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《Journal of epilepsy》1991,4(4):231-238
We studied 40 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy to determine if ictal fear was associated with changes in cognition, personality, or psychopathology. Patients with ictal fear scored higher (p < 0.10) than those without ictal fear on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Social Introversion and Psychasthenia subscales, MMPI-derived scales including depression, poor morale, and delinquency and on the Spielberger Trait Anxiety Scale. These differences were not even marginally significant with Bonferoni correction for multiple comparisons. No differences were found between these groups in the Temporal Lobe (Bear-Fedio) Questionnaire, Buss-Durkey Hostility Inventory, or history of psychiatric hospitalization. However, a history of paranoid psychosis and anxiety disorder, as well as current treatment with a neuroleptic medication, were more common in patients with ictal fear. This study provides limited support for the thesis that ictal fear is associated with behavioral changes in epilepsy, particularly symptoms of anxiety, introversion, and paranoia. 相似文献
The syndrome of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is a well-defined clinical entity that responds to surgical treatment in a considerable number of patients. Although it has been subjected to intensive clinical research, few investigators have published the ictal scalp EEG findings and looked for specific features that might predict postoperative outcome. This study was designed to examine ictal scalp EEG characteristics in detail, in a group of patients with pathologically confirmed hippocampal sclerosis (HS). Patients who underwent long-term video-EEG monitoring at our center during a 3-year period and were diagnosed to have MTLE and pathologically proven HS were included in this retrospective study. All ictal scalp EEGs were investigated in a common reference montage, paying attention to the localization, morphology and frequency of ictal discharges that were accepted to represent a specific phase if the findings were sustained for at least 3 seconds. Any significant change in localization, morphology or frequency of discharges was said to represent a different phase. The ictal EEG patterns in different phases were later compared among seizures of different patients. In addition, the ictal EEG characteristics of the patients in Group I (Engel's classification) were compared with the ictal EEG findings in patients who were included in another group. All the patients have been followed for more than 5 years. Seventy-one ictal EEGs were investigated in 25 adult patients (11 M, 14 F). Onset patterns were lateralized in 81.7% and localized in 76% of the seizures. Thirteen different patterns of onset were detected, the most common of which was the cessation of interictal discharges (35.2%). The most common ictal pattern following the initial changes was ipsilateral temporal rhythmic theta-delta activity (85.2%) that occurred on the average 13.4 seconds after onset. Nonlocalized/lateralized seizure onset of all the seizures or bilateral independent onset was present in 75% of the patients in Groups II-III, whereas this ratio was 14.3% in the patients in Group I (p=0.031). In conclusion, ictal scalp EEG in MTLE allows correct lateralization and localization in most of the seizures. Onset patterns may vary considerably; however, a later significant pattern consisting of rhythmic ipsilateral temporal build-up develops in the majority of seizures. Some ictal EEG characteristics may be related to post-operative outcome. 相似文献
U. Runge G. Kirsch B. Petersen G. Kallwellis M. R. Gaab J. Piek Ch. Kessler 《Acta neurologica Scandinavica》1997,96(5):271-276
Forty-one ECD (Technetium-99m-ethyl cysteinate dimer) SPECT investigations were undertaken in the course of a presurgical diagnostic work-up in 23 patients with pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. In 21 patients, both an ictal and interictal SPECT were conducted. In the patients receiving ictal SPECT the tracer was injected between 7 and 30 s after the seizure onset. Of the interictal SPECTs 17 of 23 showed focal hypoperfusion which was consistent in 17 cases (74%) with the area of the electrophysiological focus (EF) and 6 patients had a normal interictal SPECT. Of the ictal SPECTs 18 of 21 (86%) showed regional hyperperfusion, 18 of them in the same location as the EF. Ictal SPECT showed a hypoperfusion similar to that in interictal SPECT in another 3 patients. In these cases seizure duration was short (28–54 s), so that the tracer reached the brain postictally. Our results show that ictal ECD-SPECT is an effective method for demonstrating an epileptogenic focus. Possible reasons for false-negative ictal SPECT results are discussed. 相似文献
Ictal PET in temporal lobe epilepsy 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
We have evaluated useful lateralizing signs in 28 patients with medial temporal lobe epilepsy who were seizure-free after anterior temporal lobectomy by reviewing videotapes during video-EEG monitoring. The most frequent types of aura were epigastric sensation and psychic symptom in 8, respectively, both of which did not predict lateralization of the focus. Of the motor signs, early head deviation and unilateral upper extremity automatism predicted an ipsilateral focus in 72 and 80%, respectively. On the other hand, late head deviation(< 15 seconds before secondarily generalized seizure) and unilateral upper extremity dystonic posturing predicted a contralateral focus in 80 and 100%, respectively. Twelve of the patients displayed oroalimentary automatism which did not predict focus lateralization. Three patients with ictal speech demonstrated a seizure focus contralateral to their language-dominant hemisphere. In medial temporal lobe epilepsy, several clinical seizure manifestations such as: early and late head deviation, unilateral upper extremity automatism and dystonic posturing were not a little noted and provided additional information as to the side of seizure origin. 相似文献
F Paladin A Bonazza R Mameli F Mainardi 《The Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences》1999,20(4):237-242
The aim of our work was to identify clinical and electroencephalographic factors that are statistically correlated to 99mTc HMPAO hypofixation in cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy. We selected a homogeneous group of patients (28 males and 17 females) affected by temporal lobe epilepsy and having normal results on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Patients were classified according to semeiological characteristics of the seizures, presence or absence of spikes on electroencephalography (EEG), age at onset, illness duration, and drug resistance.The presence of focal interictal spikes on EEG was statistically correlated to 99mTc HMPAO temporal hypofixation (p = 0.04). The other electroclinical factors considered in this series did not play an important role in modifying radiopharmaceutical fixation in focal epilepsy in interictal phase. We speculate that a possible explanation for focal radiopharmaceutical hypofixation, in addition to hypoperfusion, is an increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier (due to perivascular inflammation or other causes) which can be responsible for 99mTc HMPAO escape with a resultant hypofixation. 相似文献
Unilateral microinjections of kainic acid (4.7 nmol) were made into the dorsal hippocampus of 17 unanaesthetized freely moving cats. These injections provoked an acute period of intense seizure activity (first 48–72 h) which in 10 cats was followed by a chronic period of recurrent spontaneous complex partial seizures persisting for as long as the cats were studied (up to 4 months). During the chronic epileptic period 8 of these 10 cats demonstrated both ictal and interictal emotional behaviour disturbances. The ictal events included behaviour similar to a ‘defensive rage’ reaction. Interictally, each of the cats demonstrated an emotional lability. That is, although they behaved in a normal manner if handled affectionately, any mild provocation triggered an explosive defensive rage reaction. As well, the thresholds for electrical brain stimulation induced defensive rage were lowered. That the interictal emotional behaviour disturbances were related to the presence of an active epileptogenic process was suggested by the finding that during periods when no spontaneous seizures were observed for several days, the cats reverted to a less emotionally reactive state and the thresholds for stimulation-induced defense reactions returned to baseline. The results indicate that epileptogenic lesions of the temporal lobe alone can induce an enduring disturbance of emotional behaviour. They support the view that emotional disturbances in patients with epilepsy may sometimes result from pathophysiological mechanisms related to the epileptogenic process, and further suggest that such emotional disturbances might be reversed or prevented if the epileptic seizures could be controlled. 相似文献
Assaf BA Karkar KM Laxer KD Garcia PA Austin EJ Barbaro NM Aminoff MJ 《Epilepsia》2003,44(10):1320-1327
PURPOSE: We evaluated visual patterns and source localization of ictal magnetoencephalography (MEG) in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and extratemporal epilepsy (ETE). METHODS: We performed spike and seizure recording simultaneously with EEG and MEG on two patients with TLE and five patients with ETE. Scalp EEG was recorded from 21 channels (10-20 international system), whereas MEG was recorded from two 37-channel sensors. We compared ictal EEG and MEG onset, frequency, and evolution and performed MEG dipole source localization of interictal spikes and early ictal discharges and co-registered dipoles to brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We correlated dipole characteristics with intracranial EEG, surgical resection, and outcome. RESULTS: Ictal MEG lateralized seizure onset in both TLE patients and demonstrated ictal onset, frequency, and evolution in accordance with EEG. Ictal MEG source analysis revealed tangential vertical dipoles in the anterolateral angle in one patient, and anterior dipoles with anteroposterior orientation in the other. Intracranial EEG revealed regional entorhinal seizure onset in the first patient. Both patients became seizure free after temporal lobectomy. In ETE, ictal MEG demonstrated visual patterns similar to ictal EEG and had concordant localization with interictal MEG in all five patients. Two patients underwent surgery. Ictal MEG localization was concordant with intracranial EEG in both cases. One patient had successful outcome after surgery. The second patient did not improve after limited resection and multiple subpial transections. CONCLUSIONS: Ictal MEG can demonstrate ictal onset frequency and evolution and provide useful localizing information before epilepsy surgery. 相似文献
颞叶癫痫脑电图分析及病灶超微结构观察 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 研究影像学检查无异常的颞叶癫痫患者,电生理异常与皮层棘波灶及海马超微病变的关系.方法 选择经CT或MRI检查未见异常的颞叶癫痫患者7例,术前做脑电图或24h视频脑电监测,术中在脑电监测下取颞叶大脑皮质棘波灶和海马组织,做电镜观察.结果 7例患者电生理检查均可见典型痫样放电.颞叶皮质痫灶和海马可见不同程度的神经元固缩,胶质细胞变性,胶质增生,突触数量及突触结构改变,血脑屏障破坏等改变.结论 影像学无异常的颞叶癫痫患者颞叶皮层痫灶和海马超微结构病理变化明显,特别是突触的变化,是导致癫痫患者脑电生理机能异常及癫痫反复自发性发作的形态学基础. 相似文献
Ictal chronology and interictal spikes predict perfusion patterns in temporal lobe epilepsy: a multivariate study. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Lauro Wichert-Ana Tonicarlo Rodrigues Velasco Vera Cristina Terra-Bustamante Veriano Alexandre Ricardo Guarnieri Roger Walz Mery Kato Whemberton Martins Araújo Carlos Gilberto Carlotti David Araújo Antonio Carlos Dos Santos Américo Ceiki Sakamoto 《Seizure》2004,13(5):346-357
Typical (TPP) and atypical (APP) perfusion patterns (PP) may be seen in ictal SPECT of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). APP may pose problem in the lateralization of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). We aimed to investigate predictive variables for the occurrence of TPP and APP. Fifty-one TLE patients were submitted to successful anterior-mesial temporal lobectomy. Univariate (UVA) and multivariate (MVA) analysis were performed upon clinical data, distribution of interictal spikes, and ictal chronology of seizures. From MVA, a final predictive model (FPM) was determined to better predict TPP and APP. Forty patients showed TPP (78.5%) and 11 patients APP (21.5%). Accuracy of ictal SPECT was higher in the unilateral (UIS) than in the bilateral (BIS) interictal spikes group (P = 0.05). FPM showed that patients exhibiting BIS, with shorter proportion of the electrographic seizure occurring after completion of tracer injection, and longer clinical than EEG seizure duration had more APP (P = 0.003). Generalized tonic-clonic seizures did not result in more APP. We concluded that analysis of ictal SPECT in TLE requires the knowledge of TPP and APP, the distribution of interictal spikes on temporal lobes and the ictal chronology of seizures. BIS showed that beyond a more complex epileptogenicity and seizure propagation, they may also lead to APP. 相似文献
Purpose: Respiratory mechanisms are implicated in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). We previously demonstrated a high incidence of ictal hypoxemia in temporal lobe seizures. We now report on the temporal relationship between ictal apnea and seizure onset and spread in patients undergoing video‐EEG (electroencephalography) telemetry (VET) with intracranial electrodes. Methods: Ten patients with medically refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) undergoing VET were studied. Data from synchronously recorded digital pulse oximetry (SaO2), end‐tidal CO2 (ETCO2), nasal airflow, abdominal excursions, and electrocardiography were obtained. Results: Sixty‐one seizures were captured. SaO2 in the ictal/postictal period was available for 52 seizures, apnea onset times for 27 seizures, and ETCO2 for 16 seizures. Apneas occurred only when seizures spread to the contralateral temporal lobe. The mean delay to apnea onset was significantly shorter after contralateral seizure spread (2.87 s) than after seizure onset (58.4 s); p < 0.001. The mean SaO2 nadir with partial seizures or partial seizures prior to secondary generalization was 89.4 ± 8.6% (91.5, 69–100). Following generalized convulsions the mean oxygen saturation nadir was 75.8 ± 10.6% (78.5, 58–90). ETCO2 elevations occurred with each ictal desaturation below 85%. Conclusions: There is a close temporal relationship between spread of seizures to the contralateral hemisphere and the onset of seizure‐associated apnea. Apnea onsets are more tightly linked to time of contralateral spread than to time of seizure onset. Patients with TLE in whom there is evidence of contralateral seizure spread may be at higher risk for ictal‐related respiratory dysfunction than those in whom seizures remain unilateral. 相似文献
Ictal singing has been rarely reported and the neural networks underlying this specific symptom remain unknown. We report a nineteen-year-old man with medically refractory seizures who exhibited ictal singing and laughing. He underwent intracranial stereotactic EEG recording which demonstrated ictal activity in medial and dorsolateral regions of the left frontal lobe in the generation of ictal singing. Thereafter, a left frontal resection of the superior and middle frontal gyri made him seizure-free. Among the previously reported cases of ictal singing, the symptomatogenic zones included bilateral frontal and temporal lobes. The wide variance of ictal onset zones suggests that the mechanism of ictal singing is probably related to the recruitment of music-related neural networks in different regions of both hemispheres rather than activation of a specific cortical region. 相似文献
Rémi J Wagner P O'Dwyer R Silva Cunha JP Vollmar C Krotofil I Noachtar S 《Epilepsia》2011,52(8):1447-1451
Purpose: To quantitatively evaluate the difference of ictal head turning movements between patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE). Methods: We investigated 38 seizures of 31 patients with unilateral TLE and 22 seizures of 14 patients with unilateral FLE where head turning occurred in the seizure evolution. The head movements were defined as ipsilateral or contralateral in reference to the lateralization of the patient’s focal epilepsy syndrome. Head movements were quantified by either referencing the head position with manually placed markers or by automatic detection of infrared marked reference points. The time of onset, duration, and angular speed of the head movements were computed, and interindividual and intraindividual analyses were performed. Key Findings: All of the TLE seizures had both contralateral and ipsilateral head turning, whereas all FLE had contralateral head turning; only 6 of 22 seizures were associated with ipsilateral head turning. Ipsilateral head turning always preceded contralateral head turning in both TLE and FLE. The head turning occurred significantly sooner after clinical seizure onset in FLE than in TLE patients (ipsilateral 0.5 vs. 16.0 s, contralateral: 4.5 vs. 21.3 s; p < 0.001). Furthermore, the duration of head turning was shorter in FLE for contralateral head turning (4.1 s) than in TLE (contralateral 6.0 s, p < 0.01); the ipsilateral head turning in the two groups did not differ (3.0 vs. 2.9 s) in duration. The angular speed of head turning did not differ for ipsilateral and for contralateral head turning in FLE and TLE. Significance: Quantitative analysis of head turning demonstrates significant differences between patients with FLE and TLE. These differences likely represent differences in spread of epileptic activity. This information may be useful in the seizure evaluation of patients considered for resective epilepsy surgery. 相似文献
18F-FDG-PET在颞叶癫痫灶定位中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 介绍发作间期 18F-FDG-PET进行颞叶癫痫灶定位的方法,探讨发作间期18F-FDG-PET在颞叶癫痫灶定位中的价值.方法 回顾性分析术前行 18F-FDG-PET检查、手术后随访效果达到 Engle Ⅰ级的82例颞叶癫痫患者的临床资料,对 18F-FDG-PET在颞叶癫痫灶中定位敏感率和特异性进行分析,并与脑电图监测和MRI进行比较.结果 发作间期 18F-FDG-PET检查中癫痫灶表现为低代谢灶,其中68例位于癫痫灶侧颞叶或以颞叶为主合并其它区域,9例位于癫痫灶侧颞叶以外,5例未见低代谢灶.18F-FDG-PET对癫痫灶定位诊断准确率为82.9%(68/82),显著优于MRI和脑电图(P<0.05),且在MRI阴性和需要埋置电极进行脑电图检查定位的患者中分别有77.4%(41/53)和75%(15/20)可以达到准确的定位癫痫灶.病理阳性者18F-FDG-PET定位准确率显著高于病理阴性者(P<0.05).结论 18F-FDG-PET定位颞叶癫痫灶具有高敏感性、高特异性的特点,对MRl阴性和需要埋置电极进行检查的颞叶癫痫灶也有良好的定位价值,合理的应用还可能进一步提高结果. 相似文献
Significance of interictal bilateral temporal hypometabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Koutroumanidis M Hennessy MJ Seed PT Elwes RD Jarosz J Morris RG Maisey MN Binnie CD Polkey CE 《Neurology》2000,54(9):1811-1821
OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical implications and the pathophysiologic determinants of interictal bitemporal hypometabolism (BTH) in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) not associated with bilateral MRI abnormalities or intracranial space-occupying lesions. METHODS: The authors compared the clinical, interictal, and ictal EEG, Wada test, and neuropsychology data of 15 patients with intractable complex partial seizures of temporal lobe origin and BTH with those of 13 consecutive patients with unilateral TLE associated with unilateral temporal hypometabolism (UTH) who remained seizure free for more than 3 years after anterior temporal lobectomy. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET scans were analyzed visually and semiquantitatively, and ratios of counts in individual temporal areas to the rest of the cerebrum were compared with the corresponding values from 11 normal control subjects and with the nonepileptogenic hemisphere of the 13 patients with UTH. BTH was defined as more than 2.5 SDs below control values for two or more temporal areas on each side irrespective of any asymmetry. RESULTS: BTH reflected bilateral independent seizure onset in eight patients (53%). The topography of the metabolic depression was not a reliable predictor of epileptogenicity, but involvement of the inferior temporal gyrus was related specifically to ipsilateral seizure onset (70% sensitivity, 100% specificity). In patients with unilateral TLE, contralateral hypometabolism was associated with longer disease duration and worst memory performance during the Wada test, which amounted to global amnesia after ipsilateral injection in three patients, precluding surgical treatment. Contralateral seizure spread in the ictal EEG was significantly faster in patients with BTH. CONCLUSIONS: In TLE, symmetric or asymmetric BTH may signal bilateral independent seizure onset in approximately half the patients, especially when involving the inferior temporal gyrus. Alternatively, it may reflect an advanced stage of the disease process, characterized by a breakdown of the inhibitory mechanisms in the contralateral hemisphere, and secondary memory deficit associated with higher risk of postoperative memory decline. Patients with TLE and BTH but without bilateral MRI changes may still be operated on successfully, but surgical suitability should be proved by comprehensive intracranial EEG studies and Wada test. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To compare the localizing value of ictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and interictal fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in refractory occipital lobe epilepsy. METHODS: Six patients who underwent surgery for refractory epilepsy associated with pathology in the occipital lobe were retrospectively selected from records of the Austin & Repatriation Centre Comprehensive Epilepsy Programme. Interictal SPECT and PET and ictal SPECT were obtained by standard methods. All studies were read by a nuclear medicine expert blinded to clinical data except the diagnosis of epilepsy. RESULTS: Ictal SPECT showed unilateral occipital hyperperfusion in five of six cases often accompanied by temporal lobe hyperperfusion. These patterns were seen in cases with or without magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormality. Interictal SPECT was not localizing in any case, in contrast to PET, which showed occipital hypometabolism in three of five studies. CONCLUSIONS: Ictal SPECT can provide novel localizing data in MRI-negative occipital lobe epilepsy. Interictal PET can provide useful localizing information, but its role in providing novel information was not demonstrated. Interictal SPECT is useful only as a baseline to aid in interpretation of ictal studies. 相似文献
Bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy is characterized by evidence of seizure onset independently in both temporal lobes. The main aim of the present study was to determine whether patients with evidence of independent bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (biTLE) can be identified noninvasively on the basis of seizure semiology analysis. Thirteen patients with biTLE, as defined by invasive EEG, were matched with 13 patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (uniTLE). In all 26 patients, the frequency of predefined clusters of ictal and periictal signs were evaluated: ictal motor signs (IMSs), periictal motor signs (PIMSs), periictal vegetative signs (PIVSs), the frequency of early oroalimentary automatisms (EOAs), and the duration of postictal unresponsiveness (PU). Some other noninvasive and clinical data were also evaluated. A lower frequency of IMSs was noted in the group with biTLE (patients = 46.2%, seizures = 20.7%) than in the group with uniTLE (patients = 92.3%, seizures = 61.0%) (p = 0.030; p < 0.001, respectively). The individual IMS average per seizure was significantly lower in the group with biTLE (0.14; range = 0–1.0) than in the group with uniTLE (0.80; range = 0–2.6) (p = 0.003). Postictal unresponsiveness was longer than 5 min in more patients (75.0%) and seizures (42.9%) in the group with biTLE than in the group with uniTLE (patients = 30.8%, seizures = 18.6%) (p = 0.047; p = 0.002). The frequency of EOAs, PIMSs, PIVSs, and other clinical data did not differ significantly. There is a lower frequency of ictal motor signs and longer duration of postictal unresponsiveness in patients with biTLE. 相似文献
The present study examined the diagnostic utility of confrontation naming tasks and phonemic paraphasia production in lateralizing the epileptogenic region in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Further, the role of intelligence in moderating the diagnostic utility of confrontation naming tasks was assessed. Eighty patients with medically intractable complex partial seizures (40 left TLE, 40 right TLE) received the Boston Naming Test (BNT) and the Visual Naming subtest (VNT) of the Multilingual Aphasia Examination. The BNT was diagnostically more sensitive than the VNT in identifying left TLE (77.5% vs 17.5%, respectively). The utility of BNT performance and paraphasias was maximal in patients with Full Scale IQs >or=90 who were 6.8 times more likely to have left TLE than patients without paraphasias. Preoperative assessment of confrontation naming ability and phonemic paraphasia production using the BNT provided diagnostically useful information in lateralizing the epileptogenic region in left TLE. 相似文献