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Concurrent diagnostic validity of a structured psychiatric interview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to estimate the concurrent validity of a structured psychiatric interview, we compared interview diagnoses obtained for 101 psychiatric inpatients to those recorded in the same patients' hospital charts. For most diagnoses considered, concordance was found to be high. For those in which concordance was low, we examined the reasons for the diagnostic discrepancy. Diagnostic errors that were judged to have occurred on the basis of the structural interview often seemed to have resulted from a lack of longitudinal clinical observation. However, more errors were judged to have occurred in the hospital charts, apparently because of physician oversight. We conclude that the concurrent validity of this structured interview is high and that such examinations might be useful not only for research but also for the routine initial evaluation of psychiatric patients.  相似文献   

A community survey in metropolitan Taipei (MT) and two small towns (ST) by using the Chinese modified diagnostic interview schedule (DIS-CM) revealed a significant difference in the prevalence of alcohol abuse (AA) defined by DSM-III between two study samples (MT 3.4%; ST 8.0%), but the prevalence of alcohol dependence (AD) was not different (MT 1.5%; ST 1.8%). These figures are significantly higher than that of an earlier Formosan study. Demographic data, psychiatric symptoms, medical complications and impairment of social functions were adopted as the variables to validate the nosological status of AA and AD. The results of this study substantiated that AA and AD identified by the DIS-CM were nosologically different from a non-alcoholic group. The possible reasons for an increasing prevalence of alcoholism in Taiwan Chinese were discussed. An etiological hypothesis was proposed for AA and AD on account of their differential prevalences.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the satisfaction and acceptance of a structured diagnostic interview in clinical practice and in a research setting. Using the Structured Diagnostic Interview for Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents (Kinder‐DIPS), 28 certified interviewers conducted 202 interviews (115 with parents, 87 with children). After each interview, children, parents, and interviewers completed a questionnaire assessing the overall satisfaction (0 = not at all satisfied to 100 = totally satisfied) and acceptance (0 = completely disagree to 3 = completely agree) with the interview. Satisfaction ratings were highly positive, all means >82. The mean of the overall acceptance for children was 2.43 (standard deviation [SD] = 0.41), 2.54 (SD = 0.33) of the parents, 2.30 (SD = 0.43) of the children's interviewers, and 2.46 (SD = 0.32) of the parents' interviewers. Using separate univariate regression models, significant predictors for higher satisfaction and acceptance with the interview are higher children's Global Assessment of Functioning, fewer number of children's diagnoses, shorter duration of the interview, a research setting, female sex of the interviewer, and older age of the interviewer. Results indicate that structured diagnostic interviews are highly accepted by children, parents, and interviewers. Importantly, this is true for different treatment settings.  相似文献   

Refugees and asylum seekers have a high risk of developing mental health problems and appropriate screening in people from diverse origins remains a challenge. The aim of this study was to validate a structured diagnostic interview, adapted from the Major Depressive Episode (MDE) and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) sections of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, to detect these disorders among newly arrived asylum seekers. The adapted questionnaire was administered by nurses in a primary care context and its performance was judged against the expert opinion of a mental health specialist. One hundred one subjects were included in the study (mean age: 30; origin: Africa 58%, Europe: 37%, Asia: 5%). MDE and PTSD were diagnosed among 33% and 30% of them respectively. The questionnaire demonstrated moderate sensitivity (MDE: 79%; PTSD: 69%), but high specificity (MDE: 95%; PTSD: 94%). These characteristics remained stable despite cultural differences and use of interpreters. This instrument could be used for systematic screening of MDE and PTSD in refugees from various origins.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the agreement of 5 different diagnostic tools for childhood depression. The diagnostic tools used were: 1) a non-directive interview with projective testing; 2) a semi-structured psychiatric interview developed by Herjanic; 3) the child behaviour check list developed by Achenbach; 4) the Kovacs child depression inventory and 5) the DSM-III criteria diagnosis. In the diagnostic tools using classic psychiatric techniques of interview there was a fairly high diagnostic agreement for depression, while the non-interview techniques (questionnaires) were less reliable in diagnosing affective disorder. Depressive symptoms were found to play an important part in non-affective disorder psychopathology in children. The good correlation between the standard intake procedure and the research methods is encouraging in that it seems that clinicians can make the diagnosis of childhood affective disorder in their everyday clinical work.  相似文献   

Valenti R, Pescini F, Antonini S, Castellini G, Poggesi A, Bianchi S, Inzitari D, Pallanti S, Pantoni L. Major depression and bipolar disorders in CADASIL: a study using the DSM‐IV semi‐structured interview.
Acta Neurol Scand: 2011: 124: 390–395.
© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objective – Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is an inherited cerebral microangiopathy characterized by migraine, cerebrovascular events, and cognitive impairment. Although recognized as a cardinal feature of the disease, psychiatric disturbances have rarely been the object of focused studies. We performed a structured evaluation of mood disorders in CADASIL. Materials and Methods – Twenty‐three patients with CADASIL (five men and 18 women) were assessed by psychiatrists using the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM‐IV, clinician version. For the quantitative assessment of current mood disorder symptoms, the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) and the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) were used. Results – A lifetime depressive episode was recorded in 17/23 (73.9%) patients with CADASIL. Six (26.1%) patients with CADASIL reported a current depressive episode. A diagnosis of manic lifetime episode was made in 6 (26.1%) patients with CADASIL. The HRSD mean score in patients with current depression was 9.1 ± SD 8.1. The YMRS mean score was 14.2 ± SD 4.1 for manic CADASIL. Conclusion – This study confirms that mood disorders are frequent in CADASIL. The use of a structured psychiatric interview outlines a frequency of depression higher than that previously reported but also reveals a considerable frequency of bipolar disorders. If confirmed in larger series, these data suggest that a greater attention should be paid to the psychiatric aspects in CADASIL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We suggest that the identification of depression in the medically ill (DMI) might be improved by focussing on cognitive features. METHOD: We recruited 302 patients to complete our provisional cognitive-based measure. Subsets also completed one of two comparator screening measures, either the Hospital and Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) or the Beck Depression Inventory for Primary Care (BDI-PC). One hundred and sixty patients were then assessed by a psychiatrist who estimated whether they were 'clinically depressed' and who also administered a standardized interview for depression (the CIDI). RESULTS: Analyses identified items discriminating clinically depressed and non-depressed individuals, allowing development of brief (10-item) and extended (18-item) measures. The two new measures were compared with the HADS and the BDI-PC in discriminating depressed and non-depressed medically ill patients. CONCLUSION: A cognitive construct-based approach to assessing depression in the medically ill appears strongly supported. We provide brief (DMI-10) and extended (DMI-18) measures that appear to have utility as screening instruments. Consideration of the discriminating items may also assist clinical decision making.  相似文献   

This article reviews the management of depression in three medical conditions associated with a high frequency of depression: coronary artery disease (CAD), cancer, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Major depression significantly increases mortality in patients with CAD. This effect of depression may be mediated by a decrease in heart rate variability. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) possess Type 1A antiarrhythmic activity, which may increase the risk of sudden death. Initial data suggest that tricyclic antidepressants also may decrease heart rate variability. Antidepressant therapy is effective and can improve quality of life for patients with cancer or HIV infection. Strong social support or psychosocial interventions that improve coping skills may positively affect outcome in HIV infection and cancer. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) and new agents may be well suited for use in depressed patients with medical illnesses because they lack the significant adverse anticholinergic and cardiovascular effects of TCAs and other classes of antidepressants. Depression and Anxiety 4:199–208, 1996/1997.© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background. There has been no instrument developed for the differential diagnosis of psychiatric conditions using an informant. The present study describes the development and validation of an informant interview for the diagnosis of dementia and depression in older adults (IDD-GMS). The IDD-GMS, as its name indicates, is based upon the well-established Geriatric Mental State Schedule (GMS). Method. Thirty older adults with psychiatric illnesses were identified. An informant/carer was interviewed using the IDD-GMS. Questions from the GMS were altered to reflect the informant nature of the interview. Validity was compared to ICD-10 diagnoses. Interrater reliability was determined. Results. Using a hierarchical diagnostic system, receiver operating characteristics demonstrated one optimal cutpoint for sensitivity, >13 for dementia and >16 for depression, and one for specificity, >13 for dementia and >10 for depression. Conclusion. The validity and reliability of the IDD-GMS falls within acceptable limits and indicates that the IDD-GMS can be used as a diagnostic instrument for dementia and depression. The IDD-GMS represents the first informant interview to achieve this. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have used the PTSD module of the NIMH Diagnostic Interview (DIS) in its various editions and modifications. Although the diagnoses of numerous disorders made by the DIS or the WHO – Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), which is modelled on the DIS, have been compared to clinical diagnoses, little is known about the performance of these instruments in diagnosing PTSD. In this study, we examine the test–retest reliability of a modified version of the PTSD section of the DIS-IV and the CIDI 2.1 and compare it with an independently conducted clinical interview in the 1996 Detroit Area Survey of Trauma, an epidemio-logical study of a representative sample of 2181 persons. A blind readministration of the structured interview was conducted by a lay interviewer 12–18 months after the initial interview, on 32 respondents classified as PTSD cases in the initial interview and on 23 non-cases who reported exposure to trauma. The clinical reappraisal was conducted blindly by two psychiatric social workers, using the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-IV (CAPS-DX). The data were weighted to adjust for the oversampling of cases and the differential probabilities of selection of traumatic events across respondents with different numbers of events. The test–retest consistency of the structured interview was a kappa of 0.62 and an odds ratio of 42.5. The comparison of the structured interview with the clinical reappraisal showed agreement in 81% of the assessed sample. Positive predicted value was 0.75, negative predictive value was 0.97, and the odds ratio was 94.8 (all weighted values). Discrepant cases were mostly ‘false positives’ and, of these, the majority were subthreshold cases missing only one symptom in the CAPS-DX. Copyright © 1998 Whurr Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

Treating depression in the medically ill.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Depression frequently is comorbid with a variety of medical illnesses; individuals who have such comorbidities may have increased morbidity and lower functional status. Usual antidepressant treatments can be effective in depressed patients who have comorbid medical illness. These patients, however, experience lower rates of recovery and remission of depressive symptoms and higher rates of relapse during follow-up than seen in patients who have MDD with no medical comorbidity. Comorbid medical illness therefore is a marker of treatment resistance in MDD. Collaborative treatments combining antidepressants, psychotherapy, education, and case management may be effective and could overcome the risk of treatment resistance. Two clinical strategies seem warranted in light of the studies presented here: (1) an increased index of suspicion for depression in medically ill patients, and (2) more intensive antidepressant treatment in depressed patients who have medical comorbidity.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the comparative treatment validity of four different but overlapping sets of criteria for the diagnosis of depression: the St. Louis, New York, Texas Actuarial, and Composite criteria. Results revealed that none of the criteria offered predictive strength or demonstrated particular advantages over the others. Patients excluded by each of the various criteria tended to do as well as those included; a small percentage of patients included by each of the criteria were nonresponders to drug therapy. Once a clinical and psychometric diagnosis was established, then no additional (short-term) prognostic information was gained by further scrutiny with the various research diagnostic criteria examined.  相似文献   

A double-blind, randomized 4-week mianserin vs maprotiline trial was conducted in 48 depressed geriatric medical inpatients. The drug dosages were up to 90 mg of mianserin and up to 150 mg of maprotiline per day. Efficacy was measured by the Geriatric Depression Scale, the Hopkins Symptom Check List depression subscale and the Clinical Global Impression Scale. The overall dropout figure was 27% of the sample. Side effects were relatively similar in the two treatment groups and suggested a safety profile somewhat better than that of the first-generation antidepressants. Mianserin showed some advantages in efficacy over maprotiline, particularly by the 4th week of the trial, but the overall figures of treatment responders were rather small (Geriatric Depression Scale: mianserin 48%, maprotiline 30%). Clinical trials vs placebo are needed to clarify the role of antidepressant pharmacotherapy in depressed geriatric medical inpatients.  相似文献   

Background Over 30% of people with intellectual disability (ID) have a comorbid psychiatric disorder. However, there are few assessment instruments available for international use and cross‐cultural validation studies of these instruments are rare. The aim of the present study was to standardize the Spanish version of the Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Developmental Disability (PAS‐ADD‐10), a semi‐structured interview for people with ID. Methods After a conceptual translation, feasibility (i.e. applicability, acceptability and practicality) and reliability analyses were carried out. The predictive validity of the PAS‐ADD‐10 CATEGO‐5 codings was also examined (i.e. positive and negative predictive values). Four independent raters with wide‐ranging experience in quantitative evaluation and psychiatric assessment of ID evaluated a sample of 80 subjects with ID and borderline intellectual functioning at the AFANAS occupational centre in Jerez, Southern Spain. The ICD‐10 codes were used for psychiatric diagnosis. Results The practicality of the PAS‐ADD‐10 is limited because of the need for previous standardization of SCAN interviews. Nevertheless, its overall feasibility was judged adequate by raters and the PAS‐ADD‐10 was considered extremely useful for training. Test–retest and inter‐rater reliability kappa values were moderate to high. The CATEGO coding showed limited validity because of overdiagnosis of anxiety disorders and underdiagnosis of mood and psychotic disorders (positive predictive value = 74%, negative predictive value = 76%). Conclusions The PAS‐ADD‐10 is a useful tool for standard psychiatric assessment of people with ID; however, CATEGO codings show low validity and a series of modifications should be considered before this instrument is used extensively in Spain. In this regard, a study on the clinical usefulness of the PAS‐ADD‐10 in patients with ID and severe mental disorders has been undertaken.  相似文献   

Fifty-three hospitalized elderly men with medical illness were diagnosed with major depressive disorder and followed up for a mean of 2.3 months. Documentation and management of the depression by medical housestaff during the followup period were examined. There was no note of depression in the medical records of 44% of depressed patients, and depression was on the active problem list of only 32%. Followup and management plans for the depression after discharge were documented in 29%. No form of treatment was prescribed for 44% of depressed patients. Outcomes were determined by psychiatric evaluation at the end of the followup period. Of the 33 patients still alive and evaluated at followup, 64% had persistent depression, 18% improved, and 18% were in complete remission. No baseline patient sociodemographic or health characteristic, including severity of depression, was significantly related to improvement. Likewise, neither extent of documentation nor treatment implemented by housestaff was a significant predictor of outcome. We conclude that serious clinical depression in medically ill older patients may persist for a considerable period after hospital discharge and neither detection nor current management strategies appear to have a major impact on outcome.  相似文献   

The evaluation of depression in the medically ill is a complex task that requires considerable clinical skills. Physical illness is a common cause of psychopathology and this should alert the physician to search for possible organic explanations of depressive symptoms, especially in the elderly. Major depressive disorders need to be differentiated from physiological demoralizations secondary to the strains of somatic disturbances. Clinical guidelines for the use of antidepressant medications in the medically ill are provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, false-negative and false-positive cases of depressive illness are examined, differentiating levels of disagreement between a primary care physician's diagnosis and a standardized research diagnosis. Two stratified random samples of primary care patients in Seattle, USA (N = 373) and Groningen, The Netherlands (N = 340) were examined with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview-Primary Health Care Version (CIDI-PHC). Physician's severity ratings and diagnosis of psychological disorder were obtained. Three levels of disagreement between physician and CIDI diagnosis were distinguished: 1) complete disagreement about the presence of psychiatric symptoms (true false-negative and true false-positive patients); 2) disagreement over severity of recognized psychological illness (underestimated or overestimated); and 3) disagreement over the specific psychiatric diagnosis among those given a diagnosis (misdiagnosed or given another CIDI diagnosis). All three levels of disagreement were common. Only 27% of the false-negative cases were due to complete disagreement (true false-negatives), and 55% of the false-positives were due to complete disagreement (true false-positives). The true false-negative patients were younger, more often employed, rated their own health more favorably, visited their doctor for a somatic complaint and made fewer visits than the underestimated, misdiagnosed, and concordant positive patients. Complete disagreement in depressive diagnoses between the primary care physician and research interview is not as frequent as indicated by an undifferentiated false-negative/ false-positive analysis. Differentiating levels of disagreement does more justice to diagnostic practice in primary care and provides guidance on how to improve the diagnostic accuracy of primary care physicians.  相似文献   

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