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Liver biopsy is considered the most accurate means to estimate the necroinflammatory activity and the extent of fibrosis. However, histology evaluation is an invasive procedure associated with risk to the patient, risk of sampling error and diagnostic inconsistencies due to inter- and intra-observer error. On the basis of histological studies performed so far, chronic hepatitis C in children appears morphologically benign in the majority of cases. At the Pediatric Liver Unit of our university, a total of 67 children with chronic hep, atitis C underwent liver biopsy. Liver biopsy was repeated 5.5 years after the initial histological evaluation in 21 children. On a total number of 88 liver biopsies, micronodular cirrhosis was detected only in one genotype 1b-infected obese child. Since liver histology investigation of a child with chronic hepatitis C has few chances to highlight severe lesions, we question how liver biopsy helps in the management of children with chronic hepatitis C.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the usefulness of transient elastography by Fibroscan (FS), a rapid non-invasive technique to evaluate liver fibrosis, in the management of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers. METHODS: In 297 consecutive HBV carriers, we studied the correlation between liver stiffness (LS), stage of liver disease and other factors potentially influencing FS measurements. In 87 chronic hepatitis B (CriB) patients, we monitored the FS variations according to the spontaneous or treatment-induced variations of biochemical activity during follow-up. RESULTS: FS values were 12.3 ± 3.3 kPa in acute hepatitis, 10.3 ± 8.8 kPa in chronic hepatitis, 4.3 ± 1.0 kPa in inactive carriers and 4.6 ± 1.2 kPa in blood donors. We identified the cut-offs of 7.5 and 11.8 kPa for the diagnosis of fibrosis ≥S3 and cirrhosis respectively, showing 93.9% and 86.5% sensitivity, 88.5% and 96.3% specificity, 76.7% and 86.7% positive predictive value (PPV), 97.3% and 96.3% negative predictive value (NPV) and 90.1% and 94.2% diagnostic accuracy. At multivariate analysis in 171 untreated carriers, fibrosis stage (t = 13.187,P 〈 0.001), active vs inactive HBV infection (t = 6.437, P 〈 0.001), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (t = 4.740, P 〈 0.001) and HBV-DNA levels (t = -2.046, P = 0.042) were independently associated with FS. Necroinflammation score (t = 2.158, 〉 10/18 vs ≤ 10/18, P = 0.035) and ALT levels (t = 3.566, P =0.001) were independently associated with LS in 83 untreated patients without cirrhosis and long-term biochemical remission (t = 4.662, P 〈 0.001) in 80 treated patients. During FS monitoring (mean followup 19.9 ± 7.1 mo) FS values paralleled those of ALT in patients with hepatitis exacerbation (with 1.2 to 4.4-fold increases in Crib patients) and showed a progressive decrease during antiviral therapy. CONCLUSION: FS is a non-invasive tool to monitor liver disease in chronic HBV carriers, provided that the pattern of biochemical ac  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the effect of interleukin-1-beta (IL-1beta) promoter region C-511T and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) polymorphism among the patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection (HCC and non-HCC). METHODS: Genomic DNA from 136 Thai patients with chronic HBV infection (HCC=46 and non-HCC=90) and 152 healthy individuals was genotyped for IL-1beta gene polymorphism (-511) using polymerase chain reaction with sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). The variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) of IL-1RN gene was assessed by a PCR-based assay. The association between these genes and status of the disease was evaluated by chi2 test. RESULTS: IL-1B-511 genotype C/C was found to be significantly different in patients with HCC when compared with healthy individuals (P=0.036, OR=2.29, 95%CI=1.05-4.97) and patients without HCC (P=0.036, OR=2.52, 95%CI=1.05-6.04). Analysis of allele frequencies of IL-1B-511 showed that IL-1B-511 C allele was also significantly increased in patients with HCC, compared to that in healthy control (P=0.033, OR=1.72, 95%CI=1.04-2.84). However, no significant association in IL-1RN gene was found between the two groups. CONCLUSION: IL-1B-511C allele, which may be associated with high IL-1B production in the liver, is a genetic marker for the development of HCC in chronic hepatitis B patients in Thai population.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the ultrastructure of oval cells in children with chronic hepatitis B,with special emphasis on their location in areas of collagen fibroplasia. METHODS:Morphological investigations were conducted on biopsy material obtained from 40 children,aged 3-16 years with chronic hepatitis B. The stage of fibrosis was assessed histologically using the arbitrary semiquantitative numerical scoring system proposed by Ishak et al. The material for ultrastructural investigation was fixed in glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde and processed for transmission-electron microscopic analysis. RESULTS:Ultrastructural examination of biopsy specimens obtained from children with chronic hepatitis B showed the presence of two types of oval cells,the hepatic progenitor cells and intermediate hepatic-like cells. These cells were present in the parenchyma and were seen most commonly in areas of intense periportal fibrosis (at least stage 2 according to Ishak et al) and in the vicinity of the limiting plate of the lobule. The activated nonparenchymal hepatic cells,i.e. transformed hepatic stellate cells and Kupffer cells were seen in close proximity to the intermediate hepatic-like cells. CONCLUSION:We found a distinct relationship between the prevalence of oval cells (hepatic progenitor cells and intermediate hepatocyte-like cells) and fibrosis stage in pediatric patients with chronic hepatitis B.  相似文献   

AIM: Considerable attention is focused on polymorphisms in the gene encoding transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), a multifunctional cytokine that is in turn a potent growth inhibitor involved in wound healing and differentiation. In humans, it promotes the pathogenesis of organ fibrosis, atherosclerosis, cancer, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, keloid disease, and hypertrophic scarring. Forth is reason, much emphasis has been placed on studies elucidating the impact of TGF-131 and its gene variationsf or the susceptibility and pathogenesis of these diseases. Unfortunately, some studies have serious limitations. METHODS: We have recently described a high-throughput method for investigation the Arg25Pro polymorphism of human TGF-β1 gene and showed that the frequency of the Pro25 allele is significantly associated with hepatic fibrogenesis. In this report, we describe two novel Light Cycler (LC) techniques that facilitate the examination of the two other known alterations in the coding region of TGF-β1. We investigated whether these polymorphisms contribute to hepatitis-induced progression of fibrogenesis in Chinese and Caucasians. RESULTS: In the Chinese ancestry, the gene polymorphisms at codons 25 and 263 were not found and the genetic variant at codon 10 is unlikely to confer susceptibility to hepatic fibrosis. Contrarily, in Caucasians TGF-β1 allelic variations are more frequent and the presence of prolines  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the response of standard hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination between patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and healthy individuals. METHODS: This is a prospective case-control study. A total of 38 patients with chronic HCV infection and 40 healthy controls were included. Vaccination was performed by injection of 20μg recombinant HBsAg into the deltoid muscle at mo 0,1 and 6. Anti-HBs concentration was determined 3 mo after the last dose and compared between the two groups. The response pattern was characterized as (1) high-response when the anti-HBs antibody titer was 〉 100 IU/L, (2) low-response when the titer was 10-100 IU/L. and (3) no-response when the titer was 〈 10 IU/L. RESULTS: In the patient group, there were 10/38 (26.3%) non-responders, 8/38 (21.1%) Iow-responders and 20/38 (52.6%) high-responders. The corresponding values in the control group were 2/40 (5.0%), 7/40 (17.5%) and 31/40 (77.5%), respectively. The response pattern was statistically different between the two groups. In multivariate analysis, smoking was a significant confounder, while HCV infection lost its significant correlation with lower antibody response. CONCLUSION: Patients with chronic HCV infection tend to respond weakly to HBV vaccination compared to healthy individuals, though this correlation is not independent according to multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

AIM: To clarify the pathogenesis of ductular proliferation and its possible association with oval cell activation and hepatocyte regeneration. METHODS: Immunohistochemical staining and image analysis of the ductular structures in the liver tissues from 11 patients with severe chronic hepatitis B and 2 healthy individuals were performed. The liver specimens were sectioned serially, and then cytokeratin 8 (CK8), CK19, OV6, proliferating cell nuclear antigens (PCNA), glutathione-S-transferase (GST),α-fetal protein (AFP) and albumin were stained immunohistochemically. RESULTS: Typical and atypical types of ductular proliferation were observed in the portal tracts of the liver tissues in all 11 patients. The proliferating ductular cells were positive for CK8, CK19, OV6 and PCNA staining. Some atypical ductular cells displayed the morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics of hepatic oval cells. Some small hepatocyte-like cells were between hepatic oval cells and mature hepatocytes morphometri-cally and immunohistochemically. CONCLUSION: The proliferating ductules in the liver of patients with severe chronic liver disease may have different origins. Some atypical ductular cells are actually activated hepatic oval cells. Atypical ductular proliferation is related to hepatocyte regeneration and small hepatocyte-like cells may be intermediate transient cells between hepatic oval cells and mature hepatocytes.  相似文献   

阐明肝纤维化或肝脏的疤痕反应一直是现今肝脏病学研究的主要热点,尤其是肝星状细胞(HSC)活化是肝纤维化发生、发展的中心环节,且其活化过程已成为详细了解肝纤维化发生的重要环节。然而,目前对肝纤维化为何会加快肝细胞癌发生了解尚不多。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the responses of TT virus (TTV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) to a long-term lamivudine therapy. METHODS: Sixteen patients infected with both TTV and HBV were treated with lamivudine 100 mg daily for 30 months. Blood samples were drawn at the beginning of the therapy and subsequently at month 3, 6, 9, 12 and 30. Serum TTV was quantified by real time PCR and serum HBV was detected by hybridization assay and nested polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: TTV infection was detected in 100 % of HBV-infected patients. Loss of serum TTV DNA after one year of treatment occurred in 1/16 (6 %) patients. At the end of therapy, TTV DNA was positive in 94 % of them. The decline of HBV viremia was evident at 3 months after therapy and the response rate was 31 %, 44 %, 63 %, 50 % and 50 % at month 3, 6, 9, 12 and 30, respectively. CONCLUSION: TTV replication is not sensitive to lamivudine and is highly prevalent in HBV-infected patients.  相似文献   

目的 探讨窦内皮细胞在肝纤维化发生中的作用,以及肝脏微循环障碍、肝窦毛细血管化与肝纤维化发生的关系. 方法对56例慢性乙型肝炎患者进行肝活组织枪查,将肝组织分成两部分,分别通过HE染色进行光学显微镜观察,以及常规制作电子显微镜标本在透射电子显微镜下进行超微结构观察.结果 56例慢性乙型肝炎患者中,轻度39例,中度10例,重度7例.慢性乙型肝炎患者肝星状细胞的形态类似成纤维细胞,周围有胶原纤维形成.窦内皮细胞与肝星状细胞间有电子致密物沉积.其中53例窦内皮细胞窗孔有不同程度的减少,减小,20例见窦内皮细胞下有连续或不连续的膜样物质形成,15例狄氏腔内有胶原纤维沉积.15例肝功能正常患者有的肝窦腔内有红细胞聚集,严重者有微血栓形成. 结论窦内皮细胞通过与肝星状细胞作用,从而参与肝纤维化的发生.肝脏微循环障碍、肝窦毛细血管化是肝纤维化的早期重要病理改变.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection is one the leading risk factors for chronic hepatitis, liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer(HCC), which are a major global health problem. A large number of clinical studies have shown that chronic HBV persistent infection causes the dysfunction of innate and adaptive immune response involving monocytes/macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer(NK) cells, T cells. Among these immune cells, cell subsets with suppressive features have been recognized such as myeloid derived suppressive cells(MDSC),NK-reg, T-reg, which represent a critical regulatory system during liver fibrogenesis or tumourigenesis. However, the mechanisms that link HBVinduced immune dysfunction and HBV-related liver diseases are not understood.In this review we summarize the recent studies on innate and adaptive immune cell dysfunction in chronic HBV infection, liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and HCC, and further discuss the potential mechanism of HBV-induced immunosuppressive cascade in HBV infection and consequences. It is hoped that this article will help ongoing research about the pathogenesis of HBV-related hepatic fibrosis and HBV-related HCC.  相似文献   

Protection of estrogens against the progression of chronic liver disease   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hepatitis C virus infections are recognized as a major causative factor of chronic liver disease. A characteristic feature of chronic hepatitis C, alcoholic liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is hepatic steatosis. Hepatic steatosis leads to an increase in lipid peroxidation in hepatocytes, which, in turn, activates hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). HSCs are also thought to be the primary target cells for inflammatory and oxidative stimuli, and to produce extracellular matrix components. Based on available clinical information, chronic hepatitis C appears to progress more rapidly in men than in women, and cirrhosis is predominately a disease of men and postmenopausal women. Estradiol is a potent endogenous antioxidant. Hepatic steatosis was reported to become evident in an aromatase-deficient mouse and was diminished in animals after treatment with estradiol. Our previous studies showed that estradiol suppressed hepatic fibrosis in animal models, and attenuated HSC activation by suppressing the generation of reactive oxygen species in primary cultures. Variant estrogen receptors were found to be expressed to a greater extent in male patients with chronic liver disease than in female subjects. A better understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying the gender-associated differences observed in the progression of chronic liver disease would provide valuable information relative to the search for effective antifibrogenic therapies.  相似文献   

In the past few decades,chronic hepatitis B(CHB)has evolved from a disease that was untreatable and progressive,to one that can be easily controlled with antiviral therapy.However,patients with severe liver disease still remain difficult to treat despite the availability of highly potent nucleos(t)ide analogs.These include those with underlying cirrhosis,severe flares of CHB,hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC),and for those undergoing liver transplantation.For those with established cirrhosis,antiviral therapy should be considered for all,as unpredictable flares can still occur,which can be fatal for those with advanced chronic liver disease.However,even with effective viral suppression,the development of HCC can still occur.For patients with severe flares of CHB,although the use of antiviral can improve long term outcomes,a significant proportion may still die without liver transplantation.The short term prognosis of these patients is dependent on both the severity of flare and underlying pre-existing liver disease.In patients with decompensated cirrhosis,liver failure secondary to severe flares,or those with HCC,liver transplantation may be curative.After liver transplantation,long term antiviral therapy is required to prevent graft loss from recurrent hepatitis B infection.The use of hepatitis B immune globulin(HBIG)in combination with an oral antiviral agent has been the mainstay of post-transplant antiviral regimen for over adecade.With newer and more potent antiviral agents such as tenofovir and entecavir,use of these agents along with HBIG have demonstrated to be effective in preventing significant recurrence in the long term.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection is a dynamic state ofinteractions among HBV, hepatocytes, and the host immune system. Natural history studies of chronic hepatitis B(CHB) infection have shown an association between active viral replication and adverse clinical outcomes such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The goal of therapy for CHB is to improve quality of life and survival by preventing progression of the disease to cirrhosis, decompensation, end-stage liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) and death. This goal can be achieved if HBV replication is suppressed in a sustained manner. The accompanying reduction in histological activity of CHB lessens the risk of cirrhosis and of HCC, particularly in non-cirrhotic patients. However, CHB infection cannot be completely eradicated, due to the persistence of covalently closed circular DNA in the nucleus of infected hepatocytes, which may explain HBV reactivation. Moreover, the integration of the HBV genome into the host genome may favour oncogenesis, development of HCC and may also contribute to HBV reactivation.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The HBV mutations, which include point mutation, deletion, insertion and truncation mutation of HBV gene in 4 open reading frames (S, C, P, X), are closely associated with HCC pathogenesis. Some mutations accumulated during chronic HBV infection could be regarded as a biomarker to predict the occurrence of HCC. The detection of the mutations in clinical practice could be helpful for defining better preventive and therapeutic strategies and, moreover, predicting the progression of liver disease.  相似文献   

目的 探讨窦内皮细胞在肝纤维化发生中的作用,以及肝脏微循环障碍、肝窦毛细血管化与肝纤维化发生的关系. 方法对56例慢性乙型肝炎患者进行肝活组织枪查,将肝组织分成两部分,分别通过HE染色进行光学显微镜观察,以及常规制作电子显微镜标本在透射电子显微镜下进行超微结构观察.结果 56例慢性乙型肝炎患者中,轻度39例,中度10例,重度7例.慢性乙型肝炎患者肝星状细胞的形态类似成纤维细胞,周围有胶原纤维形成.窦内皮细胞与肝星状细胞间有电子致密物沉积.其中53例窦内皮细胞窗孔有不同程度的减少,减小,20例见窦内皮细胞下有连续或不连续的膜样物质形成,15例狄氏腔内有胶原纤维沉积.15例肝功能正常患者有的肝窦腔内有红细胞聚集,严重者有微血栓形成. 结论窦内皮细胞通过与肝星状细胞作用,从而参与肝纤维化的发生.肝脏微循环障碍、肝窦毛细血管化是肝纤维化的早期重要病理改变.  相似文献   

目的 探讨窦内皮细胞在肝纤维化发生中的作用,以及肝脏微循环障碍、肝窦毛细血管化与肝纤维化发生的关系. 方法对56例慢性乙型肝炎患者进行肝活组织枪查,将肝组织分成两部分,分别通过HE染色进行光学显微镜观察,以及常规制作电子显微镜标本在透射电子显微镜下进行超微结构观察.结果 56例慢性乙型肝炎患者中,轻度39例,中度10例,重度7例.慢性乙型肝炎患者肝星状细胞的形态类似成纤维细胞,周围有胶原纤维形成.窦内皮细胞与肝星状细胞间有电子致密物沉积.其中53例窦内皮细胞窗孔有不同程度的减少,减小,20例见窦内皮细胞下有连续或不连续的膜样物质形成,15例狄氏腔内有胶原纤维沉积.15例肝功能正常患者有的肝窦腔内有红细胞聚集,严重者有微血栓形成. 结论窦内皮细胞通过与肝星状细胞作用,从而参与肝纤维化的发生.肝脏微循环障碍、肝窦毛细血管化是肝纤维化的早期重要病理改变.  相似文献   

目的 探讨窦内皮细胞在肝纤维化发生中的作用,以及肝脏微循环障碍、肝窦毛细血管化与肝纤维化发生的关系. 方法对56例慢性乙型肝炎患者进行肝活组织枪查,将肝组织分成两部分,分别通过HE染色进行光学显微镜观察,以及常规制作电子显微镜标本在透射电子显微镜下进行超微结构观察.结果 56例慢性乙型肝炎患者中,轻度39例,中度10例,重度7例.慢性乙型肝炎患者肝星状细胞的形态类似成纤维细胞,周围有胶原纤维形成.窦内皮细胞与肝星状细胞间有电子致密物沉积.其中53例窦内皮细胞窗孔有不同程度的减少,减小,20例见窦内皮细胞下有连续或不连续的膜样物质形成,15例狄氏腔内有胶原纤维沉积.15例肝功能正常患者有的肝窦腔内有红细胞聚集,严重者有微血栓形成. 结论窦内皮细胞通过与肝星状细胞作用,从而参与肝纤维化的发生.肝脏微循环障碍、肝窦毛细血管化是肝纤维化的早期重要病理改变.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the usefulness of mild iron depletion and the factors predictive for histological improvement following phlebotomy in Caucasians with chronic hepatitis C(CHC). METHODS:We investigated 28 CHC Caucasians with persistently elevated serum aminotransferase levels and non responders to,or unsuitable for,antiviral therapy who underwent mild iron depletion(ferritin≤70 ng/mL) by long-term phlebotomy.Histological improvement,as defined by at least one point reduction in the staging score or,in case...  相似文献   

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