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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a drinking-reduction program on drinking behavior, stages of change, drinking refusal self-efficacy, and resilience in Koreans with moderate alcohol use disorder. This study used a quasi-experimental nonequivalent control design. This study was performed from March 2015 to July 2015. The drinking-reduction program was conducted once per week for 11?weeks. This program improved drinking behavior, stages of change, drinking refusal self-efficacy, and resilience in the experimental group compared to the control group (p?<?.05, n?=?34). The drinking-reduction program can be used as a nursing intervention for people with moderate alcohol use disorder.  相似文献   

《Journal of substance use》2013,18(1-2):44-47
The present study examined alexithymia, drinking motives and alcohol expectancies in a non-clinical sample of 100 young adults aged 18–30 years. Those with alexithymia scored higher on measures of coping motives for drinking and affective change expectancies than those without alexithymia. The findings suggest that people with alexithymia are more likely not only to drink to cope, but also to experience feelings of intensified negative mood after drinking, compared to people without alexithymia even when both groups show similar levels of drinking.  相似文献   

Recently there has been much research on cognitive factors in decisions to drink and responses to alcohol. Most of this research has concerned expectancies regarding alcohol effects, but much less attention has been paid to applying these data to clinical practice. In this paper, the potential clinical applications of current knowledge regarding expectancies, with emphases on assessment and intervention, are discussed. Problems of assessment are determining the nature and strength of alcohol expectancies, including their domains, situation specificity, and dose-related influences. Along these lines, representative scales are described. Three aspects of intervention, each pertaining to a phase of drinking behavior, are presented. The first area is initiation of drinking, when drinking decisions are presumed to be motivated by alcohol expectancies. Strategies for (a) attempting to change expectancies and (b) engaging in alternative behaviors to achieve desired, or expected, outcomes are described. The second area concerns the assessment and labeling of drinking effects, with a focus on tracking the relationship between alcohol use and expectancies over the course of a drinking event. The third area deals with subsequent drinking and clinically revolves around the application of altered expectancies to subsequent drinking in that episode or in future drinking situations. The relevance of alcohol expectancies to the maintenance of treatment gains and to the prevention of relapse also is discussed. Finally, throughout this paper there is an emphasis on identifying strategies for investigating clinically relevant questions about alcohol-related expectancies and drinking patterns.  相似文献   

Scand J Caring Sci; 2010; 24; 472–481
Moods and expectancies of female alcohol drinking – an exploratory study Gaining access to information concerning mood states and expectations of change preceding a typical drinking occasion is important for understanding the trigger factors for drinking, and for alcohol abuse treatment planning. The objective of the present study was twofold: (i) to explore self‐reported states of mood and expectancies preceding a typical drinking occasion vs. relations with parents and drinking outcome; and (ii) to investigate if vulnerability factors in terms of personality and health are related to severity of alcohol problems. The population consisted of 50 women attending a Swedish alcohol clinic. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted. A mixed‐methods design was used encompassing qualitative interview‐data and quantitative data from questionnaires and medical journals. Nine out of ten patients had a diagnosis of alcohol dependence, and four out of five had parents with dependency problems. As compared to a female norm group, the patients displayed significantly higher anxiety‐related traits and irritability. Moods were described by patients as mostly negative and expectancies of change were evenly distributed between reducing, enhancing or flight from feeling. An expectancy of flight when drinking was also related to a positive relation to mother. The findings pointed to the need for differentiating between coping with and expectancies of drinking. Further, a hierarchical cluster analysis resulted in two groups, indicating one group characterized by higher risk values on personality scales and more severe consequences of drinking. The contribution of a treatment design informed through a gender and culture perspective to treatment outcome was discussed.  相似文献   

Outcome expectancies regarding coercive sexual behavior of male undergraduates were investigated to understand their possible association with self-reported past and future coercive sexual behavior and hypermasculine personality styles. Subjects indicating lower negative outcome expectancies regarding rape reported a greater history of coercive sexual behavior and higher future likelihood of raping, and were more likely to fit a hypermasculine personality pattern. Regression analysis revealed that a hypermasculine personality style, self-reported likelihood of raping, and the interaction between rape outcome expectancies and hypermasculine personality best predicted a history of sexual coercion. Implications for future research and primary prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among self-efficacy, expectations, performance, and competitive outcome, on a physical endurance task. The study identifies two types of self-efficacy: personal, i.e., expectations based on an internally derived standard of performance, and competitive, i.e., expectations based on a externally derived standard of performance. It was predicted that personal, but not competitive, self-efficacy would affect performance on the experimental task. On the other hand, competitive outcome feedback would significantly influence competitive, but not personal, self-efficacy. Seventy-two subjects possessing high or low personal self-efficacy for their ability on a leg-endurance task were randomly assigned to competitive self-efficacy and competitive outcome conditions. The subjects competed twice against a confederate in a manipulated contest of leg endurance such that the outcome paralleled the outcome condition to which they were assigned. Performance and competitive self-efficacy were measured following each trial. The results indicated that, as predicted, personal self-efficacy but not competitive self-efficacy was predictive of subsequent performance. In addition, competitive outcome feedback affected competitive self-efficacy. It was concluded that disparate types of self-efficacy, performance, and outcome information affect each other differentially.  相似文献   

自我效能训练对酒精所致精神障碍康复期患者的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨自我效能训练对酒精所致精神障碍康复期患者的影响。方法将34例酒精所致精神障碍康复期患者随机分为自我效能训练组13例和对照组21例,两组患者均进行戒酒治疗,并给予支持性心理治疗,部分患者给予适量抗精神病药物。在此基础上训练组给予自我效能干预。观察7w,随访1a。采用自编调查表统计患者出院后的戒酒效果。结果随访1a末,训练组戒断时间为(6.08±1.44)mo,对照组为(1.05±0.48)mo,两组差异有极显著性(t=12.182,P〈0.01)。结论自我效能训练对患者的戒酒行为有明显的促进作用,可显著提高戒酒效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨学业自我效能感对学习自控与考试焦虑间的中介作用.方法 对779名中学生采用考试焦虑量表评定考试焦虑状况,学业效能感问卷评定学业效能感,学习自控力问卷评定学习自控力,并进行相关分析和中介效应的回归分析.结果 学习自控与学业自我效能感呈显著正相关(R=0.70,P<0.01),学业自我效能感与考试焦虑呈显著负相关(R=-0.50,P<0.01);学业自我效能感对学习自控和考试焦虑间起完全中介作用,其中介效应显著(Z=-9.03,P<0.01).结论学业自我效能感是学习自控影响考试焦虑的中介变量.  相似文献   

目的 探讨循证护理在精神科拒食患者的应用价值.方法 将2008年1月至2010年10月在我院住院治疗的126例精神科拒食患者随机分成对照组和实验组各63例,2组患者均遵医嘱予抗精神病药物治疗,实验组按照循证获得的最佳护理措施实施护理,对照组按照传统护理方法实施护理.观察2组患者进食情况、住院时间、住院费用、患者对护理服务的满意度,并进行x2检验和t检验.结果 实验组患者进食情况显著优于对照组;实验组平均住院时间为(69.52±10.87)d,较对照组平均住院时间(94.68±9.21)d显著缩短;实验组平均住院费用为(11 576.48±1 632.12)元,对照组平均住院费用为(15 147.91±1 582.46)元,实验组患者对护理服务的满意度显著优于对照组.结论循证护理在精神科拒食患者的应用,可提高患者的进食率,并可缩短住院时间,减少住院费用,提高患者对护理服务的满意度,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

Background: There are some unique epidemiological characteristics of esophageal cancer in Iran. The objective of this study was finding the association between tobacco, substance and alcohol using with the risk of esophageal cancer in North Khorasan, Iran.

Methods: This Case-Control study was carried out on 96 patients with esophageal cancer and 187 controls. Controls were matched to cases by age and sex. Data were collected through structured interview. Data were analyzed by using chi-square test, T-test and logistic regression, in Stata software version 12.

Results: Our findings show Hookah smoking [OR = 6.1(CI95%:1.2–13.1)] and opium consumption [OR = 2.1(CI95%:1.2–3.5)] were associated with esophageal cancer. Cigarette and pipe smoking, age of onset of smoking, duration of smoking, number of smoking per day, leaving history of smoking, years of leaving smoking, drug withdrawal, number of times of drug withdrawal, a history of drug relapse, alcohol consumption and alcohol dose–response were not related to esophageal cancer.

Conclusion: According to our results, hookah smoking and opium consumption enhance the risk of esophageal cancer in North Khorasan of Iran. We suggest appropriate planning to prevent the esophageal cancer in this district.  相似文献   

Objective: The goal of this review is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine in treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) and determine the role in therapy of both agents. Methods: Relevant literature was identified through a search of MEDLINE (1966–June 2008), PubMed (1966–June 2008); Cochrane database was performed to identify English‐language publications. Search terms included carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, AWS, alcoholism, substance syndrome withdrawal. Results: In seven studies, including 612 patients, carbamazepine demonstrated significant reduction in alcohol withdrawal scores. However, in comparative trials with a benzodiazepine agent, carbamazepine’s ability to prevent alcohol withdrawal seizures (OR = 0·93; 95% CI = 0·06–14·97, P = NS) and delirium tremens (DTs; OR = 1·25; 95% CI = 0·28–5·64, P = NS) was uncertain as a result of insufficient patient enrolment. In three trials, carbamazepine failed to reduce alcohol withdrawal symptoms possibly as a result of delayed administration, inadequate dosage or inadequate sample size. At daily doses of 800 mg either fixed or tapered over 5–9 days, carbamazepine was well tolerated, and safely administered when blood alcohol concentration dropped below 0·15%. The role of oxcarbazepine in AWS is undefined because of inconsistent findings in two trials. Conclusion: Carbamazepine has demonstrated safety, tolerability and efficacy in treatment of moderate to severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal in the inpatient setting. However, trials of carbamazepine provide inconclusive evidence for prevention of alcohol withdrawal seizures and DTs in comparison with benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines remain the primary treatment of moderate to severe AWS.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the endogenous substance norharman in processes of alcohol and nicotine or tobacco dependence in both humans and animals. For this purpose heavy smokers and excessive alcohol drinkers were recruited, and rats were made dependent on alcohol and nicotine. Plasma concentrations of norharman were measured in drug‐naïve, drug‐free and drug‐taking situations. In addition, craving and nicotine dependence were measured in the group of heavy smokers, while in the animal studies the effect of exogenously administered norharman on the behavioural signs of alcohol and nicotine withdrawal were determined. Humans who abstained from smoking and drinking for a period of 12?h showed normal plasma levels of norharman. Resumption of smoking, but not drinking, generated elevated plasma levels of norharman, especially after smoking self‐made non‐filter cigarettes. Although craving after a period of abstinence was stronger in smokers with high tobacco dependence compared to those with low dependence, the plasma levels of norharman were only negatively related to craving among low nicotine‐dependent smokers. From the animal experiments it was concluded that nicotine intake had no effect on plasma levels of norharman. On the other hand, withdrawal symptoms elicited in nicotine‐dependent rats could be attenuated by exogenous administration of norharman. Rats made alcohol‐dependent by forced intake of an ethanol‐containing diet showed higher norharman levels in plasma and brain compared to alcohol‐naïve rats. This increase is caused by a lower clearance of norharman by the liver of alcohol‐fed rats. After stopping alcohol intake, behavioural signs of alcohol withdrawal occurred which were inhibited by pretreatment with norharman. The results indicate that norharman is involved in processes of alcohol and tobacco dependence and that this substance may be a candidate adjuvant in alleviating abstinence symptoms.  相似文献   

Introduction. College students are at increased risk of experiencing a variety of consequences as result of their own as well as others’ alcohol consumption. The current study examined the differential associations between both first-hand consequences (resulting from one’s own drinking) and second-hand consequences (resulting in victimization as a result of others’ drinking) and subsequent alcohol consumption across the first year of college. Method. First year students (n = 253) from a large northeastern U.S. university were randomly selected to participate and surveyed at the end of the first semester of college (Time 1) and during the first semester of the second year of college (Time 2). Results. Results showed a significant, positive relationship between first-hand consequences and subsequent weekend drinking (β = 0.16, p < 0.05) and heavy episodic drinking (β = 0.49, p < 0.01), after controlling for individual and friend drinking. A negative association between second-hand consequences and later heavy episodic drinking was also observed (β = ?0.16, p < 0.05). Discussion and Conclusions. The findings provided partial support for both a positive association hypothesis and a negative association hypothesis. The importance of personal alcohol consumption and peers’ drinking in relation to first- and second-hand consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study examines the menstrual cycle–alcohol relationship during 6 months of weekly outpatient sessions as part of a larger treatment outcome study for alcohol‐dependent females. Twelve premenopausal women in the clinical trial who were menstruating regularly and not on oral contraceptives kept a daily log of menstruation days, alcohol consumption and cravings. Three menstrual cycle phases were defined: menses, premenstrual, and “other.” Within subjects repeated measures analyses on the subsample of 12 women showed that, despite a lower average number of cravings, drinking frequency was higher in the premenstruum than the “other” phase in the first 3 months of treatment. In addition, according to a self‐report item on a measure given to 96 women in the larger study, 48 (69%) women under the age of 50 endorsed the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle as a drinking cue. Of these 48, 44% considered it a major drinking cue. These preliminary data support the value of continuing to investigate the relationship between phases of the menstrual cycle and alcohol consumption among female alcoholics.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper is a report of a study to examine the role of personality and self-efficacy in predicting academic performance and attrition in nursing students. BACKGROUND: Despite a considerable amount of research investigating attrition in nursing students and new nurses, concerns remain. This particular issue highlights the need for a more effective selection process whereby those selected are more likely to complete their preregistration programme successfully, and remain employed as Registered Nurses. METHOD: A longitudinal design was adopted. A questionnaire, which included measures of personality and occupational and academic self-efficacy, was administered to 384 students early in the first year of the study. At the end of the programme, final marks and attrition rates were obtained from university records for a total of 350 students. The data were collected from 1999 to 2002. FINDINGS: Individuals who scored higher on a psychoticism scale were more likely to withdraw from the programme. Occupational self-efficacy was revealed to be a statistically significant predictor of final mark obtained, in that those with higher self-efficacy beliefs were more likely to achieve better final marks. Extraversion was also shown to negatively predict academic performance in that those with higher extraversion scores were more likely to achieve lower marks. CONCLUSION: More research is needed to explore the attributes of successful nursing students and the potential contribution of psychological profiling to a more effective selection process.  相似文献   

We compared several strategies for coping with acute induced pain, and examined self-efficacy perceptions, outcome expectations, and attention to pain as cognitive mediators of pain tolerance. The coping strategy of central interest was an overt performance task selected to be highly distracting. Sixty-four subjects were randomly assigned to either overt performance distraction, verbal—imaginal distraction, relaxation, or no strategy. Before and after strategy training, subjects completed measures of cold-pressor pain tolerance, subjective pain, perceived self-efficacy, anticipated painful outcomes, and attention to pain. The performance strategy enhanced pain tolerance much more than did the verbal—imaginal or relaxation strategies. Self-efficacy perceptions accurately predicted individual differences in tolerance even when anticipated pain, subjective pain, or attention to pain were held constant. With self-efficacy held constant, attention predicted tolerance but anticipated pain did not. The findings suggest that self-efficacy perceptions and attention deployment both influence individuals' pain-coping ability.This research was supported by United States Public Health Service grants 5R29MH42385 and S07RR07173.  相似文献   

In this cross-sectional test of the occurrence of the abstinence violation effect (AVE), a community sample of 323 social drinkers completed measures of drinking restraint (perceived efficacy for controlling alcohol consumption and behavioral attempts to limit drinking) and causal attributions for drinking-related events. These measures were included as predictors in a multivariate multiple-regression equation in which three aspects of self-reported drinking served as dependent variables: minimum number of drinks per occasion, maximum number of drinks per occasion, and drinking-related problems. The results indicated differential sets of predictors for each of the dependent variables. Both aspects of restraint predicted minimum consumption, and both aspects of restraint and attributions for positive drinking situations predicted maximum consumption. Perceived efficacy for controlling alcohol consumption and attributions for negative drinking situations predicted alcohol-related problems. The consistency between this pattern of results and Marlatt's (1985a) reformulation of the AVE is discussed.This research was supported by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Grant R01-AA07595 awarded to R. Lorraine Collins. Portions of this research were presented at the annual meeting of Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC, November 1989. The authors wish to thank Charles Izzo for his assistance in conducting this research.  相似文献   

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