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目的 了解糖尿病患者的自主神经功能及其对肛管直肠运动的影响.方法 对26例糖尿病患者和15名健康志愿者分别行自主神经功能测定(标准心血管反射试验)和肛管直肠压力测定.结果 糖尿病自主神经功能异常者占95%,其交感、副交感和自主神经功能计分均显著高于健康对照组,副交感神经功能受损更为明显.肛管直肠压力测定显示直肠静息压、肛管静息压及肛管最大自主收缩压降低,肛管直肠协调功能障碍,直肠敏感性降低.结论 糖尿病患者有明显的自主神经功能异常,其中副交感神经功能受损更为明显,且存在肛管直肠动力障碍.糖尿病患者肛管直肠动力障碍与自主神经功能受损有关.  相似文献   

肛管直肠测压对新生儿先天性巨结肠的诊断价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈新国  郭宗远 《山东医药》2003,43(21):20-21
小儿排便异常十分常见 ,但其病因较为复杂 ,以功能性便秘多见 ,器质性便秘则包括先天性或后天性肛门狭窄、内分泌疾病、脊柱病变、结缔组织病、神经肌肉病变等。而新生儿先天性巨结肠症 ( NHD)也是排便障碍的原因之一。如何从便秘患儿中筛选出新生儿先天性巨结肠症 ,减少误诊误治 ,非常重要。为此 ,1 997年 3月至 2 0 0 2年 2月 ,我们对 30例便秘患儿进行肛管直肠测压检查 ,以评价肛管直肠测压对 NHD的临床诊断价值。现报告如下。1 资料与方法1 .1 临床资料 同期 30例便秘患儿中 ,男 2 3例 ,女7例 ;生后 1 0~ 30天 ,均为足月新生儿。…  相似文献   

目的 通过对老年人与非老年人功能性便秘患者直肠肛管测压结果的研究,探讨不同年龄的功能性便秘患者直肠动力学及感觉功能的特点,以指导临床治疗方法的选择.方法 采用瑞典Medtronic公司生产的8通道水灌注式消化道压力检测仪对30例老年人功能性便秘患者及30例非老年功能性便秘患者进行直肠肛管压力及感觉的测定.结果 老年功能性便秘患者直肠静息压、直肠初始感觉阈值、直肠最大耐受量及模拟排便肛管不松弛与非老年功能性便秘者比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),二者大多存在初始感觉阈值、直肠最大耐受量增高及模拟排便肛管压力异常升高;老年功能性便秘患者肛管静息压和肛管最大缩窄压与非老年患者有显著差异(P<0.05),引起直肠抑制反射(RIRA)的最小气体容量二者比较存在差异(P<0.05).老年组患者高于非老年组患者.模拟排便时老年功能性便秘者直肠压力升高多较低.结论 老年功能性便秘患者直肠对容量刺激存在低敏感、高耐受、高顺应性,且肛门、直肠的协调收缩功能紊乱;促胃肠动力药物能促进肛门、直肠协调收缩作用,因此除了生物反馈治疗外,老年功能性便秘患者,促胃肠动力药物可作为重要治疗手段.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同年龄的出口梗阻性便秘患者直肠动力学及排便感觉的特点。方法采用加拿大莱博瑞医疗技术公司的肛门直肠动力分析仪(Ano-Rectal Manometry System,ARM)对39例老年人功能性便秘患者及42例非老年出口梗阻性便秘患者在术前及术后进行直肠肛管压力及感觉的测定。结果老年出口梗阻性便秘患者肛管静息压、括约肌功能长度、肛管排便压、初始感觉阈值、初始排便阈值及最大耐受阈值与非老年出口梗阻性便秘者比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论出口梗阻性便秘患者直肠及肛管对容量刺激具有低敏感、高耐受、高顺应性的特点,且肛门、直肠的协调收缩功能紊乱,不存在年龄差异;手术可解决直肠前膨出、黏膜脱垂等因素,但不能短时间内改善其他直肠动力学及排便感觉的异常因素。因此,除了手术治疗外,出口梗阻性便秘患者同时进行生物反馈治疗及饮食、生活作息的调整也是重要的治疗手段。  相似文献   

目的 研究腹泻型与便秘型肠易激综合征(IBS)病人直肠肛管动力和直肠感觉功能的不同特点。方法 选择IBS病人85例,分成两组。其中腹泻组52例,便秘组33例,20例健康志愿者为对照组,采用PC Polygraf ID高分辨率多道胃肠功能测定仪,分别测定直肠肛管压力、直肠感知阈值、排便阈值、最大耐受量和直肠肛门抑制反射最低充气量。结果IBS病人的直肠静息压、肛管静息压和直肠肛门抑制反射最低充气量与健康对照组比较无显著性差异。腹泻组的最大缩窄压和排便阈值显著低于健康对照组。便秘组的松弛压、直肠感知阈值、排便阈值和最大耐受量显著高于健康对照组。结论腹泻型IBS病人的症状与最大缩窄压和排便闽值降低有关;而便秘型则与松弛压、直肠感知阈值、排便阈值和最大耐受量显著增高有关。  相似文献   

我们对50例功能性便秘患者进行了肛管、直肠动力学的测定并观察服用西沙必利前后肛管、直肠动力学的变化,旨在探讨便秘与肛直肠动力学的关系,观察药物的疗效,为临床治疗提供理论根据。材料与方法一、对象患者年龄平均46岁(24~69岁),共50例,男18例,女...  相似文献   

溃疡性结肠炎患者肛门直肠动力学的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用多导单囊肛门直肠功能测定仪检测21例溃疡性结肠炎(UC)患者的肛门直肠压力、直肠容量感知、疼痛阈值、耐受阈值等指标,并与12例健康人进行对照。结果:UC组活动期和 缓解期的直肠静息压、肛管括约肌静息压、最大缩窄压及肛管长度与对照组无显著性差异,但UC患者活动期的初始感觉阈值、疼痛阈值、排便阈值均低于正常对照组,而缓解期与正常对照组相比无统计学差异。认为UC患者肛门括约肌的功能是正常的,但活动期直肠粘膜对容量刺激的反应性增高。  相似文献   

肠易激综合征患者直肠肛门动力学研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
为了研究肠易激综合征患者肛门运动功能,我们测定了50例IBS患者在11例正常人直肠肛门压力衣排便功能;发现:(1)直肠静息压,肛门括约肌静息压及其最大缩窄压在IBS腹泻组,便秘组及正常对照组组均无显著差异。(2)肛管高压带长度在IBS腹泻组及便秘组均显著高于正常对照组。(3)直肠壶腹部的感觉阈值,最大耐受量等,在IBS腹泻组均显著低于正常对照组。(4)IBS便秘组感觉阈值与正常对照组差异,但其最大  相似文献   

肛管直肠周围脓肿为肛肠科常见病之一,手术仍然是治疗该病最有效的方式.手术方式大体经历了以下3个标志性阶段的演变,即从最初的单纯切开引流,待形成肛瘘后行二期手术,发展到一期根治术,再到以强调保护肛门功能为主的保留括约肌术式.随着这些术式在临床的推广运用,不仅使脓肿复发率和肛瘘发生率逐渐减少,还从很大程度上保护了肛门的精细功能及外观的完整性,大大减轻了患者痛苦并提高了生活质量.  相似文献   

1病例介绍患者,女,46岁,因“解大便时肛周疼痛半月”入院。既往史:患者10余年前曾出现便后肛门肿块脱出,后逐渐出现解大便时疼痛状况,偶有便后滴血。于当地医院就诊,诊断为肛裂混合痔,行肛裂激光切除术。体格检查:腹平坦,全腹软,无明显压痛,未扪及明显肿物。胸膝位肛查:肛周皮肤可见潮湿、暗褐色改变,肛门3、5~12点钟方向可见肿块突出,大小分别为1.0 cm×0.5 cm×0.5 cm、3.0 cm×1.0 cm×1.0 cm,向上延续至齿状线,呈暗红色,触痛。直肠指检肛门紧,直肠指诊,进指6 cm可触及肠内近半周肿物。实验室肿瘤指标检查,免疫检验报告:铁蛋白18.3 ng/ml,癌胚抗原2.46 ng/ml,糖类抗原1992.9 U/ml,糖类抗原72-40.657 ng/ml。影像学检查,彩超:患者胸膝位,肛周3点钟方向探及液实性包块,大小约2.2 cm×2.1 cm×1.0 cm,彩色多普勒血流成像见其内丰富彩色血流信号。肛周液实性包块(混合痔伴感染?)。  相似文献   

Anal manometry improves the outcome of surgery for fistula-in-ano   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The aim of this prospective study is to investigate whether anal manometry is useful in orienting the surgical policy and improving the clinical and functional results following surgery for fistula-inano. Anal manometry was performed preoperatively and postoperatively in 96 patients. The results of surgery, in terms of both fecal soiling and recurrence rate, were analyzed and compared with those of another group of 36 subjects. Some operative maneuvers, such as internal sphincterotomy, laying open of the fistula with division of striated muscle, or use of a seton, were carried out according to the preoperative sphincter pattern as shown by anal manometry in the first group. A standard procedure was followed in the control group. The recurrence rate was 3 percent in the anal manometry group and 13 percent in the control group (P<0.01); postoperative soiling occurred in 14 percent of patients in the anal manometry group compared with 31 percent of patients in the control group (P<0.001). The functional results in transsphincteric and suprasphincteric fistulas, which are usually considered at higher risk for postoperative incontinence, were better in the anal manometry group, due to greater use of the seton. No increase in recurrence rate was observed in these complex fistulas after anal manometry. Internal sphincterotomy led to a disordered continence, mainly when associated with division of striated muscle; a significant decrease in resting tone from 56±22 to 47±50 and voluntary contraction from 114±30 to 85±28 mm Hg (mean ± S) was found after surgery in patients with soiling. In conclusion, the routine use of anal manometry may be recommended in the management of patients with fistula-in-ano as it improves the clinical and functional outcome of surgery. Read at the XIIth Biennial Congress of the International Society of University Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Glasgow, Scotland, July 10 to 14, 1988.  相似文献   

肛门直肠测压是通过压力感受器对肛管直肠腔内压力变化进行测定的方法,它可以帮助了解、量化和评估肛管、直肠自制排便的功能,为排便异常等肛管、直肠疾病的研究提供病理生理学依据,并指导临床治疗,是一种安全、简便、无创、客观的检测技术。本文就肛门直肠测压在肛直肠疾病诊断与疗效评估等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

慢性便秘的分型和肛门直肠测压表现   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:对慢性便秘按结肠传输时间(CTT)和传输指数(TI)进行分型,观察便秘及便秘各型肛门直肠动力学和敏感功能的变化。方法:采用一次口服20枚不透X线标记物于72h拍摄腹平片的方法,根据CTT和TI对慢性便秘进行传输分型;用肛门直肠测压的方法测定不同类型便秘的肛门直肠动力及感觉功能的变化。结果:慢性便秘的传输分型为四型:传输时间正常型(NTC)、慢传输型(STC)、出口梗阻型(OOC)和混合型(MC)。便秘组的肛管静息压和收缩压降低,最大耐受容积增大(P<0.05)。NTC患者肛管静息压降低(P<0.05);STC患者静息压、收缩压降低,最大耐受容积增大(P<0.05);OOC患者最大耐受容积增大(P<0.05)。结论:此种传输试验方法更简单;根据CTT和TI对便秘进行传输分型可体现便秘的动力学原因;不同类型的便秘存在不同的结肠、肛门直肠动力学改变和直肠感觉异常。  相似文献   

Age and sex and anorectal manometry in incontinence   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
Although the prevalence of fecal incontinence is greater in women compared with men and in elderly subjects compared with younger subjects, data regarding the influence of age and sex on anorectal performance in continent and incontinent patients are conflicting. The authors, therefore, investigated age-and gender-related changes in anal resting and squeeze pressure as well as in sphincter relaxation after rectal balloon distention in 75 patients with fecal incontinence of different pathogenesis and in 99 continent patients by multichannel anorectal manometry. As a group, incontinent patients usually exhibit lower pressure profiles than do continent patients regardless of age and gender; however, both the resting pressure of the internal anal sphincter and the voluntary contractile pressure of the external anal sphincter are decreased with age, and both are lowered in women compared with men. Sphincter relaxation and perception of gastrointestinal events are not altered in incontinent patients, and they are not different between men and women or between elderly and younger patients. Supported by grant Er 142/1 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Anorectal manometry is usually performed with an open-tipped tube or a closed balloon system. To overcome the well known measurement problems and errors associated with fluid-filled catheter systems and balloons, a pressure tranducer was used to perform anorectal manometry. This method, performed on more than 200 individuals with different anorectal disorders, is described. This was found to be a simple, reliable and reproducible method for anorectal manometry.  相似文献   

 目的观察帕金森病(PD)伴便秘患者与功能性便秘(FC)患者的直肠肛门动力和感觉功能及其异同。方法顺序纳入男性PD伴便秘患者15例及男性FC患者45例,均经全结肠镜或结肠钡灌肠除外肠道器质性疾病。经直肠肛门测压,分析患者直肠肛门动力参数及感觉参数,将排便障碍患者进一步分为排便协同障碍(F3a)及排便推进力不足(F3b)两种亚型。结果PD伴便秘组年龄(70±11)岁,FC组年龄为(68±11)岁,差异无统计学意义。PD伴便秘组直肠静息压较FC组偏高[9.0(4.0,15.0)mmHg比6.0(3.0,9.5)mmHg,1mmHg=0.133kPa],但差异无统计学意义(P=0.082);两组肛管静息压的差异无统计学意义[(51.2±17.2)mmHg比(59.7±20.4)mmHg,P=0.152]。缩紧肛门时,PD伴便秘组的肛管最大缩榨压及持续缩榨曲线下面积均显著低于FC组[(136.9±43.8)mmHg比(183.0±62.1)mmHg,P=0.010;(823.5±635.7)mmHg·s比(1392.4±939.9)mmHg·s,P=0.033]。模拟排便时,PD伴便秘组的直肠力排压及肛管力排剩余压也明显低于FC组[22.0(15.0,30.0)mmHg比42.0(31.0,55.0)mmHg,P=0.000;(46.3±23.3)mmHg比(77.9±35.1)mmHg,P=0.002];两组力排时的直肠肛管压差均为负值,异于正常排便压差,但两组间差异无统计学意义。PD伴便秘患者排便障碍以F3b型为主(10/15);FC组中以F3a型多见[46.7%(21/45)];但两组的排便障碍类型构成比的差异无统计学意义(P=0.120)。PD伴便秘患者及FC患者的直肠扩张初始感觉阈值分别为(91.3±56.9)ml与(67.2±38.9)ml,均高于正常参考值,但两组间差异尚无统计学意义(P=0.074)。结论PD伴便秘患者及FC患者均存在直肠肛门动力和感觉异常。与FC患者相比,PD伴便秘患者的缩肛及力排的重要参数值明显降低,且测压分型以F3b型为主,感觉阈值有升高趋势。上述指标可作为PD伴便秘患者直肠肛门测压的特征参数,对PD发病机制的理解及其与相关疾病的鉴别可起重要作用。  相似文献   

Anal manometry and anal electromyography (EMG) were performed in 45 patients to evaluate the external anal sphincter. Their symptoms were soiling (N=6), incontinence (N=10), and obstipation (N=10). Clinical diagnoses were previous anal surgery (N=16), rectal prolapse—partial, total, intussusception (N=16), puborectalis syndrome (N=4), neurologic disorders (N=3), and others (N=6). The relationship between the maximum squeeze pressure (MSP) measured with anal manometry and the maximum (voluntary) contraction pattern (MCP) and signs of denervation (DEN) measured with anal EMG were examined. The correlation coefficient between MSP and MCP was 0.55 (P<.001) and between MSP, and DEN 0.13 (NS). A normal MSP always showed a normal MCP, a normal MCP showed an abnormal MSP in 43 percent only. In conclusion, the clinical value of anal EMG seems limited. Assessment of an additional anal EMG seems indicated in incontinent patients with previous anal surgery with a low MSP to estimate muscle function, whenever anal surgery is considered. Anal EMG during straining can easily confirm the clinical diagnosis of puborectalis syndrome. Presented in part at the meeting of the Dutch Society of Gastroenterology, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, October 2–3, 1987.  相似文献   

Over a 10-year period 69 patients were treated consecutively for posterior and anterior horseshoe abscesses and fistulas. Fifty-nine patients had posterior and ten had anterior abscesses or fistulas. There were 52 patients with acute abscess. Treatment consisted of incision and drainage, incision and drainage with primary fistulotomy, incision and drainage with primary fistulotomy and counter-drainage, and incision and drainage with insertion of seton. Seventeen patients with chronic fistulas were treated by primary fistulotomy with curettage, or incision and drainage with insertion of seton. Patients were followed from three months to ten years with a mean follow-up of three years. No incidences of incontinence were reported in this series. The overall rate of recurrence was 18 percent, and included only patients with posterior abscesses and fistulas. Recurrence was related to the failure to maintain prolonged drainage in the midline after primary fistulotomy. The use of seton for delayed fistulotomy appears to promote wound drainage and precludes premature wound closure. More liberal use of the seton in the treatment of horseshoe abscesses and fistulas is advocated. Read at the meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Houston, Texas, May 11 to 15, 1986. Supported in part by the Dorothy Rider Pool Health Care Trust Fund.  相似文献   

Incidence of fistulas after drainage of acute anorectal abscesses   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of anal fistulas and factors related to this incidence after incision and drainage of acute cryptoglandular anorectal abscesses. METHODS: Of 170 patients without previous anal fistulas, 146 were followed up for an average of 99 (range, 22–187) months after abscess drainage or until a fistula appeared. RESULTS: Fifty-four (37 percent) patients developed a fistula, and 15 (10 percent) patients developed a recurrent abscess. The incidence of fistulas was higher in females than in males (50vs. 31 percent;P=0.0403), especially regarding anterior abscesses (88vs. 33 percent). Abscesses growingEscherichia coli were more prone to fistula formation than those growing other bacteria (46vs. 27 percent;P=0.0368). CONCLUSION: Incision and drainage alone of acute anorectal abscesses is recommended, because an unnecessary primary fistulotomy can be avoided in more than half of the patients by this approach. For superficial anterior abscesses in females, however, primary fistulotomy may be considered.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the indicated referrals to a tertiary centre for patients with anorectal symptoms, the effect of the advised treatment and the discomfort of the tests.
METHODS: In a retrospective study, patients referred for anorectal function evaluation (AFE) between May 2004 and October 2006 were sent a questionnaire, as were the doctors who referred them. AFE consisted of anal manometry, rectal compliance measurement and anal endosonography. An indicated referral was defined as needing AFE to establish a diagnosis with clinical consequence (fecal incontinence without diarrhea, 3^rd degree anal sphincter rupture, congenital anorectal disorder, inflammatory bowel disease with anorectal complaints and preoperative in patients for re-anastomosis or enterostoma, anal fissure, fistula or constipation). Anal ultrasound is always indicated in patients with fistula, anal manometry and rectal compliance when impaired continence reserve is suspected. The therapeutic effect was noted as improvement, no improvement but reassurance, and deterioration. RESULTS: From the 216 patients referred, 167 (78%) returned the questionnaire. The referrals were indicated in 65%. Of these, 80% followed the proposed advice. Improvement was achieved in 35% and a reassurance in 57% of the patients, no difference existed between patient groups. On a VAS scale (1 to 10) symptoms improved from 4.0 to 7.2. Most patients reported no or little discomfort with AFE.
CONCLUSION: Referral for AFE was indicated in 65%. Beneficial effect was seen in 92%: 35% improved and 57% was reassured. Advice was followed in 80%. Better instruction about indication for AFE referral is warranted.  相似文献   

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