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主要介绍启动过程中每一个步骤里面实际有哪些信号进行传递,有哪些相关部件在工作,进而简单介绍与启动相关的一些故障情况.  相似文献   

主要介绍启动过程中每一个步骤里面实际有哪些信号进行传递,有哪些相关部件在工作,进而简单介绍与启动相关的一些故障情况。  相似文献   

介绍MX8000 Exp双层螺旋CT启动的过程中每一个步骤里实际有哪些信号进行传递;有哪些相关部件在动作.简要介绍了与启动相关的一些故障情况。  相似文献   

三明市是原国家卫生计生委启动全国按疾病诊断相关分组收付费改革的首批试点城市,2017年起率先在全市范围内实行住院按全国按疾病诊断相关分组收付费改革.文章从三明市沙县区总医院角度,重点介绍了全国按疾病诊断相关分组收付费改革的具体做法,总结分析全国按疾病诊断相关分组收付费改革对医院、医生、患者的影响,讨论全国按疾病诊断相关...  相似文献   

李艳鸣 《大众健康》2013,(12):98-99
尽管有“不要模仿”的提示,但孩子有可能看不懂或不能理解相关提示,因此不少家长建议,直接删掉那些容易导致孩子产生模仿行为的暴力镜头。  相似文献   

张凯  冀华 《医疗卫生装备》2006,27(11):45-46
随着DICOM协议的诞生和发展,以及众多医学影像设备厂商对该协议的支持,使得PACS在医院影像科室中迅速普厦开来,推动了图像存档和通信系统的产业化进程。一直以采,医院在引进论证PACS系统都有一定的盲目性,不知道自己在技术上到底要怎么去约束那些提供商,为了让大家能了解相关技术.对其中一些关键问题做一下介绍。  相似文献   

河北省馆陶县人民医院迁建工程经历了一个漫长的过程,从2010年初项目启动到2013年8月建成并投入使用,历时3年半。在总结馆陶医院整个建设过程时,设计师们说,他们仿佛亲历了一个崭新“生命”的诞生和成长.其间有兴奋.也有曲折。从项目开始时与医院方的沟通、方案设计过程中的各种争论,到最后施工阶段的种种协商,这组建筑最终得以生长、完善,建筑师笔下的空间才有了意义,那些冰冷的玻璃和水泥也随之有了生命。  相似文献   

正日前,北京市卫计委召开会议,在本市16区实施医疗机构电子化注册,这标志着本市医师、护士、医疗机构电子化注册在全市全面实施,医师、护士、医疗机构3大基础执业注册数据库实现了互联互通和信息的交互验证。这意味着,市民可在线查询医疗机构、医师、护士的执业注册信息,来验证真伪。近日,市卫计委相关负责人介绍,2015年,本市在全国率先启动医师的电子化注册试点,其后相继启动护士、医  相似文献   

广西龙州中医院植武1、重点介绍那些有实质的医院分配方案,和职工考核制度;2、刊登那些成功管理医院院长的治院之道。内蒙古医学院石军1、内页图片质量越来越高,但美编设计没有更进一步的提高,希望能保持现有的图片质量,提升美编设计水平,表现更多的创意。  相似文献   

青春期是个体从儿童向成年逐渐过渡的时期,是生长发育过程中一个极其重要的阶段[1].青春期启动及发育受遗传和环境等多种因素影响,因而不同个体发育开始年龄、发育速度、发育水平及成熟年龄存在明显差异[2-3].有研究表明,青春期启动提前不仅影响儿童青少年的心理健康[4],增加总死亡率,还会增加个体成年后某些疾病患病风险,如代谢综合征[5]、心血管疾病[5-6]、骨质疏松[5]、睾丸癌等激素相关癌症[5,7-8]以及中风[6,9]等.自19世纪发现青春期启动提前的现象以来,随着对青春期启动及发育重要性的认识加深,该问题逐渐引起广泛关注并成为世界性的公共卫生问题.本文对男生青春期启动及发育的长期趋势进行综述,为预测并降低男生成年后相关疾病风险提供参考.  相似文献   

The classification procedure, introduced by the European Regulation on advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs), has received a tremendous interest from companies, academic and public sponsors developing ATMPs. This procedure gives companies the opportunity to verify whether or not the product they are developing can be considered an ATMP and can therefore benefit from the new regulatory pathway introduced in the European Union for these types of medicinal products. This procedure is optional, free of charge and may take place at any stage of the development of an ATMP in advance of applying for a marketing authorisation. In case of doubt, briefing meetings organised by the European Medicines Agency Innovation Task Force may help preparing for an ATMP classification and are a starting point for the interactions between the Agency and the developers of ATMPs. This article reviews the advantages of the classification procedure for both the developers of ATMPs and the European regulatory network. Since the introduction of this procedure and up to 10 November 2010, the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) has finalised 38?applications for classification.  相似文献   

The Dutch procedure for standard setting for occupational exposure to chemicals, just like the European Union (EU) procedure, is characterized by an organizational separation between considerations of health on the one side, and of technology, economics, and policy on the other side. Health considerations form the basis for numerical guidelines. These guidelines are next combined with technical-economical considerations. Standards are then proposed, and are finally set by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. An analysis of this procedure might be of relevance to the US, where other procedures are used and criticized. In this article we focus on the first stage of the standard-setting procedure. In this stage, the Dutch Expert Committee on Occupational Standards (DECOS) drafts a criteria document in which a health-based guideline is proposed. The drafting is based on a set of starting points for assessing toxicity. We raise the questions, “Does DECOS limit itself only to health considerations? And if not, what are the consequences of such a situation?” We discuss DECOS' starting points and analyze the relationships between those starting points, and then explore eight criteria documents where DECOS was considering reproductive risks as a possible critical effect. For various reasons, it will be concluded that the starting points leave much interpretative space, and that this space is widened further by the manner in which DECOS utilizes it. This is especially true in situations involving sex-specific risks and uncertainties in knowledge. Consequently, even at the first stage, where health considerations alone are intended to play a role, there is much room for other than health-related factors to influence decision making, although it is unavoidable that some interpretative space will remain. We argue that separating the various types of consideration should not be abandoned. Rather, through adjustments in the starting points and aspects of the procedure, clarity should be guaranteed about the way the interpretative space is being employed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

经皮内镜下胃造口术与外科胃造口术的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨经皮内镜下胃造口术(PEG)的安全性、可行性及其与传统外科胃造口术(SG)相比较的优越性。方法:回顾性分析因各种原因行胃造口术病人42例,PEG组20例,SG组22例,比较两组在操作地点、麻醉方式、操作时间、管饲起始时间、住院时间、手术费用、术后并发症的差异。结果:42例病人均顺利完成手术,两组均无手术死亡病例。PEG组均在胃镜室局部麻醉下完成。SG组均在手术室完成,15例行气管内插管全身麻醉,7例行硬膜外麻醉。PEG组与SG组的操作时间分别为(27.55±7.83)min和(62.73±9.48)min(P0.01),管饲起始时间分别为(24.89±1.76)h和(32.43±5.60)h(P0.01),住院时间分别为(25.60±13.35)d和(28.82±17.19)d(P0.05),手术费用分别为(1441.10±164.89)元和(2115.00±710.37)元(P0.01)。PEG组与SG组术后并发症发生率分别为15.00%和27.27%(P0.05)。PEG组操作时间、管饲起始时间均显著短于SG组(P0.01),且手术费用显著少于SG组(P0.01)。结论:PEG是一种安全、可行的手术方式,可在胃镜室局部麻醉下完成,具有操作时间短、管饲起始快、手术费用少的优点,基本上可替代SG,并成为胃造口术的首选。  相似文献   

Diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) are secondary patient classification systems based on primary classified medical data, in which single events of care are grouped into larger, economically and medically consistent groups. The main primary classified medical data are diagnoses and surgery codes. In Sweden, the number of secondary diagnoses per case increased during the 1990s. In the early 1990s some county councils introduced DRG systems. The present study investigated whether the introduction of such systems had influenced the number of secondary diagnoses. The nation-wide Hospital Discharge Register from 1988 to 2000 was used for the analyses. All regional hospitals were included, giving a database of 5,355,000 discharges. The hospitals were divided into those that had introduced prospective payment systems during the study period and those that had not. Among all regional hospitals, there was an increase in the number of coded secondary diagnoses, but also in the number of secondary diagnoses per case. Hospitals with prospective payment systems had a larger increase, starting after the system was introduced. Regional hospitals without prospect payment systems had a more constant increase, starting later and coinciding with the introduction of their DRG-based management systems. It is concluded that introduction of DRG-based systems, irrespective of use, focuses on recording diagnoses and therefore increases the number of diagnoses. Other reasons may also have contributed to the increase. It was found that the changes in the speciality mix, during the study period, have impact on the increase of secondary diagnoses.  相似文献   

作者分析了北京市无证行医取缔工作的现状及存在问题,介绍了政府各执法部门及全国部分省市医政监督执法行政强制措施的规范情况,指出北京市建立无证行医取缔工作程序的紧迫性,并对实施取缔的具体流程进行了详细论述与探讨.  相似文献   

高强度聚焦超声——非侵入性肿瘤局部治疗技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)技术在临床应用方面的简要发展史,阐述了新型的JC型HIFU体外肿瘤治疗系统的原理、特点及其在当前肿瘤临床治疗中应用的初步状况。结合笔者的临床应用体会,提出了当前HIFU临床肿瘤治疗应遵循的基本原则和注意事项,强调了现代医学影像技术在HIFU应用中的作用。  相似文献   

概述了铅的分光光度法,原子吸收法,电位溶出法,示波极谱法等测定方法的原理。检出限,优缺点及分析过程应注意的事项,为分析工作者在工作中根据样品种类,样品量,仪器设备选择合适的方法提供参考。  相似文献   

X刀系统等中心的验证和调整方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
杨绍洲 《医疗设备信息》2004,19(8):26-26,40
X刀治疗时要求加速器等中心的误差在1mm以内,等中心校验是X刀治疗质量保证工作的一项重要内容。本文介绍一种等中心验证和调整的方法,特别强调在实际操作过程需要注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

GE Logiq9彩色超声诊断系统有卓越的图像质量、数据分析能力及更高的工作效率,随着设备老化,在使用中会出现一些常见的故障和问题。通过介绍Logiq9彩超的结构组成及工作原理,列举由计算机(操作系统和硬件)及前端电路引起的有代表性的故障案例,阐述分析故障的思路及处理方法,总结相关经验供同行参考。  相似文献   

从三个方面介绍采购磁共振(MR)设备的一些相关知识及需要注意的一些问题:(1)MR设备的主要类型及如何选型;(2)MR设备的基本购置程序;(3)MR设备主要招标参数模块包括磁体系统、梯度系统、射频系统、病人检查环境、基本扫描参数、扫描序列与技术、临床应用软件、主机及图像处理计算机配置、工作站配置、外围设备配置及售后服务条款。  相似文献   

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