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短暂性脑缺血发作患者DSA影像学特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨数字减影全脑血管造影(DSA)在短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)诊断中的作用。方法:选择TIA患者60例行DSA,观察患者颈总动脉、颈内动脉和椎-基底动脉颅内、颅外血管有无粥样硬化斑块、性质及狭窄程度,分析TIA与脑动脉病变之间关系。结果:60例中有53例有动脉粥样硬化性狭窄,48例发现有不稳定斑块。其中狭窄≥50%39例,颅外段狭窄34例,颅内段狭窄19例。结论:DSA可以明确TIA患者血管狭窄的部位、性质、程度,对了解TIA的病因,指导有效治疗起重要作用。 相似文献
目的研究颈动脉狭窄、斑块形成、颈动脉内中膜厚度、血管管径及血流动力学参数与短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)的关系。方法选择住院的TIA患者30例进行颈动脉超声及DSA,同时将年龄相当的40例健康查体者作为对照组行颈动脉超声,观察:1)TIA患者DSA结果及阳性率;2)颈动脉超声结果与DSA的一致性;3)颈动脉超声TIA组与对照组比较,颈动脉内中膜厚度、管腔大小、血流速度、阻力指数、搏动指数的变化。结果(1)TIA患者DSA表现为异常(28/30),脑血管造影显示颈动脉狭窄与颈动脉超声基本一致,同时可显示颅内血管病变;(2)TIA组颈动脉超声IMT较对照组明显增厚,有显著性差异(P<0.05);TIA组颈动脉超声颈内动脉管腔较对照组大,有显著性差异(P<0.05);(3)TIA组颈动脉超声颈内动脉血流动力学参数血流速度、PI、RI,较对照组明显异常,有显著性差异。结论颈动脉超声狭窄、动脉斑块形成、内中膜增厚明显增加与TIA相关,颈动脉超声和DSA可找到短暂性脑缺血发作的病因,以指导下一步的治疗。 相似文献
目的通过数字减影全脑血管造影术(DSA)检查,研究短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)和脑动脉病变的关系。方法对30例TIA患者的临床诊治进行回顾性研究分析,了解TIA行全脑血管造影患者颈总动脉、颈内动脉系统和椎-基底动脉颅内、外段血管有无粥样硬化斑块及性质、血管狭窄程度及其他病变。结果 30例TIA患者中20例(66.7%)存在颅内-外动脉狭窄,其中7例(21.0%)为颈内动脉狭窄,4例(13.3%)为大脑中动脉狭窄,2例(6.7%)为大脑前动脉狭窄;2例(6.67%)颈内动脉并椎动脉狭窄,5例(16.7%)椎动脉狭窄;1例(3.3%)烟雾病;2例(6.7%)血管痉挛;7例(23.3%)血管造影阴性。应用支架治疗椎动脉、颈内动脉狭窄70%的患者,效果良好。结论 DSA对短暂性脑缺血发作与脑动脉病变能准确的评估,对明确TIA的病因有重要的临床价值,对治疗具有指导意义。 相似文献
青年颈内动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作临床分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
回顾性分析27例青年颈内动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)患者的临床资料,其中14例行全脑血管造影(DSA)检查。结果22例症状完全缓解,5例进展为脑梗死。TIA发作〉2次/24h,持续时间〉30min,有合并疾病是短期内进展为脑梗死的危险因素。DSA示71.4%有阳性发现,7例为颅内外动脉多发性狭窄或闭塞,2例为单纯颅外血管狭窄或闭塞,1例为单纯颅内血管狭窄;1例颈内动脉颅外段狭窄〉80%者行自膨式支架置入术,术后随访2a,无TIA再发作。提示青年颈内动脉系统TIA患者多已存在颅内外血管的狭窄或闭塞,应尽早治疗。 相似文献
目的探讨全脑数字减影血管造影(DSA)在短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)病因诊断中的应用价值。方法选择符合TIA诊断标准的82例患者行全脑DSA检查,观察TIA患者颈内动脉和椎—基动脉系统的颅内、颅外段血管情况。结果 82例TIA患者中有血管狭窄或闭塞69例(84.15%),单纯颅外动脉狭窄或闭塞17例(20.73%),单纯颅内动脉狭窄或闭塞24例(29.27%),颅内—外动脉多发性狭窄或闭塞28例(34.15%)。完全闭塞14例(17.7%),狭窄≥70%者22例(26.83%)、30%~69%者22例(26.83%)、〈30%者11例(13.04%),正常13例(18.85%)。狭窄部位可见粥样硬化斑块者54例(占狭窄动脉的78.26%)。按受累血管病变部位发生频率依次为颈内动脉起始处、椎动脉V1~3段、大脑中动脉、颈内动脉颅内段、椎动脉V4段、锁骨下动脉、大脑前动脉、颈总动脉、基底动脉、大脑后动脉。结论 DSA对TIA病因诊断有重要作用。TIA患者最常见的原因是脑动脉狭窄及动脉斑块,DSA可以确定TIA患者动脉狭窄程度及斑块程度。 相似文献
短暂性脑缺血发作定义的演变 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近年来,对短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)的定义、病因、诊断和治疗有了许多新的认识.最新的观点认为,TIA是由脑、脊髓或视网膜局灶性缺血引起的短暂性神经功能障碍,且无急性脑梗死证据.症状持续时间不再是关键,是否存在梗死才是区别TIA与缺血性卒中的关键,因此强调神经影像学在TIA诊断方面的重要性.TIA作为一种神经科急症,要求对其危险程度进行分层评价,并进行积极干预. 相似文献
短暂性脑缺血发作的新概念 总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45
王拥军 《国外医学:脑血管疾病分册》2005,13(2):81-88
短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)是脑血管病的一个特殊类型,其诊断的规范决定合理的治疗。TIA是一种综合征而并不是独立的疾病,复杂的发病机制决定治疗的个体化,TIA的不同特点是预后的重要决定因素。在急性期不能及时区分TIA和脑梗死的时候,急性缺血性恼血管综合征足一个合理的选择。 相似文献
短暂性脑缺血发作的新概念 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
王拥军 《国际脑血管病杂志》2005,13(2):81-88
短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)是脑血管病的一个特殊类型,其诊断的规范决定合理的治疗。TIA是一种综合征而并不是独立的疾病,复杂的发病机制决定治疗的个体化,TIA的不同特点是预后的重要决定因素。在急性期不能及时区分TIA和脑梗死的时候,急性缺血性脑血管综合征是一个合理的选择。 相似文献
短暂性脑缺血发作的研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
孙彩霞 《中华现代内科学杂志》2006,3(5):539-540
短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)是常见的缺血性脑血管疾病,由于TIA不留后遗症,通常被认为是“良性的”。但随着临床研究的深入,发现其是脑卒中和心肌梗死的高危因素,TIA后约50%以上发生完全性卒中,有学者形容近期频繁发生的TIA是脑梗死的“特级警报”,使TIA再次成为研究的热点。 相似文献
目的探讨短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)全脑血管造影的临床意义。方法选择120例TIA患者行全脑血管造影检查,比较脑动脉颅内段、颅外段病变分布情况。结果 120例患者全脑血管造影检查阴性13例(10.83%),动脉硬化性改变24例(20%),血管狭窄或闭塞78例(65%),非动脉硬化性改变5例(4.17%),其中烟雾病3例,动脉夹层2例。颈内动脉系统的TIA以颅内段血管狭窄或闭塞为主,椎-基底动脉系统的TIA以颅外段血管狭窄或闭塞为主。结论颅内段血管狭窄是颈内动脉系统TIA的主要病因,颅外段血管狭窄是椎-基底动脉系统TIA的主要病因,建议TIA患者早期行脑血管造影检查,指导临床治疗。 相似文献
Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) if untreated carries a high risk of early stroke and is associated with poorer long‐term survival. There have been recent advances in the understanding of TIA, its investigations, management and organisation of services for patient care. Clinically, patients are diagnosed TIA if they have transient sudden‐onset focal neurological symptoms which usually completely and rapidly resolve by presentation. Patients with residual symptoms should be evaluated as potentially having stroke, if they present within 4.5 h of onset, should be urgently evaluated for their potential eligibility for thrombolysis. TIA patients should receive rapid attention with essential investigations, including brain imaging, electrocardiograph and carotid ultrasound. Immediate administration of an antiplatelet agent is recommended after brain imaging, with subsequent attention to preventing or treating other mechanistic factors. There is emerging evidence that TIA patients can be managed safely in the outpatient setting after initial rapid management in emergency departments as part of a structured clinical pathway supervised by stroke specialists. Clinical systems of management may require approaches individualised to the healthcare setting, while adopting the central aspects of rapid management. 相似文献
灌注磁共振结合脑血管造影评估短暂性脑缺血发作 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的研究颈动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)患者经灌注磁共振(PWI)后的改变与颈动脉狭窄的相关性。方法对49例颈内动脉系统TIA行全脑数字减影血管造影(DSA)及PWI检查,根据颈动脉狭窄程度分为轻度狭窄组(8例)、中度狭窄组(11例)、重度狭窄组(21例)、极重度狭窄组(9例)。研究颈内动脉狭窄程度、局部脑血流量(rCBF)和达峰时间(TTP)。结果4组患者间rCBF和同组患侧rCBF与对侧rCBF比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),中度狭窄组、重度狭窄组和极重度狭窄组患侧TTP与对侧TTP比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),重度狭窄组和极重度狭窄组的TTP分别较轻度狭窄组和中度狭窄组明显延迟(P<0.05)。随着脑动脉狭窄程度的加重,患侧TTP呈线性增加趋势(P<0.05)。结论DSA可以对颈动脉狭窄程度做出准确评价,PWI在评价脑循环的血流动力变化方面有重要的作用,其中TTP较rCBF对颈动脉狭窄引起的缺血性改变更为敏感。 相似文献
Coated-platelets are procoagulant platelets observed upon dual stimulation with collagen and thrombin. We previously reported that coated-platelet levels are elevated in patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA) compared to controls and that these levels correlate with ABCD2 scores, a validated tool for identifying the short-term risk for stroke occurrence in TIA patients. We now investigate the effect of individual elements of the ABCD2 score on coated-platelet levels in TIA. Coated-platelet levels were measured in 124 TIA patients. A nine-way ANOVA evaluated the impact of components of the ABCD2 score (age, blood pressure (BP), clinical features, symptom duration, and diabetes), smoking, pertinent medications, race, and gender on coated-platelet levels. In the initial model, the only significant main effect was for BP; patients with BP?≥?140/90 had higher coated-platelet levels than those without (mean?±?SEM; 44.0?±?2.1% vs. 35.4?±?2.3%, p?=?0.0007). Because the diagnosis of hypertension (HTN) requires multiple readings of elevated BP, we re-analyzed the data by replacing BP with HTN. In the second model, there were two significant main effects: HTN – with higher coated-platelet levels in patients with vs. those without HTN (46.3?±?2.1% vs. 33.6?±?2.1%, p?<?0.0001), and symptom duration – with higher coated-platelet levels in patients with duration ≥60?minutes vs. those with duration <60?minutes (42.5?±?2.0% vs. 37.4?±?2.1%, p?=?0.031). These data suggest a link between chronic HTN and platelet thrombotic potential. 相似文献
Ghia D Thomas P Cordato D Epstein D Beran RG Cappelen-Smith C Griffith N Hanna I McDougall A Hodgkinson SJ Worthington JM 《Internal medicine journal》2012,42(8):913-918
Background: The ABCD2 stroke risk score is recommended in national guidelines for stratifying care in transient ischaemic attack (TIA) patients, based on its prediction of early stroke risk. We had become concerned about the score accuracy and its clinical value in modern TIA cohorts. Methods: We identified emergency department‐diagnosed TIA at two hospitals over 3 years (2004–2006). Cases were followed for stroke occurrence and ABCD2 scores were determined from expert record review. Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values (PPV) of moderate–high ABCD2 scores were determined. Results: There were 827 indexed TIA diagnoses and record review was possible in 95.4%. Admitted patients had lower 30‐day stroke risk (n= 0) than discharged patients (n= 7; 3.1%) (P < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in proportion of strokes between those with a low or moderate–high ABCD2 score at 30 (1.2 vs 0.8%), 90 (2.0 vs 1.9%) and 365 days (2.4 vs 2.4%) respectively. At 30 days the sensitivity, specificity and PPV of a moderate–high score were 57% (95% confidence interval (CI) 25.0–84.2), 32.2% (95% CI 29.1–35.6) and 0.75% (95% CI 0.29–1.91) respectively. Conclusions: Early stroke risk was low after an emergency diagnosis of TIA and significantly lower in admitted patients. Moderate–high ABCD2 scores did not predict early stroke risk. We suggest local validation of ABCD2 before its clinical use and a review of its place in national guidelines. 相似文献
目的观察CT血管造影(CTA)与数字减影全脑血管造影(DSA)在评价短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)患者脑血管状况中的差异。方法对74例TIA患者行CTA及DSA检查,观察两种不同检查方法下患者脑血管异常情况。结果颈内动脉系统TIA中,两种检查方法的敏感性和特异性比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);椎基底动脉系统TIA中,DSA检查的敏感性和特异性比CTA高(P〈0.05);两种方法检查血管狭窄程度效果的比较,DSA优于CTA(P〈0.05);但CTA检查耗时及并发症发生率低于DSA(分别为P〈0.01和P〈0.05),且检查费用明显较DSA低。结论 CTA可作为评估颈内动脉系统TIA患者脑血管状况的初筛方法,而椎基底动脉系统TIA患者脑血管状况的评估仍首选DSA。 相似文献
Left atrial (LA) remodeling is closely related to the occurrence of cerebral stroke; however, the relationship between early-stage impaired deformability of the left atrium and stroke/transient ischemic attack (TIA) remains unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in LA deformability and to assess its relationship with stroke/TIA events using speckle tracking echocardiography. A total of 365 patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (non-stroke/TIA [n = 318]; stroke/TIA [n = 47]) underwent comprehensive echocardiography with speckle tracking imaging to calculate mean LA longitudinal strain and strain rate values from apical 4-chamber, 2-chamber, and 3-chamber views. The stroke/TIA group was older, had a greater proportion of males, and had lower LA strain rate during left ventricular early diastole (SRE), and the difference was statistically significant (P < .05). On univariate linear regression analysis, the following clinical and conventional echocardiographic parameters showed a significant linear correlation (P < .001) with SRE: E/A ratio; LA volume index (VI); body mass index; mean E/e′; left ventricular ejection fraction; age; and hypertension. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed a linear dependence between SRE and E/A ratio, LA VI, and body mass index. The regression equation was y = −1.430–0.394X1 + 0.012X2 + 0.019X3 (P < .001) (y, SRE; X1, E/A ratio; X2, LA VI; X3, body mass index). In multivariate logistic regression analyses, SRE and sex ratio were independent risk factors for stroke/TIA (SRE, odds ratio 2.945 [95% confidence interval 1.092–7.943]; P = .033; sex, odds ratio 0.462 [95% confidence interval 0.230–0.930]; P = .031). Among patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, SRE reflected impaired deformability of the left atrium in the early stages and was associated with the risk of stroke/TIA. 相似文献
邵光秀 《实用心脑肺血管病杂志》2010,18(7):968-968
TIA是公认的缺血性卒中最重要的独立危险因素,颈内动脉系统的TIA通常较多进展为脑梗死。积极治疗TIA,有效阻止其进展对脑梗死具有重要的临床价值。笔者自2005年1月q009年1月,采用自拟中药方,活血祛湿方,治疗颈内动脉系统TIA,共计90例,与对照组比较有显著差异,现报道如下。 相似文献
目的探讨低分子肝素治疗TIA的疗效及安全性. 方法采用随机分组,将所观察的50例TIA病人分为治疗组:低分子肝素(速避凝,法国塞诺菲温莎公司生产)0.4ml腹部脐旁两侧皮下注射每12小时一次;对照组:5%葡萄糖注射液或生理盐水250ml+丹参液20ml静脉点滴及肠溶阿斯匹林片75mg每日一次口服.观察临床疗效及治疗前后实验室指标与副作用,并将有关数据进行统计处理. 结果低分子肝素治疗TIA临床疗效优于对照组(P<0.01),实验室指标治疗前后无显著差异(P>0.05),且副作用小. 结论低分子肝素治疗TIA效果好,较安全. 相似文献