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Statins exert beneficial effects in brain diseases including stroke. Here, we investigated whether oral prophylactic atorvastatin provides long-term neuroprotection and functional recovery in permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (pMCAO), and whether cerebral hemodynamics are affected. Male Long-Evans rats were treated with 10 mg/kg oral atorvastatin for 14 days and subjected to pMCAO. Cerebral hemodynamics were measured by bolus tracking MRI and laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Infarct volume was quantified at 1 week by T2-MRI and at 3 weeks by histology. Rats were also subjected to neuroscoring and cylinder test. The number of animals per group was 10. The infarct volumes were 100.8 ± 8.2 and 47.3 ± 5.5 mm3 in vehicle, and 68.7 ± 11.0 and 28.6 ± 3.82 mm3 in atorvastatin group at 7 and 21 days post-ischemia, respectively (mean ± SEM). Atorvastatin significantly reduced infarct volume both at 7 and 21 days (P = 0.04 and 0.03, respectively, 1-way ANOVA). Interestingly, no improvement in cerebral hemodynamic parameters was observed in atorvastatin treated animals. The vehicle group recovered normal neuroscore at day 13, whereas atorvastatin group recovered already at day 10 after pMCAO. All treatment groups preferred to use the unaffected forelimb for rearing in Cylinder test, whereas the defected forelimb use was minimal in all groups. These results suggest that oral atorvastatin protects cerebral tissue against the subsequent pMCAO without influencing cerebral hemodynamic parameters, and it may well be that persons with ongoing atorvastatin treatment benefit in the incidence of stroke.  相似文献   

Leukocytes have been investigated during the past decade for their roles in secondary tissue damage after ischemia/reperfusion injury. Peptide PRARIY, a synthetic fibronectin peptide, has shown an anti-adhesion effect in in vitro studies. Previous studies have demonstrated that anti-adhesion agents lead to reductions in apoptosis. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the peptide PRARIY displays anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and neuroprotective effects following transient focal brain ischemia in rats. Twenty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats (300-350 g) were randomly divided into three groups: phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) controls, PRARI controls, and PRARIY treatments. The right middle cerebral artery was transiently occluded using a 4-0 nylon suture. One hour later, the occluder was withdrawn, and reperfusion was maintained for 48 h. Immediately after reperfusion, the peptides (20 mg/kg, dissolved in PBS) and the same volume of PBS were continuously infused through the right external carotid artery using an osmotic minipump for 24 h. Neurological deficits were examined at 3, 24, and 48 h after ischemia. Forty-eight hours after reperfusion, the rats were sacrificed for determining infarction size, leukocyte infiltration, and apoptosis in the ischemia area. Unexpectedly, PRARIY did not influence leukocyte infiltration. However, PRARIY-treated rats showed significantly functional outcome, reduction of infarction size, decrease of TUNEL positive cells, and increase of Bcl-2 (anti-apoptotic protein) positive cells in the ischemic areas when compared to the controls. These data indicate that the peptide PRARIY exerts its neuroprotective effects via supporting neural cell survival rather than anti-leukocyte recruitment following brain ischemia/reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a unique growth factor associated with angiogenesis, vascular permeability, and neuroprotection. The aim of this study was to observe the effects of early intraarterial infusion of low-dose VEGF on ischemia/reperfusion injury after transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to 2 h of focal ischemia by middle cerebral artery occlusion. After the 2 h ischemia, the rats were infused with 0.3 microg/kg of VEGF (n = 15), or the vehicle as a control (n = 15), via the reperfused internal carotid artery. The brains were collected after a 1 h, 6 h, or 72 h reperfused period. Severity of ischemic cellular injury, serum extravasation, hemorrhagic transformation, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9 expressions were compared between the VEGF-treated and control groups. No significant difference in the extent of ischemic cellular injury and serum extravasation was observed between the two groups. However, vessel numbers with hemorrhagic transformation were significantly greater in the VEGF-treated group than in the control group after the 72 h reperfusion (9.4 +/- 1.6 versus 2.6 +/- 1.5; P = 0.028). The severity of hemorrhagic transformation was not correlated with the extent of ischemic cellular injury or serum extravasation. MMP-2 and -9 expressions were not enhanced in the VEGF-treated group compared with the control group. These results suggest that exogenous VEGF administered intravascularly at a very early point in reperfusion aggravates hemorrhagic transformation. The aggravated hemorrhagic transformation does not seem to depend on the enlargement of ischemic cellular injury, serum extravasation, or overexpressions of MMP-2 and -9.  相似文献   

Recurrent mossy fiber synapses in the dentate gyrus of epileptic brain facilitate the synchronous firing of granule cells and may promote seizure propagation. Mossy fiber terminals contain and release zinc. Released zinc inhibits the activation of NMDA receptors and may therefore oppose the development of granule cell epileptiform activity. Hippocampal slices from rats that had experienced pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus and developed a recurrent mossy fiber pathway were used to investigate this possibility. Actions of released zinc were inferred from the effects of chelation with 1 mM calcium disodium EDTA (CaEDTA). When granule cell population bursts were evoked by mossy fiber stimulation in the presence of 6 mM K(+) and 30 microM bicuculline, CaEDTA slowed the rate at which evoked bursting developed, but did not change the magnitude of the bursts once they had developed fully. The effects of CaEDTA were then studied on the pharmacologically isolated NMDA receptor- and AMPA/kainate receptor-mediated components of the fully developed bursts. CaEDTA increased the magnitude of NMDA receptor-mediated bursts and reduced the magnitude of AMPA/kainate receptor-mediated bursts. CaEDTA did not affect the granule cell bursts evoked in slices from untreated rats by stimulating the perforant path in the presence of bicuculline and 6 mM K(+). These results suggest that zinc released from the recurrent mossy fibers serves mainly to facilitate the recruitment of dentate granule cells into population bursts.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated marked neuroprotective efficacy of a combination therapy with magnesium (calcium- and glutamate-antagonist), tirilazad (antioxidant) and mild hypothermia (MTH) in a rat model of transient focal cerebral ischemia. In the present study, we investigated MTH under conditions of permanent focal cerebral ischemia. In part I, 20 Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to 6 h of permanent, laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF) controlled middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Drugs were administered 30 min before and 1 h after MCAO. Hypothermia (33 degrees C) was maintained for 2 h. Infarct size was planimetrically determined after 6 h. In part II, 29 rats were assigned to the same treatment arms and subjected to 7 days of permanent MCAO. Neurological deficits and body weight were assessed daily. Infarct size was determined on day 7. In part I, MTH significantly reduced infarct formation by 52% after 6 h. In part II, high mortality within the first 3 days was observed in both groups. Treated animals showed a significantly better postoperative weight gain on day 7 and neurological recovery on days 6 and 7 compared to controls without significant differences in infarct volume. MTH seems to exert its neuroprotective properties even in a setting of permanent cerebral ischemia. High mortality and absence of infarct reduction after 7 days might be due to model limitations. Neurological recovery, the most important clinical outcome parameter, is significantly improved in 7-day survivors. Significant neuroprotection under conditions of permanent ischemia and former promising results in transient ischemia justify further investigations of MTH.  相似文献   

Nito C  Kamiya T  Ueda M  Arii T  Katayama Y 《Brain research》2004,1008(2):179-185
FK506 (tacrolimus), an immunosuppressant, reportedly reduces ischemic brain injury following transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in rats. The authors previously reported that the therapeutic window of FK506 in this model is more than 1 h, but less than 2 h. The aim of the present study is to determine whether mild hypothermia (35 degrees C) enhances the neuroprotective effects of FK506 and expands its therapeutic window. Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to 2 h MCAO followed by 24 h reperfusion. Animals were randomly divided into four groups: (I) vehicle-treated normothermic group; (II) FK506-treated normothermic group; (III) vehicle-treated hypothermic group; (IV) FK506-treated hypothermic group. Animals received a single injection of FK506 (0.3 mg/kg) or vehicle intravenously at 2 h after ischemic induction. During ischemia, temporal muscle and rectal temperatures were maintained at 37 degrees C in the normothermic animals and at 35 degrees C in the hypothermic animals. Infarct volumes and neurological performance were evaluated at 24 h after reperfusion. The combination of FK506 and mild hypothermia significantly reduced infarct volume (cortex, -61%; striatum, -31%) and edema volume (cortex, -57%; striatum, -41%), while mild hypothermia or FK506 alone failed to improve ischemic brain damage. Furthermore, this combination also provided for the best functional outcome. These results demonstrate that the combination of FK506 and mild hypothermia significantly reduces ischemic brain damage following transient MCAO in rats, and expands the therapeutic window for FK506. This therapy may be a new approach for treatment of acute stroke.  相似文献   

The polyamine sites on the NMDA receptor complex offer a therapeutic target for focal ischaemia, potentially devoid of most side effects associated with NMDA antagonists. In this study, we investigated the effect of a novel polyamine antagonist, N(1)-dansyl-spermine (0.5-10 mg kg(-1)) in a permanent focal cerebral ischaemia model in mice, and compared its effect to that of MK-801 (0.3-3 mg kg(-1)) following administration 30 min prior to ischaemia. A battery of histological and behavioural tests was employed following permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion to assess any neuroprotective effect. Following middle cerebral artery occlusion, N(1)-dansyl-spermine (1-5 mg kg(-1)) and MK-801 (1 or 3 mg kg(-1)) caused a comparable and significant reduction in the percentage hemisphere lesion volume. Similarly, both drugs significantly reduced oedema and neurological deficit score to a similar extent. Locomotor activity in MCAO mice was not significantly improved by MK-801 or N(1)-dansyl-spermine, although N(1)-dansyl-spermine induced a trend towards significant improvement. Significant improvement in rotarod performance was observed at neuroprotective doses with both drugs. Upon comparison of the profile of effects, N(1)-dansyl-spermine at least matched the effectiveness of MK-801 as a neuroprotective agent in this model. In addition, in sham-operated control mice, N(1)-dansyl-spermine was well tolerated, in contrast to the pronounced adverse effects of MK-801 on locomotor activity and rotarod performance. In conclusion, this study has shown that N(1)-dansyl-spermine is as effective a neuroprotective drug as MK-801 in this model. Moreover, in contrast to MK-801, N(1)-dansyl-spermine could be a promising therapeutic candidate for stroke as it is well tolerated at neuroprotective doses in sham-operated animals.  相似文献   

Animal models of cerebral infarction are crucial to understanding the mechanisms of neuronal survival following ischemic brain injury and to the development of therapeutic interventions for victims of all types of stroke. Rodents have been used extensively in such research. One rodent model of stroke utilizes either permanent or temporary occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAO) to produce ischemia. Since the development of an endovascular method for this was published in 1989, MCAO has been applied commonly to the rat, and often paired with 2, 3, 5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining for stroke volume measurement. Meanwhile, advances in the ability to genetically alter mice have allowed exciting lines of research into ischemia. Because of technical demands and issues with survival, relatively few laboratories have investigated the MCAO method in the mouse. Our present work utilizes a mouse middle cerebral occlusion (MCAO) model of embolic stroke to study neuronal degeneration following temporary focal cerebral ischemia. C57Bl/6J mice were used to examine the exact effects of MCAO using Fluoro-Jade, a marker of neurodegeneration that allows observation of specific brain regions and cells destined to die. A time course of escalating neuronal degeneration from 10 min to 7 days following MCAO was established. Technical aspects of this popular method for transient focal ischemia as it applies to the mouse are discussed.  相似文献   

The combination of low-dose ethanol and caffeine (caffeinol) protects cortical areas of the brain from damage produced by distal focal ischemia in rats. There are no data, however, as to whether caffeinol influences injury in subcortical brain regions. Rats were anesthetized with halothane and subjected to 2 h of MCAo by poly-l-lysine-coated intraluminal suture. Caffeinol [a combination of ethanol, 0.33 g/kg, and caffeine, 10 mg/kg (n=5)] or vehicle (0.9% NaCl; n=7) was administered by i.v. infusion over a 2.5-h period beginning 15 min after reperfusion. Neurological status was evaluated daily, and histopathology was quantified at 3 days. Caffeinol therapy significantly improved the neurological score, reduced the total infarct volume (by 52%) and cortical infarct areas at multiple coronal levels, but subcortical infarction and brain swelling were not affected.  相似文献   

Perez E  Liu R  Yang SH  Cai ZY  Covey DF  Simpkins JW 《Brain research》2005,1038(2):216-222
Estrogens are potent neuroprotectants both in vitro and in vivo. In the present study, we compared the potency and efficacy of a non-feminizing estrogen, 2-(1-adamantyl)-4-methylestrone (ZYC-26), with its parent estrogen, estrone, and an expected non-neuroprotective 3-O-methyl analog of (17beta)-2-(1-adamantyl)estradiol (ZYC-23). These estratriene derivatives were tested for their ability to protect in an in vitro lipid peroxidation model, to neuroprotect against oxidative stress in cell culture models, to bind the estrogen receptors (ERalpha and ERbeta), to elicit uterotrophic effects, and to affect brain damage from transient middle cerebral artery occlusion. We observed that in contrast to estrone, neither ZYC-26 nor ZYC-23 bound to either estrogen receptors (ER) and both failed to elicit a uterotrophic response. In vitro, the active estrogen analogue ZYC-26 was more potent that estrogen in its ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation and to protect HT-22 cells from either glutamate or iodoacetic acid (IAA) toxicity. Further, ZYC-26 was as active in preventing brain damage from transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) as was estrone. Collectively, these studies suggest that the antioxidant activity, rather than ER binding of non-feminizing estrogens such as ZYC-26, mediates their potent neuroprotective activity. Further, in view of the now known toxicities of chronic feminizing estrogen use in older women, non-feminizing estrogens may be a useful alternative for estrogen-induced brain protection.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Kim M  Kim YJ  Kim YA  Chi JG  Roh JK  Yoon BW 《Brain research》2002,956(1):14-23
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the apoptotic process contributes to the delayed infarction that follows a middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion of 20 min (mild ischemia group) and to compare this with the delayed component of infarct following 2 h of MCA occlusion (severe ischemia group). Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent left MCA occlusion for either 20 min or 2 h and were reperfused for 12, 24 and 72 h. On 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride-stained coronal sections, delayed infarction was observed to develop in the whole MCA territory after mild ischemia, and also in the frontoparietal cortex after severe ischemia. At 24 h after 20 min of MCA occlusion, characteristic apoptotic features, including chromatin condensation and apoptotic bodies were frequently observed by electron microscopy. In both ischemic groups, Hoechst 33342 staining showed typically condensed and fragmented nuclei in the area showing delayed infarction, where TdT-dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL)-positive cells were also significantly increased. Caspase-3 activity was also found to be elevated 24 and 72 h after reperfusion and this peaked at 24 h in both groups. These findings suggest that ischemic severity may influence the distribution of delayed infarction, and that apoptosis is the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism.  相似文献   

A newly developed free radical scavenger, 3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one (MCI-186), holds promise for clinical application. We clinically evaluated the effect of MCI-186 on cerebral infarction by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and proton MR spectroscopy (MRS). Six patients with large supratentorial infarction were evaluated with sequential MRI and proton MRS. These patients were also administered MCI-186 for 14 days after ischemic insult (MCI-186 group). The findings were compared with those for patients who had supratentorial infarctions equivalent in size to those in the MCI-186 group but who had received only conventional therapy. The course of change of the size of infarction was evaluated by MRI, and the metabolic changes following cerebral infarction were evaluated by proton MRS. As a result, there was no significant difference between the initial size of infarction in the conventionally treated group and that in the MCI-186 treated groups, nor did the groups show significant difference in the sequential changes depicted by MRI in the area of infarction, midline shift, or amount of edema. However, on MRS, the N-acetyl aspartate signal was significantly higher in the MCI-186 group than in the conventionally treated patients. In conclusion, MCI-186 has an effect of preservation of N-acetyl-aspartate, which is thought to be a neuronal marker, in cerebral infarction.  相似文献   

Beta,beta'-Iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) is known to produce permanent motor behavioral abnormalities in rats. This behavior syndrome is also termed as "ECC Syndrome", the animal model for Gilles de la Tourette syndrome in humans. Some reports showed that these behavioral abnormalities are caused by monoamine changes. However, there was little research on the relation between IDPN-induced behavioral abnormalities and free radical. 3-Methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one (MCI-186), a newly synthesized free radical scavenger, exerts beneficial free radical scavenging and antioxidant characteristics. We investigated that MCI-186 inhibited the process of hydroxyl radical formation induced by IDPN administration in the rat brain. In the group of IDPN administration, hydroxyl radical levels exhibited predominant increase in most parts of the rat brain. In the group of IDPN and MCI-186 administration, hydroxyl radical levels marked significant decrease compared with those in the group of IDPN administration. Therefore, MCI-186 inhibited production of hydroxyl radical and might prove to be effective against ECC syndrome induced by IDPN.  相似文献   

Two different models of brain ischemia were used to examine the evoked changes in the tyrosine phosphorylation of NMDA receptor subunits 2A and 2B (NR2A and NR2B), as well as their interactions with non-receptor tyrosine kinases (NRTKs: FAK, PYK2 Src), and PSD-95 protein. Only short-term 5 min ischemia followed by 3 h reperfusion resulted in the elevated tyrosine phosphorylation of both investigated NMDA receptor subunits, but in contrast to previously published data, more pronounced in the case of NR2B. Concomitantly, an increased association of NR2B with FAK, PYK2, Src and PSD-95 has been observed. This sharp early reaction to brief ischemia was markedly attenuated during prolonged recovery (72 h) with almost complete return to control values. The initial recruitment of tyrosine kinases to NMDA receptor during the first 3 h of reperfusion is generally consistent with an active postischemic remodeling of PSD and may participate in the induction of the postischemic signal transduction pathway in gerbil hippocampus. In contrast, ischemia of longer duration (up to 30 min) caused an immediate decrease in the protein levels as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of both NR2A and NR2B subunits which was accompanied by the marked attenuation of the association with their investigated molecular partners--PSD-95 and NRTKs. This effect may be mimicked in vitro by Ca2+-dependent activation of endogenous calpains in purified PSD preparation suggesting irreversible deterioration of the synaptic signaling machinery during irreversible long-term ischemia.  相似文献   

Behavioral training has been shown to induce synaptic plasticity in both intact and injured animals. Because of the possibility that the adaptive changes after ischemic damage may make the brain more malleable to behavioral training, we examined the effects of complex environment (EC) housing and exercise (EX) after global cerebral ischemia on synaptic structural alterations. Forty-two adult male Wistar rats were included in the study and assigned to either ischemia or sham group. Following ischemic or sham surgery, rats were randomized to either EC, EX, or social condition (SC, paired housing) group. CA1 was processed for electron microscopy and unbiased stereological techniques were used to evaluate plasticity. Significantly decreased neuron density was seen in anterior and medial CA1 in ischemic animals regardless of behavioral training. Neuron density in anterior CA1 was 31% less than the medial area. Synaptogenesis was influenced by cerebral ischemia and behavioral training in that all ischemic groups and sham EC animals showed greater number of synapses per neuron compared to the sham EX and SC groups. Analysis of synapse configuration showed that the synaptogenesis in ischemia EX and SC rats was formed mainly by synapses with single synaptic boutons, whereas in the ischemia EC and sham EC rats synaptogenesis was formed mainly by synapses with multiple synaptic boutons. Furthermore, housing of sham and ischemia rats in EC resulted in increased number of synapses with perforated postsynaptic density. Together, these data suggest that behavioral experience in EC after insult may be able to enhance synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Injury to the cerebral cortex results in functional deficits not only within the vicinity of the lesion but also in remote brain regions sharing neuronal connections with the injured site. To understand the electrophysiological basis of this phenomenon, we evaluated the effects of a focal intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) on cortical excitability in a remote, functionally connected brain region. Cortical excitability was assessed by measuring the somatic evoked potential (SEP) elicited by electrical stimulation of the swine snout, which is somatotopically represented in the rostrum area of the primary somatosensory (SI) cortex. The SEP was measured on the SI cortex ipsilateral to the site of ICH and on the contralateral SI cortex during the acute period (< or =11 h) after collagenase-induced ICH. The ICH rapidly attenuated the SEP on the ipsilateral cortex as we reported earlier. Interestingly, the ICH also attenuated the SEP on the contralateral SI cortex. Evoked potentials in the contralateral SI cortex showed a gradual decrease in amplitude during this acute period of ICH. We then investigated whether the interhemispheric connections shared by the contralateral SI and the lesion cortex were responsible for the diminished evoked potentials in the uninjured hemisphere after ICH. A separate group of animals underwent corpus callosal transection prior to electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings and ICH injury. Within hours of hemorrhagic injury, a gradual but marked increase in evoked potential amplitude was observed in the homotopic SI cortex of callosotomized animals as compared to pre-injection recordings. The enhancement suggests that there are additional effects of ICH on remote areas functionally connected to the site of injury. Functional deficits were present in both SI cortices within the first several hours of a unilateral injury indicating that the cessation of brain activity in the lesioned SI is mirrored in the contralateral hemisphere. This electrophysiological depression in the uninjured SI cortex is mediated in part by the interhemispheric connections of the corpus callosum.  相似文献   

Zou B  Li Y  Deng P  Xu ZC 《Brain research》2005,1033(1):78-89
CA1 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus die 2-3 days following transient forebrain ischemia, whereas CA3 pyramidal neurons and granule cells in the dentate gyrus remain viable. Excitotoxicity is the major cause of ischemic cell death, and potassium currents play important roles in regulating the neuronal excitability. The present study compared the changes of potassium currents in acutely dissociated hippocampal neurons at different intervals after ischemia. In CA1 neurons, the amplitude of rapid inactivating potassium currents (I(A)) was significantly increased at 14 h and returned to control levels at 38 h after ischemia; the rising slope and decay time constant of I(A) were accordingly increased after ischemia. The activation curve of I(A) in CA1 neurons shifted to the depolarizing direction at 38 h after ischemia. In granule cells, the amplitude and rising slope of I(A) were significantly increased at 38 h after ischemia; the inactivation curves of I(A) shifted toward the depolarizing direction accordingly at 38 h after ischemia. The I(A) remained unchanged in CA3 neurons after ischemia. The amplitudes of delayed rectifier potassium currents (I(Kd)) in CA1 neurons were progressively increased after ischemia. No significant difference in I(Kd) was detected in CA3 and granule cells at any time points after reperfusion. These results indicated that the voltage dependent potassium currents in hippocampal neurons were differentially altered after cerebral ischemia. The up-regulation of I(A) in dentate granule cells might have protective effects. The increase of I(Kd) in CA1 neurons might be associated with the neuronal damage after ischemia.  相似文献   

Hwang IK  Yoo KY  Kim DS  Do SG  Oh YS  Kang TC  Han BH  Kim JS  Won MH 《Brain research》2004,1023(2):193-199
In the present study, we investigated chronological changes of galanin (GAL), well known as the potassium channel opener, immunoreactivity and GAL protein level in the hippocampus of the gerbil at the various times after 5 min transient forebrain ischemia. In the sham-operated group, weak GAL immunoreactivity was found in non-pyramidal cells. At 12 h after ischemia-reperfusion, the number of GAL-immunoreactive neurons and GAL immunoreactivity were significantly increased in the hippocampus compared to 3 h after ischemic insult, especially in the hippocampal CA1 region. Thereafter the number of GAL-immunoreactive neurons and GAL immunoreactivity decrease time-dependently in the hippocampus. Four days after transient ischemia, GAL immunoreactivity was low as compared with the sham-operated group. At this time point after ischemic insult, GAL immunoreactivity was shown in microglia in the CA1 region because delayed neuronal death happened in the CA1 pyramidal cells. The result of Western blot showed the pattern of GAL expression similar to that of immunohistochemical data. These results suggest that the early increase of GAL in the CA1 pyramidal cells may be associated with the reduction of the excitotoxic damage, that long-lasting enhanced expression of endogenous GAL at 12 h-2 days after ischemia may be associated with efflux of potassium ion into the extracellular space, and that GAL expression in microglia 4 days after ischemia may be associated with reduction of ischemic damage.  相似文献   

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