship among the subsets of men who had been occupationally exposed to ten especially noticeable substances. Within the subsets, there was no indication of a consistent difference among the smoking subgroups in level or duration of exposure to these index substances. These findings do not support the view that nonsmokers sought out cleaner job environments than smokers; they imply that internal analyses of "dose-response" in cohort studies are unlikely to be seriously confounded by smoking habits.  相似文献   

Malignant melanoma (MM) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The MM-related incidence and mortality have been increasing at an alarming rate over at least the past four decades. Malignant melanoma has been thought to be related mainly to exposure to the sun or UV radiation. A review of the scientific literature reveals many significant correlations between chemical exposure in the workplace and the occurrence of malignant melanoma, particularly in cutaneous areas that have never been exposed to sunlight. Discrepant findings are reported by independent studies concluding that MM is causally related to employment-related chemical exposures and to investigators with industry affiliations. More studies are needed to define a correlation of chemical exposure as a co-factor on the pathogenesis in some melanoma patients. We propose further investigation by dermatologists working in Melanoma Centers, using a simple questionnaire on chemical exposure among patients, that have previously been diagnosed and are followed up for melanoma comparing with appropriate matched controls. Collecting the data and results from the questionnaire will help us understand the initiation events in melanoma and prevention health issues.  相似文献   



Numerous studies have shown that exposure to air pollutants in the area of residence and the socio-economic status of an individual may be related. Therefore, when conducting an epidemiological study on the health effect of air pollution, socio-economy may act as a confounding factor. In this paper we examine to what extent socio-economic status and concentrations of NO2 in the county/region of Scania, southern Sweden, are associated and if such associations between these factors differ when studying them at county or city level. To perform this study we used high-resolution census data and modelled the annual exposure to NO2 using an emission database, a dispersion modelling program and a geographical information system (GIS).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Seasonality has been recognized as a key determinant of human energy balance, especially in low-income countries. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to test the hypothesis that, in rural Bangladesh, different age and sex groups adapt similarly to seasonal changes in energy intake (EI). DESIGN: A prospective study was carried out in 2 rural Bangladeshi villages in the lean and peak seasons. Data on anthropometric measures (weight, height, and midupper arm circumference) and dietary food intake (collected with the use of a 24-h food weighing method) were obtained from all subjects from 304 households. RESULTS: The average EI increased from a least-squares mean (+/- SE) of 7.87 +/- 0.10 MJ x person(-1) x d(-1) in the lean season to 9.47 +/- 0.13 MJ x person(-1) x d(-1) in the peak season. In children and adolescents aged < 18 y of age, the prevalence of underweight (weight-for-age) was not significantly different (56%) in the 2 seasons. Among adults, a significantly higher prevalence of chronic energy deficiency [body mass index (in kg/m(2)) < 18.5] was observed in the peak season (67%) than in the lean season (61%), despite a higher EI in the peak season. Other determinants of seasonal nutritional status are presented. CONCLUSIONS: Seasonal fluctuations in EI were substantial in all age and sex groups. Children and adolescents showed no significant seasonal changes in the prevalence of underweight, which indicated that they adapted to changes in EI. In adults, the season in which EI was high coincided with average weight loss, which indicated that adults did not adapt fully to seasonal fluctuations in EI and that seasonal energy expenditure is probably a major determinant of nutritional status.  相似文献   


Pakistan faces huge challenges in meeting its international obligations and agreed Millennium Development Goal targets for reducing maternal and child mortality. While there have been reductions in maternal and under-5 child mortality, overall rates are barely above secular trends and neonatal mortality has not reduced much. Progress in addressing basic determinants, such as poverty, undernutrition, safe water, and sound sanitary conditions as well as female education, is unsatisfactory and, not surprisingly, population growth hampers economic growth and development across the country. The devolution of health to the provinces has created challenges as well as opportunities for action. This paper presents a range of actions needed for change within the health and social sectors, including primary care, social determinants, strategies to reach the unreached, and accountability.


Pakistan faces huge challenges in meeting its international obligations and agreed Millennium Development Goal targets for reducing maternal and child mortality. While there have been reductions in maternal and under-5 child mortality, overall rates are barely above secular trends and neonatal mortality has not reduced much. Progress in addressing basic determinants, such as poverty, undernutrition, safe water, and sound sanitary conditions as well as female education, is unsatisfactory and, not surprisingly, population growth hampers economic growth and development across the country. The devolution of health to the provinces has created challenges as well as opportunities for action. This paper presents a range of actions needed for change within the health and social sectors, including primary care, social determinants, strategies to reach the unreached, and accountability.  相似文献   

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