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Ocular myasthenia: diagnostic and therapeutic problems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Forty-eight patients with purely ocular myasthenia were studied. Tensilon test was positive in 46 patients (95%); decremental response from limb muscles was present in 24 patients (50%); anti-AChR antibodies were detected in 20 patients of 44 (45.5%). Twenty-two patients underwent thymectomy, 18 were given corticosteroids, 42 received AChE drugs. At the end of the observation period, 8% of the patients were in remission, 67% were improved, 25% were unchanged. In our experience, the diagnosis of ocular myasthenia relies mainly on clinical data; AChE drugs are not very effective in extrinsic ocular muscles; indications for thymectomy should be restricted to thymoma cases and, perhaps, to patients in the early stages of the disease, within the first year of onset; corticosteroids are effective in most cases, but relapses after withdrawal are not uncommon.  相似文献   

Horizontal optokinetic nystagmus was measured before and after the intravenous administration of 10 mg of Tensilon in 12 patients with myasthenia gravis; 11 patients showed an increase of amplitude; this measure seems to be a reliable test for the diagnosis of myasthenia but the increase of frequency of optokinetic nystagmus is less specific. The increases of amplitude in the same patient may show important variations between the two eyes and depending on the direction of nystagmus; however, the greatest response is often observed in the optokinetic nystagmus which was initially the weakest.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Increasing rigor is being applied to medical decision making, but myasthenia gravis, commonly considered the best understood autoimmune disorder from a pathophysiological basis, lags other disciplines in the evidence base used to make clinical decisions. The review attempts to provide a focused, practical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of ocular myasthenia within the limits of largely retrospective case series and expert opinion. RECENT FINDINGS: Confirmation of clinical diagnosis continues to be challenging for ocular myasthenia. Despite the recognition of a new autoantigen, the muscle-specific kinase protein in generalized myasthenia gravis, it has been found to be only rarely identified in ocular myasthenia patients and therefore the majority of patients lack detectable autoantibodies and confirmation of a neuromuscular transmission disorder relies on specialized testing of single-fiber electromyography. The visual compromise of ocular myasthenia responds poorly to nonpharmacological and cholinesterase inhibitor therapy, and although corticosteroids are thought to be extremely effective, their toxicity is poorly defined in ocular myasthenia patients and whether they reduce the risk of development of generalized disease is not known. SUMMARY: Rigorous clinical trials or large databases with outcome assessments are necessary in order to allow development of rational treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis is a rare, auto-immune disorder of the neuromuscular junction. Onset signs frequently involve ocular muscles, accounting for ptosis and/or diplopia in more than 75% of cases. Among the cases with purely ocular muscle involvement, less than one half will never progress towards a more general form of myasthenia. However, even if they do not share the potentially life-threatening course of generalized myasthenia, purely ocular forms are often responsible for severe impairment in everyday life. The diagnosis is essentially based on fluctuations in the time and topography of the ocular muscle weakness. It still remains uneasy, as investigations such as electromyography, search for antiacetycholine receptor antibodies (positive in 50% of cases of purely ocular myasthenia), and edrophonium chloride test sometimes yield false negative results. Whereas some patients get better while on anticholinesterasic drugs alone, most of them will experience insufficient improvement and need steroids and/or immunosuppressant drugs. There is no indication for plasma exchanges, intravenous immunoglobulin or thymectomy (except in the presence of thymoma). This treatment could well decrease the risk of an evolution towards generalized myasthenia. The reasons underlying the vulnerability of ocular motor muscles in myasthenia are complex and several factors (linked to immunology, anatomy and function) may combine to bring about their specific involvement. In the future, randomized, controlled trials will be necessary, in order to determine a more rational approach of the treatment of ocular myasthenia, which currently lies mostly on retrospective data and the expertise of reference centers implicated in the management of the disease.  相似文献   

Ocular myasthenia gravis is a not uncommon autoimmune disorder causing diplopia, ptosis, and weakness of lid closure. The predilection of myasthenia for the ocular muscles may be related to differences between limb and extraocular muscles in either physiological function or antigenicity. Clinically, ocular myasthenia can mimic any form of pupil-sparing ocular motility disorder. Dynamic abnormalities of myasthenic eye movements may reflect the primary hallmarks of the disease, which are fatigability and variability in strength, or secondary adaptive effects by the central nervous system. Tests to confirm the diagnosis include edrophonium challenge, repetitive nerve stimulation, single-fiber electromyography (EMG) of the frontalis, and assays for antibody directed against the acetylcholine receptor: all are less sensitive for ocular myasthenia than for generalized myasthenia. There is a higher incidence of other autoimmune conditions in myasthenia, notably thymoma and thyroid dysfunction. The differential diagnosis includes other diseases of the neuromuscular junction, such as Lambert-Eaton syndrome and botulism. Treatment consists of symptomatic use of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and immunosuppression with steroids or azathioprine. Between 50 and 70% of patients with ocular myasthenia will eventually develop generalized disease: there is some retrospective data that steroids or azathioprine may reduce this by about 75%. The role of thymectomy in ocular myasthenia remains unclear.  相似文献   

Ocular myasthenia can mimic central disorders of eye movements. We compared horizontal saccades in two patients with myasthenia gravis who presented as pseudo-internuclear ophthalmoplegia (pseudo-INO), two patients with true INO due to multiple sclerosis (MS), and five healthy subjects. In myasthenics, peak velocity of horizontal saccades was similar to, or greater than, controls; in MS patients, adducting saccades were slower than controls. Differences between the peak velocity of abducting and adducting eyes for each saccade were similar to controls for myasthenic pseudo-INO, but greater than controls for true INO. Using the technique of phase-plane analysis, in which eye velocity is plotted against eye position, we found that initial components of abducting and adducting saccades in the myasthenics were as conjugate as controls, even though later components of myasthenic saccades were highly and variably disjunctive. Conversely, phase planes of saccades in true INO showed disjunctive early components of abducting and adducting saccades. Two hypotheses have been offered to account for preservation of fast saccades despite reduced range of eye movements in ocular myasthenia. The first is intrasaccadic neuromuscular fatigue, which is variable over time. Our finding that initial components of saccades were consistently conjugate in the myasthenics gives support to a second hypothesis: selective sparing of pale global fibers, which are important for generating highspeed eye movements, and which are unique amongst extraocular fibers in possessing well developed synaptic folding.  相似文献   

Extraocular muscle weakness is the most common presenting sign of myasthenia gravis (MG). More than half of patients presenting with symptoms isolated to these muscles (OMG) develop generalized myasthenia gravis (GMG) over the course of their illness. No clinical, laboratory, or electrophysiological features are recognized that identify these high-risk patients. We have therefore assessed the ability of single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) to predict the development of GMG in patients presenting with OMG. Thirty-nine consecutive patients presenting with OMG underwent SFEMG of the extensor digitorum communis muscle as well as a battery of other laboratory and imaging studies at the time of diagnosis. All patients were followed prospectively for a minimum of 24 months or until they developed GMG. Two patients were excluded, leaving 37 for assessment. Twenty remained with pure OMG for the entire follow-up period (mean, 55 months). Twenty-six of the 37 had abnormal SFEMG studies at presentation. Eleven of these remained with OMG and 15 developed GMG. Fifty-eight percent of patients with an abnormal SFEMG developed GMG, whereas 82% of those with a normal study remained with OMG. Thus, a normal SFEMG was associated with MG remaining restricted to the extraocular muscles. (P = 0.036, Fisher's exact test), but an abnormal SFEMG was not predictive of subsequent development of GMG.  相似文献   

Ice test as a simple diagnostic aid for myasthenia gravis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is known that myasthenia gravis is improved by cold. In two previously reported studies performed on a limited number of myasthenic patients and controls, local cold application to the eyelid was suggested for use as a diagnostic test for ocular myasthenia gravis. In this study, ice test to the eyelid was evaluated as a diagnostic test on 12 myasthenic patients and 15 controls with blepharoptosis and the results were compared with those of edrophonium test.  相似文献   

We describe a 34 year old woman who presented initially with a progressive pseudobulbar palsy. A delay of five months occurred before a diagnosis of cerebral systemic lupus erythematosus was made. Currently available investigations for cerebral systemic lupus erythematosus are evaluated and the need for an easily performed specific diagnostic test is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Ocular myasthenia gravis is a subtype of myasthenia gravis that causes relatively mild disability, but may convert into severe generalised muscle weakness. A universal management plan for ocular myasthenia gravis has not been established. This study was performed to determine the outcome of ocular myasthenia gravis with the currently available therapeutic options. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 78 patients with ocular myasthenia gravis with a mean disease duration of 8.3 (range 0.5-58.3) years. RESULTS: In 54 patients (69%) symptoms and signs remained confined to the extraocular muscles during the observation period. The remaining 24 patients (31%) developed symptoms of generalised myasthenia gravis; 50% of them within two years, 75% within four years after onset. A somewhat reduced risk of generalisation was found in those with mild symptoms, normal repetitive nerve stimulation test, and low or absent antiacetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies at the time of diagnosis. Patients receiving immunosuppressive treatment (corticosteroids and/or azathioprine) rarely developed generalised myasthenia gravis (six of 50, 12%). Those without such treatment, usually due to uncertain diagnosis and late referral, converted into generalised myasthenia gravis significantly more often (18 of 28, 64%). CONCLUSIONS: The prognosis of ocular myasthenia gravis is good. A conventional scheme with short-term corticosteroids and long-term azathioprine seems adequate to achieve remission in most patients. The proportion of patients developing generalised myasthenia gravis was smaller in this population compared with previously published groups (usually 50%-70%). Early immunosuppressive treatment is at least partially responsible for this finding. Thymectomy (performed here in 12 patients with an abnormal chest CT) also correlated with a good outcome, but had no apparent advantage over medical treatment alone.  相似文献   

Contraction of the stapedius muscle can be measured by electroacoustic impedance bridge. Muscle weakness and easy fatiguability which are cardinal features of myasthenia gravis (MG) are manifested by increased threshold and early decay of the stapedius reflex. This can be used as an objective test in the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Stapedius reflex was measured using Madsen Zo72 electroacoustic impedance bridge in 10 patients with myasthenia gravis and in an equal number of controls. The test was done before and 30 min after intramuscular injection of neostigmin.All patients with myasthenia gravis showed an elevated reflex threshold and 5 patients showed reflex decay. These findings reverted to normal after neostigmin injection. Stapedius reflexometry is a simple objective test for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis.  相似文献   

Anti-acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody was undetectable in 26/153 (17%) sera from myasthenia gravis patients assayed by standard RIA using human acetylcholine receptor. Eight of these were found to be positive with a modified protocol using a mixture of normal and denervated AChR, reducing the proportion of "negative" sera to 12%. Many of these were from patients with a short history; two such patients later developed low positive values. Anti-AChR without clinical evidence of myasthenia was found in one of three monozygotic twins of myasthenia gravis patients, and in one of thirty other first degree relatives of a further 17 patients. Anti-AChR is a valuable and highly specific diagnostic test which, with the assay used here, is positive in about 88% of patients with clinical features of myasthenia gravis.  相似文献   

We previously reported that prednisone reduced the frequency of generalized myasthenia (GMG) and controlled diplopia without major adverse effects at 2 years in patients with ocular myasthenia gravis (OMG). Questions remain as to whether study subjects had long-standing disease, biasing results towards a steroid benefit, and if prednisone merely delayed GMG onset. Here, we performed a record review of a referral neuro-ophthalmology service OMG database for patients who were followed-up for ≥4 years or until GMG developed. We studied the effect of prednisone on GMG incidence and control of ocular symptoms. Generally, patients with diplopia were recommended for prednisone therapy. Most remained on daily 2.5–10 mg for diplopia control. We compared the results for prednisone-treated and “untreated” (pyridostigmine only) patients. Of 87 patients, 55 were in the prednisone-treated and 32 were in the untreated groups. GMG developed in 7 (13%) of the prednisone-treated (OR 0.41; 95% CI 0.22–0.76) and in 16 (50%) of the untreated (OR 2.78; 95% CI 1.68–4.60) patients. After OMG onset, GMG developed at a mean 5.8 and 0.22 years in prednisone and untreated groups. Diplopia was present at the last exam in 27% of the prednisone-treated (mean 7.2 years) and in 57% of the untreated (mean 4.6 years) OMG patients. For 48 prednisone-treated patients who did not develop GMG, OMG treatment failure occurred in 13. Thus, prednisone delays the onset of GMG and has sustained benefit in reducing the incidence of GMG and controlling diplopia. Without prednisone, GMG develops in 50% of OMG patients, typically within 1 year.  相似文献   

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